Regole speciali
Dark Elves


Abyssal Howl

The mournful wail of a Kharibdyss echoes across the battlefield and saps the courage of the enemy.

Whilst within 6" of this model, enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).

Black Lotus

For each unsaved Wound inflicted upon them by this character, enemy characters suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic for the remainder of the game.

Cavernous Maw

R S AP Special Rules
Cavernous maw Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Killing Blow

Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon

Cry of War

Enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic whilst within the Command range of one or more Death Hags that have this special rule and that are not fleeing.

Cursed Coven

Devoted servants of the Ruinous Powers, the Warlock covens of Hag Graef practise powerful sorcery.

A unit of Doomfire Warlocks knows a single spell (chosen by their controlling player before armies are deployed) from either the Dark Magic or Daemonology Lore of Magic. The unit may cast this spell as a Bound spell:
• If the unit has a Unit Strength of 10 or more and includes a Master, it may cast this Bound spell with a Power Level of 2.
• If the unit includes a Master, but has a Unit Strength of 9 or less, it may cast this Bound spell with a Power Level of 1.
• Otherwise, the unit may cast this Bound spell with a Power Level of 0.

Dance Of Death

Sisters of Slaughter weave through the enemy’s defences, plunging deep into their ranks.

If this unit makes a successful charge move (i.e., if the unit makes contact with the charge target), the charge target suffers a -1 modifier to its Maximum Rank Bonus until the end of the Combat phase of that turn.

Dark Runes

Infernal runes crawl across the skin of a Doomfire Warlock, blazing with an unholy fire when death draws near.

This unit has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a nonmagical enemy attack.

Dark Venom

This character has the Killing Blow special rule.

Dread Halberd

R S AP Special Rules
Dread halberd Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Fight in Extra Rank, Requires Two Hands

Notes: A model wielding a dread halberd cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged.

Elven Reflexes

Elves possess phenomenal speed and grace, striking at their enemies faster than the eye can see.

A model with this special rule (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10) during the first round of any combat.

Eternal Hatred

The Dark Elves believe they have been wronged greatly by their enemies over and over again, and the hatred they harbour has grown to become an all-consuming passion.

Against High Elves, this model’s Hatred applies in every round of close combat, not just the first.

Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one).

Fiery Breath

R S AP Special Rules
Fiery breath N/A * -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks

Notes: The Strength characteristic of this weapon is equal to this model’s remaining Wounds.

Forbidden Poisons

Khainite Assassins coat their weapons with a variety of terrible and forbidden poisons.

As described above, a Khainite Assassin may take one of the following forbidden poisons:

• Black Lotus: For each unsaved Wound inflicted upon them by this character, enemy characters suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic for the remainder of the game.
• Dark Venom: This character has the Killing Blow special rule.
• Manbane: When this character makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.

Gifts Of Khaine

Blessed by Khaine, a Death Hag and her minions are a fearful sight to behold.

As described above, a Death Hag may take one of the following gifts of Khaine:

• Cry of War: Enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic whilst within the Command range of one or more Death Hags that have this special rule and that are not fleeing.
• Rune of Khaine: This character has the Extra Attacks (+D3) special rule.
• Witchbrew: This character, their mount and any unit they have joined cannot lose the Frenzy special rule.

Goad Beast

The Beastmasters of Clar Karond excel at goading their charges to violence, none more so than the High Beastmasters.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may goad a single friendly model whose troop type is ‘monster’ and that is within their Command range (including their own mount). Until the end of this turn, that model gains a +D3 modifier to its Attacks characteristic (to a maximum of 10).

Har Ganeth Greatsword

R S AP Special Rules
Har Ganeth greatsword Combat S+2 -1 Cleaving Blow, Requires Two Hands

Hekarti’s Blessing

Dark Elf Sorceresses make devotions to Hekarti, the Hydra Queen and Elven goddess of conjurations.

Once per game, a model with this special rule may re-roll a single failed Casting roll.


Khainite Assassins hide amongst the ranks of Dark Elf infantry, revealing themselves only to strike at the enemy.

Khainite Assassins are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, they are ‘hidden’ within a friendly Dark Elf unit whose troop type is ‘infantry’ and that has a Unit Strength of ten or more (excluding Harpies). Make a note of which unit each Assassin is hiding within. A hidden Assassin may be revealed during any Start of Turn sub-phase or at the start of any Combat phase. Position the revealed Assassin as you would a character that has joined the unit.

If a unit in which a Khainite Assassin is hiding is destroyed or flees the battlefield before the Assassin is revealed, the Assassin is removed as a casualty. A Khainite Assassin cannot be your army General.

Lash & Buckler

R S AP Special Rules
Lash & buckler Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1), Fight in Extra Rank, Requires Two Hands

Notes: A model equipped with a lash & buckler improves its armour value by 1.

Lore Of Naggaroth


When this character makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.

Martial Prowess

Elven soldiers spend many hours perfecting their battlefield drill, masterfully wielding their long spears with a skill and grace absent from the ranks of their enemies.

A unit with this special rule can make supporting attacks to its flank or rear, as well as to its front.


Trained in the arts of murder from a young age, devotees of Khaine are deadly killers able to strike mortal wounds upon even the most resilient of foes.

When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule that is fighting with a hand weapon may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.

Noxious Breath

R S AP Special Rules
Noxious breath N/A 4 N/A Breath Weapon

Notes: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, every model in a unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon suffers a -1 modifier to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a minimum of 1). No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Petrifying Gaze

R S AP Special Rules
Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Petrifying Gaze

R S AP Special Rules
Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Ravager Harpoon

R S AP Special Rules
Ravager harpoon 24" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3), Ponderous

Notes: During the Shooting phase, one of the Beastmaster Crew may fire this weapon instead of their repeater crossbow.

Rune of Khaine

This character has the Extra Attacks (+D3) special rule.

Sea Dragon Cloak

The pelt of a Sea Dragon is worn by Dark Elf pirates and corsairs, both as a mark of their rank and as armour against the missiles of the foe.

A model with this special rule improves its armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+) against non-magical shooting attacks.

Serrated Maw

R S AP Special Rules
Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2)
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Serrated Maws

R S AP Special Rules
Serrated maws Combat S - Armour Bane (1), Multiple Wounds (2)

Notes: In combat, this model must make each attack granted by the Extra Attacks (+remaining Wounds) special rule with this weapon.

Stony Stare

Where the creature’s gaze falls, its enemies turn painfully to stone.

At the start of each Combat phase, enemy models in base contact with this model must make an Initiative test. If this test is failed, they suffer D3 Strength 2 hits, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Venomous Tail

R S AP Special Rules
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First

Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Wicked Claws

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

Wicked Claws

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

Wilful Beast

Some monsters can never truly be tamed by a rider and, during the heat of battle, can be prone to giving in to their wild and frenzied nature.

During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of their turns, this model must make a Leadership test (using its own unmodified Leadership). If this test is passed, the rider is able to keep control of their mount. If, however, this test is failed, the rider has lost control and their mount becomes subject to the Frenzy special rule until their next Start of Turn sub-phase.

Note that the rider does not gain a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic.


This character, their mount and any unit they have joined cannot lose the Frenzy special rule.

Writhing Tentacles

R S AP Special Rules
Writhing tentacles Combat S -2 Poisoned Attacks