model rules
The Empire Of Man


“Hold The Line!”

To command an army of the Empire, one must be a proven veteran, worthy of respect. The grim determination and dedication to duty of such an individual is both an inspiration and an example to the soldiers they command.

This character and any unit they have joined automatically passes any Panic tests they are required to make.

Helstorm Rocket Battery

R S AP Special Rules
Helstorm Rocket Battery 12-48" 3 -1 Cumbersome, Helstorm, Move or Shoot

Notes: This weapon uses a number of 3" blast templates and the Black Powder Misfire table.

Helstorm Rocket Battery Special Rules

Helstorm: A Helstorm Rocket Battery launches a barrage of rockets high into the sky, passing over intervening regiments and even terrain. When shooting with this weapon, work your way through the following steps:

1. Choose Target: No line of sight is required for this weapon. Instead, choose an enemy unit that is between its minimum and maximum range to be the target and place D3 blast templates so that the central hole of each is over that unit.

2. Scatter: Once each template has been placed, it will scatter. Roll an Artillery dice and a Scatter dice for each template in turn:
• If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, the rocket has failed to launch. Once all shots from this weapon have been resolved, roll once on the appropriate Misfire table for each Misfire rolled.
• If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, use the small arrow above the Hit! symbol to determine the direction of the scatter and move the template a number of inches equal to the roll of the Artillery dice minus the crew’s Ballistic Skill characteristic (to a minimum of zero).
• If an arrow is rolled on the Scatter dice, move the template a number of inches equal to the roll of the Artillery dice in the direction the arrow points.

3. Damage: Any model whose base lies underneath a template risks being hit by this weapon.

Helblaster Volley Gun

R S AP Special Rules
Helblaster Volley Gun 24" 5 -1 Armour Bane (2), Cumbersome, Helblaster, Move or Shoot

Notes: This weapon uses the Black Powder Misfire table.

Helblaster Volley Gun Special Rules

Helblaster: When shooting a Helblaster Volley Gun, roll three Artillery dice before making any rolls To Hit. The number of shots fired is equal to the total of all three Artillery dice:

• If a Misfire is rolled on one of the Artillery dice, all shots fired from the Helblaster Volley Gun this turn suffer an additional -1 To Hit modifier.
• If a Misfire is rolled on two of the Artillery dice, no shots are fired and a critical fault has occurred. Roll immediately on the appropriate Misfire table to determine exactly what.
• If a Misfire is rolled on all three of the Artillery dice, all of the barrels fire simultaneously, with devastating effect. The Helblaster Volley Gun fires 30 shots, but is destroyed and immediately removed from play. All shots fired from the Helblaster Volley Gun this turn suffer an additional -1 To Hit modifier.

After determining the number of shots, roll To Hit for each as normal, using the crew’s Ballistic Skill and applying all appropriate modifiers.

Steam Cannon

Steam Tanks are armed with a steam-powered cannon that can send a spinning ball of iron whirling into the foe’s ranks with all the power of a traditional black powder cannon.

R S AP Special Rules
Steam cannon 24" 8 -2 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire, Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Notes: This weapon shoots like a cannon, using the ‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice during step 2, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a Misfire table).

Inner Circle

Knights of the Inner Circle are counted amongst the best warriors of the Empire, and when they go to war it is only to fight the most diabolical enemies. The presence on the battlefield of even a single regiment of Inner Circle knights is worth many times their number.

When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule (but not its mount) may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1.

Clouds Of Soot & Smoke

Imperial guns produce prodigious clouds of smoke, concealing Engineers from enemy fire.

This model is considered to be behind full cover whilst it is within 3" of a friendly unit whose troop type is ‘war machine’.

Steam Gun

Steam Tanks are also fitted with a turret-mounted steam gun as standard. Connected to the boiler, this weapon can engulf nearby enemies in great gouts of scalding steam.

R S AP Special Rules
Steam gun N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon

Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Fanatical Zeal

Flagellant warbands are viewed with a mixture of fear and disdain by more level-headed soldiers.
As a result, few are willing to fight amongst their ranks.

A unit with this special rule can be joined by a Lector of Sigmar or a Priest of Sigmar.
However, these are the only characters that can join this unit. A Lector of Sigmar or Priest of Sigmar that joins a unit of Flagellants is considered to have the Unbreakable special rule for as long as they remain with the unit.

