model rules


*Giant Attacks

Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack, a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does:

Giant Attacks Table
D6 Result
1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).
2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.
3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2.
5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule.
6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy.
For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

*Pick Up And…

Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot, and still others are tossed carelessly aside to bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And… attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:
• If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty.
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect.

Next, roll a D6:
• On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks.
• On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must make another Initiative test.

This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until the target unit is destroyed.

Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting rank of the enemy unit.

Abominable Attacks

A Hell Pit Abomination drags its grotesque bulk across the battlefield, feeding hungrily upon those enemies not crushed beneath its bulk.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Hell Pit Abomination may choose to make one of the following Abominable Attacks:

• Feed: Nominate a single enemy model in base contact with the Hell Pit Abomination to be the target of this attack. If that model is hit, it suffers D3 automatic wounds with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
• Avalanche of Flesh: Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.

Additional Hand Weapon




Repeater handbow





Great Weapon

Hand Weapon

Plate armour

Light armour

Heavy armour

Throwing Weapons

Armour Bane

Ensorcelled Weapons

The blighted furnaces of Zharr-Naggrund endlessly churn out heavy, black-bladed weapons, each inscribed with dark runes that glow with an evil light.

A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.

Mixed Weapons

counts as two hand weapons and throwing weapons

Armoured Hide

Full plate armour

Repeater Handgun


Flaming Attacks

Magical Attacks

Stomp Attacks

Bonegrinder Giant Attacks

Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’:
- Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’.
- Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’.
- Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’.

Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table
D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things
1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop
3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing
5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt

Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit.
Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -3.

’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them.
The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the target unit must immediately make an Initiative test:
- Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty.
- Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed.

Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack.

Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2.

Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit.
Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2.

Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule.

Poisoned Attacks

Impact Hits



Motley Crew


Beaks And Talons

counts as hand weapons


Bolt thrower

Bonegrinder Giant's club

R S AP Special Rules
Combat * * *

Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.


Brace of pistol

Brace of repeater handbows


Calloused Hide

counts as light armour


Fast Cavalry

Cavalry Spear

Tusker Charge

A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle with savage tusks and a terrible attitude.

During a turn in which it charged, a War Boar’s Tusks (hand weapon) have a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a War Boar, not to their rider, a chariot or its crew.

Ogre Charge

Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with.

The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.

Chariot Runners


Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the creatures that wield them!

During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s) by 1.

Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.


counts as a hand weapon

Claws And Fangs

counts as hand weapons

Claws And Teeth

counts as a hand weapon

Cleaving Blow

With a swift and deadly strike, a skilled warrior can cleave through armour.

If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule cannot be used.

Close Order

Cloud of Flies

Swarms of fat flies surround the Plague Priests of Clan Pestilens, blinding and choking their enemies.

Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this character during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.

Fight In Extra Rank


Counter Charge

Killing Blow

Rallying Cry

Poisonous fangs

counts as hand weapon

Crushing Bulk

The erratic movements and crushing weight of a Doomwheel combine to wreak havoc upon the ordered ranks of the enemy.

Any Stomp Attacks made by a Doom Wheel have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. In addition, an enemy unit that suffers Impact Hits from this model must immediately make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit becomes Disrupted until the end of the current Combat phase.


counts as hand weapon



Doom Diver Catapult

counts as stone thrower

Draconic Scales

counts as full plate armour

Dragged Along

Dragon Fire

R S AP Special Rules
Dragon fire N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks





Extra Attacks


Feigned Flight

Fire & Flee

Fire thrower

First Charge


Flailing appendage

counts as hand weapons


Strike First


Furious Charge


Giant’s Club

R S AP Special Rules
Giant’s club Combat * * *

Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule.

Great cannon

Large Target

Wicked Claws

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

Griffonic pelt

counts as a heavy armour

Serrated maw



counts as a hand weapon


counts as a hand weapon

Hooves and horn

counts as hand weapon



Ignore Goblin Panic

Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the average Orc is concerned, running away is what Goblins are best at!

This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly Goblin unit is destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to make a Panic test when it is fled through by a friendly Goblin unit.

Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a Goblin unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Goblins of any kind, mounted or otherwise. This includes any war machine or chariot that is crewed entirely by Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by an Orc character, it is no longer considered to be a Goblin unit.

Ignores Cover

Immune To Psychology




Iron-shod Hooves

counts as a hand weapon


R S AP Special Rules
Combat S - Extra Attacks (1), Requires Two Hands

Notes: A model equipped with an Ironfist improves its armour value by 1.



Thrusting Spears

Throwing Spear


Lore Familiar

Magic Resistance

Many Grasping Claws

counts as a hand weapon

Mark Of Khorne

Warriors marked by Khorne are consumed with a violent rage and the constant need to shed the blood of their foes.

