model rules
Tomb Kings of Khemri - Mortuary Cult


Covenant Of Power

A nimbus of sorcerous energy swirls around a Casket of Souls’ infernal form. So great is this power that the incantations of nearby Liche Priests become infused with a portion of the casket’s energy.

Whilst within 12" of a Casket of Souls, friendly Liche Priests may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Additionally, any model (friend or foe) that casts a Bound spell whilst within 12" of a Casket of Souls may apply a +1 modifier to the Casting roll.

Note, however, that this bonus does not apply to any Bound spells cast by a Casket of Souls.


As the Liche Priest intones words of power learned long ago from dusty papyrus, the broken forms of fallen skeletal legionaries begin to rise jerkily from the dust.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may attempt to resurrect the fallen (see page 154) by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, a single friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule and is within 12" of this character recovers a number of lost Wounds. However, magically repairing gigantic undead constructs is much harder than raising skeletons from the sand. Therefore, how many Wounds are recovered depends upon the unit’s troop type and this character’s Level of Wizardry:
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’ or ‘swarms’, it recovers a number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry +D3.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’, it recovers a number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry +1.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’ or ‘light chariot’, it recovers a number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’, ‘behemoth’ or ‘war machine’, it recovers a single Wound.

Arrows Of Asaph

These arrows carry the blessing of the goddess Asaph, and they seek out their enemies with unerring accuracy.

Units with this special rule never apply any modifiers to their rolls To Hit when shooting, regardless of the source of the modifier.

Unstoppable Assault

A charging Necrolith Colossus is nigh impossible to stop, its huge arms raining blow upon blow down on the foe, each sending dead and broken bodies flying in all directions.

During the Combat phase of any turn in which this model charged, every attack it makes that causes an unsaved wound allows it to immediately make one additional attack. These additional attacks also benefit from this special rule.

Note that any unsaved wounds caused by the Stomp Attacks (D3) special rule do not benefit from this special rule.

Authority Of The Hierophant

Flanked by towering undead constructs, living statues and the swarming husks of the countless desert creatures that infest the necropolises, the priests of the Mortuary Cult march to war.

A Mortuary Cult army must include at least one Liche Priest to be its Hierophant. The Hierophant of a Mortuary Cult army must also be its General, even if they are not the character with the highest Leadership in your army.

Banner Of The King

A Monarch’s personal icon is often carried into battle by a trusted Royal Herald.

A Royal Herald that has been upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer replaces the “Hold Your Ground” rule given in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook with the version given below:

“Hold Your Ground”: Friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s Command range may re-roll any failed Leadership test. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s Command range reduce the number of Wounds lost due to the Unstable special rule by D3.

Note that this is not cumulative with the Indomitable (X) special rule (see page 153). If a unit is affected by both, use the highest value.

Bone Carapace

counts as heavy armour

Breath Of Desiccation

R S AP Special Rules
Breath of desiccation N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2)

Screaming Skull Catapult

R S AP Special Rules
Screaming Skull catapult 12-60" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3+1), Screaming Skulls

Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast template and the Stone Thrower Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template.

Screaming Skull Catapult Special Rules

Screaming Skulls: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.

Skulls of the Foe: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any enemy unit that was within 2D6" of the central hole of the blast template after scattering suffers a -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).

Cleaving Blades

R S AP Special Rules
Cleaving blades Combat S -1 Killing Blow

Cleaving Blow

A swift and deadly strike can cleave through the thickest of armour.

If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule cannot be used.

Cloud of Dust

Great clouds of desert sand and dust seethe and billow about a Necrolith Bone Dragon, hiding its form from the eyes of its enemies.

Any enemy model that targets this model during the Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 To Hit modifier.

Commander Of Legions

Settra gains the Arise! special rule and, unlike other models with this special rule, may use it even when engaged in combat.

Skulls Of The Foe

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any enemy unit that was within 2D6" of the central hole of the blast template after scattering suffers a -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).

Curse Of The Necropolis

A powerful curse hangs over the rulers of Nehekhara. Those that would dare strike down these ancient lords find their blood turned to sand and their bodies engulfed in swarms of desert locusts.

