model rules
The High Elf Realms


Anointed Of Asuryan

In matters both martial and spiritual, the Phoenix Guard take their lead from the Anointed of Asuryan, learned sages that have for centuries been immersed in Asuryan’s teachings.

A character with the Anointed of Asuryan Elven Honour:
• May be mounted on a Flamespyre Phoenix or a Frostheart Phoenix (but cannot choose any other mount options).
• May be equipped with a ceremonial halberd (see page 187) for no additional points. If so, they may not take any additional, non-magical weapons.
• Gains the Blessings of Asuryan, Fear and Witness to Destiny special rules.
• Replaces the Valour of Ages special rule with the Veteran special rule.

Bow Of Avelorn

High Elves are famed archers and in every province of Ulthuan, the gleaming ranks of citizen militia are equipped with splendid longbows as a matter of course. Yet, it is the artisans of Avelorn that craft the finest bows in all of Ulthuan.

R S AP Special Rules
Bow of Avelorn 30" S - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, Volley Fire

Ithilmar Weapons

Weapons crafted of Ithilmar are incredibly lightweight and balanced to perfection. Such blades slice swiftly through the clumsy parries and counter-thrusts of enemies.
When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule that is fighting with a hand weapon may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.

Dragon Armour

Dragon armour is forged in the heart of a volcano by the most skilled of artificers and decorated beyond the skill of any mere mortal artisan. Yet, more than its exquisite form, what makes Dragon armour so desirable are the many potent enchantments that ward against the blows of the enemy.

A model with this special rule has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. In addition, a Wizard with this special rule may wear armour without penalty.

Ithilmar Armour

Ithilmar is a wondrous and lightweight metal found only in Vaul’s Anvil, the largest volcano in Ulthuan. A warrior wearing a gleaming suit of Ithilmar armour enjoys great protection and freedom of movement, enabling them to traverse the most hostile of terrain with ease.

A model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls of 1 when making Dangerous Terrain tests. In addition, a Wizard with this special rule may wear armour without penalty.

Arrows Of Isha

Many High Elf nobles fill their quivers with finely crafted arrows.
Bound with enchantments and blessed by the touch of the Tears of Isha, such arrows are anathema to the enemies of Ulthuan.

Any bow (longbow, shortbow, warbow or Bow of Avelorn) carried by a model with this special rule has the Armour Bane (1) special rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Blizzard Aura

The ice that sheathes a Frostheart Phoenix is as hard as glass, and enemies find their own strength and resolve eaten away by its chill presence.

Whilst in base contact with this model, enemy models become subject to the Strike Last special rule.

Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower

R S AP Special Rules
Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower 24" 5 -3 Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3) bolt thrower

Ihilmar Barding

Ithilmar is a wondrous and lightweight metal found only in Vaul’s Anvil, the largest volcano in Ulthuan. A warrior wearing a gleaming suit of Ithilmar armour enjoys great protection and freedom of movement, enabling them to traverse the most hostile of terrain with ease.

A model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls of 1 when making Dangerous Terrain tests. In addition, a Wizard with this special rule may wear armour without penalty.

Lileath's Blessing

Lileath is the patron of seers and prophets, and many are her gifts to the Elves of Ulthuan. Those students of High Magic that earn her blessing become possessed of a profound understanding and ability to control the Winds of Magic.

Once per turn, a model with this special rule may re-roll a single failed Casting roll.

Blessings Of Asuryan

The most devoted servants of Asuryan seem to blaze with a fiery intensity borne of unshakeable faith. In battle, such faith is rewarded by the Creator God of the Elves.

A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Blazing Plumage

counts as heavy armour

Blood Of Caledor

Ulthuan was once dominated by the valour and wisdom of Caledor’s Dragon Princes. Today, the royal bloodline has faded, yet the haughty pride of Caledor’s warrior elite still shines bright.

A character with the Blood of Caledor Elven Honour (but not their mount):
• Must be mounted on either a Barded Elven Steed, a Sun Dragon, a Moon Dragon, or a Star Dragon.
• Has a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic.
• May be equipped with full plate armour for no additional points.
• Gains the Dragon Armour and Impetuous special rules.

Lion Cloak

The thick pelt of a Chracian White Lion offers exemplary protection against arrows and shot, though to wear such a trophy a warrior must have earned the right, and this honour is reserved only for those that have completed the rites of a Chracian warrior.

A model with this special rule improves its armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+) against non-magical shooting attacks.

Ceremonial Halberd

The favoured weapon of the Phoenix Guard is the halberd. The silent guardians of Asuryan’s shrine wield their long, heavy bladed weapons with a skill and precision unmatched by the clumsy warriors of other races.

