Regole speciali


Altar of the Horned Rat

This model and any unit it joins has Stubborn.

Attached Unit

A Weapon Team must be deployed at the same time and within 3" of the unit it was bought with. After this the Weapon Team is free to move and counts as a normal unit for all purposes. In addition, they follow the "Look Out Sir!" rules for Shooting at Lone Characters.


Any unit joined by Spinetail may re-roll To Wounds of 1 in close combat.

Aura of Pestilence

Any models in base contact with Lord Skrolk suffer -1 on all of their To Hit rolls. All Clan Pestilens models are immune to such effects.


Master Moulders and Master Mutators may join units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres and act as
their handlers following Mixed Units, or be deployed in the front rank if they wish. All friendly Clan Moulder units within 6" of a Master Moulder or 12" of a Master Mutator roll 3D6 for all
LD tests and discard the highest dice.

Billowing Death

Billowing Death follows the rules for Breath Weapons, but can be used in every turn. All models Hit must pass a T test or suffer a Wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 modifer for this tests.

Blade of Corruption

Spinetail may use his hand weapon in addition to the Blade of Corruption, like any other additional hand weapon.

Note that if Spinetail is included in your army, no other model may be given the Blade of Corruption from Warhammer: Skaven.

Blessing of the Horned Rat

Thanquol has Ward Save (4+). For every wound Thanquol saves, one friendly model within 6" (owning player's choice) takes a wound instead. Normal saves apply. If no friendly model is within 6" the wound fails to deflect anywhere and is ignored.

Bodyguard of Thanquol

Brain Transplant

Ghoritch has Frenzy. If he ever loses his Frenzy, he will become subject to Stupidity for the rest of the game.

Clan Enmity

Units belonging to each of the Greater Clans (Pestilens, Eshin, Moulder, Skryre) may only be joined by characters from the same Clan.


Cornered Rats

If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.

Cornered Rats

If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.


A Verminlord has Unstable and Ward Save (5+). In addition, it can never be the Army General.

Deploying via Tunnel

A unit with an attached Warp. grinder is not deployed at the beginning of the game, but instead uses the following rules:

During deployment, but before Scouts, place a tunnel marker anywhere on the battlefield. The unit will then deploy like Ambushers. When the team emerges, roll a scatter dice and an artillery dice. If you roll a hit on the scatter dice, the marker stays in place; if you roll an arrow, move the marker the number of inches indicated by the artillery dice in the direction shown by the arrow. If the marker is moved off the tabletop, the team and its parent unit are considered lost; treat them as casualties. If you roll misfire, roll on the Warp-grinder Mishap chart.

Once the final position is established, place the Warpgrinder and its parent unit so both can touch the marker. If the marker is under a friendly unit or impassable terrain, place it next to the closest edge of the unit/terrain. They may face in any direction.

If the marker is under an enemy unit when the Warpgrinder and its parent unit emerges, the Warp-grinder and its parent unit are both considered to have charged. Place the attacking Skaven to the front of the enemy unit that is atop the marker.

The Warp-grinder fights in close combat using its crew's I, but not their Attack profile. Instead it uses the Weapon profile.


Armour Piercing (1).


Exceptional Pack

If you include Skweel Gnawtooth in your army, you must also include a unit of Giant Rats that he must join. After deploying Skweel into his unit, roll a D6 and consult the Exceptional Pack Chart to determine the pack's special attributes. The effects are for the entire pack but do not affect Skweel, Packmasters or Master Moulders. Skweel will never leave his special pack and may never join another unit.

Foul Ichor

If a Brood Horror is slain, all units in base contact with the Brood Horror suffer 2D6 S 2 hits, distributed as shooting attacks.

Gas Mask

When a model with a Gas Mask is forced to take a T test from any weapon source in Warhammer: Skaven, they get a +2 bonus for these tests.

Grind Attack

At the beginning of each round of combat in which it did not charge, the Doomwheel inflicts D3+1 Impact Hits.

Hot Warplead

The Ratling Gun crew does not suffer any penalty due to Multiple Shots.

Roll an Artillery Dice to determine number of shots fired. After the first Artillery Dice is rolled, you can now decide whether to stop or to roll an additional Artillery Dice, and repeat the process up to a maximum of 3 Artillery Dice. In case a Misfire is rolled, roll a D6 and consult the Ratling Gun Misfire chart, no further Artillery Dice may be rolled.


