Reglas Especiales
Dwarfen Mountain Holds


"Fight Me!"

In their quest to seek a mighty doom, Giant Slayers seek out ever more dangerous foes.

Any model with this special rule can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as a character.

"stand Back Chief"

Hunkering down behind their war machines, an Engineer is well-protected from enemy fire.

A character with this special rule cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells whilst it is within 3" of a friendly unit whose troop type is ‘war machine’.

Ancestral Grudge

Dwarfs never forget a wrong, imagined or otherwise, with lords and thanes being particularly overburdened with inherited grudges. These can never be forgotten, only settled or nurtured.

A model with this special rule has the Hatred (enemy characters) special rule, meaning it hates all characters in the opposing army. If this character joins a unit of Longbeards or Hammerers, that unit will also gain this special rule. Should this character leave a unit of Longbeards or Hammerers they have joined for any reason, that unit loses this special rule.

Ancestral Shield

An Anvil of Doom is a potent artefact steeped in runic magic. This power protects the anvil’s loyal guardians as surely as it destroys the enemies of the Dwarfs.

An Anvil of Doom and the Forgefather & Anvil Guard have a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

Gromril Weapons

Many Dwarf warriors bear weapons forged of gromril. Such fine weapons, family heirlooms passed down through many generations, possess remarkable sharpness and durability.

A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand weapon. If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, or if their hand weapon is inscribed with any Weapon runes, this special rule ceases to apply.

Armoured Fuselage

counts as full plate armour

Gromril Armour

The metal the Dwarfs call gromril is the toughest and sturdiest in the known world, able to turn aside any blow. Armour forged of gromril is highly coveted for its protective value and full suits of gromril armour are treasured and valued heirlooms.

A model with this special rule may re-roll any roll of a natural 1 made when making an Armour Save roll.

Artillery Master

Engineers are quick to advise artillery crews how best to aim and fire a war machine.

Unless this character is fleeing or engaged in combat, once per turn, during the Shooting phase, a friendly unit of Quarrellers, unit of Thunderers or Dwarf war machine that is within its Command range can either re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1, or re-roll a single Artillery dice.

Blasting Charges

R S AP Special Rules
Blasting charges 6" 3 -1 Armour Bane (1), Flaming Attacks, Quick Shot

Bombing Run

Armed with mechanical racks that bristle with Grudgebuster bombs, Gyrobombers stream over the Dwarf battle lines seeking to obliterate the foe’s largest formations.
This model may perform a ‘Bombing Run’ attack against a single enemy unit that is not engaged in combat. To do so, this model must move (by flying) over the unit it wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this model’s movement is complete, roll on the Bombing Run table below:

Bombing Run Table
D6 Result
1 Premature Detonation: The release mechanism jams and a bomb explodes prematurely. This model loses a single Wound.
2 Dud: A solitary bomb is released, but fails to detonate before landing squarely upon the head of an unfortunate enemy. The enemy unit loses a single Wound.
3-4 Direct Hit: A cluster of bombs lands directly on-target. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the enemy unit. Once placed, the template will scatter D6". Any model whose base lies underneath the template’s final position risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.
5-6 Bombs Away: A cluster of bombs is released, falling over a wide area. Place two small (3") blast templates so that their central hole is over the enemy unit. Once placed, each template will scatter D6". Any model whose base lies underneath a template’s final position risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.

Borne Aloft

Carried upon the broad shoulders of their most trusted retainers, a Dwarf lord towers above the serried ranks of their army.

A model with Shieldbearers consists of not one, but four models – the character and three loyal retainers – occupying a single base and acting together as a single entity. To represent this, a model with Shieldbearers has a split profile and follows the ‘Split Profile (Cavalry)’ rule. In all other respects, this model is heavy infantry.

Brace Of Drakefire Pistols

R S AP Special Rules
Ranged 12" 5 -1 Armour Bane (2), Dwarf Crafted, Flaming Attacks, Multiple Shots (2), Quick Shot
Combat Combat S - Extra Attacks (1), Flaming Attacks, Requires Two Hands

Notes: A brace of drakefire pistols has two profiles, representing how the weapons are used in combat.

