Catégories d'objects magiques
L'Empire de l'Homme

Magic Weapons

Ogre Blade

A broad and heavy blade, the Ogre Blade is, much like its namesake, an unsubtle weapon.

R S AP Special Rules Ogre Blade Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Sword Of Battle

A simple weapon, yet finely crafted, blessed by mighty mages and revered priests.

R S AP Special Rules Sword of Battle Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Extra Attacks (+1), Magical Attacks

Duellist’s Blades

Fine weapons, forged by the greatest of swordsmiths and imbued with potent runes of quickening.

R S AP Special Rules Duellist’s Blades Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (+2), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands

Dragon Slaying Sword

A mighty blade, wielded by many great heroes in their endless quests to slay foul monsters.

R S AP Special Rules Dragon Slaying Sword Combat S - Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer

Headsman’s Axe

A wide bladed axe, steeped in the blood of its countless helpless victims.

R S AP Special Rules Headsman’s Axe Combat S+1 -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands

Spelleater Axe

Forged of rune-encrusted brass, the Spelleater Axe is anathema to the Winds of Magic.

R S AP Special Rules Spelleater Axe Combat S -1 Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-2)

Giant Blade

A broad and heavy blade wrought with powerful enchantments that only increase the weight of its blows, the Giant Blade is an unsubtle weapon.

R S AP Special Rules Giant Blade Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2)

Sword Of Swiftness

Crafted from magically attuned materials and ensorcelled to strike as if with a life of its own.

R S AP Special Rules Sword of Swiftness Combat S - Magical Attacks, Strike First

Berserker Blade

Quenched in the blood of untold fallen enemies, the Berserker Blade eternally hungers for battle.

R S AP Special Rules Berserker Blade Combat S+1 - Frenzy, Magical Attacks

Sword Of Might

Bound around with powerful runes that increase its power and enhance the strength of its bearer.

R S AP Special Rules Sword of Might Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks

Biting Blade

The serrated length of the Biting Blade cuts through armour of plate and mail with terrible ease.

R S AP Special Rules Biting Blade Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks

Sword Of Striking

Engraved with runes of accuracy and swiftness, the Sword of Striking is an elegant weapon of great precision.

R S AP Special Rules Sword of Striking Combat S - Magical Attacks Notes: During the Combat phase, the wielder of the Sword of Striking has a +1 modifier to their rolls To Hit.

Burning Blade

Once unsheathed, the cutting edge of the Burning Blade writhes endlessly with a living flame.

R S AP Special Rules Burning Blade Combat S - Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks

Croc Runique

À l'aube de l'Empire, douze épées magiques furent forgées pour les chefs de guerre de Sigmar. Celles demeurent sont de véritables trésors, puissants symboles de statut et d'autorité pour leurs porteurs.

P F PA Règles Spéciales
Croc Runique Combat F -2 Attaques Magiques, Frappe en Premier

Notes: Quand on effectue un jet de Blessure pour une touche causée par un Croc Runique, un résultat de +2 est toujours un succès, quelle que soit l'Endurance de la cible.

Masse de Helsturn

Cette mase fut utilisée au combat par le premier Grand Théogoniste, Johann Helsturm. On raconte que la foi en Sigmar de Helsturm était assez forte pour abattre les murailles.

Masse de Helsturm P F PA Règles Spéciales
A Une Main Combat F - Ataques Magiques
A Deux Mains Combat 10 5- Attaques Magiques, Blessures, Multiples (D6), Arme à Deux Mains

Notes: La Mase de Helsturm a deux profils. Vous devez choisir celui que le porteur va utiliser au début de chaque round d'un combat. Si elle est utilisée à deux mains, le porteur ne peut effectuer qu'une seule attaque, quelle que soit as caractéristique d'Ataques.

Épée de Justice

L'Épée de Justice est une arme ancienne gravée de runes de vengeance Naines qui lui conferent une précision surnaturelle.

P F PA Règles Spéciales
Épée de Justice Combat -1 Arme Perforante (1), Attaques Magiques, Blessures Multiples (2)

Notes: Le porteur de l'Épée de Justice peut relancer tout jet de Blessure raté.

Arc Dragon

Reliques des anciennes colonies elfiques du Vieux Monde, cet arc d'une facture exquise permet à son porteur de surclasser les meilleurs archers de l'Empire.

