Dwarfen Mountain Holds

Dwarfen Mountain Holds (v2024)

Engineering Runes

Master Rune Of Immolation

max 1 per Army

Devised so that war machines never fall into enemy hands, this rune is invoked only rarely.

Cannon only. Single use. If a cannon inscribed with the Master Rune of Immolation loses its last Wound to an enemy attack during the Combat phase, it may be exploded by its crew.
Every enemy unit in base contact with this model suffers D6 Strength 5 hits with an AP of -2. The cannon is then removed from play as a casualty.

Master Rune Of Disguise

max 1 per Army

This rune magically distorts the shape of the war machine, rendering it almost invisible.

A war machine inscribed with the Master Rune of Disguise is always considered to be behind full cover.

Rune Of Skewering

max 1 per Army

During the War of the Beard, the Elves paid dearly for their help in crafting this rune.

Bolt throwers only. A bolt thrower inscribed with this rune has a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic. In addition, no armour save is permitted against wounds caused by a bolt thrower inscribed with a Rune of Skewering (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Rune Of Forging

max 1 per Army

This rune ensures the war machine is free from imperfections and deadly accurate.

Single use. A war machine inscribed with a Rune of Forging may use it to re-roll a single misfire on the Artillery dice.

Rune Of Burning

max 1 per Army

Shots fired by a war machine with this rune burst into flames when they strike the target.

A war machine inscribed with a Rune of Burning gains the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Rune Of Reloading

max 1 per Army

War machines inscribed with this rune are almost sentient in their willingness to allow repairs.

A war machine inscribed with a Rune of Reloading can shoot every turn, even if it misfired and malfunctioned during its previous turn.

Stalwart Rune

max 1 per Army

he crew of this war machine will fight with great boldness to defend their beloved engine of war.

When calculating its combat result, a war machine inscribed with a Stalwart Rune may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point.

Talismanic Runes

Master Rune Of Calm

max 1 per Army

When the power of this rune is unleashed, the Winds of Magic are stilled, leaving enemy Wizards unable to cast even the most simple of spells.

The bearer of the Master Rune of Calm can cast the following Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2:
Type: Hex
Casting Value: 8+/11+
Range: Self
Effect: If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or more, enemy Wizards that are within 18" of this model when attempting to cast a spell must increase that spell’s casting value by 2. If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of 11 or more, enemy Wizards that are within 36" of this model when attempting to cast a spell must increase that spell’s casting value by 2. This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.

Master Rune Of Balance

max 1 per Army

Forged in the glowing embers of a burning book of spells, this rune hungers after the Winds of Magic.

Anvil of Doom and Dwarf Runesmiths only. Once per turn, the bearer of the Master Rune of Balance may use it when attempting a Wizardly dispel. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the Dispel roll and discard the lowest result.

Master Rune Of Spite

max 1 per Army

Created to protect the gates of Dwarfen holds, this rune is cunningly used on many other devices.

Each time the bearer of the Master Rune of Spite loses a Wound to an enemy attack during the Combat phase, the unit that made the attack suffers a Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2.

Rune Of Spellbreaking

max 1 per Army

It is said that this powerful rune was first crafted by Grungni and Valaya working as one.

Anvil of Doom and Dwarf Runesmiths only. Single use. The bearer of a Rune of Spellbreaking may use it instead of making a dispel attempt. If they do so, the spell is automatically dispelled with no Dispel roll required.

Rune Of Warding

max 1 per Army

Runes of Warding are potent but fragile, and their magic easily expended all too soon.

Single use. Each Rune of Warding gives its bearer a 2+ Ward save against a single wound.

Rune Of Luck

max 1 per Army

The runesmith who first struck this rune supposedly acquired a fortune in gold through gambling.

Single use. The bearer of a Rune of Luck may use it to re-roll a single failed roll To Hit or To Wound, or to re-roll a single failed Armour Save roll.

