Nani Infernali

Nani Infernali (Last)

Magical Weapons

Onyx Hammer

max 1 per Army

Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Strength. Attacks with this weapon have Multiple Wounds (D3) against models which are Flammable.

Blade of Burning Steel

max 1 per Army

Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Armour Piercing (1).
One use only: May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. For the duration of the phase, attacks made with this weapon gain Metalshifting.

Magical Armour

Maschera della fornace

max 1 per Army

Type: None (6+ Armour Save). The wearer gains Fireborn and a Breath Weapon (Strength 3, Flaming Attacks).


Anello dell'essiccazione

max 1 per Army

All enemy units in base contact with the bearer’s model are Flammable.

Pelle d'acciaio

max 1 per Army

Attacks against the wearer with Lethal Strike and/or Poisoned Attacks lose these special rules.

Enchanted Items

Vial of Mercury

max 1 per Army

One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. The bearer’s unit gains Lightning Reflexes and +2 Initiative until the end of the phase.
After all effects triggered at the start of the Round of Combat have been resolved (at Step 2 of the Round Sequence), each model with Flaming Attacks in the bearer’s unit suffers 1 Strength 6 hit. When the effects end, the bearer’s model suffers 1 wound with no saves of any kind allowed.

Guanti di Madzhab

max 1 per Army

The wearer gains +1 Strength. Each to-hit roll of ‘1’ by the wearer is resolved against the wearer's unit. This can never hit the wearer itself, unless the wearer is mounted and not part of a combined unit.

Arcane Items

Besheluk’s Mechanism

max 1 per Army

When the bearer Successfully casts a non-attribute spell from Pyromancy, choose a Kadim Incarnate or Kadim Titan unit within 18" of the bearer.
If the unit is solely composed of Kadim Incarnates it recovers D3 Wounds. If it is a Kadim Titan it recovers 1 wound. No unit may be affected by this effect more than once each magic phase.

Banner enchantement

Banner of the Brazen Bul

max 1 per Army

Infantry only. The bearer’s unit has Vanguard. Units within 12" of the bearer and with more than half of its models with Unruly may reroll failed Panic Tests.

Banner of Nezibkesh

max 1 per Army

All Special Close Combat Attacks against the bearer’s unit suffer -1 Strength.

Insegna lacerante

max 1 per Army

All non-character models in the bearer’s unit gain Armour Piercing (1).

Stendardo dell'oppressore

max 1 per Army

The bearer’s unit gains Strider and Swiftstride.

Icona d'etere

max 1 per Army

The bearer can make Dispel Attempts as if it was a Wizard Master.

Insegna della velocit

max 1 per Army

The bearer's unit gains +1 Movement.

Stendardo infuocato

max 1 per Army

The bearer's unit automatically passes all Panic Tests.

Insegna della disciplina

max 1 per Army

The bearer's unit automatically passes all Panic Tests.

War Standard

max 1 per Army

The bearer's unit adds +1 to the Combat Score of any combat they are involved in.

Icon of the Relentless Company

max 1 per Army

One use only. Activate at the start of any of your Remaining Moves sub-phases. Infantry models in the bearer's unit can triple its Movement when Marching instead of doubling it this turn. This March Move cannot be longer than 15" and cannot be used in Game Turn 1 if the unit has used Vanguard or Scout.

Gleaming Icon

max 1 per Army

One use only. Must be activated the first time the bearer's unit fails a Leadership Test. The unit may reroll the failed test.

Army Organisation

Salva degli dei

Salva degli dei

(30% Max)

Avvinti e incatenati

Avvinti e incatenati

(35% Max)

Fuoco di sbarramento

Fuoco di sbarramento

(20% Max)



(40% Max)



(25% Least)



(No Limit)


Lords of Fire - Chosen of Lugar

170 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Lords of Fire - Chosen of Lugar 3 6 4 4 5 3 3 3 9 Fanteria

Magical Weapons

120 pts
110 pts
80 pts
80 pts
80 pts
65 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
30 pts
20 pts
10 pts

Magical Armour

90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
30 pts
10 pts
10 pts


100 pts
80 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Enchanted Items

105 pts
90 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Arcane Items

100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Command group options

(1-1 per Army)



150 pts
20 pts

Lords of Fire - Overlord

280 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Lords of Fire - Overlord 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4 10 Fanteria

Magical Weapons

120 pts
110 pts
80 pts
80 pts
80 pts
65 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
30 pts
20 pts
10 pts

Magical Armour

90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
30 pts
10 pts
10 pts


100 pts
80 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Enchanted Items

105 pts
90 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Arcane Items

100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Command group options

(1-1 per Army)



250 pts
6 pts
10 pts
20 pts
30 pts
40 pts
280 pts
500 pts

Lords of Fire - Vizier

150 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Lords of Fire - Vizier 3 6 4 4 5 3 3 3 9 Fanteria

Magical Weapons

120 pts
110 pts
80 pts
50 pts
60 pts
60 pts
65 pts
80 pts
80 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
30 pts
20 pts
10 pts

Magical Armour

90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
30 pts
10 pts
10 pts


100 pts
80 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Enchanted Items

105 pts
90 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Arcane Items

100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Command group options

(1-1 per Army)