P F PA Règles Spéciales
Arc Dragon 36" 6 -2 Attaques Magiques, Blessures Multiples (2) Notes: Commandants de l'Empire uniquement.

Magic Armour

Armour Of Destiny

The potent Armour of Destiny protects its wearer from all but the most grievous of harm.

The Armour of Destiny is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its wearer has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

Bedazzling Helm

A gleaming helm that confuses and confounds enemies, causing their blows to fall wide of their mark.

May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Bedazzling Helm improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, any enemy model that directs its attacks against the wearer during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.

Armour Of Silvered Steel

Polished to a mirror shine, the Armour of Silvered Steel encases its wearer from head to toe.

The Armour of Silvered Steel is a suit of armour that gives its wearer an armour value of 3+ which cannot be improved in any way.

Glittering Scales

Each and every scale of this armoured surcoat is crafted from shards of precious metal.

The Glittering Scales is a suit of light armour. In addition, once per turn, you may make your opponent re-roll a single roll To Hit made against the wearer.

Shield Of The Warrior True

A heavy shield of oak and iron that turns aside all but the most deadly of missiles.

The Shield of the Warrior True is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered during the Shooting phase.


The Winds of Magic lose their power when in the presence of the brass-bound Spellshield.

The Spellshield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic Missile, a Magical Vortex, or an Assailment spell.

Armour Of Meteoric Iron

This heavy armour was forged of ore mined from a meteor that fell from the heavens.

The Armour of Meteoric Iron gives its wearer an armour value of 5+, which cannot be improved in any way. However, nor can this armour value be reduced in any way either.

Enchanted Shield

A finely crafted and sturdy shield that protects its bearer from harm time and time again.

The Enchanted Shield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack.

Charmed Shield

A simple shield hung with charms and fetishes to bring the bearer good fortune. In the heat of battle, such ornamentation rarely survives intact for long.

The Charmed Shield is a shield. In addition, once per game the Charmed Shield gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save against a single wound. Once this Ward save has been used, the Charmed Shield is considered to be an ordinary, non magical shield.

Armure de Bonne Fortune

Gravée de runes de chance et de providence, l'Armure de Bonne Fortune détourne sans mal les coups fatals.

L'Armure de bonne Fortune est une armure lourde.
De plus, son porteur a une sauvegarde Invulnérable de 6+ contre toute blessure subie et est immunisé à la règle spéciale Coup Fatal. Si le porteur reçoit un Coup Fatal, li peut effectuer normalement des jets de sauvegarde d'armure et de Régénération. Si la blessure n'est pas sauvegardée, il ne perd qu'un seul Point de Vie.

Armure de Tarnus

Cette armure de fabrication astucieuse fut forgée selon les directives du Mage-guerrier von Tarnus.

L'Armure de Tarnus est une armure légère qui peut être achetée et portée par un Sorcier Impérial, même s'il na pas la possibilité d'être équipé d'une armure, d'un bouclier ou d'un caparaçon, et ce sans pénalité.
De plus, son porteur a une sauvegarde Invulnérable de 5+ contre toute blessure subie.



The magic trapped within this semi-precious stone binds together shattered armour plates.

The bearer of the Dawnstone may re-roll any Armour Save roll of a natural 1.

Talisman Of Protection

A powerful magical aura surrounds this humble talisman, protecting its wearer from harm.

The Talisman of Protection gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

Paymaster’s Coin

This heavy golden coin may not be enchanted, but its weight in its owner’s pocket certainly inspires heroism.

Single use. The bearer of a Paymaster’s Coin can re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made during the Combat phase.

Obsidian Lodestone

An air of chill hangs about obsidian, stilling the Winds of Magic in its presence.

A model may purchase up to three Obsidian Lodestones.

A model that bears a single Obsidian Lodestone has Magic Resistance (-1), a model that bears two has Magic Resistance (-2), and a model that bears three has Magic Resistance (-3).


Can luck be trapped within a dull stone pendant? Possibly.

Single use. The bearer of a Luckstone can re-roll a single failed Armour Save roll.

La Capte Blanche

Bénie par Ar-Ulric, cette cape d'une facture exquise protège son porteur contre les brasiers les plus ardents.