Rune Of The Furnace

max 1 per Army

Intended to aid Dwarfs working hot forges, this rune has been adapted for use in battle.

The bearer of a Rune of the Furnace has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Rune Of Passage

max 1 per Army

This rune causes even the most treacherous of terrain to part and become level underfoot.

The bearer of a Rune of Passage gains the Move through Cover special rule. Any unit joined by the bearer also gains the Move through Cover special rule. Should the bearer leave the unit for any reason, the unit loses this special rule.

Armour Runes

Master Rune Of Adamant

max 1 per Army

The Master Rune of Adamant makes flesh harder than granite and more impervious than steel.

A model wearing armour inscribed with the Master Rune of Adamant has a Toughness characteristic of 10. This rune cannot be combined with any other Armour runes.

Master Rune Of Gromril

max 1 per Army

In its purest form, Gromril holds runes better than any other substance in all the world.

A model wearing armour inscribed with the Master Rune of Gromril has an armour value of 2+, which cannot be improved in any way.

Rune Of Iron

max 1 per Army

Worked into suits of armour, the potent Rune of Iron increases the durability of the wearer.

A model wearing armour inscribed with a Rune of Iron has +1 Wound on its profile.

Rune Of Fortitude

max 1 per Army

Runes of Fortitude turn flesh to iron and turn aside the enemy’s blades with ease.

For each Rune of Fortitude inscribed upon their armour, a model has a +1 modifier to its Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 10).

Rune Of Preservation

max 1 per Army

The Rune of Preservation was first struck to counter the decapitating blows of Elven swordmasters.

A model wearing armour inscribed with a Rune of Preservation is immune to both the Killing Blow and Multiple Wounds (X) special rules. If the wearer suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with either of these special rules, they lose a single Wound.

Rune Of Shielding

max 1 per Army

In ages past, entire regiments would march to war bearing shields struck with the Runes of Shielding.

A model wearing armour inscribed with a single Rune of Shielding has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. For each additional Rune of Shielding, this Ward save is improved by 1.

Rune Of Stone

max 1 per Army

A simple but brittle rune, the Rune of Stone is the first rune taught to apprentice runesmiths.

Single use. For each Rune of Stone inscribed upon their armour, a model may re-roll a single failed Armour Save roll.

Weapon Runes

Master Rune Of Smiting

max 1 per Army

The secret of this rune was preserved in the Rundrokikron, an ancient tome kept in the treasure troves of Karak Kadrin.

A weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Smiting gains the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule.

Master Rune

Of Skalf Blackhammer

max 1 per Army

Runesmith Skalf forged many hammers of great might, and some maintain that even the hammer of Sigmar, Ghal Maraz itself, was his work.

When making a roll To Wound with a weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer, a roll of 2+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.

Master Rune Of Alaric The Mad

max 1 per Army

Alaric the Mad forged the famous Runefangs for the Elector Counts of the Empire before meeting an unknown fate.

No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by a weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Alaric the Mad (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Master Rune Of Dragon Slaying

max 1 per Army

With this mighty rune the Dwarfs have slain many great wyrms and foul creatures of Chaos.

When making a roll To Wound against an enemy whose troop type is ‘behemoth’ with a weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Dragon Slaying, a roll of 2+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.

Master Rune Of Flight

max 1 per Army

This cunning rune has been used to surprise the Dwarfs’ foes from afar since the world was young.

Hand weapon only. Once per turn, during the Shooting phase, a weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Flight can be thrown with the following profile (which may be modified by additional runes):

R S AP Special Rules 12" S - Magical Attacks, Move & Shoot, Quick Shot

Master Rune Of Swiftness

max 1 per Army

This rune was first struck by Thurgrom the Hermit, the last runesmith to study Elven crafts.

The wielder of a weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Swiftness gains the Strike First special rule.

Master Rune Of Breaking

max 1 per Army

Runesmiths take pride in seeing the inferior works of other races break beneath a hammerblow.

