model rules
Cult of Errahman

Bloodpox Blades

Bloodpox Blades

Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Bloodpox Blades become Poison Attacks.

Plague Flail

Plague Flail

Halberd. The wielder gains Devastating Charge (Lethal Strike). In addition, the wielder and enemy units in base contact with one or more models using a Plague Flail suffer −1 Defensive Skill.


Apostle Of Plague

Universal Rule.
While within 12″ of the model, friendly units gain Minimised (Discipline Tests).

Big Brother

Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The model gains Maximised (Stomp Attacks).

Bubonic Brew

Artillery Weapon.
Catapult (6×6). Range 12–60″, Shots 1, Str 1, AP 10. Units that suffer one or more Health Point losses from a Shooting Attack made with this weapon count as having the Sacred Plague Dread Rot successfully cast on them.


Health Point losses of the model that are caused by friendly models are ignored for Panic (including units destroyed due to attacks from friendly models). The model may use Shooting Attacks against enemy units Engaged in Combat, with the following rules and restrictions:
• Friendly units Engaged in this Combat are ignored for Cover purposes (but not for drawing Line of Sight).
• Roll to hit as normal against the intended target. Immediately after determining the number of hits, roll a D6 for each hit. On a roll of 4+, the hit is distributed onto a randomly chosen friendly unit Engaged with the original target. Otherwise, proceed as normal.

Cult Of Errahman

Whenever a natural ‘1’ is rolled to hit for an enemy Close Combat Attack allocated towards a model with Cult of Errahman, the model part inflicts 1 hit with Toxic Attacks on the attacking model’s unit in the same Initiative Step, before any casualties are removed.
R&F models with Cult of Errahman cannot be joined by models without Cult of Errahman.

Fear No Evil

While the model’s unit is Steadfast and does not suffer from Disrupted Ranks, it gains Fearless and Unbreakable. In addition, while joined by one or more Characters with Cult of Errahman, Charge, Pursuit, and Overrun Moves of the model’s unit gain Swiftstride.

Holy Triumvirate

Universal Rule.
If there are at least 3 models with Holy Triumvirate on your Army List, these models can all select spells as follows:
• Wizard Apprentices: select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, and 4 of their chosen Path.
• Wizard Adepts: select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of their chosen Path.
• During Spell Selection, each Wizard can choose to select one Learned Spell fewer than usual and to select 1 Sacred Plague instead.


Universal Rule.
The model gains Hard Target (1), Light Troops, Skirmisher, and loses Scoring.

Life Is Cheap

When calculating Combat Score, halve the first 10 Health Point losses of models with Life is Cheap per unit, rounding fractions up. This does not affect Combat Score bonuses from Overkill.


When a friendly model with Martyrdom is removed as a casualty, place a marker for each of the model’s initial Health Points in a Martyr Pool. At the start of any friendly Siphon the Veil, you may remove 10 or more markers from your Martyr Pool and gain 1 Veil Token for every 10 removed markers, up to a maximum of 3 Veil Tokens per Magic Phase.

Pestilent Pulpit

Universal Rule.
The model knows one additional Learned Spell, and the model’s unit gains Fearless and Poison Attacks. If the models already had Poison Attacks, then they wound automatically on a successful natural to-hit roll of ‘5’ or ‘6’, unless the target has Immune (Poison Attacks).

Rabid Spasms

Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever the model would inflict 1 Toxic Attacks hit from Cult of Errahman, it inflicts 2 hits instead.

Sacred Plagues

Sacred Plagues are upgrades that certain Cult of Errahman Characters and Champions may take. Sacred Plagues are Bound Spells with Power Level (4/8) and Duration: Permanent.

Certain Champions may choose 1 Sacred Plague from the list below that must be noted on the Army List and that has Range 8″. Certain Characters may choose up to 4 different Sacred Plagues that they select from the list below during Spell Selection and that have Range 18″.

Instead of measuring a Sacred Plague’s Range from the Caster as normal, it can be measured from any unit under the effect of a Sacred Plague within 18″ of the Caster. If so, the Range is set to 8″.

Sacred Plague Type Effect
Dread Rot Universal At the start of each Magic Phase, the target suffers 2D6 hits with
Strength 2, Armour Penetration 1, and Lethal Strike.
Gnashing Fever Universal The target gains Battle Focus, Fearless, and Frenzy.
Slug Pox Hex The target suffers −2 Agility and −2″ Advance Rate.
Trollscale Augment The target gains Fear and +1 Resilience.

An army cannot attempt to cast the same Sacred Plague more than twice during the same Magic Phase. Only one Sacred Plague can affect a unit at a time (the one most recently successfully cast).
At the end of step 3 of any Magic Phase Sequence (after Siphon the Veil), the opponent may remove one or more dice from their Magic Dice Pool. For each removed Magic Dice, the opponent nominates a unit (friend or foe) under the effect of a Sacred Plague. The Sacred Plague affecting the nominated unit immediately ends.

The End Is Nigh

Universal Rule.
The model gains Fearless, Frenzy, Hard Target (1), Light Troops, Skirmisher, and loses Scoring.

Virulent Fumes

Universal Rule.
Infantry models in friendly units within 6″ of the model gain Fortitude (+1, max. 4+).