The first time a Phoenix loses its last Health Point, the owner must roll a D6. The roll is successful on a roll of 5+ (or 3+ if the model has Warden's Bond): • Remove the model as a casualty as usual, but place a marker on the centre of the model's final position. • In the next Player Turn, at the start of step 3 of the Movement Phase Sequence (after Rallying Fleeing units), the Phoenix model is placed back on the Battlefield. The centre of the model must be placed within 3" of the marker and the model must be placed more than 1" away from other units and Impassable Terrain, facing any direction. • If the model cannot be placed following these rules, it cannot return for the rest of the game. • The returned model is the same model that left the game, including any and all ongoing effects (such as spells affecting the model), with the exception that it always returns with only 1 Health Point left and counts as Rallied in case it was Fleeing when it lost its last Health Point (and thus is Shaken until the end of the Player Turn). • The model does not grant Victory Point for being Destroyed if it still has Health Points left at the end of the game. If the roll fails, follow the normal rules (i.e. the model is removed as a casualty).