model rules
Hordy Zwierzoludzi

Beast Axe

Beast Axe

Close Combat Weapon
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0. The wielder gains +2 Defensive Skill unless wielding another weapon.
This weapon cannot be enchanted with Weapon Enchantments from the List of Common Special Items.



The model gains Special Ambush (inside a Forest Terrain Feature), with the following exceptions: Immediately after step 2 of the owner's Movement Phase Sequence (including the owner's Player Turn 1), the owner may decide for each of their Briar Beasts if they will enter the Battlefield or not (no dice rolls are required).

Looted Booze

One use only. May be activated at the start of any Player Turn. All models with Drunkard in the model's unit change from Sober to Drunk.

Hunting Call

If the army includes a model with Hunting Call, the owner may: • Choose to roll for Ambush for units with one or more models with Pack Tactics starting from the owner's Player Turn 1 (but still at the end of step 2 of the Movement Phase Sequence), unless the owner has the first Player Turn. • Reroll Ambush rolls of 1-2 for units with one or more models with Pack Tactics. Hunting Call is in effect even if the model is Ambushing and has not arrived on the Battlefield yet.

Hurl Attack

Catapult (4×4). Range 6-30", Shots 1, Str 3 [7], AP 0 [4], Divine Attacks, Magical Attacks, March and Shoot, [[b]Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)[/b]]. A Cyclops that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner's Movement Phase ignores the to-hit modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.

Aura of Madness

Enemy units within 6" of one or more models with Aura of Madness suffer -1 Discipline.

Big Brother

Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.

Black Wing Totem

Blood Offering

A unit that includes at least one Character with Blood Offering may reroll failed Panic Tests at the cost of inflicting one wound with no saves of any kind allowed on a Character with Blood Offering in the unit.

Blooded Horn Totem

The target gains +1 Att and +2 AP.


The unit may gain one of two different sets of effects depending on whether it shows up Sober or Drunk on the Battlefield. At step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), the player must choose whether a Drunkard unit is Sober or Drunk. Drunk Characters cannot join units containing any Sober models and vice versa (models without Drunkard are considered neither Drunk nor Sober).

Strength from Flesh

Whenever a Gortach inflicts an unsaved wound with Lethal Strike (rolling a natural '6' to wound with a Close Combat Attack with Lethal Strike), the attack gains Multiple Wounds (D3), and the Gortach Recovers 1 Health Point at the end of the Initiative Step (unless the Gortach was removed as a casualty in this Initiative Step). No more than 1 Health Point may be Recovered by each Gortach per phase in this manner.


Clouded Eye Totem

The target gains Hard Target (1) and Magic Resistance (3).

Hunting Horn

While within 6" of one or more models with Hunting Horn, friendly units gain Devastating Charge (+1" Adv).



Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Drunkard and Strider (Forest). At the end of a friendly Movement Phase, if the model is in contact with a Forest Terrain Feature it may lose its current weapon (if applicable) and gain Uprooted Tree.

Gnarled Hide Totem

The target gains +1 Arm and Distracting (1).

Primal Instinct

At the start of each Round of Combat that the model's unit is fighting, each unit with one or more model parts with this Attack Attribute must take a Discipline Test. If the test is passed, all model parts with Primal Instinct in the unit must reroll failed to-hit rolls during this Round of Combat.


Pack Tactics

Units consisting entirely of models with Pack Tactics gain Devastating Charge (Swiftstride) while they are Located in the Charged unit's Flank or Rear Arc.


Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.

Totem Bearer