model rules
Kingdom Of Bretonnia - Errantry Crusade


Arcane Backlash

Lady Élisse is adept in the art of protective magic, easily redirecting harmful spells back at those who attempt to harm her allies.

Lady Élisse may apply a +1 modifier to any of her Dispel rolls. In addition, should she roll any natural double when making a Dispel roll (not including rolls of a natural double 1), the spell is unbound and the casting Wizard immediately loses a single Wound.

Aura Of The Lady

The Handmaidens of the Lady and their loyal companions are ever in the presence of their goddess, and a magical aura hangs like silvery light in the air about them.

Any unit this character has joined gains the Magical Attacks special rule.

Beguiling Aura

Unicorns shimmer with magical power, a gleaming aura that also bears an enfolding glamour that bewitches and beguiles any who come near.

Enemy models must make a Leadership test before making any rolls To Hit against this model during the Combat phase. If this test is failed, only rolls of a natural 6 will hit.

Aura Of The Fay

The Green Knight is a supernatural being of great power. Should he be vanquished by a foe, he disappears into thin air, only to reappear once more and return to the fray.

When the Green Knight loses his last Wound, he is removed from play as usual, but is not slain. His controlling player may attempt to awaken him again during any of their Start of Turn sub-phases in which he is not on the battlefield, using the Guardian of the Sacred Sites special rule (as described opposite). However, each time the Green Knight is slain, he is weakened, and suffers a -1 modifier to the dice roll when attempting to awaken him, and a -1 modifier to his Wounds characteristic (to a minimum of 1).

Note that the enemy player can only win Victory Points for the Green Knight if he is not on the battlefield at the end of the game.

Blessings Of The Lady

Prior to battle, it is the custom of all pious servants of the Lady to kneel and pray most fervently for her blessings and protection.

Once deployment is complete, instead of rolling off to determine which player takes the first turn, the Kingdom of Bretonnia army may kneel and pray for the Blessings of the Lady. If it does so, the opposing player counts as having won the roll-off and the Lady’s Blessing is granted, giving all models in the Kingdom of Bretonnia army with this special rule:

• A 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.
• A 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack with a Strength of 5 or higher.

Note that if there is no roll-off to determine which player takes the first turn, the Kingdom of Bretonnia army cannot kneel and pray for the Blessing.

Note also that, should two Kingdom of Bretonnia armies face one another, neither may kneel and pray for the Blessings of the Lady.
The Lady will not give her blessings to those that wage internecine wars, and no knight would presume to ask!

Losing The Blessing: Unlike other special rules, the Blessings of the Lady can be lost during a game. Any model or unit that flees, or any character that refuses a challenge, will immediately lose this special rule.

Note that, for the purposes of this special rule, Falling Back in Good Order does not count as fleeing.

Blessed Knight

The Green Knight is the eternal champion of the Lady of the Lake, and her blessings are always upon him, protecting him from the weapons of her enemies.

The Green Knight has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

Blessed Triptych

Often when members of Bretonnia’s monastic orders march to war, they will carry with them some sacred triptych taken from their holy sanctum. In the presence of such relics, humble peasants find great courage.

A unit that contains a model equipped with a Blessed Triptych gains the Stubborn special rule.

Shield Of The Lady

To march to war in the company of a Handmaiden of the Lady is a great privilege, and the Knights of Bretonnia consider it their sacred duty to protect these emissaries of their goddess from harm.

If this character has joined a unit that has a Unit Strength of 10 or more, and that has a Chivalrous Vow (see page 108), they may voluntarily ‘retire’ to the rear of the unit at any time, moving through the ranks and taking up a position away from the combat. Should they do so, they are no longer within the fighting rank and cannot make any attacks or have attacks directed against them. However, they continue to confer benefits to the unit in the form of Leadership and special rules, and may cast spells as if they were within the fighting rank.

Burning Braziers

Wrought iron braziers full of smouldering coals not only ward against the morning’s chill, they also allow the bowmen to rain burning arrows down upon the foe.

The longbows of a unit equipped with burning braziers gain the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Chalice Of Brionne

This gilded relic draws power away from those who would harm the servants of the Lady.

