Elfi Silvani

Elfi Silvani

Correspondence of translations with another language

Rules and Equipments used by the army

Arco lungo
Armatura leggera
Light Armour
Armour Piercing (1)
Armour Piercing (1)
Armour Piercing(1)
Armour Piercing(1)
Attacchi magici
Magical Attacks
Attacco distruttivo
Crush Attack
Bodyguard (Forest Prince, Chieftain)
Bodyguard (Forest Prince, Chieftain)
Bodyguard (Thicket Shepherd)
Bodyguard (Thicket Shepherd)
Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)
Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)
Camminatore di foresta (Solo pilota)
Forest Walker (Rider only)
Carica devastante
Devastating Charge
Carica devastante (Solo cavaliere)
Devastating Charge (Rider only)
Danze di Cenyrn
Dances of Cenyrn
Difesa innata (4+)
Innate Defence (4+)
Difesa innata (4+)
Innate Defence (4+)
Difesa innata (5+)
Innate Defence (5+)
Spronare le fronde
Emboldening Boughs
Fast Cavalry
Fast Cavalry
Volo (7)
Fly (7)
Volo (9)
Fly (9)
Viandante della foresta
Forest Walker
Grande arma
Great Weapon
Hatred (if joined by a Dryad Matriarch)
Hatred (if joined by a Dryad Matriarch)
Immune to Psychology
Immune to Psychology
Radici dell'impalamento
Impaling Roots
Innate defence (3+)
Innate defence (3+)
Lame silvane
Sylvan Blades
Lancia leggera
Light Lance
Lancia silvana
Sylvan Lance
Truppe leggere
Light Troops
Riflessi fulminei
Lightning Reflexes
Riflessi fulminei (Solo cavaliere)
Lightning Reflexes (Rider only)
Maestro arciere
Master Archer
Resistenza alla magia (1)
Magic Resistance (1)
Resistenza alla magia (2)
Magic Resistance (2)
Mount’s Protection (6+)
Mount’s Protection (6+)
Multiple Shots (Attacks on profile)
Multiple Shots (Attacks on profile)
Non un capo
Not A Leader
Poisoned Attacks (Rider only)
Poisoned Attacks (Rider only)
Spina avvelenata
Poisoned Thorn
Viaggiatore (Foresta)
Strider (Forest)
Strider (Forest) Unicorn
Strider (Forest) Unicorn
Strider (Forest),
Strider (Forest),
Ward Save ( 4+ )
Ward Save ( 4+ )
Ward Save (4+)
Ward Save (4+)
Ward Save (6+)
Ward Save (6+)
Wizard Conclave (Luminous Bolts, Curse of the Wild Wood)
Wizard Conclave (Luminous Bolts, Curse of the Wild Wood)

