Standard magici

The Empire Of Man

Banner Of Duty

This venerable banner steels the hearts of despairing warriors, renewing their will to fight on.

A unit carrying the Banner of Duty may re-roll any failed Rally test.

Banner Of Iron Resolve

No regiment that stands beneath the Banner of Iron Resolve has ever fled from the foe.

A unit carrying the Banner of Iron Resolve gains the Stubborn special rule.

Griffon Standard

A unit flying the Griffon Standard resolutely stands its ground, and few foes can break them.

When determining your combat result, a unit carrying the Griffon Standard can claim a Rank Bonus of +2 for each extra rank behind the first, rather than the usual +1.

Imperial Banner

This fine silken standard is a proud reminder of a time when the Empire was unified as one.

All friendly units within the Command range of the model carrying the Imperial Banner roll 3D6 when making a Fear, Panic or Terror test and discard the highest result.

The Gleaming Pennant

Shining with an inner radiance, the Gleaming Pennant offers hope to those that march beneath it.

Single use. A unit carrying the Gleaming Pennant may re-roll a single failed Leadership test.

Note that a Break test is not a Leadership test.

Rampaging Banner

As a matter of honour, those that fight beneath the Rampaging Banner are always first into the fray.

When a unit carrying the Rampaging Banner declares a charge, it may re-roll its Charge roll.

Razor Standard

Hung with hundreds of wickedly sharp blades, an air of sharpness radiates outwards from the Razor Standard.

A unit carrying the Razor Standard gains the Armour Bane (2) special rule.

The Blazing Banner

An eternal flame flickers about the weapons of those that march beneath the Blazing Banner.

A unit carrying the Blazing Banner gains the Flaming Attacks special rule.

War Banner

A proud banner of great age. Those that march beneath the War Banner fight with grim resolve.

When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the War Banner may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.