Whilst within this model’s Command range, enemy characters that attempt to use any special rule or magic item that requires them to make a Leadership test (Rallying Cry, for example) suffer a -2 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).

Crusader’s Zeal

Filled by a ferocious zeal, the brave defenders of Bretonnia rush towards the foe, their lust for battle driving them across great distances.

A unit with this special rule increases its maximum possible charge range by 1" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply a +1 modifier to the result. In addition, a unit with this special rule gains the Impetuous special rule.

Crusading Knights

When chivalrous knights gather in large numbers to embark upon a sacred crusade or errantry war, they become gripped by a religious fervour, swearing fresh vows to the Lady of the Lake.

Within an Errantry Crusade army, the following characters and units gain the Crusader’s Zeal special rule. In addition, any of the following characters or units that have the Knight’s Vow may replace it with the Crusader’s Vow for free:
• Baron or Paladin
• Knights of the Realm on Foot
• Battle Pilgrims
• Knights Errant
• Mounted Knights of the Realm
• Questing Knights
• Grail Knights
• Pegasus Knights
• Mounted Yeomen

Defensive Stakes

Rough-hewn stakes hammered into the soft earth provide simple but effective defences against a charging enemy.

When a unit equipped with defensive stakes is deployed, the stakes are placed in base contact with its front arc and will remain there for the duration of the game, unless the unit moves – should the unit move for any reason (including reforming), the stakes are lost and are removed from play. All measurement to and from the unit is done from the unit itself – ignore the stakes.

Enemy units can charge the front of a unit equipped with defensive stakes as normal but do not have to physically cross the stakes to do so. Instead, the front rank of a charging unit moves into base contact with the stakes, making a disordered charge and becoming Disrupted. A model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ must make a Dangerous Terrain test if it ends its charge move in base contact with the stakes.

Finest Warhorses

The Warhorses of Bretonnia are bred to bear the weight of a fully armoured knight.

When a unit with this special rule makes a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, it may re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1, before discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.

Peasant’s Duty

It is the role of a Sergeant-at-Arms to keep discipline amongst the ragged ranks of commoners.
Should they fail and cause their liege embarrassment upon the field, the penalties can be most severe.

This character and any unit they have joined may choose to Give Ground rather than Fall Back in Good Order, and does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly unit of Levies Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Additionally, unless this character is fleeing, any friendly unit that is within their Command range and has the Levies special rule may re-roll a failed Panic test.

Dispersed Formation

With their great wings extended, Pegasus Knights descend upon the foe from on high.

Whilst in Skirmish formation, every model in a unit of Pegasus Knights must be within 2" of another model belonging to the same unit, rather than the usual 1".

Dragonhide Cloak

After slaying the dragon Norndrak the Tyrant, Sir Cecil had the creature’s hide fashioned into a cloak, which is said to be near-impervious to mundane weapons and can even ward off intense flame.

The Armour Piercing characteristic of any non-magical weapon used to attack Sir Cecil is reduced by 2. In addition, Sir Cecil is immune to the Killing Blow and Multiple Wounds (X) special rules. If he suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with either of these special rules, he loses a single Wound. Finally, Sir Cecil has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Earn Your Spurs

During an Errantry Crusade, Knights Errant pursue the enemy with great fervour, seeking out trophies that speak of their knightly prowess and bear witness to their valorous acts.

Any enemy standard captured by a unit of Knights Errant is worth 100 Victory Points as a trophy of war. In addition, whilst within 6" of a friendly model with the Grail Vow, or any Lord of Bretonnia, a unit of Knights Errant may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1.

Field Trebuchet

R S AP Special Rules
Field trebuchet 12-72" 5 (10) -1 (-4) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Immovable Object, Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3+1)

Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast template and the Stone Thrower Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template.

Lance Formation

Bretonnian knights make use of a powerful formation called the ‘Lance’.

A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a Lance formation, as described on page 110.

Grail Monk

The rural areas of Bretonnia are dotted with many small Grail monasteries, places of quiet solitude in which pious peasants dedicate their lives in devotion to the Lady of the Lake. In times of war, bold monks will march to war beside the peasant levies.

A Grail Monk is a command group model that follows all of the rules for a champion.
In other words, a unit that contains both a Yeoman and a Grail Monk contains two champions.

