

(1) Evil Eye

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
7+ Hex
Alcance 18"
One Turn

The target suffers −1 Cou and loses Devastating Charge and/or First Strike (if it has them). If the target rolls for the number of Impact Hits, this roll is Minimised.

No model or unit can be affected by more than one instance of this spell simultaneously.

(2) Soured Luck

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
7+ Hex
Alcance 24"
One Turn

Melee Attacks against the target are set to hit on 2+

(3) Illusory Paths

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
10+ Universal
Alcance 18"
One Turn

Choose which effect to apply when casting the spell:
• The target gains Random Movement (2D6″).
• The target gains Random Movement (3D6″).
The target must perform a move in the movement phase if able to.

(4) Cauldron’s Curse

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
9+ Hex
Alcance 24"
One Turn

The target gains Weakness (Ranged Attacks).

(5) Mists of Invisibility

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
11+ Damage Augment
Alcance 12"

Mark the ground under the center of the target. The target gains Ambush (within 12″ of the marked point). Then remove the target from the Battlefield. It automatically passes the roll to return to the Battlefield in your next Player Turn.

*Cannot target Shaken units

(6) Clouded Sight

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
11+ Hex
Alcance 24"
One Turn

The target cannot draw Line of Sight to a target more than 12″ from it.