Note that a unit with the Unbreakable special rule cannot normally be joined by a character without it. This rule provides an exception that represents the fanaticism of Sigmar’s priesthood.

Feel No Pain

Driven into a frenzied euphoria by their hymns and prayers, and goaded to battle by the bite of their flails, Flagellants appear almost immune to the weapons of the enemy.

A model with this special rule has:
• A 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack.
• A 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack with a Strength 5 or higher.

Holy Fervour

The presence of the War Altar of Sigmar fills those that march beside it with courage and a grim resolve to overcome their fears in defence of the Empire.

Unless this unit is fleeing, friendly units within 6" of it automatically pass any Fear tests they are required to make and can re-roll any failed Panic tests.

Witch Bane

The Golden Griffon is a sacred relic of the Cult of Sigmar and a powerful reminder to all witches and warlocks of how the Heldenhammer once cast their wickedness from his lands.

All Wizards within this model’s Command range (friend or foe) suffer a -2 modifier to their Casting rolls.

Grenade Launching Blunderbuss

This unusual weapon fires a small explosive charge that unleashes a burst of shrapnel capable of tearing through the thickest suit of armour.

R S AP Special Rules
Grenade launching 24" 4 -2 Cumbersome, Ponderous blunderbuss

Notes: If the roll To Hit is successful, a grenade launching blunderbuss causes D3+1 hits to the target enemy unit, rather than the usual one hit.

Grinding Wheels

The armoured bulk of a Steam Tank weighs many tonnes, and any enemies unfortunate enough to fall beneath its metal-bound wheels are crushed to a paste.

Stomp Attacks made by a Steam Tank have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
However, this rule cannot be used against models whose troop type is ‘behemoth’ – they are simply too large to be caught beneath a Steam Tank’s wheels.

In addition, and unlike other chariots, this model treats low linear obstacles as open terrain rather than as impassable terrain.

Hochland Long Rifle

The long-barrelled hunting rifles for which Hochland is famed are often fitted with cunning telescopic scopes designed to aid with accurate aiming over tremendous distances.

R S AP Special Rules
Hochland long rifle 36" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Cumbersome, Ponderous

Notes: A model armed with a Hochland long rifle can target a specific model within its target unit, such as a champion or a character.

Master Of Battle

The masters of the Knightly Order are bold and ferocious warriors, fearless in the face of even the most terrifying enemies.

If this model joins a unit of Empire Knights, Inner Circle Knights or Demigryph Knights, that unit will gain the Immune to Psychology special rule. Should this model leave a unit it has joined for any reason, that unit loses this special rule.

Master Of Ballistics

Learned veterans of the Empire’s colleges, Engineers quickly assess the preparation of their war machines and guide their crews towards greater accuracy.

Unless this model is fleeing or engaged in combat, once per turn a friendly Empire war machine that is within its Command range can either use this model’s Ballistic Skill characteristic, or re-roll a single Artillery dice.

Suffer Not…

Many Witch Hunters stalk the Old World, guided by the teachings of their church and their personal biases to seek out the multifarious enemies of Man and deliver them unto justice.

Each Witch Hunter in your army must have one of the following ‘specialisms’, chosen when writing your muster list. This specialism indicates which of the many enemies of humanity the Witch Hunter is tasked with hunting. You must tell your opponent which specialism each Witch Hunter in your army has when deploying your army:
• The Witch: The Witch Hunter and any unit they have joined gains the Hatred (enemy Wizards) and Magic Resistance (-2) special rules.
• The Revenant: The Witch Hunter and any unit they have joined gains the Hatred (Undead models) and Flaming Attacks special rules.
• The Mutant: The Witch Hunter and any unit they have joined gains the Hatred (Warriors of Chaos & Beasts of Chaos) and Magic Resistance (-1) special rules.
• The Daemon: The Witch Hunter and any unit they have joined gains the Hatred (Daemonic models) and Magical Attacks special rules.

Pigeon Bombs

Many Engineers experiment with the idea that homing pigeons can be trained to deliver bombs to the enemy, but most such research ends with a feathery blast and a burning loft.
Instead of shooting normally during the Shooting phase, a model equipped with pigeon bombs may release one. Choose an enemy unit that is within 24" of the model and roll on the Pigeon Bomb table below:

Pigeon Bomb Table
D6 Result
1 Bird Brain: Confused by the tumult of battle, the pigeon returns to its handler. Centre a small (3") blast template over the model that released the pigeon bomb. Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.
2-3 Fly Away Home: Perhaps wisely, the pigeon sets off towards the distant horizon. The bomb has no effect.
4-5 Dud: The pigeon drops its package over its target, but the bomb fails to detonate, instead falling earthwards at tremendous speed. The target unit suffers a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2.
6 Perfect Delivery: The pigeon delivers its package. Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.