Any magic weapon carried by an enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from a weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Breaking is destroyed and cannot be used for the remainder of the game.

Note that even if their magic weapon is destroyed, the model is still considered to be armed with a hand weapon.

Rune Of Parrying

max 1 per Army

A weapon with this rune moves like quicksilver to block the attacks of the enemy.

Any enemy model that directs its attacks against a model wielding a weapon inscribed with a Rune of Parrying during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.

Rune Of Banishment

max 1 per Army

First crafted in the days of the Ancestor Gods, the touch of this potent rune is anathema to the creatures of Chaos.

Enemy models with the Warp-spawned special rule cannot make any Ward saves against hits caused by a weapon inscribed with the Rune of Banishment.

Rune Of Fury

max 1 per Army

A Rune of Fury is an emblem of the anger all Dwarfs feel towards the enemies of their ancestors.

For each Rune of Fury inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder has a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic.

Grudge Rune

max 1 per Army

Grudge Runes seek out the enemies of the Dwarfs with unerring accuracy.

For each Grudge Rune inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder may re-roll a single roll To Hit of a natural 1 made during the Combat phase.

Rune Of Might

max 1 per Army

A weapon inscribed with Runes of Might can fell a Giant in a flurry of blows.

For each Rune of Might inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder has a +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic.

Rune Of Cleaving

max 1 per Army

This rune was first made for mining tools, to allow them to break through rock with ease.

Hand weapon only. For each Rune of Cleaving inscribed upon a weapon, its Armour Piercing characteristic is improved by 1.

Rune Of Striking

max 1 per Army

A weapon with this rune moves to strike the foe’s most vulnerable area with an uncanny precision.

For each Rune of Striking inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder has a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic.

Rune Of Fire

max 1 per Army

Struck whilst the weapon glows white-hot, a Rune of Fire forever binds the heat of the forge.

The wielder of a weapon inscribed with a Rune of Fire gains the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Rune Of Speed

max 1 per Army

This rune enhances its bearer’s awareness and quickness, catching unwary enemies by surprise.

Hand weapon only. For each Rune of Speed inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder has a +1 modifier to their Initiative characteristic.

Banner enchantement

Master Rune Of Grungni

max 1 per Army

This rune stirs the Winds of Magic until their swirling forces protect those that march beneath it.

Battle Standard Bearer only. A unit carrying a standard inscribed with the Master Rune of Grungni has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. In addition, whilst within 6" of the model carrying this standard, friendly units have a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered during the Shooting phase.

Master Rune Of Stromni Redbeard

max 1 per Army

This rune was first carved onto the Battle Standard of Durgin, son of Grindo, son of Grimnir.

When calculating its combat result, any friendly unit within the Command range of the model carrying the standard inscribed with the Master Rune of Stromni Redbeard may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.

Master Rune Of Hesitation

max 1 per Army

The presence of this rune causes the enemy to hesitate before the Dwarfen throng and falter in their charge.

An enemy unit that charges the front arc of a unit carrying a standard inscribed with the Rune of Hesitation does not count as having charged for the purposes of choosing which weapon to use or using any special rules it may have.

Note that the unit carrying this rune still counts as having been charged by the enemy unit.

Rune Of Confusion

max 1 per Army

Under the shadow of this rune, the enthusiasm of charging enemies quickly wanes.

Any enemy unit that charges the front arc of a unit carrying a standard inscribed with the Rune of Confusion makes a disordered charge.

Rune Of Fear

max 1 per Army

Those that carry this banner to battle seem to tower over the enemy, looming like mythical giants.

A unit carrying a standard inscribed with the Rune of Fear gains the Fear special rule.

Rune Of Battle

max 1 per Army

In ages past, even lesser strongholds and fortified mines had a standard bearing this humble rune.

When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying a standard inscribed with a Rune of Battle may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.

Strollaz’ Rune

max 1 per Army

Tireless by nature, Dwarfs that march beneath Strollaz’ Rune become relentless in their advance.