Models with the Mark of Khorne have the Frenzy special rule.

Mark Of Chaos Undivided

Many warriors from the cold North worship the Gods of Chaos as a pantheon, favouring no one deity above the others.

Models with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can re-roll any failed Fear, Panic or Terror test.

Mark Of Nurgle

Those marked by Nurgle are eternally accompanied by thick clouds of flies, blinding, deafening and choking their enemies.

Any enemy model that directs its attacks against a model with the Mark of Nurgle during the Combat phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6.

Mark Of Slaanesh

Devotees of Slaanesh have experienced sensations beyond comprehension, rendering them insensible to mortal fears.

Models with the Mark of Slaanesh have +1 Initiative during the first round of any combat. Additionally, if the majority of the models in a unit have the Mark of Slaanesh, the unit automatically passes any Panic tests it is required to make.

Mark Of Tzeentch

Those who bear the ever-burning Mark of Tzeentch have a natural capacity to manipulate magic and unbind the weak spells of mere conjurors.

Models with the Mark of Tzeentch have the Flaming Attacks and Magic Resistance (-1) special rules. In addition, if a Wizard with the Mark of Tzeentch has joined a unit with the Mark of Tzeentch that has a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost.



Monster Handlers

Morning Star

Venomous bites and stings

counts as hand weapons


Motley Crew

Move Through Cover

Random Movement


Open Order

Scaly Skin

counts as Heavy armour


Some superstitious Orcs adorn their bodies with charms and warpaint to protect them from harm. Such is their faith in these measures that they actually seem to work!

Warpaint gives its wearer a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. However, a model with this special rule can never wear armour of any sort (though they may carry a shield).


Repeater Pistol

Venomous Tail

R S AP Special Rules
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First

Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Quick Shot


Random Attacks


Regimental Unit

Spawn of Tzeentch

The flesh of a Firewym of Tzeentch constantly ripples and shifts with the power of change. Skin blisters into eyes, maws open on distended limbs and flames lick from screaming orifices.

Spawn of Tzeentch have the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules.

Spawn of Khorne

Often referred to as Bloodbeasts of Khorne, the Spawn of the Lord of Skulls bristle with spikes of bone and blades of living metal, their many limbs ending in wicked cleaver-blades.

Spawn of Khorne have the Killing Blow special rule.

Spawn of Nurgle

Sometimes called Rotbeasts, the Spawn of Nurgle are hideous creatures, their bloated flesh covered with suppurating sores, their writhing limbs oozing toxic pus and slime.

Spawn of Nurgle have the Poisoned Attacks special rule.

Spawn of Slaanesh

The Spawn of Slaanesh are hulking mounds of flesh that constantly warp and mutate as they try to settle on a form pleasing to the eye of the Dark Prince.

Spawn of Slaanesh have the Strike First special rule.

Repeater Bolt Thrower

Repeater crossbow

Reserve Move

Safe From Harm

Rat Ogres are big, tough creatures and their Packmasters will instinctively shelter behind their enduring bulk.

When an enemy unit shoots at a unit of Rat Ogres that also contains one or more Packmasters, the enemy player must roll a D6 for each successful roll To Hit before making any rolls To Wound. On a roll of 1-4, the hit is inflicted upon a Rat Ogre. In combat, enemy models must allocate their attacks against a model they are in base contact with (or against the closest model if they are within the fighting rank but not in base contact) before rolling To Hit.





Stone thrower



Throwing axe


Too Horrible To Die

Even in the grips of its death throes, a Hell Pit Abomination writhes with dark vitality.

The first time a Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 before removing the model from play:
• On a roll of 1-3, the beast wheezes its last breath and is removed from play.
• On a roll of 4 or 5, the great corpse shudders and a swarm of rats bursts forth. Place a Rat Swarm of one model within 3" of this model, then remove this model from play.
• On a roll of 6, the Hell Pit Abomination jolts and shudders with unnatural vitality before rising anew. This model immediately recovers D3 Wounds.

Two Hand Weapons




Warpstone Claws

R S AP Special Rules
Warpstone claws Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks

Warpstone Weapons



As hordes of rats scamper in treadmills to propel a Doomwheel, warpstone generators spark into life, unleashing lethal bolts of warp lightning across the battlefield.

At the end of every Shooting phase, after all shooting has been resolved, place up to three small (3") blast templates so that their central hole is within 6" of this model. Once placed, each template will scatter D6". Any model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath a template’s final position risks being hit and suffering a single hit, the Strength of which is determined by rolling an Artillery dice. Each hit has an AP of -2.

If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled when rolling to determine the Strength of a template, this model suffers the brunt of the warp lightning bolt. The template is removed and any models hit by it are left unharmed, but this model loses a single Wound.