Grail Reliquae

Driven by obsession, Grail Pilgrims collect anything a Grail Knight casts away. To the pilgrims, the reliquae fashioned from this detritus is an icon of devotion to both the Lady and her saints.

The Grail Reliquae is placed in the centre of the front rank of its unit (or as close to the centre as possible) and occupies the space of, and counts as, six models; two in the front rank, two in the second and two in the third. If the unit turns or reforms, the Grail Reliquae must be repositioned into the new front rank.

Casualties are removed from the unit as normal, but the Grail Reliquae cannot lose any Wounds whilst any Battle Pilgrims remain. Only once all of the Battle Pilgrims have been removed from the unit can the Grail Reliquae itself lose Wounds.

The Grail Reliquae counts as both a standard bearer and a musician for its unit. Whilst the Grail Reliquae model itself is within 12" of a friendly model that has the Grail Vow and is not fleeing, its unit gains the Immune to Psychology and Unbreakable special rules.

Guardian Of The Sacred Sites

The Green Knight appears unexpectedly before his foes, bursting from within the bole of the most ancient trees, or galloping furiously from still lakes or rushing waterfalls.

The Green Knight is not placed on the battlefield during deployment – he slumbers until he is awakened during the game. During any of your Start of Turn sub-phases in which the Green Knight is not on the battlefield (even if he was removed from play as a casualty during a previous turn), you may attempt to awaken him by rolling a D6. On a roll of 1-2, he continues to slumber until your next turn at least. On a roll of 3+, the Green Knight awakens. If the Green Knight has not yet been awakened by the start of round five, he awakens automatically.

When the Green Knight awakens, he may be placed completely within any ‘natural’ terrain feature anywhere on the battlefield. For the purposes of this rule, a ‘natural’ terrain feature includes any woods, or any difficult or dangerous terrain (as described on page 269 of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook). It does not include any constructions, such as walls or buildings. Before the game starts, the players should agree upon which terrain features are natural and which are not.

In addition, rather than moving normally during the Remaining Moves sub-phase, if the Green Knight is completely within a natural terrain feature and is not engaged in combat, you may remove him from the battlefield and replace him so that he is completely within a different natural terrain feature anywhere on the battlefield. The Green Knight cannot move again during this Movement phase.

Note that when the Green Knight appears within a natural terrain feature, he must abide by the 1" rule. In other words, the Green Knight cannot be placed within 1" of an enemy unit.

Immovable Object

Constructing a trebuchet is a substantial undertaking involving the moving and lifting of huge wooden beams. Once erected, a trebuchet is not easily moved.

Once a field trebuchet has been placed on the battlefield during deployment, it cannot be moved by its crew during the Remaining Moves sub-phase.

Note that a field trebuchet can still pivot freely at any time during its turn (the better to face the enemy) and may make a follow up move as normal.

Immovable Object

A trebuchet is a machine made of heavy wooden beams. Once assembled, it is not easy to move.

Once a field trebuchet is placed on the battlefield during deployment, its servants can no longer move it in the Remaining Movements sub-phase.

Note, however, that a field trebuchet can rotate freely at any time during its turn (to better face the enemy) and can make one consecutive move normally.

The Questing Vow

“…I set down my lance, symbol of duty. I spurn my home and those whom I love, taking up instead the tools of my Quest. I give my body, heart and soul to the Lady whom I seek…”

A model with this Chivalrous Vow has the Stubborn special rule and can re-roll any failed Fear, Panic or Terror test. In addition, a model with this Chivalrous Vow does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule is destroyed whilst within 6" of it, or when it is fled through by a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule. However, a model with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be equipped with a lance (be it magical or mundane).

A unit with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be joined by a character that has the Knight’s Vow or the Peasantry special rule. A character with this Chivalrous Vow cannot join a unit with the Peasantry special rule.

The Knight’s Vow

“…When the clarion call is sounded, I will ride out and fight in the name of liege and Lady. Whilst I draw breath, the lands bequeathed unto me will remain untainted by evil. Honour is all …”

A model with this Chivalrous Vow does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule is destroyed whilst within 6" of it, or when it is fled through by a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule.

