Magic item categories
Königreich Equitaine

Armour Enchantments

Percival's Panoply

+2 Arm


+1 Arm and Aegis (+1, max. 4+)

Destiny's Call

Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3.
Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.

Basalt Infusion

+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.

Warding of Unity

Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).

Ghostly Guard

+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.

Potions and Scrolls

Wappen des Schwarzen Ritters

Nur eine Anwendung. Wird aktiviert, wenn der Träger 0 (oder weniger) Lebenspunkte erreicht. Ignoriere alle Lebenspunktverluste unter 0 und entferne den Träger nicht als Verlust. Stattdessen werden die Lebenspunkte des Trägers auf 1 gesetzt, nachdem alle zeitgleichen Attacken (wie Schussattacken von einer Einheit oder alle Nahkampfattacken während eines Initiativeschritts) durchgeführt wurden, und er erhält Aegis (3+) bis zum Ende des Spielerzugs.

Binding Scroll

May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells.
The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.

Potion of Swiftness

+3 Agi.

Dragon’s Brew

Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).

Troll Tonic

Fortitude (5+).

Elixir of Negation

Aegis (3+, against Magical Attacks).

Potion of Healing

The bearer’s model Recovers 1 HP.

Weapon Enchantments

Göttliches Urteil

Attacken mit dieser Waffe erhalten Devastating Charge (Multiple Wounds (D3+1)) und werden zu Magical Attacks.

Tristans Entschlossenheit

Während der Träger diese Waffe benutzt, erhält er +1 Stärke, +1 Rüstungsdurchschlag, +1 Attackewert und Magical Attacks. Nach einem erfolgreichen Trefferwurf darf der Angreifer einen Treffer mit dieser Waffe ignorieren und eine verzauberte Waffe des Gegners, gegen den die Attacke gerichtet war, auswählen. Die Waffenverzauberungen der gewählten Waffe können für das restliche Spiel nicht mehr benutzt werden.

Mortal Reminder

+1 Str, +1 AP, and Terror.

Uther's Mettle

+X Att, where “X” is equal to the number of ranks of a single enemy unit on contact with the wielder up to a maximum of 4. If multiple units, use the unit with the most ranks. These extra Attacks can only be allocated towards Rank-and-File models. If the attacks cannot be allocated towards Rank-and-File models, such as when the wielder is in a Duel, the attacks are lost.

King Slayer

Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP

Touch of Greatness

+1 Str and +1 AP.

Vorpal Binding

Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.

Giant Slayer

Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.

Shield Breaker

+6 AP.

Hero's Heart

+1 Att, and always at least Str 5 and AP 2.


Sacred Chalice

The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1). When the bearer’s unit is the target of an enemy Spell the bearer gains Channel (1) until the end of following Magic Phase.

Crown of the Wizard King

During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).

Talisman of Shielding

Aegis (5+).

Magical Heirloom

The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.

Talisman of the Void

Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).

Mimic Cloak

Stand Behind

Shield Enchantments

Fortress of Faith

Immune (Lethal Strike) while the bearer’s unit contains at least one Rank-and-File model.

Wild Warding

+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.

Dusk Forged

The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.

Sigil of Protection

+1 Arm.