Tomb Kings (Revision-29)

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Reawakening of Ancient Might Is cast on the Khemric Titan itself. When successfully cast, it restores one Wound previously suffered during the battle.
Mf 3+ Instant
Is cast on the Khemric Titan itself. When successfully cast, it restores one Wound previously suffered during the battle.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
The Gaze of Dust Causes a S 6 Hit which penetrates ranks in the same way as a Bolt Thrower.
Mf 5+ 24" Instant
Causes a S 6 Hit which penetrates ranks in the same way as a Bolt Thrower.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Wrath of the Sands The target suffer -2 To Hit when shooting and -1 to their charge distance rolls until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
Mf 3+ 24" Instant
The target suffer -2 To Hit when shooting and -1 to their charge distance rolls until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Usekhp's Incantation of Desiccation The target unit has -1/D3 S and -1/D3 T (to a minimum of 1) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
Mf 11+/22+ 24" Instant
The target unit has -1/D3 S and -1/D3 T (to a minimum of 1) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Usirian's Incantation of Vengeance The target unit suffers -D3 to its Movement (to a minimum of 1) and treats all terrain (even open ground) as Dangerous Terrain, testing every time it moves (including when charging, fleeing, pursuing, moving compulsorily, etc.) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
Mf 10+/13+ 18"/36" Instant
The target unit suffers -D3 to its Movement (to a minimum of 1) and treats all terrain (even open ground) as Dangerous Terrain, testing every time it moves (including when charging, fleeing, pursuing, moving compulsorily, etc.) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Sakhmet's Incantation of the Skullstorm Remains in play. Sakhmet's Incantation of the Skullstorm uses the small/large round template. Once the template is placed, the player nominates the direction in which the Skullstorm will move. To determine how many inches the template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by the caster's Wizard level. If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster instead; the template moves a number of inches equal to the caster's Wizard level, in a random direction (if you roll a hit, the template remains where it is). Any model under, or passed over by, the template suffers a single S 5 hit. In subsequent turns, the Skullstorm travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal to the roll of an artillery dice (if a misfire is rolled, the Skullstorm dissipates and is removed).
Mf 15+/25+ Instant
Remains in play. Sakhmet's Incantation of the Skullstorm uses the small/large round template. Once the template is placed, the player nominates the direction in which the Skullstorm will move. To determine how many inches the template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by the caster's Wizard level. If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster instead; the template moves a number of inches equal to the caster's Wizard level, in a random direction (if you roll a hit, the template remains where it is). Any model under, or passed over by, the template suffers a single S 5 hit. In subsequent turns, the Skullstorm travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal to the roll of an artillery dice (if a misfire is rolled, the Skullstorm dissipates and is removed).

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Ptra's Incantation of Righteous Smiting All models in the target unit gain +1 A (including mounts) and Multiple Shots (2) (excluding war machines) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, a. If they already have Multiple Shots, they may instead fire an additional shot.
Mf 9+/12+ 18"/36" Instant
All models in the target unit gain +1 A (including mounts) and Multiple Shots (2) (excluding war machines) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, a. If they already have Multiple Shots, they may instead fire an additional shot.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
The Restless Dead Each time a Wizard successfully casts an augment spell from the Lore of Nehekhara at a friendly, Undead unit, the target(s) of the spell immediately recovers D6+1 Wounds' worth of models, as described in Resurrecting Fallen Warriors. Ch, MI, MC, MB can only recover D3 Wounds, and Mo can only recover a single lost Wound in this way per spell.
Mf - Instant
Each time a Wizard successfully casts an augment spell from the Lore of Nehekhara at a friendly, Undead unit, the target(s) of the spell immediately recovers D6+1 Wounds' worth of models, as described in Resurrecting Fallen Warriors. Ch, MI, MC, MB can only recover D3 Wounds, and Mo can only recover a single lost Wound in this way per spell.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Neru's Incantation of Protection The target unit gains a Ward save (5+) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
Mf 9+/12+ 18"/36" Instant
The target unit gains a Ward save (5+) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Khsar's Incantation of the Desert Wind Targets a friendly Undead unit. If unengaged, the target can immediately make a normal move (but not march or reform) as if it were the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Boosted version targets all friendly Undead units within range. No unit can be moved by Khsar's Incantation of the Desert Wind more than once per turn (though they still benefit from the Restless Dead Lore Attribute).
Mf 5+/10+ 24"/12" Instant
Targets a friendly Undead unit. If unengaged, the target can immediately make a normal move (but not march or reform) as if it were the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Boosted version targets all friendly Undead units within range. No unit can be moved by Khsar's Incantation of the Desert Wind more than once per turn (though they still benefit from the Restless Dead Lore Attribute).

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Djaf's Incantation of Cursed Blades The target unit's close combat Attacks gain Killing Blow until the start of your next Magic phase. If the target unit's Attacks already have Killing Blow or Heroic Killing Blow, these will take effect on any To Wound rolls of a 5 or 6 whilst this spell is in play.
Mf 7+/10+ 18"/36" Instant
The target unit's close combat Attacks gain Killing Blow until the start of your next Magic phase. If the target unit's Attacks already have Killing Blow or Heroic Killing Blow, these will take effect on any To Wound rolls of a 5 or 6 whilst this spell is in play.

Racial Trait Spell

getto Gamma Tipo Durata Effetto
Light of Death The Casket of Souls can use this spell as long as the Keeper of the Casket model is alive, and the Casket of Souls has not moved this turn. The target unit must take a LD test on 3D6, adding the results together. If the test is passed, nothing happens. Otherwise, for each point the unit failed the test by, it suffers an automatic Wound which Ignores Armour saves, distributed as for shooting attacks.

Once the LD test has been resolved, roll a D6: on a 3 or more, choose another unengaged enemy unit within Line of Sight and 6" of the initial target, which must also suffer the effects of the Light of Death spell. Keep rolling for further victims (each within Line of Sight and 6" of the last target struck), until the roll is failed or there are no more viable targets. A unit can only be the target of Light of Death once per Magic phase.
Mf 5+ 48" Instant
The Casket of Souls can use this spell as long as the Keeper of the Casket model is alive, and the Casket of Souls has not moved this turn. The target unit must take a LD test on 3D6, adding the results together. If the test is passed, nothing happens. Otherwise, for each point the unit failed the test by, it suffers an automatic Wound which Ignores Armour saves, distributed as for shooting attacks.

Once the LD test has been resolved, roll a D6: on a 3 or more, choose another unengaged enemy unit within Line of Sight and 6" of the initial target, which must also suffer the effects of the Light of Death spell. Keep rolling for further victims (each within Line of Sight and 6" of the last target struck), until the roll is failed or there are no more viable targets. A unit can only be the target of Light of Death once per Magic phase.

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