Life is Cheap

Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.

Life is Cheap

Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.

Lash Tail

The Brood Horror gains +1 A.

Leprous Form

Morbus causes Fear, even against friendly models.

Loss of Control

At the end of any phase in which a Doomwheel, that is not in close combat or fleeing, takes a wound, the Skaven player must take a Loss of Control test. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered in that phase. On the roll of a 1, the Doomwheel goes immediately Out of Control as detailed in the Doomwheel Misfire chart.


If your army General is a Clan Eshin Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.


If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the Mainstay rule for Giant Rats does not apply.


If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.


If your army General is a Clan Pestilens Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.


You may not have more of any other type of Core Unit than you have units of Clanrats.

Master Controller

Throt has Beastmaster. In addition, unless he already is the Army General, all Clan Moulder units (except Characters) treat him as having the Inspiring Presence ability.

Master of Ruin

Skreech Verminking re-rolls failed casting attempts when attempting to cast Curse of the Horned Rat.

No Pain

Successful To Wound rolls against Veskit must be re-rolled.

Pestilent Breath

The Brood Horror gains a S 2 Breath Weapon which Ignores Armour saves.

Plague Censer

Flail. At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with one or more models bearing a plague censer, as well the Censer Bearers themselves that are allowed to fight this round, must pass a T test or suffer a single wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 bonus for these tests.

Plagueclaw Catapult

Poisoned Wind

Models hit by a Poisoned Wind Mortar must pass a T test or suffer a Wound. Note that Poisoned Wind Mortar crew wear Gas Masks. In case a Misfire is rolled, roll a D6 and consult the Poisoned Wind Mortar Misfire chart.

Poisoned Wind Globes

Rat Hound Bodyguard

A model with a Rat Hound upgrade can make an additional WS 3, S 3, I 3 Attack. However, on a To Hit roll of 1 the Rat Hound will instead inflict an automatic hit on its owner.

Ratling Gun

Armour Piercing (1). Magical Attacks. Multiple Shots. Roll an Artillery Dice to determine number of shots fired. After the first Artillery Dice is rolled, you can now decide whether to stop or to roll an additional Artillery Dice, and repeat the process up to a maximum of 3 Artillery Dice. In case a Misfire is rolled, roll a D6 and consult the Ratling Gun Misfire chart, no further Artillery Dice may be rolled.

Ravening Hunger

At the start of each of his turns, Throt must pass a T test or start to eat one model in base contact of your choosing. This model suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves and does not allow Ward Saves. If this is not possible, Throt will suffer 1 Wound with no saves allowed.

Rodent Genius

Any rolls on the Misfire table for all Clan Skryre units may be re-rolled.

Ruinous Arsenal

Skreech Verminking is armed with two Magic Weapons: a Doom Glaive and a Plaguereaper. At the start of each Close Combat phase, you must declare which weapon he is going to use for that turn.

Rusted Armour

The Brood Horror gains a 5+ armour save.

Scion of Corruption

The Plague Lord has Ward Save (5+). In addition, neither Nurglitch nor any unit he joins will ever suffer wounds from spells cast from the Lore of Plague or Lore of Nurgle. Furthermore, they automatically pass the test for the effects of plague censers.

Scurry Away!

All models in the Skaven army roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result when determining their flee distance.


An Assassin cannot be your army General (this does not apply to Master Assassins). Only Eshin units can use their LD or Inspiring Presence.

Shambling Horror

If two or more 1's or 6's are rolled when the Abomination is making its Random Movement, do not move the Hell Pit Abomination; instead roll immediately on the Berserk Abomination chart.


A model mounted on a Great Pox Rat is treated as an Infantry model for the purpose of 'Look Out, Sir!'.

Skryre Claws

The Brood Horror gains Armour Piercing (1) and Magical Attacks.

Smoke Bombs

One per model only. If a model with Smoke Bombs breaks from combat before declaring to pursue, announce that the Smoke Bombs are being detonated. Any units pursuing this model roll one D6 less than normal this turn.

Special Close Combat Attacks

Abominations do not attack in the same way as other creatures. Roll a D6 on the Close Combat Attacks Chart, when it is the Hell Pit Abomination's turn to attack to see what the mutated beast does.

