

(1) Pyroclastic Flow

Casting Type Duration
5+ [9+] {12+} Hex Missile Damage
Range 36" [24"] {12"}

The target suffers​ D6[2D6]{3D6}​ ​Strength 4 hits with Flaming Attacks.

(2) Cascading Fire

Casting Type Duration
6+ [10+] Augment
Range 24" [6"Aura]
Remains in Play

At the Initiative 0 step of each Round of Combat involving the target, all enemy models in base contact with the target unit suffer a Strength 4 hit with Flaming Attacks. This is a Special Close Combat Attack.

(3) Scorching Salvo

Casting Type Duration
7+ [10+] Hex Damage
Range 24"Aura

The target suffers ​|D3​|[D6]​ Strength 4 hits with Flaming Attacks.

(4) Immolation

Casting Type Duration
8+ Ground
Range 18"
Remains in Play

Place a round 3" diameter marker with its center on the selected target point and the marker more than 1" from all units. At the end of each Phase, each unit that has been in contact with the marker during that Phase suffers an Area Attack (4) with Strength 4 and Flaming Attacks. No unit can be affected by this more than once per Player Turn.

(5) Flaming Swords

Casting Type Duration
10+ [13+] Augment
Range 18" [6"Aura]
Remains in Play

The target’s Close Combat and Shooting Attacks gain a +1 to-wound modifier, Magical Attacks, and Flaming Attacks.

(6) Enveloping Embers

Casting Type Duration
12+ Hex Damage Direct
Range 24"

Each model in the target unit suffers 1 Strength​ ​3 hit with Flaming Attacks.

(T) Fireball

Casting Type Duration
Hex Missile Damage
Range 24"

The target suffers D3 Strength 4 hits with Flaming Attacks.