R S AP Special Rules
Ceremonial Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Fight in Extra Rank, halberd Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands

Notes: A model wielding a ceremonial halberd cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged.

Chracian Hunter

In Chrace, a warrior’s skill at arms and strength of character matters almost as much as the nobility of their blood, and the foremost warriors quickly rise to prominence within the ranks of the White Lions.

A character with the Chracian Hunter Elven Honour (but not their mount):
• May only be mounted on a White Lion Chariot (but cannot choose any other mount options).
• May be equipped with a Chracian great blade (see page 187) for no additional points. If so, they may not take any additional, non-magical weapons.
• Gains the Lion Cloak, Move through Cover and Stubborn special rules.

Chracian Great Blade

White Lions proudly bear the traditional woodsman’s axe into battle, many of which are ancient heirlooms. Handed down across centuries untold they never lose their keen edge, and can fell a tree or cleave a foe in half with but a single blow.

R S AP Special Rules
Chracian Great Blade Combat S+2 -3 Requires Two Hands, Strike Last

Chracian Warriors

White Lions form an insular kindred bound together by the arduous rights they have completed. The only outsiders welcomed into their number are the nobles they are sworn to protect.

A unit with this special rule may only be joined by your army’s General, or by a character with the Chracian Hunter Elven Honour.

Horn Of Isha

The Horn of Isha is fashioned from a single pearl-white seashell. The melodious call of this beautiful instrument is said to rouse the mother goddess to grant a blessing upon her favoured children.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to use the Horn of Isha by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this character and any unit they have joined gain a +1 modifier to both their rolls To Hit and their rolls To Wound.

Deflect Shots

It is said that, as the Swordmasters advance into battle, their blades blur and weave faster than the eyes of the enemy can see, knocking aside arrows in mid-flight.

A model with this special rule has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical shooting attack.

Elven Reflexes

Elves possess phenomenal speed and grace, striking at their enemies faster than the eye can see.

A model with this special rule (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10) during the first round of any combat.

Sword Of Hoeth

The elegant blade of a sword of Hoeth is as long as an Elf is tall, yet balanced to seem as light as a feather. So keen is its edge, and so enduring its enchantments, that the sharpness of the blade is never dulled, no matter how many helms are cloven by its strikes.

R S AP Special Rules
Sword of Hoeth Combat S+2 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands

Sons Of Caledor

Dragon Princes consider themselves superior to Ulthuan’s other soldiers. Worse, they pay little heed to orders given by commanders they consider their inferiors (though they may consent to consider the suggestions of a noble).

A unit with this special rule may only be joined by your army’s General, or by a character with the Blood of Caledor Elven Honour.

From the Ashe

Should a Phoenix be slain, it explodes in a shower of flaming cinders. If the Winds of Magic are strong, these fiery fragments swiftly coalesce and the Phoenix is reborn.

When a Flamespyre Phoenix loses its last Wound, roll a D6 before removing the model from play:
• On a roll of 1-2, the Phoenix crumbles into cold ashes and is removed from play.
• On a roll of 3-5, the Phoenix explodes into flame. Every enemy unit in base contact with it suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -1 and the Flaming Attacks special rule.
Once these hits are resolved, this model is removed from play.
• On a roll of 6, the Phoenix (and its rider, should it have one) are briefly consumed in a ball of flames, and are immediately reborn, recovering D3 Wounds.

Frozen plumage

counts as full plate armour

King's Guard

Since the time of Caledor the First, the fierce warriors of Chrace have been the closest bodyguards of Elven kings and princes.

Any model in a unit of White Lions of Chrace that has been joined by your army’s General can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as a character. Should your General leave the unit for any reason, the unit loses this ability.

Sea Guard

Many nobles of Lothern choose to serve within the ranks of the Sea Guard, rising quickly to command the disciplined ranks of Ulthuan’s navy and hone their skill on distant battlefields.

A character with the Sea Guard Elven Honour:
• May only be mounted on a Lothern Skycutter (but cannot choose any other mount options).
• May be equipped with a warbow for no additional points. If so, they may not take any additional, non-magical weapons.
• Gains the Naval Discipline and Rallying Cry special rules.

Warden Of Saphery

When Ulthuan marches to war, the Swordmasters of Hoeth are led by the Wardens of Saphery, exemplars of the martial arts who have studied warfare and personal combat for decades.

A character with the Warden of Saphery Elven Honour:
• Cannot be mounted.
• May be equipped with a Sword of Hoeth (see page 187) for no additional points. If so, they may not take any additional, non-magical weapons.
• Gains the Deflect Shots, Ithilmar Armour and Killing Blow special rules.