Spined Tail

If Warlord Spinetail is in base contact with an enemy Infantry Character at the start of any close combat phase, he can attempt to throttle them with his tail. If he does, both you and your opponent roll a D6. If you roll the higher result, the enemy Character suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If your result is at least double your opponent’s, that model suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves instead.

Stay Here, I'll Get Help!

Once per friendly turn, at the start of any phase, Tretch can leave any unit he is with and make move of 2D6" as if it was the Remaining Moves phase.


The models in a unit of Stormfiends can be armed with a variety of different weapons. If they are, your opponent must make it clear which model they want to allocate their attacks to. Any excess wounds are carried over to the rest of the unit as normal in an order chosen by your opponent.

Strength in Numbers

Units with this rule add +1 to its LD if it has Unit Strength 10 or more, +2 LD if it has Unit
Strength 15 or more, and +3 LD if it has Unit Strength 20 or more. To calculate the LD of a unit with Strength in Numbers, first determine the unit's LD as normal and then add the LD
bonus of the unit to this value, up to a maximum LD of 10.

Note that a Skaven General confers his basic LD and then units modify it with their own Unit Strength. Any bonus from the Unit Strength of the General's unit is not passed on to units within his Inspiring Presence range.

Tail Weapon

The model gains +1 A, though this attack does not gain any of the bonuses or penalties of other weapons the model might carry.

The Best Defence

The Doom-flayer has an armour save of 3+ against all models attacking from the front. The Doom-flayer has only a 5+ armour save against attacks from the flank or rear.

The Grim Ague

Any non-Clan Pestilens unit with a model within 6" of Nurglitch is at -1 WS. Furthermore, any such model in base contact with Nurglitch at the end of any close combat phase automatically takes a S 4 hit which Ignores Armour saves, that counts towards combat resolution.

The Passion of the Putrid

Nurglitch and Bilios are subject to Frenzy and Hatred. Such is the inspirational effect Nurglitch has on his army that no Clan Pestilens units will lose their Frenzy whilst Nurglitch is still alive.

The Red Guard

Queek must always be accompanied by his Red Guard, and may join no other unit. The Red Guard are a unit of Stormvermin with an additional +1 S. Queek must deploy with this unit and may not leave it. No Grey Seers may join the unit.

The Yellow Death

If Morbus is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Plague Rats to Yellow Death Rats for +5 points per base. Yellow Death Rats have +1 WS and S.


Polearm/Halberd. A Things-catcher gives the wielder Killing Blow.

Throt the Unclean

As Throt has three arms, he may use both his magic weapons at the same time.

Too Horrible to Die

As soon as the Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 and check the Too Horrible to Die chart. If any of the Hell Pit Abomination's Wounds were lost to Flaming Attacks, the beast is dead and no roll on the chart is allowed.

Tretch's Raiders

Tretch can choose one unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in your army to deploy as Ambushers. If so, Tretch must deploy with this unit. In addition, he and his unit re-roll all failed To Hit rolls when attacking in the flank or rear.

Trophy Heads

Queek must issue or accept a challenge if possible. When fighting in a challenge, Queek adds +1 to both his To Hit and To Wound dice rolls.


A unit that contains a model with Grinderfists, follows the rules for Ambushers. During deployment, but before Scouts are set up, place a tunnel marker anywhere on the battlefield that is not impassable terrain.

When the Stormfiends emerge, roll a scatter dice and an artillery dice. If you roll a hit on the scatter dice, the marker stays in place; if you roll an arrow, move the marker the number of inches indicated by the artillery dice in the direction shown by the arrow. If the marker is moved off the tabletop, the team and its parent unit are considered lost; treat them as casualties. If you roll a misfire, the unit is delayed and you will need to roll the scatter and artillery dice again for them next round.

Once the final position is established, place the Stormfiends so they touch the marker. If the marker is under a friendly unit or impassable terrain, place it next to the closest edge of the unit/terrain. They may face in any direction.

If the marker is under an enemy unit when the Stormfiends emerge, they count as charging. Place the attacking Stormfiends to the front of the enemy unit that is atop the marker.

Unstable Ammunition

Anytime a weapon that uses Unstable Ammunition scores a result of 1 on its roll To Hit, roll another dice. On a following roll of 1 the gun misfires and the firer suffers the hit himself.