If a model with this special rule loses its last Wound to an enemy attack, the unit that made the attack must immediately make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the enemy unit suffers D3 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -.

Envenomed Sting

R S AP Special Rules
Envenomed sting Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First

Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Decapitating Claws

R S AP Special Rules
Decapitating claws Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Monster Slayee

Decapitating Strike

R S AP Special Rules
Decapitating strike Combat S+5 -4 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer, Strike Last

Notes: This model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon.

Dry As Dust

Entombed beneath the arid desert, the remains of living things become as dry as the dust in which they lay and, should they catch aflame, the fire quickly spreads.

Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound from a Flaming Attack, your opponent may roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the flames quickly die down and this model escapes further harm. On a roll of 4+, the flames take hold and this model loses one additional Wound.

Note that excess wounds caused to a model will have no additional effect except in the case of a character that is part of a challenge, in which case this special rule counts for Overkill. Excess wounds do not ‘spill over’ onto other models in the unit.

Unbound Spirits

If the guardians of a Casket of Souls are slain, the tortured souls contained within the vessel will escape their confines in a raging maelstrom of destruction and vengeance.

If the crew of a Casket of Souls is reduced to zero Wounds, immediately roll a D6 for every unit (friend or foe) within 12" of the model. On a roll of 4+, the unit suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Once these hits are resolved, the Casket of Souls is removed from play.

Eternal Taskmaster

Necrotects were the taskmasters of ancient Nehekhara. Under their stern gaze, armies of workers laboured relentlessly in the service of mighty kings.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to drive a unit they have joined to greater efforts by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Extra Attacks (+1) and Hatred (all enemies) special rules.

Soul Reaper

A Necrosphinx embodies the malevolence of the gods of the underworld. In battle it will mark the souls of worthy enemies, speeding their journey into the realm of its masters.

After deployment but before the first turn begins, nominate a single enemy character.
This is the soul marked by the Necrosphinx to journey into the underworld by the battle’s end. This model may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 made against the nominated character.

Fiery Roar

R S AP Special Rules
Fiery roar N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks

From Beneath The Sands

At the Liche Priest’s command, the sands begin to shift and churn, revealing their hidden treasures:
the dry bones of long dead warriors and the glistening wing cases of biting insects.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may choose a single friendly unit that has both the Nehekharan Undead and the Ambushers special rules, and that is currently held in reserve, and attempt to summon it by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership):
• If this test is passed, the chosen unit is successfully summoned and can be placed on the battlefield anywhere completely within 12" of this model, but not within 6" of any enemy models. The unit cannot charge during this turn and counts as having moved for the purposes of shooting, but can otherwise act as normal.
• If this test is failed, the Ambushers pay no heed to this model's summons and are delayed until their controlling player’s next turn at least.

Note that Ambushers arrive automatically at the start of round five as usual.


R S AP Special Rules
Greatbow 30" 6 -1 Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2), Volley Fire

Harmonious Incantations

When the Liche Priests of the Mortuary Cult gather together in numbers, their incantations are strengthened by their harmonious chanting.

If a Liche Priest within a Mortuary Cult army uses the Arise! special rule whilst within the Command range of one or more other friendly Liche Priests, the number of lost Wounds the chosen unit recovers is increased by 1.

Herald Of Despair

The tidings of woe uttered by Nekaph before battle are enough to break the spirits of even the most stout hearted folks.

Any enemy unit that is in base contact with Nekaph or a unit he has joined must roll an extra D6 when making a Fear or Terror test, and discard the lowest result.

Immortal Overseer

Under the cruel gaze of an Arch Necrotect, even the emotionless skeletal servants and magical constructs of the Mortuary Cult are driven to ever greater efforts.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to drive a single friendly unit within their Command range to greater efforts by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase that unit gains a +D3 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10).

Immovable Object

A Casket of Souls is not borne, but is summoned by an incantation. As its Keeper intones the proper chants, a fountain of skulls bursts from the ground below, revealing the Casket atop a dais of bone.

Once a Casket of Souls has been placed on the battlefield during deployment it cannot be moved by its crew during the Remaining Moves sub-phase.

Note that a Casket of Souls can still pivot freely at any time during its turn (the better to face the enemy) and may make a follow up move as normal.