A unit with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be joined by a character that has the Peasantry special rule. A character with this Chivalrous Vow cannot join a unit with the Peasantry special rule.

The Grail Vow

“…That which is sacrosanct, I shall preserve. That which is sublime, I will protect. That which threatens, I will destroy, for my holy wrath doth know no bounds…”

A model with this Chivalrous Vow has the Immune to Psychology, Magical Attacks and Stubborn special rules. In addition, models with this Chivalrous Vow always benefit from the Blessings of the Lady special rule and do not have to pray at the start of the game. However, a model with this Chivalrous Vow cannot refuse a challenge.

A unit with this Chivalrous Vow can only be joined by a character that also has this Chivalrous Vow or by a Handmaiden of the Lady. A character with this Vow cannot join a unit with the Peasantry special rule.

Living Saints

Each Grail Knight is a mighty champion in their own right. Together, they form a pantheon of living deities, their names spoken as a reverent mantra throughout the land.

Every model in a unit of Grail Knights can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as a character.

Lore of the Lady

The magical powers of the Handmaidens of the Lady all resemble religious observance as much as they do sorcery. With hands clasped in devotion and rapturous joy upon her brow, a Damsel or Prophetess beseeches her goddess to protect and empower her dutiful followers.


The low-born peasants of Bretonnia habitually look to their knightly betters for leadership.

If a unit with this special rule is within 6" of a friendly model that has the Knight’s Vow, the Questing Vow or the Grail Vow, and if that model is not fleeing, this unit can use that model’s Leadership characteristic instead of its own. In addition, a standard carried by a unit with this special rule cannot be counted as a trophy of war. A character with this special rule can only join a unit that also has this special rule.


R S AP Special Rules
Single-handed Combat S - Fight in Extra Rank
Double-handed Combat S+1 -1 Requires Two Hands

Notes: A polearm has two profiles. You must choose which the unit will use at the start of the first round of a combat (i.e., the first round fought following a charge). A model wielding a polearm cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged.

Retinue Of The Saints

Wherever the Grail Knights travel, they gather a following of fanatical worshippers whose only purpose in life is to bask in the reflected glory of such mighty individuals.

Your army may include up to one Grail Reliquae for every character or unit with the Grail Vow it includes.

Sorrow’s End

This enchanted axe has brought about the end of all manner of monsters, both man and beast alike.

R S AP Special Rules
Sorrow’s End Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer, Multiple Wounds (2)

The Chivalrous Vows

The knights of Bretonnia swear Chivalrous Vows of duty, based upon their station, which are copied into painstakingly illuminated scripts and attached to their panoply of war for all to see. Knights live by these Chivalrous Vows, and the breaking of any aspect is deemed among the worst crimes a knight can commit.

The Crusader’s Vow

“…To journey far beyond the borders of fair Bretonnia, into the lair of my foe. To take the battle to the enemies of the Lady of the Lake, wherever they might linger. This is my sacred vow…”

The Crusader’s Vow is a Chivalrous Vow, as described on page 108 of Forces of Fantasy. A model with this Chivalrous Vow has the Veteran special rule. In addition, a model with this Chivalrous Vow does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule is destroyed whilst within 6" of it, or when it is fled through by a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule.

A unit with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be joined by a character with the Peasantry special rule. A character with this Chivalrous Vow cannot join a unit with the Peasantry special rule.

The Dolorous Blade

he Dolorous Blade is a sword of great weight that glows with an eerie light. In battle, the Green Knight wields it with awesome strength and skill.

The Dolorous Blade R S AP Special Rules
Rapid strikes Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D6), Magical Attacks
Deadly blows Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2)

Notes: The Dolorous Blade has two profiles. You must choose which the wielder will use at the start of each round of combat

The Exile’s Vow

... Though my time within the lands of the Lady has come to pass, my time serving her has not. By my hand and her mercy, my honour shall be restored, even if it is to be my final quest in this life…”

The Exile’s Vow is a Chivalrous Vow, as described on page 108 of Forces of Fantasy.
A model with this Chivalrous Vow has the Stubborn and Veteran special rules. In addition, a model with this Chivalrous Vow does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly unit with either the Levies or Peasantry special rule is destroyed whilst within 6" of it, or when it is fled through by a friendly unit with either the Levies or Peasantry special rule.

