Nains du Chaos

Nains du Chaos (Revision-29)

Magic Weapon

Marteau Noir d'Hashut

max 1 per Army

Dague de Malice

max 1 per Army

Masse des Ténèbres

max 1 per Army

Magic Armour

Armure de Bazherak le Cruel

max 1 per Army

Masque de Fournaise

max 1 per Army


Manteau de Pierre

max 1 per Army

Arcane items

Calice de Sang et de Ténèbres

max 1 per Army (Wizard only )

Enchanted Item

Flasque Démoniaque d'Ashak

max 1 per Army

Banner enchantement

Bannière d'esclavage

max 1 per Army

Rampager's standard

max 1 per Army

A unit with this Magic Standard can re-roll its charge distance dice.

Wailing banner

max 1 per Army

A unit with this banner causes Terror in its enemies.

Ranger’s Standard

max 1 per Army

A unit with the Ranger’s Standard has the Strider special rule.

Razor Standard

max 1 per Army

Models in a unit with the Razor Standard have the Armour Piercing special rule.

War banner

max 1 per Army

A unit with this banner adds +1 to its combat result.

Banner of Swiftness

max 1 per Army

Models in a unit with the Banner of Swiftness have +1 to their Movement characteristic.

Lichebone Pennant

max 1 per Army

Models in a unit with the Lichebone Pennant have Magic Resistance (1).

Standard of Discipline

max 1 per Army

Models in a unit with the Standard of Discipline have +1 Leadership, but cannot use the General’s Inspiring Presence special rule.

Banner of Eternal Flame

max 1 per Army

Models in a unit with the Banner of Eternal Flame have Flaming Attacks.

Gleaming Pennant

max 1 per Army

One use only. A unit with the Gleaming Pennant can re-roll its first failed Leadership test.

Scarecrow Banner

max 1 per Army

A unit with the Scarecrow Banner causes Fear in models with the Fly special rule.

Army Organisation



(No Limit)



(No Limit)



(No Limit)



(No Limit)



(No Limit)


Drazhoath le Cendreux, Prophète d'Hashut

570 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Drazhoath le Cendreux 3 6 4 4 5 4 2 3 10 Fanteria
Soufflecendre 6 5 0 6 6 5 3 4 6 Monster



Prophète sorcier

265 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Prophète Sorcier 3 5 4 4 5 3 2 3 10 Fanteria

Magic options

35 pts


5 pts
15 pts
20 pts
fino a 100 pts

Magic Weapon

60 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Mount options

Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry
Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
145 pts
225 pts
195 pts

Magic Armour

65 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


45 pts
45 pts
40 pts
30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Enchanted Item

100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Arcane items

70 pts
53 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts

Forgeron Démoniste

95 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Forgeron-démoniste 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 9 Fanteria

Magic options

35 pts


5 pts
15 pts
fino a 50 pts

Magic Weapon

60 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Magic Armour

65 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


45 pts
45 pts
40 pts
30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Enchanted Item

100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Arcane items

70 pts
53 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts

Castellan Infernal

105 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Castellan Infernal 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 Fanteria

Command group options

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts
55 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Magic Weapon

60 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
20 pts
25 pts
25 pts
30 pts
35 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


2 pts
5 pts
5 pts
15 pts
fino a 75 pts

Magic Armour

65 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


45 pts
45 pts
40 pts
30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Enchanted Item

100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Khan hobgobelin

40 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Khan Hobgobelin 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 3 7 Fanteria

Nains du Chaos apparecchiature


Magic Weapon

60 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


fino a 25 pts
2 pts
2 pts

(foot only)

4 pts
4 pts

Magic Armour

50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Mount options

Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry
Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
12 pts


45 pts
45 pts
30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Enchanted Item

100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts


155 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Taur'ruk 7 5 2 5 5 4 4 4 9 Monstrous Beast

Nains du Chaos apparecchiature


fino a 50 pts
15 pts
5 pts
10 pts
15 pts

Magic Weapon

60 pts
60 pts
60 pts
50 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Magic Armour

50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


45 pts
45 pts
30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Enchanted Item

100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
25 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts

Mount Loup Géant

mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Loup géant 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3



Gardiens infernaux

120 pti + 12 pti/modello extra 10-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Gardien Infernal 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 Fanteria
Deathmask 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 Fanteria

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts

(0-1 Units per Army)

fino a 50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts
12 pts
2 pts
5 pts


3 pts/mod.
6 pts/mod.
5 pts/mod.

Coupe-jarrets hobgobelins

80 pti + 4 pti/modello extra 20-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Coupe-jarret Hobgobelin 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 Fanteria
Boss du Meurtre 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 Fanteria

Command group options

4 pts
10 pts
10 pts


0,5 pts/mod.
0,5 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.

Centaures-taureaux lacérateurs

120 pti + 40 pti/modello extra 3-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Centaure Taureau Lacérateur 7 4 2 4 5 3 3 2 8 Monstrous Beast
Ba'hal 7 4 2 4 5 3 3 3 8 Monstrous Beast

Nains du Chaos apparecchiature

Command group options

5 pts
10 pts
10 pts
fino a 50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts


5 pts/mod.
5 pts/mod.
10 pts/mod.
5 pts/mod.

Jurefers Infernaux

170 pti + 17 pti/modello extra 10-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Jurefer infernal 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 Fanteria
Deathmask 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 Fanteria

Command group options

5 pts
10 pts
fino a 50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
35 pts
35 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
10 pts
5 pts
5 pts
10 pts



Canon à Magma

145 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Cannon à Magma - - - - 7 3 - - - Macchina da guerra

Nains du Chaos apparecchiature


25 pts
25 pts

Lance-roquettes Hurlemort

100 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Lance-Roquettes - - - - 7 3 - - - Macchina da guerra
Servant Nain du Chaos(3) 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Nains du Chaos apparecchiature


25 pts
25 pts

Chevaucheur de loups Hobgoblin

60 pti + 12 pti/modello extra 5-99 modello
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Chevaucheur de loup Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 Cavalleria
Boss Loup 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 Cavalleria
Loup géant 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3

Command group options

5 pts
8 pts
10 pts


1 pts/mod.
2 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.

Mortier Sismique

195 pti mod. singolo
Truppe M WS BS S T W io UN Ld Tipo di truppa
Mortier Sismique 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Macchina da guerra
Servant Nain du Chaos(3) 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Esclave Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7


25 pts
25 pts
20 pts