À toute vapeur
Règle universelle.
À la fin de l’étape 2 de la Séquence de la Phase de mouvement (directement après avoir rallié les unités en fuite), la Mécanique infernale peut choisir de charger sa chaudière.
Dans ce cas, jusqu’à la fin du Tour de joueur, la Mécanique infernale ne peut pas tirer et gagne Mouvement aléatoire (3D6), avec l’exception qu’elle ne peut pas entrer en contact avec une unité qui n’était pas dans son arc frontal avant le Pivot initial.
Étreinte volcanique
Toutes les attaques de corps à corps des éléments de figurine avec la règle étreinte volcanique suivent les règles Attaques enflammées & Attaques Magique. De plus, au palier d'initiative 0, toute figurine ennemie en contact socle à socle avec au moins Un élément de figurine doté de cette règle subit une touche de Force 4, Pénétration d’armure 0, Attaques enflammées. Les figurines avec la règle étreinte volcanique ne peuvent pas bénéficier de la règle Régénération.
Attiser les flammes
Règle universelle.
Le Despote et tous les éléments de figurine de la même unité sans la règle Harnaché gagnent la règle Haine.
An Eye for an Eye
Attack Attribute.
If joined to a Taurukh Anointed unit, when a R&F model from its unit is removed as a casualty due to Melee Attacks, the bearer:
• Must immediately perform a Close Combat Attack if possible.
• Must reroll failed to-hit rolls until the end of the phase.
Universal Rule.
The model’s unit automatically passes Fear Tests.
Universal Rule.
The model’s unit automatically passes Fear Tests.
L'unité de la figurine réussit automatiquement ses Tests de peur.
Aura de négation
Règle universelle.
Les figurines (amies ou ennemies) portant des Enchantements d’arme en contact avec le socle d’un Lamassu ne peuvent pas utiliser leur enchantement. Un Personnage chevauchant un Lamassu sacré n’est pas affecté́.
Chef poignardeur
Règle universelle.
La figurine gagne la règle Poignardeur (voir Hobgobelins).
Tant que le Général est sur le champ de bataille et non en fuite, un élément de figurine avec la règle Poignardeur en chef peut emprunter la valeur de Discipline du Général.
Règle universelle.
La figurine gagne la règle Attaques empoisonnées et une Paire d’armes.
Elle perd toutes ses armes et armures et ne peut être équipée d’aucune armure et arme autre que sa Paire d’armes.
De plus, la figurine gagne +2″ en valeur de Mouvement simple lorsqu’elle charge le flanc d’une unité ennemie, +4″ en valeur de Mouvement simple lorsqu’elle charge le dos d’une unité ennemie.
Base Plate
Universal Rule.
The maximum range of the model’s Artillery Weapon is increased by 6″ if it is a Naphtha Thrower or Titan Mortar, and by 12″ if it is a Rocket Battery.
Bénédiction de Nezibkesh
Protection individuelle
Les Attaques de mêlée provenant d’Attaques spéciales portées contre une figurine avec Bénédiction de Nezibkesh voient leur Force divisée par deux (arrondie au supérieur) et leur Pénétration d’armure réduite de 2.
Né pour la baston
Attribut d’attaque – Corps à corps.
Les Attaques de corps à corps de l’élément de figurine gagnent +1 en Force et +1 en Pénétration d’armure durant une Manche de combat si :
• c’est la première Manche du combat ; ou si
• l’unité de l’élément de figurine est Indomptable au début de la Manche de combat.
Bound or Broken
The model cannot take any Special Items from this Army Book and cannot cast Curse of Nezibkesh (Hereditary Spell).
In addition, if the model’s unit is within 6″ of a friendly non-Fleeing model with Infernal Brand, the model:
• Gains Battle Focus.
• Must reroll failed Charge Range rolls in the Charge Phase.
Calibre Supérieur
Règle universelle.