Prayers Of Sigmar

The solemn hymns and chanted prayers of Sigmar’s Warrior Priests do more than simply strengthen the faith of believers; through them, Sigmar’s power is made manifest.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke Sigmar’s blessings by chanting a single Prayer from the list below and making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, the Prayer takes immediate effect:
• Hammer Of Sigmar: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model, its mount and a single friendly unit that is within its Command range when this Prayer is chanted* may re-roll any rolls To Hit or To Wound of a natural 1 made during the Combat phase.
• Shield Of Faith: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model and a single friendly unit that is within its Command range when this Prayer is chanted* has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered during the Shooting phase.
• Soulfire: A single enemy unit this model is engaged in combat with immediately suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -2. These hits have the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules.

*Note that if more than one friendly unit is within this model’s Command range when this Prayer is chanted, you must tell your opponent which unit is affected.

Note also that the effects of these Prayers on friendly units are not cumulative. In other words, a friendly unit cannot be affected by the same Prayer more than once during the same turn.

Prayers Of Ulric

The ferocious Priests of Ulric beseech the god of battle, wolves and winter to witness the deeds of his brave followers, and to reward their courage and prowess with his blessings.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke Ulric’s blessings by chanting a single Prayer from the list below and making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, the Prayer takes immediate effect:

• Battle Howl: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, when this model and a single friendly unit that is within its Command range when this Prayer is chanted* makes a Charge roll, you may apply a +D3 modifier to the result. This Prayer may only affect models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’.
• Winter’s Chill: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model, its mount or any unit it has joined during the Combat phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6.
• Wrath Of Winter: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model, its mount and any unit it has joined gains the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule.

*Note that, if more than one friendly unit is within this model’s Command range when this Prayer is chanted, you must tell your opponent which unit is affected.

Note also that the effects of these Prayers on friendly units are not cumulative. In other words, a friendly unit cannot be affected by the same Prayer more than once during the same turn.

Steam Power

Whilst a Steam Tank is capable of great speed, the fires that heat its boiler require constant stoking. Should the stamina of the crew falter, its thunderous pace can be reduced to a crawl.

A Steam Tank cannot march. Instead, you may make a ‘Steam Power’ roll and add the result to the model’s Movement characteristic. To make a Steam Power roll, roll two D6 and discard the lowest result. The highest result is the result of the Steam Power roll. If both dice roll the same result, discard either.


The inner workings of a Steam Tank are extremely experimental, temperamental and dangerous, and the crew must constantly monitor the gurgling and hissing from boiler and pipes, and heed the clouds of vapour that accumulate around them. A moment of inattention can lead to irreparable damage and, in extreme cases, boiled crew!

If a natural 1 is rolled on either of the dice when the Steam Tank makes a Steam Power roll or a Charge roll, the pressure has reached dangerous levels and, if not quickly released, will cause irreparable damage. Choose one of the following:
• Bang! The crew ignores the building pressure which, inevitably, finds its own release. The Steam Tank loses a single Wound.
• Phweee! Amidst billowing clouds of steam and with an ear splitting whistle, the pressure is released, rendering the Steam Tank immobile. The Steam Tank halts immediately and cannot move again for the remainder of this turn.

However, if a natural 1 is rolled on both of the dice, the pressure is too great to be released safely. The Steam Tank loses a single Wound and halts immediately. It cannot move again for the remainder of this turn.

Symbol Of Might

The War Altar of Sigmar is an imposing structure. From atop its mighty pulpit, the prayers of a Warrior Priest resonate across the battlefield.

The Command range of a Lector of Sigmar mounted on the War Altar is increased from 8" to 12".

Note that, if this model is your General, it has a Command range of 18" as normal.

Two Heads

Through careful and selective breeding, the menageries and zoos of the Empire have been able to produce young Griffons with not one, but two heads.

An Imperial Griffon with Two Heads gains a +1 modifier to its Attacks characteristic.