A unit carrying a standard inscribed with Strollaz’ Rune gains the Vanguard special rule.

Rune Of Courage

max 1 per Army

This inspirational rune further bolsters the already considerable courage of all Dwarfs near it.

A unit carrying a standard inscribed with the Rune of Courage automatically passes any Fear or Terror tests it is required to make.

Army organisation



(50% Max)



(25% Least)



(50% Max)



(25% Max)



(20% Max)



(25% Max)



125 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Roi 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4 10

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options



4 pts
6 pts
6 pts
15 pts
60 pts
5 pts
2 pts
fino a 125 pts


60 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Thane 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options


(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

80 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts


4 pts
6 pts
6 pts
15 pts
60 pts
5 pts
2 pts
fino a 75 pts

Anvil of Doom

235 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Anvil of Doom - - - - 7 5 - - -
Forgefather & Anvil Guard 3 6 4 4 5 4 3 5 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options



fino a 100 pts


120 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Runelord 3 6 4 4 5 3 3 3 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options



4 pts
2 pts
3 pts
15 pts
fino a 125 pts


65 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Runesmith 3 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options



4 pts
3 pts
2 pts
15 pts
fino a 75 pts

Daemon Slayer

130 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Daemon Slayer 3 7 3 4 5 3 5 4 10

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options



3 pts
4 pts
fino a 100 pts

Dragon Slayer

70 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Dragon Slayer - - - - - - - - -

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options



3 pts
4 pts
fino a 25 pts


50 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Engineer - - - - - - - - -

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options



6 pts
10 pts
4 pts
8 pts
fino a 50 pts

Dwarf Warriors

40 pti + 8 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Dwarf Warrior 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Veteran 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options

5 pts
fino a 25 pts
5 pts
fino a 50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
5 pts


1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


60 pti + 12 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Longbeard 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9
Elder 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options

6 pts
fino a 50 pts
6 pts
fino a 50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
6 pts


1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


55 pti + 11 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Ranger 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 9
Ol' Deadeye 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 2 9

Command group options

6 pts
5 pts
6 pts
fino a 25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
6 pts


2 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.


60 pti + 12 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Longbeard 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9
Elder 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9

Command group options

6 pts
fino a 50 pts
6 pts
fino a 50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
6 pts

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts


1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


80 pti + 16 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Hammerer 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 1 9
Royal Champion 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 2 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Command group options

7 pts
fino a 50 pts
7 pts
fino a 75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
7 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts


1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


75 pti + 15 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Ironbreaker 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9
Ironbeard 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9

Command group options

7 pts
10 pts
fino a 25 pts
10 pts
15 pts
7 pts
fino a 50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
7 pts

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts


1 pts/mod.

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


60 pti + 12 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Miner 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Prospector 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

Command group options

6 pts
20 pts
6 pts
fino a 25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
6 pts


2 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.


60 pti + 12 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Troll Slayer 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 10
Giant Slayer 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 2 10

Command group options

6 pts
fino a 50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
6 pts


2 pts
1 pts
7 pts

Bolt Thrower

55 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Bolt Thrower - - - - 6 3 - - -
Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts


fino a 100 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Grudge Thrower

95 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Grudge Thrower - - - - 7 3 - - -
Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9


fino a 100 pts

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


100 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -
Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9

Talismanic Runes

50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts


fino a 100 pts

Armour Runes

100 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
5 pts

Weapon Runes

75 pts
65 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts

Engineering Runes

30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


55 pti + 11 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Ranger 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 9
Ol' Deadeye 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 2 9

Command group options

6 pts
5 pts
6 pts
fino a 25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
6 pts


2 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.


75 pti + 15 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Irondrake 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 9
Ironwarden 3 4 5 4 4 1 2 1 9

Command group options

6 pts
5 pts
15 pts
15 pts
6 pts
fino a 50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
6 pts


1 pts/mod.