Les portées minimales et maximales de l’Arme d’artillerie de la figurine sont doublées. Les unités ennemies touchées par l’arme subissent un malus de −1″ en valeur de Mouvement simple et −2″ en valeur de Marche forcée (jusqu’à un minimum respectivement de 3″ et 6″) jusqu’au début du prochain Tour de joueur allié.
Châssis à vapeur
Règle universelle.
La figurine peut faire une Marche forcée et utiliser ses Attaques de tir. La figurine ne peut pas volontairement choisir de Fuir en réaction à une charge. Doit prendre l’une de ces options d’Armes d’artillerie :
Élu d’Ashuruk
La figurine réussit automatiquement ses tests de Peur mais souffre tout de même du malus de -1 en Discipline. Elle considère toutes les unités sans cette règle comme ayant la règle Insignifiant. De plus, la figurine (à l’exception des éléments de _figurines avec la règle harnaché) gagne la règle Ardeur guerrière, qu’elle ne peut pas utiliser durant la première Manche de combat. Les personnages sans cette règle ne peuvent pas rejoindre une unité avec Elu d'Ashuruk.
Cluster Munitions
If the attack scores one or more hits against an enemy unit, the next closest unengaged enemy unit within 6″ of the original target immediately suffers D3+1 hits with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 1. If there is more than one eligible unit, the Active Player chooses which is hit. These hits are considered Special Attacks and aren’t affected by Cluster Munitions.
Rage dessiccante
Attribut d’attaque – Corps à corps
Les Attaques de corps à corps de la figurine gagnent Attaques divines lorsqu’elles sont allouées à une figurine avec Ægide (2+, contre les Attaques enflammées).
À chaque fois que la figurine rate un Test de frénésie, elle gagne +1 en valeur d’Attaque pour le reste de la partie.
Contract Driven
Universal Rule.
Failed Charge Range rolls of the model in the Charge Phase must be rerolled.
Contract Driven
Universal Rule.
Failed Charge Range rolls of the model in the Charge Phase must be rerolled.
Cour de Lugar
Règle universelle.
La figurine ne peut rejoindre que les unités de Disciples de Lugar. Lorsqu’il intègre une unité́ de Disciples, il gagne la règle Capture. Si le deuxième objectif est une Capture des drapeaux est joué, la figurine gagne Capture (peu importe s’il rejoint une unité́ de Disciples de Lugar ou non).
Universal Rule.
The model may only declare Hold as voluntary Charge Reaction.
Fureur démoniaque
Règle universelle.
Au début de chaque Tour de joueur allié, la figurine doit passer un Test de discipline. En cas d’échec, elle gagne la règle Mouvement aléatoire (3D6) jusqu’à la _in du Tour de joueur. Elle ne peut pas choisir librement sa direction mais doit avancer vers l’unité́ ennemie la plus proche au cours de la Phase de mouvement. Si le pivot initial est bloqué́, la figurine pivote au maximum vers l’ennemi le plus proche et ne bouge pas plus loin
Transfusion démoniaque
Attaque et Arme, corps à corps et Tir.
L’élément de figurine gagne la règle Attaques magiques, et tous les Tests de panique causes à des unités ennemies en ayant infligé au moins 25% de pertes sont effectués avec un malus de -1 en Discipline.
Enslaved Porters
Universal Rule.
Shackled Slaves do not cause Panic Tests in other friendly units. At start of the First Game Turn and at the start of each friendly Player Turn, if the Shackled Slaves unit is not Fleeing, Shaken, or Engaged, choose a single friendly Standard Height unit with more than half of its models with Infernal Brand within 6″:
• If the Shackled Slaves unit is equipped with Shields, the chosen unit gains Soft Cover.
• If the Shackled Slaves unit is equipped with Paired Weapons, the chosen unit must reroll natural to hit rolls of ‘1’ with its Close Combat Attacks.
The effects last until the start of the next friendly Player Turn.
