model rules


Billowing Death

R S AP Special Rules
Billowing Death N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks

Notes: When making a roll To Wound for this weapon, a roll of a natural 6 is always a success, even if the target’s Toughness is so high that the weapon would not normally be able to wound it. In addition, no armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Blessings Of The Horned Rat

The Horned Rat protects its favoured followers, warding them against the weapons of their enemies.

This model has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack.

Claws And Fangs

counts as hand weapons

Deploying Weapon Teams

A Weapon Team must be deployed at the same time as its ‘parent’ unit (the unit it was bought as an upgrade for), and must be deployed within 3" of that unit.


A Doom-flayer is a motorised ball of whirling blades which, when propelled at speed into the ranks of the enemy, is capable of wreaking horrific damage upon even the most heavily armoured warriors.

R S AP Special Rules
Doom-flayer Combat 4 -1 Counter Charge, Extra Attacks (D6), Impact Hits (D6+1)

Notes: Impact Hits caused by this weapon have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.

Eshin Infiltration

Seldom will a Clan Eshin Master Assassin reveal their presence unless a hidden army of Gutter Runners lurks close by.

When a friendly unit of Gutter Runners with the Ambushers special rule arrives from reserve, it can be placed on the battlefield anywhere completely within 12" of a revealed Master Assassin, but not within 6" of any enemy models (rather than entering the battle as reinforcements). The unit cannot charge during this turn and counts as having moved for the purposes of shooting, but can otherwise act as normal.

Note that this character cannot use this special rule whilst it remains hidden.

Great Censer

As the Plague Furnace crashes into the enemy ranks, the rusty chains holding the great censer are loosed with devastating effect.

Stomp Attacks made by a Plague Furnace represent the Great Censer being let loose to swing into the enemy with devastating effect. Any Stomp Attacks made by a Plague Furnace have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.

In addition, whilst within 3" of one or more models with this special rule, the noxious fumes billowing from the Great Censer cause enemy units to suffer a -1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of 1).


Clan Eshin Master Assassins hide amongst the teeming hordes of Skaven infantry, ready to strike at the unsuspecting enemy.

Master Assassins are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, they are ‘hidden’ within a friendly Skaven unit whose troop type is ‘infantry’ and that has a Unit Strength of ten or more. Make a note of which unit each Master Assassin is hiding within.
A hidden Master Assassin may be revealed during any Start of Turn sub-phase or at the start of any Combat phase. Position the revealed Master Assassin as you would a character that has joined the unit.

If a unit in which a Master Assassin is hiding is destroyed or flees the battlefield before the Master Assassin is revealed, the Master Assassin is removed as a casualty. A Master Assassin cannot be your army General.

Leader Of The Pack

Though they often prefer to hide from the enemy, the Packmasters of Clan Moulder take to the battlefield to drive their bestial charges forward towards the foe.

Models with this special rule can only be taken as part of a unit of Rat Ogres, or a unit of Giant Rats. Models with this special rule (including command group models) must be positioned at the rear of their unit, making up its rear rank(s). Any Rat Ogres or Giant Rats the unit contains must always occupy the front rank(s) of the unit, pushing past any models with this special rule to get there if necessary (such as when the unit turns).

Note that a Master Moulder may issue and accept challenges even if they are not within the fighting rank.

Lightning Strike

When shooting with this weapon, draw a straight line, 8D6" in length, from the model’s base edge. Any model (friend or foe) whose base falls under this line suffers a hit, the Strength of which is determined by rolling an Artillery dice. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled when rolling to determine the Strength of this weapon, something has gone horribly wrong. Roll immediately on the Warp Lightning Misfire table to determine exactly what.

Warp Lightning Misfire Table
D6 Result
1 Meltdown: The machine and its crew explode in a spectacular green fireball. The model fails to shoot this turn. Instead, it is destroyed and immediately removed from play.
2-4 Energy Overload: Unfathomable energies spin the war machine around before it unleashes a potent blast of warp lightning. The Warp Lightning Cannon shoots with a Strength of 6 in a random direction, determined by rolling a Scatter dice.
5-6 Fzzzt: With a high-pitched screech, followed by a descending, whirring noise, the energy dissipates harmlessly. The model fails to shoot this turn

Lore Of The Horned Rat

Mutated Hides

Counts as Heavy armour


A pavise is a large, heavy shield, anchored to the ground by iron spikes.

A pavise gives its wielder a 4+ armour value against attacks made by enemy models that lie within the wielder’s front arc. However, a pavise offers no protection to its wielder against attacks made by enemy models that lie within the wielder’s flank or rear arcs.

Plague Censer

R S AP Special Rules
Plague censer Combat S+2 -1 Poisoned Attacks, Requires Two Hands

Notes: A plague censer’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat. In addition, during the Combat phase, a model armed with a plague censer may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1.

Poisoned Wind

Poisoned Wind is one of the most infamous weapons of the Skaven, who first deployed it during bitter tunnel fighting against the Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge Mountains.

When a model using a weapon with this special rule makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 6+ is always a success, even if the target’s Toughness is so high that the weapon would not normally be able to wound it. Finally, no armour save is permitted against wounds caused by a weapon with this special rule (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Note that models wielding weapons that have this special rule are immune to this special rule.