Brimstone Gun

R S AP Special Rules
Brimstone gun 18" 5 -2 Dwarf Crafted, Flaming Attacks, Multiple Shots (D3+1), Quick Shot

Steam Gun

R S AP Special Rules
Steam gun N/A 3 -1 Breath Weapon


R S AP Special Rules
Clattergun 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Dwarf Crafted, Move & Shoot, Multiple Shots (D6), Quick Shot


R S AP Special Rules
18" 5 -1 Armour Bane (2), Dwarf Crafted, Flaming Attacks, Quick Shot

Cinderblast Bombs

R S AP Special Rules
Cinderblast bombs 8" 5 -1 Flaming Attacks, Quick Shot

Notes: A unit hit by a cinderblast bomb suffers D6+1 hits (rather than the usual one).


Slayers are bitter fighters who seek their doom in battle, yet so fierce is their pride and so sacred are the vows of the Slayer Cult that they are incapable of acceptingtheir fate graciously. Upon their death, a Slayer will use their final breath to strike at the foe.

When a model with this special rule is reduced to zero Wounds by an enemy attack during the Combat phase, the unit that made the attack suffers a Strength 3 hit, with an AP of -1.

Note that if this model is reduced to zero Wounds whilst engaged in a challenge, it is the model that made the attack that suffers this hit, rather than its unit

Stoic Defenders

Hefting their Gromril great hammers, a regiment of Hammerers stands ready to meet the enemy’s charge with a flurry of deadly blows.

During a turn in which it was charged by the enemy, a model with this special rule gains a +1 modifier to its Initiative and Attacks characteristics.

Dive Bomb

Gyrocopters carry small bombs fitted with mechanical flints to light their fuse. Once the fuse is lit, the pilot must quickly release the bomb. All too often unlit bombs are dropped or, worse, lit bombs are not dropped at all!

Once per game, a unit with this special rule may perform a ‘Dive Bomb’ attack against a single enemy unit that is not engaged in combat. To do so, this unit must move (by flying) over the unit it wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this unit’s movement is complete, the enemy unit suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -1, for each model in this unit that moved over it. However, for each roll of a natural 1 made when determining the number of hits, a bomb has misfired and this unit loses a single Wound instead.

Dwarf Crafted

Dwarfs craft missile weapons with a skill and precision of both form and function that is not seen in the weapons of other races.

Models with this special rule do not suffer the usual -1 To Hit modifier when making a Stand & Shoot charge reaction.


An Engineer will direct the rapid construction of effective entrenchments that protect both war machine and crew.

During deployment, you may ‘Entrench’ a single non-character model whose troop type is ‘war machine’ for each character in your army with this special rule. An Entrenched war machine is considered to be behind partial cover and to be defending a low linear obstacle.
Should the war machine move for any reason, it is no longer Entrenched.

Steam Drill

R S AP Special Rules
Steam drill Combat S+3 -3 Furious Charge, Requires Two Hands, Strike Last

Notes: A unit of Miners held in reserve that includes a Prospector equipped with a steam drill may re-roll the D6 when rolling to determine if they arrive on the battlefield.


In the heat of battle, the weapons of a runesmith’s companions glow white-hot with the heat of their forging, cutting through the inferior armour of the enemy with ease.

If this character joins a unit, that unit will gain the Armour Bane (2) and Flaming Attacks special rules. Should this character leave a unit it has joined for any reason, that unit loses these special rules.

Strike the Rune

An Anvil of Doom is crafted with the express intention of attracting the Winds of Magic.
The runic inlays enable a skilled smith to channel these into their work, thus creating the rune magic their people are famed for. In battle, certain runic devices can be forged and then broken, unleashing their full might upon the foe.

An Anvil of Doom can cast the following Bound spells, with a Power Level of 3:

Rune Of Oath & Steel
Dwarf mail hardens, each suit of armour remembering the hammer blows that forged it.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 7+ /11+
Range: 24"
Effect: If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, the target friendly unit may re-roll any failed Armour Save rolls. If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of 11 or more, the target friendly unit may re-roll any failed Armour Save rolls and improves its armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.

Rune Of Hearth & Home
Dawi hearts fill with a mighty desire to defend their hold, clan and ancestors.
Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 7+
Range: Self
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly Dwarf units within 21" of the Anvil of Doom gain the Immune to Psychology special rule.

Rune Of Haste & Urgency
As the runes are struck, time slows around the marching Dwarf throng.
Type: Conveyance
Casting Value: 10+
Range: 24"
Effect: If the target friendly unit is not fleeing and has already moved during this Movement phase, it may immediately move again.