Esclave ogre
Règle universelle.
Les résultats de (3-4) sur la table d’Incident de tir comptent comme un (5+).
Options : Peut prendre Démon asservi (perd l’Esclave ogre) 90pts
Règle universelle.
À la fin d’une phase, s’il n’y a plus de figurine alliée avec la règle Élu d’Ashuruk ou Opportuniste sur le champ de bataille, retirez immédiatement toutes vos figurines d’Esclaves orques comme pertes.
Au début d’un Tour de joueur allié, s’il n’y a pas d'unité alliée avec la règle Élu d’Ashuruk ou Opportuniste dans les 6″ ou moins d’une unité d’Esclaves orques non engagée au combat et non en fuite, lancez 1D6, sur un résultat de :
1-2 : L’unité d’Esclaves orques fuit immédiatement vers le bord de table le plus proche.
3-4 : L’unité d’Esclaves orques est Ébranlée jusqu’à la fin du Tour de joueur.
5-6 : Pas d’effet.
Ether Cloud
If the attack scores one or more hits, the target and all enemy War Machines within 6″ of the target lose Channel and suffer −1 to hit until the start of the next friendly Shooting Phase. Being affected by more than one instance of Ether Cloud does not stack.
Fires of Industry
The sum of the Fires of Industry values stated in brackets of all models in the army is restricted to 1 per 750 Army Points, rounding fractions up.
Firing Platform
Universal Rule.
The model can use Special Attacks only against enemy units Engaged in the model’s Front Facing. All models in the same unit as the model are considered to be in Soft Cover. In addition, they may choose to draw Line of Sight as if they were Gigantic and from any point of the Infernal Bastion’s Front Facing when shooting or casting spells. If so, as long as the unit has at least one Full Rank:
• A maximum of 20 models can shoot. These models can shoot regardless of the rank they are positioned in.
• Measure their range from the Infernal Bastion.
Firing Platform
The model can use Crush Attacks only against enemy units Engaged in the model’s Front Facing. All models in the same unit as the model are considered to be in Soft Cover. In addition, they may choose to draw Line of Sight as if they were Gigantic and from any point of the Infernal Bastion’s Front Facing when shooting or casting spells. If so, as long as the unit has at least one Full Rank:
• A maximum of 20 models can shoot. These models can shoot regardless of the rank they are positioned in.
• Measure their range from the Infernal Bastion.
First Amongst Inferiors
Universal Rule.
The model is a Champion that loses First Amongst Equals and that has the same Model Rules as the other R&F models in its unit. For the purpose of receiving Commanding Presence and Rally Around the Flag from friendly models, as well as for benefiting from Vassal Governor from friendly models, the model counts as 6″ closer to those models.
Cette arme a deux modes de tir :
– Arme d’artillerie de type Lance-flammes.
Portée 12″, Tir 1, Fo 4{5}, PA 1{2}, Attaques enflammées, {Blessures multiples (1D3)}.
– Arme d’artillerie de type Lance-flammes.
Portée 18″, Tir 1, Fo 0, PA 0.
Toutes les figurines dans une unité touchée par cette arme gagnent la règle Inflammable jusqu'à la fin du Tour de joueur suivant ou jusqu’à ce qu’une ou plusieurs figurines soient blessées (incluant les relances pour blesser) par une Attaque enflammée (selon lequel de ces événements arrive en premier).
Forced Compliance
Universal Rule.
The unit may set its Discipline to the value of a non-Fleeing friendly model with Infernal Brand within 6″. At the start of each friendly Player Turn, each unengaged non-Fleeing unit with one or more models with Forced Compliance must take a Discipline Test:
• If the test is failed, all models in the unit become Shaken until the end of the Player Turn.