Verminous Valour

If a Skaven player refuses a challenge, a Skaven character is placed in the back rank as normal and may not attack, but the unit may still use the model’s LD value or Hold Your Ground ability.


A War-litter should be placed on a 40x40mm base, and adds +4 to the Unit Strength of any model mounted on them.

Warp Fleas

All models in base contact with Morbus suffer a -1 To Hit penalty in close combat.

Warp Lightning Cannon

This is a non-physical attack. In case a Misfire is rolled on the first artillery dice, roll a D6 and consult the Warp Lightning Misfire chart.

The Warp Lightning Cannon fires like the normal cannon, with the following exceptions. A roll of a Misfire on the bounce means that the energy dissipates and no hits at all are suffered. If a number is rolled, centre the small round template where the shot first lands before the bounce, to represent the crackling and exploding ball of energy. The shot then bounces like a normal cannon ball.

All models touched by the template or the bounce suffer a hit at a S equal to the result on the Artillery Dice for the bounce roll. Note that only the model under the centre of the template and the bounce itself suffers Multiple Wounds.

The Warp Lightning Cannon cannot fire grapeshot.


Polearm. Warp-Blades give the bearer +1 to cast the Warp Lightning spell from the Lore of Ruin.


Impact Hits (D3). Magical Attacks.

Warpfire Braziers

Warpfire Thrower

Boneripper may fire one Warpfire Thrower each turn, while Boneripper Mk II can fire two Warpfire Throwers each turn. These attacks are completely resolved one at a time, and may be directed at different targets if desired. Because Boneripper Mk II has four Warpfire Throwers, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound with them.

Warplock Pistol

Pistol. Quick to Fire. Armour Piercing (1). Magical Attacks. Unstable Ammunition.


Handgun. Magical Attacks. Unstable Ammunition.

Warpstone Addiction

When casting a spell, if Thanquol rolls a 1 with any power dice generated by a Warpstone Token, he can re-roll the dice. The second result will cause a wound on a roll of 1 or a 2.

Warpstone Mutants

If Klawmunkast is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Skavenslaves to Warpstone Mutants for +2 points per model. Warpstone Mutants have +1 S and A.

Warpstone Stars

Throwing weapons. Warpstone Stars are resolved with Multiple Shots (3), Armour Piercing (1), Magical Attacks and Multiple Wounds (D3).

Warpstone Tokens

A Wizard may choose to eat some warpstone to boost his powers. The number of tokens they have is mentioned in the brackets. Before casting a spell announce which model is eating Warpstone Tokens. Each token can only be used once. For each token consumed, a Wizard can add an additional power dice to his casting attempt. This does allow users to roll more dice than is normally allowed by their level. A spell may be cast entirely with Warpstone Tokens if you wish. However, for every Warpstone generated dice that rolls a 1 the Wizard suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.

Weeping Blades

Two/Additional Hand Weapons. All attacks made by Weeping Blades have Poisoned Attacks, Magical Attacks, Armour Piercing (1) and Multiple Wounds (D3).


A whip gives the wielder +1 A and Fight in Extra Ranks (2). In addition, they may make supporting attacks equal to their A characteristic.

Whirling Death

Instead of attacking normally, the Doom-flayer causes one artillery dice worth of Impact Hits at the start of each close combat phase. On a roll of misfire consult the Doom-flayer Mishap Chart.

Wrecker Attack

The Plague Furnace may inflict special attack after all other attacks have been resolved, inflicting an Artillery dice's worth of Hits against a single enemy unit to their front. A roll of Misfire means something has gone wrong; roll a D6 on the Plague Furnace Mishap chart.


In each friendly Shooting phase, even when engaged in close combat or when fleeing, the Doomwheel automatically unleashes bolts of warp lightning.

Each warp lightning bolt will automatically hit the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of line of sight and direction.

The Warlock Engineer may choose to take a LD test in an attempt to stop the Doomwheel from firing. If the test is failed, the machine fires as normal.

Roll an Artillery dice to determine the S for the bolts, measuring from the Doomwheel's base. If the closest unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit is struck.

If you roll a misfire result something has gone awry. No more shots are fired this turn and you must roll immediately on the Doomwheel Mishap chart.