Regole speciali



A Beastmaster may only join units of War Wolves, Ice Wolves or Snow Trolls, following the rules for Mixed Units. All War Wolves, Ice Wolves or Snow Trolls joined by a Beastmaster gain Devastating Charge. However, a Beastmaster may never be your Army General.

Bitter Cruelty

When the Cursed Ettin charged an enemy unit in the flank or rear, the bonus to its combat resolution is doubled.

Blood Rage

Whenever a model with this rule makes a successful charge (including Counter-Charge, Pursuit and Overrun), they are subject to Frenzy in the following round of close combat.


Flóki 'Lostson' and any unit he joined may re-roll Psychology tests.


A unit where the majority of the models have this rule can declare to use Counter-Charge as a charge reaction (including Frenzied units) if they are charged to the front by an enemy that is more than its M value away from the Norse unit.

Before the enemy roll their charge distance, the Norse unit must take a LD test. If failed, treat the charge reaction as a Hold. If passed, the Norse unit moves 2D3" forwards using Random Movement, but stopping within 1" of any enemy unit. They may also use any Quick to Fire weapons they might have before they move.

The enemy unit then rolls their charge distance and complete the charge as normal. If the charge is successful, then both units will count as charging in the ensuing combat phase.

Deep Bond

Jora and Bjorn must always be in the same unit if they join one. As long as both Jora and Bjorn are alive, they have Immunity (Psychology). Roll a D6 for each Hit Jora suffers, on a 4+, Bjorn steps in to protect her; resolve the Hit against him instead. If Jora is slain, Bjorn becomes Frenzied and Unbreakable. If Bjorn is slain, then Jora becomes Unbreakable and Hates the unit that killed him.


Sigrun, and any unit of Shieldmaidens that she joins, has Stubborn.


The Ravenswyrd may never be the army's General, and he cannot ever join any unit.

Frost Breath

Instead of attacking normally, the whole unit can choose to breathe ice on the enemy. Each model inflicts one automatic S 4 hit with Ignores Armour Saves and Ice Attacks, distributed as hits from shooting.


All enemy units within 8" of the Cursed Ettin suffer -1 to their LD. This has no effect on models with Immunity (Psychology).

Hammer Hand

The Hammer Hand is an additional Attack that is resolved at S 8 with Heroic Killing Blow.

Hymns of Malice

If Sturmjarl is in a unit with Blood Rage, then the unit is subject to Hatred.

Ice Breath

Ice Breath is a Breath Weapon Attack. Hits are resolved at S 4 with Ignores Armour saves and Ice Attacks. Any hits are distributed as hits from shooting.

Invocation of Thunder

Once per game, at the beginning of any of your turns, Erik may call upon the Invocation of Thunder. The effects of the Invocation last until the start of the next Norse turn. All missile fire during this time suffers -1 to hit. One enemy unit of your choice suffers D6 S 4 hits which Ignores Armour saves.

King of the Wolfkin

If Fenrir is your Army General, Ulfwerenar count as Core Units instead of Special Units. In addition, all friendly units of Ulfwerenar and Skin Wolves within 12" of Fenrir may re-roll their charge distance results (including Counter-Charges).

Knitting Flesh

The Werebeast gains Regeneration (4+).

Mammoth Attacks

When the War Mammoth attacks, roll on the appropriate table to determine its action. If no suitable target is in base contact, roll again on the chart until you get another result.

Man Scyther

The Cursed Ettin loses Hammer Hand but gains Impact Hits (D6+1) and +1 A.

Messenger of the Gods

A Valkyrie counts as having Inspiring Presence with a range of 6".

Raging Beast

For the purposes of calculating combat result bonuses, a Werebeast counts as having no flanks or rear.

Rune Caller

The Cursed Ettin loses Hammer Hand but becomes a Level 1 Wizard that uses spell from the Lore of Beasts, Shadows or Death. Should the Cursed Ettin miscast, their personality will automatically shift (with no LD test required).

Rune-etched Tongue

Any Skal song sung by Bragi affects all friendly units within 8" of him, rather than just his unit.

Scaled Horror

The Cursed Ettin gains Natural Armour (4+). In addition, whenever it suffers an unsaved Wound in close combat, the unit which inflicted the wound suffer D6 S 2 Hits with Poisoned Attacks.

Scaly Hide

The Werebeast gains Natural Armour (5+).

Shield Bash

For every successful Parry save made by Sigrun, she immediately gets to make an additional Attack back against the model that struck the blow. This attack does not benefit from the effects of her weapon.

Shield Parry

Shieldmaidens may re-roll failed Parry saves.


All models with this rule gain an additional +1 to their armour save against missile attacks to their front and sides from their shields.


A Skald counts as a Musician, and may not be the army's General. At the start of the Norse turn, the Skald may choose one of the songs or tales to tell his unit. Each song can only be sung once per battle by the same Skald, and any unit can only be affected by it once per battle, and only one per turn. Each effect lasts until the start of the next Norse turn.

Snarling Fangs

The Werebeast gains Multiple Wounds (D3).

Steel-hard Claws

The Werebeast gains Armour Piercing (1).

Styrmir Rimefrost

Styrmir may never be the army's General. If Styrmir is included in your army, you may take 1-2 Frost Giants as a single Rare choice.

The Ravens

Each of the two Ravens gives the Ravenswyrd an additional Attack that is resolved at WS 3 and S 3. These attacks do not benefit from any bonuses or Magic Weapons.

If the Ravenswyrd is wounded, roll a D6 for each wound suffered. On a 2+, the Ravenswyrd may ignore the wound and reduce his S, T or A by 1 instead. On a 1, one of his Ravens are slain instead. If both Ravens are killed then the Ravenswyrd will also die and is removed from the table.

In addition, roll a D6 at beginning of the Norse turn. On a roll of a 6 the Ravenswyrd may increase his S, T or A by 1. This increase may not take it above the Ravenwyrd's starting characteristics.

Tormented Mind

At the start of each of your turns, Fenrir must take a LD test. If passed, Fenrir retains control over his mind and acts as normal this turn. If failed, he will automatically fail any Berserk Rage test he is required to make this turn, but he may also re-roll all failed rolls To Hit in close combat.


Choose which personality of the Cursed Ettin to be in control at the start of the game. At the end of any phase in which the Cursed Ettin has suffered a Wound, it must take a LD test. If passed, the Cursed Ettin retains its current personality, if failed the other takes over.

The effects of the two separate heads are:

The Betrayer: The Cursed Ettin has Hatred and Bitter Cruelty.

The Savage: The Cursed Ettin has +1 S, -1 WS, -1 LD, Frenzy.

Warhird of Skeggi

If your army contains Flóki 'Lostson', you may upgrade one unit Norse Horsemen to Norse Cold One Riders, gaining Fear, Natural Armour (6+) and Stupidity. This unit counts as a Special Choice.