Rune Of Wrath & Ruin
The very earth cracks beneath the feet of the enemy, venting forth fire and sulphur.
Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 9+
Range: 27"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -2.

Royal Guard

A Hammerer’s duty is a sacred thing and, bound by oath, they will fight to the death to protect the royal blood. For the leader of the throng, a Hammerer will gladly give their life rather than face the dishonour of failure.

Your army may include one unit of Hammerers for every King or Thane it includes. Any model in a unit of Hammerers that has been joined by a King or Thane can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as a character. Should the King or Thane leave the unit for any reason, the unit loses this ability.

Giant Slayer

Giant Slayers always occupy the front rank(s) of the unit, pushing past any Troll Slayers to get there if necessary (such as when the unit turns). If a unit that includes a standard bearer and musician includes enough Giant Slayers, both its standard bearer and musician will be Giant Slayers. If a unit that includes a standard bearer and musician includes only one Giant Slayer, that Giant Slayer will be its standard bearer.

“Fight Me!”
In their quest to seek a mighty doom, Giant Slayers seek out ever more dangerous foes.
Any model with this special rule can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as a character.

Great Hammers

R S AP Special Rules
Great hammers Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands

Immovable Object

An Anvil of Doom is a tremendously heavy object, rarely moved from within its keeper’s forge. When properly set atop a perfectly level dais of stone blocks, it is not easily moved.

Once an Anvil of Doom has been placed on the battlefield during deployment it cannot be moved by its crew during the Remaining Moves sub-phase.

Note that an Anvil of Doom can still pivot freely at any time during its turn (the better to face the enemy) and may make a follow up move as normal.


By standing atop a dressed stone inscribed with powerful runes and ancestral oaths of vengeance, a Lord increases the resolve of their followers and ensures that no foe can escape their wrath.

Challenges issued by a character with an Oathstone cannot be refused. In addition, a character with an Oathstone and any unit they have joined automatically passes any Panic tests they are required to make, but cannot choose to Flee as a charge reaction.


Dwarfs are grim and determined warriors that abandon a position with great reluctance.

Models with this special rule suffer a -1 modifier to the result of any Flee roll or Pursuit roll they make (to a minimum of 1).

Runes Of Protection

Ironbreakers venture into the dark beneath the world protected from the terrors it hides by run encrusted suits of gromril armour.

This unit has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack.

Rune Lore

Dwarf runesmiths are masters of crafting potent runes that entrap raw magic, harnessing its power to be unleashed upon command.
At the very heart of their craft lies the ability to resist and confound the petty conjurings of mere Wizards.

A model with this special rule may be nominated to attempt a Wizardly Dispel, as if it were a Wizard. For the purposes of Wizardly Dispel attempts:
An Anvil of Doom counts as a level 3 Wizard
A Runelord counts as a Level 2 Wizard
A Runesmith counts as a Level 1 Wizard

Runes Of Warding

The armour of an Irondrake protects its wearer from the flames of battle as well as it does from the heat of their drakeguns.

A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.


To persist for long as a Slayer, a warrior must be exceptionally skilled and ferocious.

When this model makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.

Slayer Of Daemons

In their quest to meet a mighty doom, some Slayers seek out daemonic creatures. Those that fail to find a foe able to best them in combat invariably become skilled in the grim work of banishing such fiends.

When this character makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness. In addition, each unsaved wound inflicted by this character against an enemy model with the Warp-spawned special rule, or whose troop type is ‘behemoth’, has the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule.

Slayer Of Dragons

Those Slayers that hunt the mightiest of wyrms must learn quickly how best to slay such creatures in battle, lest their eventual doom be considered unworthy.

When this character makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness. In addition, each unsaved wound inflicted by this character against an enemy model whose troop type is ‘behemoth’ has the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule.

Trollhammer Torpedo

R S AP Special Rules
Trollhammer torpedo 24" 8 -3 Dwarf Crafted, Flaming Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)


Longbeards tend to look down their beards at younger Dwarfs. In their turn, younger Dwarfs pay dutiful attention to the words and deeds of their elders, hoping to emulate their courage.

Unless this unit is fleeing, friendly units within 6" of it can re-roll any failed Panic test.