Within the legions of the Tomb Kings march creatures with an indomitable will to hang on to the last vestiges of life no matter what.

A unit with this special rule reduces the number of wounds suffered due to the Unstable special rule by the number shown in brackets (shown here as ‘X’).

Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more models in a unit have this special rule, use the highest value for the entire unit. For example, if a character with Indomitable (2) joins a unit with Indomitable (1), the whole unit uses the character’s Indomitable (2) special rule.


A Khopesh is a heavy curved blade of bronze with a cutting edge hammered to a wicked sharpness. It is an excellent hacking weapon, able to cut easily through armour and shields to sever limbs and cleave skulls.

A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.

The Hierophant

The title of 'Hierophant' is bestowed upon the highest-ranking Liche Priest within an army. The Hierophant holds the crucial responsibility of awakening the Tomb King’s legions from their ancient slumber. Without their magical influence, the spirits of these warriors risk being dragged back to the Realm of Souls.

To designate a Hierophant within your army:

You must include at least one Liche Priest.
If your army comprises multiple Liche Priests, the Hierophant will be the one with the highest Level of Wizardry.
In case of a tie in Wizard Level among multiple models, you have the liberty to select the Hierophant when compiling your muster list. However, you must disclose this information to your opponent before deploying your army.
The significance of the Hierophant extends to the battlefield:

Upon the Hierophant's demise, the magical animus of the army begins to dissipate.
Immediately upon the Hierophant's removal from play as a casualty, all friendly units with the Nehekharan Undead special rule lose the Regeneration (X) special rule.

At the end of the phase in which the Hierophant was eliminated and during each of your Start of Turn sub-phases for the rest of the game, all friendly units with the Nehekharan Undead special rule currently on the battlefield must undergo a Leadership test.
If this test is failed, the unit suffers a reduction in Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test.
For instance:
Suppose your army’s Hierophant is destroyed during your opponent’s Shooting phase. At the end of that phase, a unit of Skeleton Warriors (Ld 5) undergoes a Leadership test, rolling a 7 (failing the test by 2). Consequently, the unit immediately loses two Wounds. During your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the same unit undergoes another Leadership test, rolling a 6, resulting in the loss of one Wound.

Ritual Blade

R S AP Special Rules
Ritual blade Combat S+2 -3 Requires Two Hands, Strike Last

Lashing tail

counts as hand weapons

Lore Of Nehekhara

The magic of Nehekhara was perfected millennia ago and has remained unchanged in the long centuries since. The wording of every incantation used in the preservation and reanimating of the dead is recorded on dusty papyrus in the mysterious hieroglyphs of Nehekhara’s ancient language, to be uttered aloud in long, monotonous ritual.

Nehekharan Undead

The legions of the Tomb Kings are no longer beings of flesh and blood, but sun-bleached bones animated by ritualistic magic that stride slowly but inexorably towards their enemies.

Models with this special rule are ‘Undead’. Undead models cannot march (unless they have the Fly (X) special rule and choose to move by flying). In addition, all Undead models have the following universal special rules:
• Fear
• Immune to Psychology
• Unbreakable
• Unstable

A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without this special rule, and vice versa.

My Will Be Done

Although it is the magic of the Liche Priests that animates the armies of Khemri, it is the indomitable will of the Tomb King that instils long-dead warriors with unyielding vigour.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to exert their will upon those around them by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, choose one of the following modifiers. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character, their mount and any unit they have joined gain that modifier (to a maximum of 10):

• “Forward to Glory!”: +D3 Movement.
• “My Worthy Champions!”: +1 Weapon Skill.
• “Strike like the Cobra!”: +D3 Initiative.

Note that this special rule is not cumulative. In other words, using it more than once on the same unit during the same turn has no further effect.

Nehekharan Phalanx

The warriors of ancient Nehekhara are implacable foes and, with their tall shields locked together, present an all but immovable barrier to the enemy’s advance.

A unit with this special rule that is arrayed in a Close Order formation, and that is equipped with and chooses to use shields, may choose not to Give Ground should it lose a round of combat.

However, if the winning side significantly outnumbers the losing side, it will overwhelm the loser. If the Unit Strength of the winning side is more than twice that of the losing side, this unit cannot use this special rule and must Give Ground as normal.