(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
10 pts


150 pts
4 pts
10 pts
20 pts
20 pts
30 pts
300 pts

Oppressore Taurukh

320 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Oppressore Taurukh 7 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 9 Monstrous Beast

Magical Weapons

120 pts
110 pts
80 pts
50 pts
60 pts
60 pts
65 pts
80 pts
80 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
30 pts
20 pts
10 pts

Magical Armour

90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
30 pts
10 pts
10 pts


100 pts
80 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Enchanted Items

105 pts
90 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Arcane Items

100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Command group options

(1-1 per Army)


(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
10 pts


100 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts


180 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Profeta - Ingegnere 3 4 4 4 5 3 2 2 9 Fanteria

Magic options


Command group options

(1-1 per Army)


Magical Weapons

120 pts
110 pts
80 pts
80 pts
80 pts
65 pts
50 pts
50 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
30 pts
20 pts
10 pts

Magical Armour

90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
30 pts
10 pts
10 pts


240 pts
310 pts
80 pts
150 pts
100 pts
200 pts
16 pts
20 pts
50 pts
100 pts
150 pts

Mount options

Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry
Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
280 pts
370 pts


100 pts
80 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Enchanted Items

105 pts
90 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Arcane Items

100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
20 pts


240 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Profeta - Mago 3 4 4 4 5 3 2 2 9 Fanteria

Magic options

100 pts
200 pts
280 pts
370 pts

Command group options

(1-1 per Army)


Magical Weapons

120 pts
110 pts
80 pts
80 pts
80 pts
65 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
30 pts
20 pts
10 pts


70 pts
16 pts
20 pts
50 pts
100 pts
150 pts

Magical Armour

90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
30 pts
10 pts
10 pts


100 pts
80 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Enchanted Items

105 pts
90 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Arcane Items

100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Capo hobgoblin

70 pti mod. singolo
Max 5 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Capo hobgoblin 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 7 Fanteria

Magical Weapons

120 pts
110 pts
80 pts
80 pts
80 pts
65 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
30 pts
20 pts
10 pts

Magical Armour

90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
30 pts
10 pts
10 pts


100 pts
80 pts
80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Enchanted Items

105 pts
90 pts
70 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Arcane Items

100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Command group options

(1-1 per Army)



50 pts
4 pts
4 pts
4 pts
8 pts
6 pts
6 pts
12 pts
60 pts
50 pts


mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Lupo 9 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3 War Beast



Personaggi Avvinti e incatenati

Mount Lamassu del tempio

mod. singolo
Max 1 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Lamassu del tempio 6(8) 3 - 5 5 4 2 2 8 Monster

Command group options

(1-1 per Army)




Guerrieri infernali

130 pti + 14 pti/modello extra 10-40 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Guerrieri infernali 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Fanteria

Command group options

20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
10 pts


2 pts/mod.
6 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.


110 pti + 8 pti/modello extra 20-50 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Fanteria

Command group options

20 pts
20 pts
20 pts


2 pts/mod.
2 pts/mod.
3 pts/mod.
4 pts/mod.

Guardia della cittadella

190 pti + 24 pti/modello extra 10-30 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Guardia della cittadella 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 9 Fanteria

Command group options

20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
10 pts


10 pts/mod.

Cavalca lupi hobgoblin

130 pti + 20 pti/modello extra 5-15 modello
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Cavaliere 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Cavalleria
Lupo 9 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3 Cavalleria

Command group options

20 pts
20 pts
20 pts


2 pts/mod.
2 pts/mod.
2 pts/mod.


300 pti + 28 pti/modello extra 15-30 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Immortali 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 Fanteria

Command group options

20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
100 pts

(0-1 per Army)

80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
10 pts


2 pts/mod.


160 pti + 28 pti/modello extra 5-15 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Taurukh 7 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 War Beast

Command group options

20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
100 pts

(0-1 per Army)

80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
10 pts


2 pts/mod.
4 pts/mod.
2 pts/mod.
6 pts/mod.

Eletto Taurukh

360 pti + 120 pti/modello extra 3-7 modello
Max 5 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Eletto Taurukh 7 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 9 Monstrous Beast

Command group options

20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
100 pts

(0-1 per Army)

80 pts
70 pts
60 pts
55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
10 pts


12 pts/mod.
6 pts/mod.
6 pts/mod.
20 pts/mod.
Fuoco di sbarramento
Fuoco di sbarramento

Gruppo artiglieria

100 pti mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Gruppo artiglieria 3 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9
Machine - - - - 4 4 - - - Macchina da guerra
Equipaggio (2) 4 3 3 3 - - 3 1 9


Fuoco di sbarramento

Balista hobgoblin

90 pti mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Machine - - - - 4 4 - - - Macchina da guerra
Equipaggio (2) 4 3 3 3 - - 3 1 6


Fuoco di sbarramento

Infernal Artillery - Rocket Battery

190 pti mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Crew(3) 3 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9
Machine - - - - 4 5 - - - Macchina da guerra


150 pts
Fuoco di sbarramento

Artiglieria infernale - Cannone vulcano

160 pti mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Crew(3) 3 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9
Machine - - - - 4 5 - - - Macchina da guerra


180 pts
Avvinti e incatenati