model rules
Daemons Of Chaos


Ensorcelled Weapon

R S AP Special Rules
Ensorcelled weapon Combat S -1 -

Chaos Armour

Chaos armour is the living gift of the gods. As mortal champions progress towards glory, their armour becomes ever more heavy and baroque as new plates are added, each new piece obscuring more of their humanity.

This model has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. In addition, a Wizard with this special rule may wear armour without penalty.

Slashing Attack

Screamers’ slashing blades tear through the foe as they dive close and pass quickly by.

A unit with this special rule may perform a ‘Slashing Attack’ against a single enemy unit that is not engaged in combat. To do so, this unit must move (by flying) over the unit it wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this unit’s movement is complete, the enemy unit suffers D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -, for each model in this unit that moved over it.

Attention Seeker

Beasts of Nurgle bound enthusiastically towards newcomers, lavishing affection upon them.

Every model in a unit of Beasts of Nurgle can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as a character.

Tzeentchian Wand

R S AP Special Rules
Tzeentchian Wand 18" 4 -1 Flaming Attacks, Multiple Shots (D3+1), Quick Shot

Baleful torrent

R S AP Special Rules
Baleful torrent 12" 5 -1 Column of Fire, Cumbersome
Notes: This weapon shoots like a fire thrower, using the ‘Column of Fire’ special rule. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a Misfire table).


R S AP Special Rules
Bilesword Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Strike Last

Notes: Regeneration saves are not permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (armour and Ward saves can be attempted as normal).


R S AP Special Rules
Bloodflail Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Wounds (D3)
Notes: A Bloodflail’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.

Brass bound hoove

R S AP Special Rules
Brass bound hooves Combat S -2 -

Brazen hide

counts as barding

Brazen wheels

The brazen bulk of a Skull Cannon grinds inexorably across the battlefield, its churning wheels, driven by its daemonic engine, crushing all before it.

Stomp Attacks made by a Skull Cannon of Khorne have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -3. However, this rule cannot be used against models whose troop type is ‘behemoth’ – they are simply too large to be caught beneath a Skull Cannon’s wheels.

Cannon of Khorne

Cannon of Khorne R S AP Special Rules
Solid shot 36" 8 -2 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire, Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3)
Scatter shot N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon

Notes: A Cannon of Khorne has two profiles, representing its two modes of firing. When firing solid shot, this weapon shoots like a cannon, using the ‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice during step 2, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a Misfire table).

Harvester cannon

R S AP Special Rules
Harvester cannon 12" 4 -1 Cumbersome, Needs More Nails

Notes: This weapon shoots like a cannon firing grape shot, using the ‘Needs More Nails’ special rule. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a Misfire table).

Daemonic Charge

Filled with rage and fury, a charging Bloodthirster crushes its foes beneath its brazen hooves.

Impact Hits caused by this model have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.

Cleaving Blow

With a swift and deadly strike, a skilled warrior can cleave through armour.

If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule cannot be used.

Daemon(s) Of Khorne

The ranks of Khorne’s daemonic hosts are filled with ferocious and frenzied fiends, fuelled by a constant hunger to spill blood and claim skulls.

Daemons of Khorne have the Hatred (Daemons of Slaanesh) special rule. In addition, during a turn in which it made a charge move, a Daemon of Khorne (but not its mount) gains a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic.

Daemon(s) Of Nurgle

Enshrouded in dense clouds of flies, the legions of Nurgle trudge across the battlefield, spreading his multitudinous gifts and cataloguing their effects upon mortals.

Daemons of Nurgle have the Hatred (Daemons of Tzeentch) special rule. In addition, any enemy model that directs its attacks against a Daemon of Nurgle during the Combat phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6.

Daemon(s) Of Slaanesh

Shrouded in hypnotic glamour, the Daemons of Slaanesh surge across the battlefield on lithe limbs, capering from foe to foe, claw-hands slicing through flesh and armour.

Daemons of Slaanesh have the Hatred (Daemons of Khorne) special rule. In addition, Daemons of Slaanesh increase their maximum possible charge range by 1" and have a +1 modifier to the result of any Charge or Pursuit roll they make.

Daemon(s) Of Tzeentch

Created from the raw stuff of magic by the Changer of Ways, the Daemons of Tzeentch blur with ever-changing colours and crawling warpflame.

Daemons of Tzeentch have the Hatred (Daemons of Nurgle) special rule. In addition, a Daemon of Tzeentch that is also a Wizard may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not negate a roll of a natural double 1.


Daemons are creatures of magic that advance inexorably into battle, yet fade quickly into nothingness when struck a banishing blow.

Models with this special rule are ‘Daemonic’. All Daemonic models have a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack. In addition, all Daemonic models have the following universal special rules:
• Daemonic Instability
• Fear
• Immune to Psychology
• Magical Attacks
• Unbreakable
• Warp-spawned

A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without this special rule, and vice versa.

Daemonic flesh

counts as heavy armmour

Daemonic Instability

When the tide of battle turns, a Daemon’s grasp upon its physical form becomes ever more tenuous.

If a unit with this special rule loses a round of combat, it must make a Leadership test (before it Gives Ground) with a +1 modifier to the result for every combat result point by which it lost:
• If this test is passed, all is well.
• If this test is failed, the unit loses a number of Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test. If the unit contains any characters, allocate wounds to the unit until each model has been allocated one wound. Any remaining wounds are divided as equally as possible between the character(s) and the unit.
• If this test is failed on a roll of a natural double 6, the unit is dragged back into the æther. The unit is immediately removed from play

Daemonic Locus

Daemonic Heralds act as loci for the Winds of Magic, infusing others of their kind with power.