Griffonic pelt

counts as heavy armour

Warriors Of The White Tower

The swordmasters of the White Tower fight with a precision and unity unattainable by lesser warriors. To join their ranks, one must have studied their art under the Blademasters of Hoeth.

A unit with this special rule may only be joined by a High Elf Mage, or by a character with either the Warden of Saphery or Loremaster Elven Honour.

Warriors Of Nagarythe

There is no respite for the warriors of Nagarythe, only a ceaseless vigil against the approach of their traitorous kin. This eternal watchfulness casts them as outsiders amongst their own kind, and many High Elves mistrust them, feeling ill at ease with their stony hearts and ruthless ways.

A unit with this special rule may only be joined by a character with the Shadow Stalker Elven Honour.

Serrated Maw

R S AP Special Rules
Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2)

Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Handmaiden's Spear

R S AP Special Rules
Handmaiden’s Spear Combat S -1 -

Notes: During a turn in which it was charged, a model wielding a Handmaiden’s spear gains a +1 modifier to its Initiative against the charging unit(s).

Lore Of Saphery

While lesser races study magic in its corrupted, broken form, High Elf Mages harness its power as pure mystical energy.
Within the White Tower, mages learn to smooth the tumultuous eddies of the Winds of Magic, bringing all eight together to create the silvery hue of pure magic.


Amongst the seers and scholars that reside within the Tower of Hoeth, there are those that practise both the mystical and martial arts as one. Such dedication marks a Loremaster from a mere scholar.

High Elf Lords only. A character with the Loremaster Elven Honour:
• Cannot be mounted.
• Is a Level 1 Wizard and knows one randomly generated spell from one of the following Lores of Magic:
- Battle Magic
- Elementalism
- High Magic
- Illusion
• May be equipped with a Sword of Hoeth (see page 187) for no additional points. If so, they may not take any additional, non-magical weapons.
• Gains the Ithilmar Armour, Lileath’s Blessing and Lore of Saphery special rules.

Martial Prowess

Elven soldiers spend many hours perfecting their battlefield drill, masterfully wielding their long spears with a skill and grace absent from the ranks of their enemies.

A unit with this special rule can make supporting attacks to its flank or rear, as well as to its front.

Naval Discipline

The citizens of Lothern are justifiably proud of the discipline of the Sea Guard regiments. These skilled warriors drill for many hours, perfecting the art of firing a volley of shots even as they redress their ranks to receive the enemy’s charge.

A unit of Lothern Sea Guard may use this special rule when it makes a Stand & Shoot charge reaction. A unit that does so can make a Stand & Shoot charge reaction regardless of how close the charging unit is. Once this shooting has been resolved, the charged unit may make a free redress the ranks manoeuvre, after which it will Hold and await the charging unit.

Units that are fleeing, that are already engaged in combat when charged, or that have been joined by a character that does not have this special rule cannot use this special rule.

Pure Of Heart

Though Ulthuan’s Golden Age is a distant memory, there are still a few nobles that embody all that is glorious about the High Elves, their presence reminding others of the heroic past of their race.

Unless this character is fleeing, all friendly units within their Command range can use their Leadership characteristic instead of their own. In addition, this character and any unit it has joined automatically passes any Panic test it is required to make.

Shadow Stalker

Like all denizens of Nagarythe, Shadow Stalkers are outcasts. Many choose to travel far beyond the borders of Ulthuan, fighting unseen wars in the eternal defence of their homeland.
A character with the Shadow Stalker Elven Honour:
• Cannot be mounted.
• May be equipped with a bow of Avelorn (see page 187) for no additional points. If so, they may not take any additional, non-magical weapons.
• Cannot have heavy armour or full plate armour.
• Gains the Ambushers, Evasive, Fire & Flee, Move through Cover and Scouts special rules.

Wake Of Fire

When a Flamespyre Phoenix is enraged, its plumage explodes into a magical flame, causing the creature to leave a trail of angry fire in its wake.

This model may perform a ‘Wake of Fire’ attack against a single enemy unit that is not engaged in combat. To do so, this model must move (by flying) over the unit it wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this model’s movement is complete, the enemy unit suffers D6 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1 and with the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Witness To Destiny

Cursed with the knowledge of their own demise, the Phoenix Guard are able to effortlessly avoid the mundane weapons of the enemy with a disturbing ease.

This unit has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack.

Valour Of Ages

Throughout the ages, the High Elves of Ulthuan have stood firm against the multitudinous forces of the ruinous powers. They have faced daemonic legions, hordes of black armoured Chaos warriors, and even their own treacherous kin, sacrificing all to defend their realms.

A unit with this special rule may re-roll any failed Panic test caused by taking heavy casualties or by being fled through by a friendly unit.