• If the test is passed, the unit may immediately, if it has at least one Full Rank, receive an order from a single friendly unit with Infernal Brand within 6″, and apply one of the following effects:
– Ammo-Bearers: Shooting Attacks made with a Blunderbuss, Flintlock Axe, or Pistol from the unit which gave the order gain Battle Focus. For every natural to-hit roll of ‘1’ with Shooting Attacks from the unit that gave the order, the unit with Forced Compliance suffers 1 hit with Armour Penetration 10 that wounds automatically, with no saves of any kind allowed.
– Sacrificial Wretches: Any Health Point loss caused by Dangerous Terrain Tests on the unit that gave the order is ignored. Instead, for each ignored Health Point loss, the unit with Forced Compliance suffers 1 hit with Armour Penetration 10 that wounds automatically, with no saves of any kind allowed.
The effects last until the end of the Player Turn.
Full Steam Ahead!
Universal Rule.
The model may only perform a single Pivot or Wheel during a March Move. If the model is Charging, it must Pursue or Overrun if possible. If the model is not Charging, it always passes Restrain Pursuit Tests and its Pursuit Distance is always 0″.
Furnace Breach
Universal Rule.
Instead of rolling on the Misfire Table as normal, apply the following Misfire Effects:
• 2 or less: The model may not shoot its Artillery Weapon until the end of the game. In addition, the model’s Grind Attacks become Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
• 3+: The model loses 1 Health Point with no saves of any kind allowed.
Géant voit, géant fait
Règle universelle.
La figurine gagne Élu d’Ashuruk .
Place one Incendiary marker for each instance of Incendiary next to the unit. A unit with one or more Incendiary markers gains Flammable. Remove one Incendiary marker:
• Immediately when the unit suffers one or more wounds (before saves are performed) from Ranged Attacks that are Flaming Attacks.
• At the end of a Round of Combat in which the unit suffers one or more wounds (before saves are performed) from Melee Attacks that are Flaming Attacks.
A Character leaving a unit affected by Incendiary is no longer affected, unless the Character was a single model unit when it gained Incendiary. In that case, the Character keeps those Incendiary markers.
Infernal Brand
The model gains Commanding Presence with the following restrictions: it has a range of 6″ and can only benefit Insignificant models. In addition, Standard Height units with more than half of their models with Infernal Brand double their number of Full Ranks for the purpose of Steadfast in the First Round of Combat unless Charging.
Kadim Blessed
The attacks become Flaming Attacks and gain +1 Strength, and +1 Armour Penetration (including any values in brackets).
Kadim Manifestation
Close Combat, Shooting
The attacks become Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks. Close Combat Attacks and Shooting Attacks with Kadim Manifestation that become Flaming Attacks from more than one source, including other instances of Kadim Manifestation, also become Divine Attacks.
Keys to the Citadel
Universal Rule.
The model must buy Weapon Enchantments for two of its mundane weapons.
Let Them Come
Universal Rule.
If the model has not performed a March Move during this Player Turn, it may shoot from the third rank (in addition to the first and second).
Universal Rule.
The model gains Feigned Flight, Hard Target (1), Light Troops, and Skirmisher and loses Scoring.
Magma Tunnelling
Universal Rule.
During the Charge Phase, the model ignores other units and Terrain when moving and automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests caused by Terrain.
Oil Kegs
Universal Rule.
The model loses Infernal Brand and Infernal Armour and gains Flammable, Insignificant, and Throwing Weapons (4+). Any unit that suffers one or more hits from the model’s Shooting Attacks gains 1 Incendiary marker.
Oil Kegs
Universal Rule.
The model loses Infernal Brand and Infernal Armour and gains Light Armour, Oil Flasks, Flammable, Insignificant, and Throwing Weapons (4+) with Shots 4.
Oil Skins
Close Combat, Shooting
Model parts with this rule may:
• Immediately before performing a Melee Attack, set the Strength of their attacks to 1 until the end of the Round of Combat.