Friendly units with the same Daemonic Alignment as this model reduce the number of wounds suffered due to the Daemonic Instability special rule by 1 whilst within 12" of this model. In addition, friendly units with the same Daemonic Alignment as this model that roll a natural double 6 when making a Leadership test for Daemonic Instability whilst within 12" of this model are not immediately removed from play. Instead, they lose a number of Wounds equal to the amount by which they failed the test.

Daemonic talon

R S AP Special Rules
Daemonic talons Combat S -1 -

Venom sting

R S AP Special Rules
Venom sting Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)
Note: In combat, a Rot Fly makes one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Death’s Heads

Their openings sealed with coarse thread and their insides filled with pus and viscera, these crude grenades wreak terrible damage upon the flesh of their victims.

R S AP Special Rules
Death’s heads 12" S+1 -1 Move & Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Lore Of Daemons

A Daemon’s sorcerous powers – indeed its entire being – are fixed at the moment of creation. Daemons cannot grow, develop or learn as mortals can. Those Daemons steeped in the mysteries of magic were created with that knowledge and, though it rarely grows or diminishes, such power is a primal expression of the Dark Gods’ will.

A Wizard with ‘Lore of Daemons’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells that corresponds to their Daemonic Alignment listed below.


From the pitted edges of these ugly weapons loathsome toxins ooze, infecting the jagged wounds they inflict with innumerable maladies.

R S AP Special Rules
Plaguesword Combat S - Armour Bane (1)

Notes: Regeneration saves are not permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (armour and Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Scything blade

counts as a hand weapon

Infernal Favour

Powerful Daemons can maintain their corporeal form long after lesser Daemons have been banished.

A unit with this special rule reduces the number of wounds suffered due to the Daemonic Instability special rule by the number shown in brackets (shown here as ‘X’).

Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more models in a unit have this special rule, use the highest value for the entire unit.


The blood and skulls of the fallen are consumed by a Blood Throne, fed into its infernal workings to bring the daemonic engine fresh vigour.

For each Wound an enemy unit loses as a result of an Impact Hit caused by this model, roll a D6. For each roll of 6, this model immediately recovers a single lost Wound.


R S AP Special Rules
Warpflame 18" 4 -1 Flaming Attacks, Move & Shoot, Multiple Shots (D3), Quick Shot

Filth-encrusted claws

counts as hand weapon

Flames Of Tzeentch

From the iridescent flesh of their blazing limbs, Horrors and Flamers alike hurl bolts of roiling magical flame and writhing chaos energy at the foe.

R S AP Special Rules
Flames of Tzeentch 18" 3 - Flaming Attacks, Multiple Shots (2), Quick Shot


R S AP Special Rules
Plagueflail Combat S+2 -3 Multiple Wounds (D3)

Notes: A Plagueflail’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.

Lash of Khorne

R S AP Special Rules
Lash of Khorne Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Strike First

Great axe

R S AP Special Rules
Great axe Combat S+2 -3 Armour Bane (2), Monster Slayer, Requires Two Hands, Strike Last

Iron claw

R S AP Special Rules
Iron claw Combat S -3 Killing Blow


Each life taken by a Hellblade’s wicked edge strengthens its bearer, filling the Daemon with an overwhelming need to take more skulls for the throne of Khorne.

R S AP Special Rules
Hellblade Combat S -1 Cleaving Blow

Impaling claw

R S AP Special Rules
Impaling claws Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Strike First

Lamprey's bite

Screamers flock around creatures larger than them, latching on to their enemy’s flanks with their hideous jaws and tearing chunks from their flesh.

R S AP Special Rules
Lamprey’s bite Combat S -1 Multiple Wounds (D3)

Notes: The Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule only applies against enemy models whose troop type is ‘monster’

Soporific Musk

Fiends of Slaanesh exude a pervasive and oily musk that, when inhaled, numbs the mind and slows the limbs of all who venture too close.

Enemy models engaged in combat with a model with this special rule cannot use the Strike First special rule. Enemy models that do not have the Strike First special rule become subject to the Strike Last special rule instead.

Piercing Claws

The Daemons of Slaanesh strike at their foes with wicked claws, slicing through the sturdiest armour with ease to sever limbs and claim souls for their thirsting master.

R S AP Special Rules
Piercing claws Combat S -1 Armour Bane (2), Extra Attacks (1), Requires Two Hands

Plague Proboscis

+1 Initiative

Venomous tail

R S AP Special Rules
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First

Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Warp gaze

R S AP Special Rules
Warp gaze 48" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (2), Through & Through

Scintillating Sorcery

Spellcasting fills Pink Horrors with joy, and they emit especial merriment as eldritch energy screeches from their upraised hands.

A unit of Pink Horrors knows one of the spells that corresponds to their Daemonic Alignment, as listed on page 34 (chosen by their controlling player before armies are deployed). The unit may cast this spell as a Bound spell, with a Power Level equal to the unit’s current Rank Bonus.

Slime Trail

In their wake, Beasts of Nurgle leave prolific trails of thick slime through which those that follow slip and slide most precariously.

Enemy units cannot claim any bonus combat result points for being engaged within this nit’s flank or rear arc.

Staff of Tzeentch

counts as great weapon


counts as a hand weapon

Writhing tentacles

R S AP Special Rules
Writhing tentacles Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)

Totem Of Endless Bloodletting

A Blood Throne is a physical manifestation of the Blood God’s favour. In its presence, Daemons of Khorne are driven into a raging bloodlust.

Friendly Daemons of Khorne that are within this model’s Command range and that made a Charge move this turn may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 made during the Combat phase.