

(1) Spectral Blades

Casting Type Duration
5+ [10+] Augment
Range 18"
One Turn

The target must reroll failed to-wound rolls in Close Combat. [The target gains Lethal Strike]

(2) Danse Macabre

Casting Type Duration
6+ [11+] Augment
Range 12" [12"Aura]

The target may perform an 8" Magical Move, and counts as having Ethereal during this move.

(3) Ancestral Aid

Casting Type Duration
7+ [9+] Augment
Range 12"
One Turn

The target must reroll failed to-hit rolls with its Close Combat [and Shooting]​ Attacks.

(4) Touch of the Reaper

Casting Type Duration
7+ [10+] Hex Damage Focused Direct
Range 12" [24"]

The target suffers D3 hits with Strength 10 and Armour Piercing (6). When rolling to wound with this attack, substitute the target’s Toughness for its Leadership.

(5) Whispers of the Veil

Casting Type Duration
9+ Hex
Range 24"
Remains in Play

The target suffers -1 Leadership and -2 Weapon Skill, to a minimum of 1.

(6) Hasten the Hour

Casting Type Duration
12+ Hex Damage Direct
Range 18"

Choose up to 3 different models in the target unit (which may be Characters or Champions). Each of them suffers 1 hit that wounds automatically with Armour Piercing (6).

(T) Evocation of Souls

Casting Type Duration
5+ [8+] {11+} Augment
Range 18" [6"Aura] {12"Aura}
One Turn

If the target has at least one model with an Evoked value: The target unit, or a single Character inside the target unit, Raises a number of Wounds as stated in its profile under Evoked. Characters and models with Towering Presence cannot Raise more than 2 Wounds from this spell in a single Magic Phase.
If the target has no models with an Evoked value: The target gains Fear, and all enemy units within 6" of the target suffer -1 Leadership. Measure this when using the Leadership value (not when the spell is cast). This modifier cannot be combined with other modifiers caused by Evocation of Souls, except from Fear.