• If they haven’t performed a March Move during the Player Turn, immediately before performing a Shooting Attack, set the Strength of their attacks to 1 and reduce the range of their Shooting Attacks by −6″ until the end of the phase.
If so, all model parts with Oil Skins in the unit must do so. If one or more of these attacks hit, after resolving these attacks, the target unit gains:
• One Incendiary marker if the attacking unit has fewer than 3 Full Ranks.
• Two Incendiary markers if the attacking unit has 3 Full Ranks or more
Corps à corps.
L’élément de figurine, s’il est à̀ pied, gagne un bonus de +1 pour toucher lorsqu’il combat sur le flanc ou l’arrière d’une unité́ ennemie, tant que son unité́ n’est pas elle-même en contact avec une unité́ ennemie sur son flanc ou l’arrière.
Opposition Research
Universal Rule.
If an army includes one or more units with Opposition Research, immediately before step 1 of the Deployment Phase Sequence (Determine who deploys first), the owner may choose one of the non-Character units on the opponent’s Army List that can be deployed during the Deployment Phase. This unit loses Scout and Vanguard if it had it, and the opponent must immediately deploy this unit. This is done outside the normal Deployment procedure and is ignored when determining the first deployed unit and the number of deployed units.
Pact of Fire
Universal Rule.
One use only. At the start of the Melee Phase, all models with Pact of Fire in the same unit may gain Fearless, Volcanic Embrace (1), and suffer −1 Armour Penetration and −1 Offensive Skill until the end of the game.
Pact of Fire
Universal Rule.
One use only. At step 2 of the Round of Combat Sequence, all models with Pact of Fire in the same unit may gain Volcanic Embrace (1) and lose Distracting until the end of the game.
Trop lourd
Règle universelle.
La Mécanique infernale ne peut pas déclarer de charge.
Ses Distances de Poursuite et de Charge irrésistible sont toujours de 0″.
Prophet of Ashuruk
Universal Rule.
Regardless of its chosen Path, the model knows Alchemical Fire (Alchemy) and Blaze (Pyromancy).
When successfully casting a spell from:
• Alchemy, the model may cast Blaze (Pyromancy) instead of Alchemical Fire as Attribute Spell.
• Pyromancy, the model may cast Alchemical Fire (Alchemy) instead of Blaze as Attribute Spell.
• Occultism without performing The Sacrifice, the model may cast Alchemical Fire or Blaze as Attribute Spell.
Prophet of Lugar
Universal Rule.
The model gains Aegis (4+) and loses Infernal Armour. The model part gains Volcanic Embrace (1). If on foot,
the model gains Feigned Flight, +1″ Advance Rate, and +3″ March Rate. The model gains access to the options
Prophet of Nezibkesh
Universal Rule.
The model gains Fires of Industry (1) and Engineer (3+) that it can use on a single friendly Gunnery Team, Infernal Artillery, or Infernal Engine within 6″. The model gains access to the options below.
Prophet of Shamut
Universal Rule.
The model gains access to the options below
Riddle of the Lamassu
Universal Rule.
The model is a Wizard Adept that selects 2 spells from Word of Iron (Alchemy), Breath of Corruption (Occultism), Flaming Swords (Pyromancy), Deceptive Glamour (Witchcraft), and Curse of Nezibkesh (Hereditary Spell). This rule overrides the normal Spell Selection rules connected to being a Wizard Adept.
Before Spell Selection (at the start of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence), the opponent must choose Power or Wisdom.
• If they choose Power, the Lamassu gains Channel (1) for the duration of the game.
• If they choose Wisdom, the model knows an additional spell that it selects immediately from the list of spells above.
Rock Crusher
Universal Rule.
The number of the Chassis’ Grind Attacks is increased by +2D3.
Searing Heat
Attack Attribute.
The model’s Grind Attacks from Volcanic Embrace gain +1 to wound. In addition, enemy units suffer −1 Armour while in base contact with the model.
