The crew of a War Wagon carry a wide variety of weapons, representing the craftsmanship of Nuln’s master gunsmiths and the ingenuity of the many engineers that graduate each year from the Empire’s numerous colleges.
In addition to their hand weapons, each member of a War Wagon’s crew is armed differently with each carrying one of the following six unique weapons:
• Blunderbuss
• Long rifle
• Repeating rifle
• Ball & chain
• Hooked halberd
• Man-catcher
During the Shooting phase, each member of the crew equipped with a missile weapon may shoot with that weapon. During the Combat phase, each member of the crew may choose to use either their unique weapon, or their hand weapon. In both cases, the controlling player must roll different batches of dice for the different weapons, making it clear to their opponent which crew member’s attacks they represent and where they are being directed.
R S AP Special Rules
Blunderbuss 12" 3 -1 Multiple Shots (D3), Volley Fire
Notes: A model armed with a blunderbuss suffers no negative modifiers for firing at long range, for using the Multiple Shots (D3) special rule, or whilst making a Stand & Shoot charge reaction.
R S AP Special Rules
Long rifle 36" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Cumbersome
Notes: A model armed with a long rifle can target a specific model within its target unit, such as a champion or a character.
R S AP Special Rules
Repeating rifle 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Shots (3)
R S AP Special Rules
Ball & chain Combat S+3 -2 Armour Bane (1), Requires Two Hands, Strikes Last
R S AP Special Rules
Hooked halberd Combat S+1 -2 Armour Bane (2), Requires Two Hands
R S AP Special Rules
Man-catcher Combat S -1 Killing Blow, Requires Two Hands