Poisoned Wind Globes

R S AP Special Rules
Poisoned Wind globes 9" 2 - Move & Shoot, Poisoned Wind, Quick Shot

Notes: If the roll To Hit is successful, a Poisoned Wind globe causes D3 hits to the target enemy unit, rather than the usual one. However, if a natural 1 is rolled when making a roll To Hit with this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, D3 hits are caused on the shooting unit.

Poisoned Wind Mortar

This muzzle-loaded weapon lobs the infamous Poisoned Wind globes of Clan Skryre a much greater distance than the feeble arms of any mere Skaven could.

R S AP Special Rules
PoisonedWind mortar 6-24" 2 (4) - Bombardment, Cumbersome, Move or Shoot, Poisoned Wind

Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast template and the Black Powder Misfire table.

Ratling Gun

A relatively modern invention, the multi-barrelled Ratling Gun spews a tremendous amount of lead shot, capable of quickly reducing enemy ranks to a bloody pulp and a red mist.

R S AP Special Rules
Ratling Gun 18" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multi-Barrelled, Quick Shot

Notes: This weapon shoots like an organ gun, using the ‘Multi-Barrelled’ special rule and the Black Powder Misfire table.

Scurry Away

Wherever possible, Skaven prefer to run from danger rather than face it head-on.

Models with this special rule have a +1 modifier to the result of any Flee roll they make.

Scurrying Masses

Although not brave by nature, Skaven find courage and discipline in large numbers.

Whilst within 3" of a friendly unit, this model gains a positive (+) modifier to its Leadership characteristic equal to that unit’s current Rank Bonus, up to a maximum of Leadership 10.

Targeting Weapon Teams

If it is within 3" of its parent unit, and if that unit contains five or more models (and is not itself fleeing), a Weapon Team cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells, unless the Weapon Team is the closest target.


R S AP Special Rules
Things-catcher Combat S -1 Fight in Extra Rank, Killing Blow, Requires Two Hands

Tolling the Bell

The tolling of a Screaming Bell declares the Horned Rat’s supremacy and fills the foe with dread.

A Screaming Bell may be rung during the Command sub-phase of your turn. Roll on the table below to determine the effect this has:

Tolling The Bell Table
2D6 Result
2 Magical Backlash: Every unit (friend or foe) that is within this model’s Command range suffers D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -2.
3-4 Dissonant Peal: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all enemy units within 18" of this model suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).
5-6 Wall of Unholy Sound: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly Skaven units within 18" of this model gain the Fear special rule.
7 Resonant Power: Until the end of this turn, all friendly Skaven Wizards within this model’s Command range may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make.
8-9 Emboldening Clamour: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly Skaven units within 18" of this model gain the Immune to Psychology special rule.
10-11 Rapturous Ringing: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly Skaven units within 18" of this model gain the Extra Attacks (1) special rule.
12 Sonorous Knell: Any enemy unit that is within 18" of this model, including units that are fleeing or that are engaged in combat, must make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit suffers D6 Strength 4 hits, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Verminous Valour

Notorious cowards, Skaven leaders often prefer to lead from the back.

A character with this special rule that has joined a unit that has a Unit Strength of 10 or more may voluntarily ‘retire’ to the rear of the unit at any time, moving through the ranks and taking up a position away from the combat. Should they do so, they are no longer within the fighting rank and cannot make any attacks or have attacks directed against them. However, the unit may still use this character’s Leadership.

Warp Grinder

A Warp Grinder is a powerful tunnelling device, capable of rapidly boring through the earth an leaving a wide tunnel in its wake, through which the Skaven scurry to ambush their enemies.

R S AP Special Rules
Warp Grinder Combat 5 -3 (Ambushers), Killing Blow, Requires Two Hands

Notes: If a Weapon Team is equipped with a Warp Grinder, both it and its parent unit gain the Ambushers special rule

Warp Lightning cannon

R S AP Special Rules
Warp Lightning cannon 8D6" * -3 Cumbersome, Lightning Strike, Move or Shoot

Notes: This weapon does not use its crew’s Ballistic Skill. Instead, it shoots using the ‘Lightning Strike’ special rule. This weapon uses the Warp Lightning Misfire table.

Warpfire Thrower

A Warpfire Thrower unleashes a hellish torrent of powdered warpstone and highly flammable chemicals that can turn an entire formation into a twitching pile of steaming goo.

R S AP Special Rules
Warpfire Thrower 6" 4 -1 Column of Fire, Cumbersome, Flaming Attacks

Notes: This weapon shoots like a fire thrower, using the ‘Column of Fire’ special rule and the Black Powder Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.

Warplock Jezzail

R S AP Special Rules
Warplock jezzail 36" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Magical Attacks, Move or Shoot

Notes: If the wielder of a warplock jezzail rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder is removed from play as a casualty.

Warplock Musket

R S AP Special Rules
Warplock musket 24" 5 -2 Magical Attacks, Ponderous
Notes: If the wielder of a warplock musket rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder loses a single Wound.

Warplock Pistol

R S AP Special Rules
Warplock pistol 12" 4 -2 Magical Attacks, Quick Shot
Notes: If the wielder of a warplock pistol rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when
shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder loses a single Wound.

Warpstone Tokens

Weapon Team Leadership

Whilst within 3" of its parent unit, a Weapon Team gains a positive (+) modifier to its Leadership characteristic equal to the parent unit’s current Rank Bonus, up to a maximum of Leadership 10.