Magic Items usable by the army

Armour of Destiny
Armour of Destiny
Armour of Fortune
Armour of Fortune
Axe of Battle
Axe of Battle
Backlash Scroll
Backlash Scroll
Beast-Bane Halberd
Beast-Bane Halberd
Pergamena vincolante
Binding Scroll
Blade of Strife
Blade of Strife
Blessed Sword
Blessed Sword
Bluffer's Helm - cannot be taken by Large Targets
Bluffer's Helm - cannot be taken by Large Targets
Libro del potere arcano (Heroe)
Book of Arcane Power (Heroes)
Libro del potere arcano (Signore)
Book of Arcane Power (Lords)
Bow of Wyscan
Bow of Wyscan
Bronze Breastplate
Bronze Breastplate
Charm of Cursed Iron
Charm of Cursed Iron
Colpo di grandine
Hail Shot
Crown of Scorn
Crown of Scorn
Sfera di cristallo
Crystal Ball
Dispel Scroll
Dispel Scroll
Divine Icon
Divine Icon
Dragon Mantle - models on foot only
Dragon Mantle - models on foot only
Gemma draconica
Dragonfire Gem
Dragonscale Helm
Dragonscale Helm
Drums of Cenyrn - Blade Dancer kindred only
Drums of Cenyrn - Blade Dancer kindred only
Dusk Stone
Dusk Stone
Essenza di una mente libera (Heroe)
Essence of a Free Mind (Heroes)
Essenza di una mente libera (Signore)
Essence of a Free Mind (Lords)
Fencer's Swords - models on foot only
Fencer's Swords - models on foot only
Fire Blight Pendant
Fire Blight Pendant
Flaming Lance
Flaming Lance
Flying Carpet - models on foot only (Heroes)
Flying Carpet - models on foot only (Heroes)
Flying Carpet - models on foot only (Lords)
Flying Carpet - models on foot only (Lords)
Force Shield
Force Shield
Gambler's Armour
Gambler's Armour
Gem of Fortune
Gem of Fortune
Gemstone Amulet
Gemstone Amulet
Giant Sword (Heroes)
Giant Sword (Heroes)
Giant Sword (Lords)
Giant Sword (Lords)
Glittering Cuirass
Glittering Cuirass
Grounding Rod (Heroes)
Grounding Rod (Heroes)
Grounding Rod (Lords)
Grounding Rod (Lords)
Hardened Shield
Hardened Shield
Helm of the Wild Hunt
Helm of the Wild Hunt
Hero’s Sword (Heroes) - Characters only
Hero’s Sword (Heroes) - Characters only
Hero’s Sword (Lord) - Characters only
Hero’s Sword (Lord) - Characters only
Sterminatrice di re
King Slayer
Monile portafortuna
Lucky Charm
Lucky Shield
Lucky Shield
Mist Walker’s Mirror - Models on foot only.
Mist Walker’s Mirror - Models on foot only.
Mithril Mail - models on foot only (Heroes)
Mithril Mail - models on foot only (Heroes)
Mithril Mail - models on foot only (Lords)
Mithril Mail - models on foot only (Lords)
Obsidian Nullstone
Obsidian Nullstone
Obsidian Pebble
Obsidian Pebble
Pietra d'ossidiana
Obsidian Rock
Obsidian Sword
Obsidian Sword
Ogre Sword
Ogre Sword
Pozione della forza
Potion of Strength
Pozione della rapidit
Potion of Swiftness
Razor Blade
Razor Blade
Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire
Semi consacrati
Sacred Seeds
Sacred Spear of Cadaron (Heroes)
Sacred Spear of Cadaron (Heroes)
Sacred Spear of Cadaron (Lord)
Sacred Spear of Cadaron (Lord)
Sceptre of Dominion
Sceptre of Dominion
Scettro del potere (Heroe)
Sceptre of Power (Heroes)
Scettro del potere (Signore)
Sceptre of Power (Lords)
Screaming Swords
Screaming Swords
Shielding Scroll
Shielding Scroll
Skull Splitter
Skull Splitter
Sprout of Rebirth
Sprout of Rebirth
Sword of Haste
Sword of Haste
Sword of Skill
Sword of Skill
Sword of Strength
Sword of Strength
Talisman of Greater Shielding
Talisman of Greater Shielding
Talismano di protezione
Talisman of Shielding
Talisman of Supreme Shielding
Talisman of Supreme Shielding
Tome of Arcane Lore (Heroes)
Tome of Arcane Lore (Heroes)
Tome of Arcane Lore (Lords)
Tome of Arcane Lore (Lords)
Wand of Stability
Wand of Stability
Whirlwind Blade - Models on foot only (Heroe)
Whirlwind Blade - Models on foot only (Heroe)
Whirlwind Blade - Models on foot only (Lord)
Whirlwind Blade - Models on foot only (Lord)
Wizard's Hood
Wizard's Hood

Magic Standards usable by the army

Icona d'etere
Aether Icon
Amryl’s Banner
Amryl’s Banner
Banner of Courage
Banner of Courage
Insegna della disciplina
Banner of Discipline
Insegna della velocit
Banner of Speed
Stendardo infuocato
Flaming Standard
Gleaming Icon
Gleaming Icon
Holy Icon
Holy Icon
Icon of the Relentless Company
Icon of the Relentless Company
Insegna lacerante
Rending Banner
Stendardo dell'oppressore
Stalker's Standard
War Standard
War Standard

Units od the army

Lame danzanti
Blade Dancers
Fanciulle dei rovi
Briar Maidens
Chieftain - BSB
Chieftain - BSB
Driade matriarca
Dryad Matriarch
Aquila della foresta
Forest Eagle
Guardia della foresta
Forest Guard
Principe della foresta
Forest Prince
Ranger della foresta
Forest Rangers
Cavalieri della brughiera
Heath Riders
High Druid
High Druid
Cavalca falco
Kestrel Knights
Mount : Dragon (One of a Kind)
Mount : Dragon (One of a Kind)
Mount : Elven Horse
Mount : Elven Horse
Mount : Forest Eagle
Mount : Forest Eagle
Mount : Great Elk
Mount : Great Elk
Mount : Unicorn
Mount : Unicorn
Arcieri silvani
Sylvan Archers
Sentinelle silvane
Sylvan Sentinels
Belve della selva
Thicket Beasts
Pastore della selva
Thicket Shepherd
Thicket Shepherd - BSB
Thicket Shepherd - BSB
Antico grandalbero
Treefather Ancient
Treefather Ancient, Avatar of Nature
Treefather Ancient, Avatar of Nature
Cacciatori selvaggi
Wild Huntsmen