Paired Great Khopeshes

R S AP Special Rules
Paired great khopeshes Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Requires Two Hands

Petrifying Gaze

R S AP Special Rules
Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Sworn Protector

Anyone wishing to harm a Monarch of Nehekhara must first get past their Heralds, sworn bodyguards who move to intercept any mortal blow, heedless of the danger to themselves.

Should a Monarch of Nehekhara model suffer a hit whilst within 3" of this model, you may choose to transfer that hit and all of its effects onto this model.

Writhing Tail

R S AP Special Rules
Writhing tail Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D3)

Notes: In combat, a Sepulchral Stalker may make an additional D3 attacks each turn, each of which must be made with this weapon (roll separately for each model in the unit).

Resurrecting the Fallen

In a Tomb Kings of Khemri army, it is possible to heal a unit by recovering lost Wounds, and to resurrect fallen warriors. Wounds recovered in this way follow a strict order:

• First, any characters that have joined the unit are healed. A character that has been reduced to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot be resurrected.
• Second, models with more than one Wound on their profile are healed.
• Next, the unit champion is resurrected, displacing rank-and-file models as required, followed by the standard bearer and musician.
• Finally, rank-and-file models are resurrected.

Note that, in the case of multiple Wound models, each model must be fully healed, recovering all of its lost Wounds, before another can be healed or resurrected.

Note also that at least one model must remain in order for a unit to be healed. In other words, a unit that has been reduced to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot be resurrected.

Resurrected models are added to the front rank until it reaches the minimum required to claim a Rank Bonus, after which additional models can be added to the front or rear rank. If the unit already has more than one rank, models can only be added to the rear rank. A unit cannot be taken beyond its starting size.

Skeletal Hoove

counts as hand weapons

Scarab Prince

Apophas’ spirit resides in a swarm of scarabs which, should his spirit ever be banished back to the Underworld, will drown those who brought about the prince’s end.

Should Prince Apophas lose his last Wound, before his model is removed from play, all enemy units within 2D6" of him suffer 2D6 Strength 2 hits with an AP of -1.

Sepulchral Animus

Drawing from the powerful magics that animate the great undead constructs of Nehekhara, the Priests of the Mortuary Cult can strengthen their spells and incantations.

Before making a Casting roll, any Liche Priest within a Mortuary Cult army may draw upon the magical animus of any nearby undead constructs. To do so, nominate a friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule, that is within the Liche Priest’s Command range and whose troop type is ‘swarms’, ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. The nominated unit immediately loses 1-3 Wounds, as chosen by the controlling player. The Liche Priest may then modify their Casting roll by adding the number of Wounds lost by the nominated unit to the result.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not negate a roll of a natural double 1

Settra Does Not Kneel!

Settra views all people as his subjects and all lands as his to conquer; anyone that would challenge his rule is swiftly and brutally punished.

Settra must always accept a challenge unless Nekaph, Emissary of Settra is engaged in the same combat. In which case, Nekaph must accept the challenge on Settra’s behalf.

Settra The Great

Settra is the most powerful and respected leader in Nehekhara’s long history and his command over its mighty legions is unequalled.

If your army includes Settra, he must be the army’s General and must be chosen to be the army’s Hierophant, even if he does not have the highest Level of Wizardry in your army. In addition, Settra has a Command Range of 18".

Settra’s Champion

In ancient Nehekhara, Nekaph would stand in Settra’s place should anyone be foolish enough to challenge the king to single combat or call his honour into question.

Nekaph must always issue and accept challenges (if possible). However, challenges issued by Nekaph cannot be refused. In addition, whilst engaged in a challenge, Nekaph strikes a Killing Blow if he rolls a natural 5 or 6 when making a roll To Wound, rather than the usual 6.

Stone Shaper

Schooled by the priests of the Mortuary Cult in crafting the potent symbols of animation, it is the duty of an Arch Necrotect to maintain the animus of Nehekhara’s legions of undead constructs.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may nominate a single friendly Necrolith Colossus, Necrosphinx, unit of Ushabti or unit of Venerable Ushabti that is within their Command range. Until the end of this turn, the nominated unit improves the armour value of its Regeneration save by 1.

