A General with Ancestral Memory affects the number of Grudges held by a Dwarven Holds army (see Ancient Grudge above).
Friendly units within 6" of a non-Fleeing Greybeard unit may reroll failed Panic Tests.
Dwarven Holds armies have a number of Grudges which confer a bonus when attacking specific enemies. The total number of Grudges held by a Dwarven Holds army is calculated in the following manner:
• One Grudge for a General with Ancestral Memory on the Army List
• One Grudge for each King on the Army List
• Two Grudges for each War Throne on the Army List
Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), you must choose a single unit from the opponent’s Army List for each Grudge in your army (this may also be a Character). The models of this unit are considered “marked”. All models in the Dwarven Holds army gain Hatred against marked models, and against models joined to units with more than half of their models marked.
Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 7, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.
Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers D6×2 hits with Strength 3 and Armour Penetration 1. If a natural '6' is rolled for the number of hits, after the attack has been resolved, the Sweeping Attack cannot be used until the end of the game.
The model gains Hard Target (1), Light Troops, and Skirmisher.
The model gains Multiple Wounds (2, against Large, Gigantic).
The model gains Hard Target (1), Light Troops, and Skirmisher and loses Scoring.
In order to use this Attack Attribute, the unit must be at least as wide as it is deep at the start of the Round of Combat. Close Combat Attacks made by models with this Attack Attribute can never wound on worse than 4+. In addition, when a model with this Attack Attribute is removed as a casualty during the Melee Phase due to an enemy Melee Attack, it must immediately, before removal, perform a single Close Combat Attack with the following rules and restrictions: • The attack is always resolved with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 2. • The owner must choose one of the following options: 1. The attack is allocated towards the model that caused the casualty. 2. The attack is allocated towards a R&F model in that model's unit. The hit is distributed onto the unit. In either case, the model with Yer comin' with me! is considered in base contact with the attacked model, and the models count as Engaged in the same Facings as their units. • This Attack Attribute cannot be used for casualties caused by Impact Hits.
The model gains Aegis (5+, against Close Combat Attacks). This Special Save can only be used against attacks from enemies Engaged in the model's unit's Front Facing.
Each Anvil of Power may select up to three different Battle Runes.
Add +4 to the model's rolls on the Misfire Table.
Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), the model may Entrench a single friendly War Machine. The War Machine counts as being in Hard Cover. The War Machine loses this instance of Hard Cover permanently if it performs an Advance or March Move or a Random Movement.
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Apply the following effects: • Enemy units cannot claim Combat Score bonuses for fighting the Flank or the Rear of the unit. • The unit cannot be Disrupted. • Parry, Shield Wall, and Wall of Iron can be used in any Facing. • For the purpose of Supporting Attacks, all Facings are considered to be the Front Facing (i.e. a model can perform Supporting Attacks also to the Flanks and Rear). • The unit cannot Pursue (nor Overrun). The effects last until the unit is no longer Engaged in Combat.
The model's Shooting Attacks become Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
Universal Rule.
The model gains Shield Wall and Light Armour.
Universal Rule.
The model gains Hatred (against Gigantic) and Sturdy
Universal Rule.
The model gains Aegis (6+), Fearless, The bigger they are…, Unbreakable, Yer comin’ with me!, and loses the Shield.
At step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), each Hold Guardian unit must choose one of the following effects, which is applied for the duration of the game: • +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration • Vanguard • +2 Agility
Sweeping Attack. One use only. The enemy unit suffers D3 hits with Strength 3 and Armour Penetration 0 for each Steam Copter in the unit.
The model gains +1 Attack Value for each enemy model in base contact with it (including the model it is fighting a Duel with if applicable).
The Casting Values of all spells cast by enemy models are increased by 1 as long as at least one friendly model from a Dwarven Holds army is on the Battlefield.
The model gains Devastating Charge (Swiftstride) for Charges against units that contain at least one Large or Gigantic model.
Close Combat Attacks from models in the same unit as one or more models with Rune Craft Mastery gain +1 Armour Penetration.
The range of Commanding Presence of a General mounted on a War Throne is set to 18".
While using a Shield, the model gains Aegis (6+, against Close Combat Attacks). This is improved to Aegis (5+, against Close Combat Attacks) if the attacker is Charging. This Special Save can only be used against attacks from enemies Engaged in the model's unit's Front Facing.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
The model part gains Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) and does not suffer the -1 to-hit modifier for Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions.
Universal Rule.
The model’s Shooting Attacks gain Accurate and become Magical Attacks. The model gains Scout with the following exception: it must be deployed fully inside the owner’s Deployment Zone.
Attack Attribute.
The model’s Shooting Attacks gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks.
Attack Attribute.
The model’s Shooting Attacks gain a +1 to-wound modifier and become Magical Attacks.
Universal Rule.
The model’s Height is changed to Large.
Attack Attribute.
The model’s Shooting Attacks gain +1 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks.
Bound Spell with Power Level (5/8). Range 18", Type Augment, Duration Permanent. Characters that leave a Combined Unit are no longer affected by the Rune of Resonance. Once per Magic Phase, a single unit with at least one model affected by the Rune of Resonance may be chosen as an additional target of a Battle Rune that a friendly model is casting anywhere on the Battlefield on another unit (during step 1 of the Casting Attempt). All instances of the Rune of Resonance on a unit immediately end when a Battle Rune is successfully cast on the unit (regardless of whether as additional target from Rune of Resonance or as regular target of a Battle Rune).