The Staff Of The Elements

This gnarled wooden staff acts as a conduit for the Winds of Magic, allowing Lady Élisse to better manifest the power of the elements.

If you wish, Lady Élisse may discard two of her randomly generated spells (rather than the usual one) and instead select two signature spells from the Lore of Elementalism and/or the Lore of the Lady.

The Wyrm Slayer

The exploits of the Wyrm Slayer are not only famous within the lands of Bretonnia, but also amongst its enemies.

Should Sir Cecil Gastonne kill an enemy model whose troop type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’ during any Combat phase, he gains the Terror special rule for the remainder of the game.

Virtue Of Heroism

Known as the Slayer of Monsters, Gilles fought and killed many great beasts that stalked the Massif Orcal, mounting their heads on the walls of his fastness.

Unless using a magic weapon, a model with this Virtue gains the Killing Blow and Monster Slayer special rules.

Virtue Of Confidence

Haughty, proud and skilful, Carleond of Couronne took never a backward step in the face of adversity.

A model with this Virtue must always issue and accept challenges (if possible). During a challenge, this model may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit.

Virtue Of Discipline

Famed for his discipline, Marcus took to the field of battle undaunted by his enemies.

A model with this Virtue (and its unit) can march whilst within 8" of an enemy unit without first having to make a Leadership test.

Virtue Of The Ideal

Unmatched was Landuin, his chivalry above all others. Alas, as great was his skill, so too was his arrogance.

Duke, Baron or Paladin only. A character with this Virtue has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill, Initiative, Attacks and Leadership characteristics. However, this character cannot be your army’s General or join a friendly unit.

Virtue Of The Joust

Great was Duke Folgar of Artois’ skill at the tilt. None could withstand the thrust of his lance.

A model with this Virtue may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound made when using a lance.

Virtue Of Noble Disdain

Fredemund held in pure contempt those that would strike at their enemy from afar with a coward’s weapon.

A model with this Virtue may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made during the first round of combat when engaged with an enemy equipped with any missile weapons.

Virtue Of Purity

Chaste and untainted by base emotions, Duke Rademund was the Lady’s most virtuous champion.

A model with this Virtue always benefits from the Blessings of the Lady special rule and always has a 5+ Ward save, even if this model’s army did not pray at the start of the game.

Virtue Of Empathy

A champion of the people, Martrud fought shoulder to shoulder with the peasants he protected.

Duke, Baron or Paladin only. A character with this Virtue can join a unit with the Peasantry special rule.

Virtue Of Stoicism

Awe inspiring are the tales that tell of grim Lambard, standing alone against evil hordes to save his dukedom.

A model with this Virtue (and its unit) may re-roll the 2D6 when making a Break test.

Virtue Of Audacity

A master of feint and riposte, Agilgar’s skill at turning an enemy’s skill against them was legendary.

A model with this Virtue may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made against an enemy model with a higher Weapon Skill characteristic than it.

Virtue Of The Impetuous Knight

In the glory of the charge was Balduin most alive. Though others better controlled their ardour, he was ever in the forefront of battle.

A model with this Virtue gains the Impetuous special rule.

In addition, this model (and its unit) increases its maximum possible charge range by 3". Finally, when this model (and its unit) makes a Charge roll, you may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.

Virtue Of Duty

Most loyal of Companions, brave Duke Thierulf of Lyonesse did lament most painfully when Gilles did fall… Duke, Baron or Paladin only. Unless the General of their army has been removed from play as a casualty, when calculating its combat result, this character may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point. This character cannot be your army General or join a friendly unit.

Virtue Of The Penitent

A penitent hermit-knight, Duke Corduin set aside his vows of solitude when summoned to fight for his king.

Duke, Baron or Paladin only. A character with this Virtue gains the Unbreakable special rule. However, this character cannot join a friendly unit.

Virtue Of Knightly Temper

With a heart of stone and resolute temper Beren stood unbowed, each sweep of blade spilling the blood of many.

During a turn in which it charged, a model with this Virtue gains the Extra Attacks (+D3) and Hatred (all enemies) special rules.