Vampire Counts (Revision-34)

Racial Trait Spell

Casting Range Type Duration Effect
Vigour Mortis Affects all friendly Skeleton Warrior and Zombie units within range. They gain +1 A and Regeneration (6+) until the start of your next Magic phase.
Mf 3+ 6" Instant
Affects all friendly Skeleton Warrior and Zombie units within range. They gain +1 A and Regeneration (6+) until the start of your next Magic phase.

Racial Trait Spell

Casting Range Type Duration Effect
Scrying Pool If cast successfully, the Coven Throne and all of its constituent parts, including its crew and any character using it as a mount, re-rolls failed To Hit or To Wound rolls (owning player's choice) for the remainder of the turn.
Mf 3+ 6" Instant
If cast successfully, the Coven Throne and all of its constituent parts, including its crew and any character using it as a mount, re-rolls failed To Hit or To Wound rolls (owning player's choice) for the remainder of the turn.

Racial Trait Spell

Casting Range Type Duration Effect
Flaming Death Inflicts D6 S 4 hits with Flaming Attacks. In addition, if the target unit moves in the Movement phase, flees or pursues during its next turn, every model in the unit suffers an immediate S 4 hit with Flaming Attacks, after which the spell's effects end. If the unit does not move the spell ends at the start of the caster's next Magic phase. Any unit taking one or more unsaved Wounds from this spell must immediately take a Panic test.
Mf 4+ 18" Instant
Inflicts D6 S 4 hits with Flaming Attacks. In addition, if the target unit moves in the Movement phase, flees or pursues during its next turn, every model in the unit suffers an immediate S 4 hit with Flaming Attacks, after which the spell's effects end. If the unit does not move the spell ends at the start of the caster's next Magic phase. Any unit taking one or more unsaved Wounds from this spell must immediately take a Panic test.

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