

Jugement d'en haut : lorsque vous lancez un sort de cette Voie (qui n’est pas un Sort lié), tous les Dés de magie ayant donné un résultat de « 1 » doivent être relancés. Les dés provoquant un Fiasco ne peuvent être relancés. Si le Lanceur obtient un Fiasco en lançant un sort de cette Voie, ajoutez +1 au Modificateur de fiasco.

(1) Smite The Unbeliever

lancement Type Durée
7+ Hex Missile Damage
Portée 24"

The target suffers D6 hits with Str 4 5, AP 2, and Magical Attacks.
✠ : These hits are instead resolved with Str 7.
× : These hits are instead resolved with Str 3.

(2) Light of Faith

lancement Type Durée
6+ Hex
Portée 24"
One Turn

The target immediately suffers 2D6 hits with Str 2, AP 0, Magical Attacks, and Divine Attacks.
✠ : The target gains Minimise Flee rolls.
× : The target gains Maximised Flee rolls.

(3) Weight of Judgement

lancement Type Durée
9+ Hex
Portée 24"
One Turn

The target’s Agi is set to 1.

✠ : Enemy* units in the same combat† as the target has their Agi set to 1.
× : Friendly* units in the same combat† as the target has their Agi set to 1.

*From the perspective of the caster.
†At the time of casting the spell.

(4) Holy Affliction

lancement Type Durée
10+ Hex
Portée 24"
One Turn

The target suffers −1 to wound.
✠ : The target suffers −1 AP.
× : The target gains +1 AP

(5) Rain of Fire

lancement Type Durée
11+ Damage Universal
Portée 24"

The target suffers D3+1 hits, and all units within 3″ of the target suffer 1 hit. These hits are resolved with Str 9, AP 4, Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
✠ : Increase the number of hits each unit suffers from this Spell by 1.
× : Decrease the number of hits each unit suffers from this Spell by 1.

(6) Wrath of God

lancement Type Durée
11+ Ground
Portée 48"

Place a marker on the target point. Instead of rolling for Divine Intervention when the spell is cast, do it at the start of each subsequent Magic Phase.

✠ : Each unit within 2D6″ from the center of the marker suffers 2D6 with Str 5, AP 2, and Magical Attacks. Then remove the marker.
× : The opponent may move the marker in any direction up to 3″.