Swarming Mass

As the swarm of scarabs in which Apophas’ accursed soul resides rises up from the dust of the desert, his gleaming skull opens its fleshless jaw wide, unleashing an all consuming cloud of flesh eating beetles upon his enemies.

R S AP Special Rules
N/A 2 - Breath Weapon

Notes: When making a roll To Wound with this weapon, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.

The Blessed Blade of Ptra

R S AP Special Rules
Combat S -3 Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands

Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Blessed Blade of Ptra suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit, both when shooting and in combat, for the remainder of the game.

The Blessed Blade Of Ptra

Blessed by the sun god, the blade of Ptra’s white-hot edge is infused with the heat of the desert sun.

It burns so brightly with divine fire that it blinds those who dare stand before the mighty Settra.

The Chariot Of The Gods

This mighty chariot is blessed by all of the gods and goddesses of Nehekhara, causing its wheels to blaze with divine flame.

Impact hits caused by the Chariot of the Gods have the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules. In addition, when fielded within a Nehekharan Royal Host army, this model may join a unit of Tomb Guard Chariots as if its troop type were ‘light chariot’.

The Crown Of Nehekhara

Having incorporated the crowns of conquered rivals into his own, Settra’s regal headdress allows him to instil his undying will into all those nearby.

Settra’s My Will Be Done special rule affects all friendly units with the Nehekharan Undead special rule within 6" of him, not just a unit he has joined.

The Flail Of Conquered Kings

The skulls of many conquered monarchs have been collected and cast in gold to create this macabre weapon. In Nekaph’s skeletal hands, it continues to aid the Emissary in his grim duty.

R S AP Special Rules
S+2 -2 Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2), Requires Two Hands

Notes: The Flail of Conquered Kings’ Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.

The Scarab Brooch Of Usirian

Made in the likeness of a skull-carapaced Khepra beetle, this talisman cloaks the wearer in protective energies and the blessing of Usirian, god of the Underworld.

The Scarab Brooch of Usirian grants Settra a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

The Terrors Below

From beneath the shifting and treacherous desert sands, tunnelling undead creatures strike at their enemies, dragging them to a grisly fate before bursting from the surface and into the fray.

Any Tomb Scorpion or unit of Necroserpents may have this special rule for +2 points per model. When a unit with this special rule is placed on the battlefield as a result of using the From Beneath the Sands special rule, it may nominate a single enemy unit that is within 8" of it and whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’. The nominated enemy unit must immediately make a number of Initiative tests equal to the Unit Strength of this unit. For each test that is failed, a single model belonging to the nominated unit is removed from play as a casualty.

Usirian’s Reaper

In a desperate bid to escape his pact with the god of the Underworld, Apophas seeks out those whose souls he believes to be equal to his own, hunting them until their soul has been delivered to Usirian.

After deployment, nominate a single character in your opponent’s Muster List. Apophas may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit or To Wound made against that character. In addition, any hits inflicted by Apophas against the nominated character gain the Magical Attacks special rule.

Vortex Of Souls

When a Casket of Souls is opened, blinding light is unleashed upon the battlefield as the countless bound souls entombed within it scream into the air seeking freedom from their suffering and confinement. These spirits soar forth, bound by the incantations of the Keeper to do their will.

A Casket of Souls can cast the following Bound spells, with a Power Level of 3:

Light Of Death
The unleashed spirits plunge through the bodies of the Tomb Kings’ enemies, their hapless victims suffering unbearable agony as their life essence is utterly drained.

Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 7+
Range: 36"
Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a Leadership test. If this test is passed, it suffers D3 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -1. If, however, this test is failed, it suffers D6+3 Strength 6 hits, each with the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule and with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Light Of Protection
The freed souls cluster about the skeletal legions of the Tomb Kings, blinding their enemies and turning aside their hostile blows.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this Bound spell is in play, this model and any friendly unit within 18" of this model gains a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. In addition, whilst this Bound spell is in play, enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to any rolls To Hit made against this model and any friendly unit within 18" of this model.

However, if this model casts the Light of Death Bound spell, this Bound spell will immediately expire.