Secrets of Nezibkesh
When the model successfully casts Curse of Nezibkesh (Hereditary Spell), the target immediately gains 1 Incendiary marker.
Secrets of Nezibkesh
When the model successfully casts Curse of Nezibkesh (Hereditary Spell), the target immediately gains 1 Incendiary marker.
Shamut’s Thunder
Special Attack.
If the model’s unit has at least one Full Rank, and there is a model in the rank directly behind it (in the same file), its Impact Hits cause an additional hit. While joined to the unit, Taurukh Commissioners gain Shamut’s Thunder.
The model may never join units or be joined by other Characters
Steel Juggernaut
Universal Rule.
• The model’s base size is changed to 100×150 mm.
• The model gains +1 Health Point.
• The Chassis’ Attack Value and Offensive Skill are set to 3.
• The model’s Defensive Skill is set to 3.
Taurukh Ritual
0–2 Models/Army
The model is subject to the following modifications:
• It gains Cannot be Stomped, Impact Hits (1), and Tall.
• It loses March and Shoot.
• Its Advance Rate is set to 7″, its March Rate is set to 14″.
• Its base size is changed to 25×50 mm.
• Its Type is changed to Beast.
Tower Shield
Personal Protection.
The model gains Soft Cover against attacks from models Located in its Front Arc, and Parry.
Universal Rule.
The model cannot take any Special Items from this Army Book and cannot cast Curse of Nezibkesh (Hereditary Spell). It cannot join units with more than half of their models with Infernal Brand or units of Shackled Slaves.
Vaneb’s Judgement
The attacks become Divine Attacks and their Armour Penetration is set to 0. Armour Save rolls of ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘3’ are always considered failed when saving wounds caused by attacks with Vaneb’s Judgement.
Vassal Governor
Universal Rule.
Friendly units with more than half of their models with Oil Flasks within 12″ of one or more models with Vassal Governor at the start of their March Move gain +2″ March Rate. In addition, the model may join Vassal Levies units. This overrides the corresponding restriction from Insignificant.
Vassal Slingshot
Artillery Weapon.
This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways:
• Bolt Thrower: Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)].
• Oil Flask Thrower: Range 36″, Shots 3, Str 1, AP 0. The target unit gains one Incendiary marker for every successful hit.
Volcanic Embrace
Attacks made by the model part, including Special Attacks, become Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks. In addition, the model part gains Grind Attacks (X), where X corresponds to the value stated in brackets. These Grind Attacks are resolved with Armour Penetration 10 and they always wound on a roll equal to or greater than “7 minus the Armour of the model that the hit is distributed onto”. An unmodified ‘6’ always wounds and an unmodified ‘1’ always fails to wound.
Walking Earthquake
Universal Rule.
The model gains Swiftstride, Volcanic Embrace (D3+1), and +3 Attack Value. Its March Rate is
set to 14″. While in base contact with the model, enemy units suffer −1 Offensive Skill and −1 Defensive Skill.
Walking Volcano
Universal Rule.
The model gains Furnace Breach, Volcanic Embrace (1), and access to the options below.
Universal Rule.
The Battering Ram can only use its Crush Attack against enemy units Engaged in the model’s Front Facing. The model must be deployed in and can only join a unit that consists entirely of models with Infernal Brand, and it can never voluntarily leave its unit.
Universal Rule.
The Battering Ram can only use its Crush Attack against enemy units Engaged in the model’s Front Facing. The model must be deployed in and can only join a unit that contains at least 1 R&F models with Infernal Brand, and it can never voluntarily leave its unit.
Whispers of the Mask
Universal Rule.
At step 2 of the Round of Combat Sequence, all models with Whispers of the Mask in the same unit may gain Aegis (+1, against Melee Attacks) and lose Battle Focus until the end of the Round of Combat.
Ziggurat Regulars
Universal Rule.
The model gains Fight in Extra Rank and Great Weapon.