Le porteur de la Cape Blanche a une sauvegarde Invulnérable de +5 contre toute blessure subie, et une sauvegarde Invulnérable de +3 contre toute blessure causée par une attaque ayant la règle spéciale Attaques Enflammées.

Amulette de Jade

De puissants talismans de jade sont offerts en récompense à ceux qui auvrent pour le Culte de Sigmar.

Le porteur est immunisé contre la règle spéciale Coup Fatal. Si le porteur reçoit un Coup Fatal, li peut effectuer normalement des jets de sauvegarde d'armure et de Régénération. Si al blessure nest pas sauvegardée, li ne perd qu'un seul Point de Vie.

Enchanted Items

Wizarding Hat

This splendid hat, once the property of a long dead Wizard, is still haunted by their ghost.

The wearer is a Level 1 Wizard and knows one randomly generated spell from a Lore of Magic of your choosing.

However, the whispers of the ghostly Wizard haunting the hat are often confusing. Therefore, the wearer also becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule.

Flying Carpet

Woven from the finest silks in a far-off land, this splendid rug does more than warm the feet! Models whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ only. The bearer of the Flying Carpet gains the Fly (8) and Swiftstride special rules. However, the bearer cannot join a unit.

Healing Potion

Purveyors of magical potions make many bold claims. Sometimes they are true, sometimes not.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Healing Potion can consume it. The model immediately recovers D3 lost Wounds.

Ruby Ring Of Ruin

Uttering a simple command, the wearer of the ring can hurl a flaming ball of ruin at their foes.

The wielder of the Ruby Ring of Ruin can cast the Fireball spell from the Lore of Battle Magic (as described on page 321) as a Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2.

Potion Of Strength

A concoction of strength-giving vegetables and roots, mixed together with a touch of magic.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Strength can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Strength characteristic (to a maximum of 10).

Potion Of Toughness

Distilled by magical means, this potion is sure to make the drinker all but invulnerable.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Toughness can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 10).

Potion Of Speed

A powerful potion with a terrible aftertaste that sharpens the wits and speeds the reactions.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Speed can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10).

Potion Of Foolhardiness

A magical brew that fills the drinker with courage… it may actually just be strong liquor.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Foolhardiness can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.

Lauriers de la Victoire

Les héros de l'Empire se voient décerner des lauriers d'or qui accroissent leur terrible réputation aux yeux de leurs ennemis.

Quand vous déterminez votre résultat de combat, chaque blessure non sauvegardée causée par une attaque du porteur des Lauriers de la Victoire vaut 2 points de résultat de combat, au lieu de 1 comme à l'habitude.

Le Cor d'Argent

L'appel triomphal de cet élégant cor de chase galvanise même les destriers les plus fourbus.

Personnages avec la règle spéciale Rapide uniquement.
Le porteur du Cor d'Argent (et toute unité qu'il a rejointe) peut relancer le D6 quand il utilise la règle spéciale Rapide.

Linceul de Fer

Cet étrange instrument ressemble à l'auvent d'un vendeur de marché. Quand il est déployé, el Linceul de Fer protège son porteur des projectiles fondant depuis le ciel.

Arcane Items

Feedback Scroll

When read aloud, this charm causes ætheric energy to flood back towards the enemy Wizard.

Single use. The bearer may use this scroll instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. The spell is cast as normal. Once the spell has been resolved, roll two D6. For each roll of a 4+, the casting Wizard loses a single Wound.

Scroll Of Transmogrification

For a Wizard, there are few things better than the rush of joy felt upon turning a rival into a frog! Single use. The bearer may use this scroll instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. The spell is cast as normal. Once the spell has been resolved, the casting player must roll equal to or lower than the casting Wizard’s Level of Wizardry on a single D6. Should they fail, the Wizard turns into a frog.

Whilst transmogrified, the Wizard cannot cast or dispel any spells, cannot use any of their equipment (magical or mundane) and reduces all of their characteristics (excluding Wounds) to 1. During each Start of Turn sub-phase, a player may roll a D6 for each transmogrified Wizard in their army.

On a roll of 4+, the Wizard returns to normal (but retains a love of water).

Wand Of Jet

Carved from brittle jet, this wand refines a Wizard’s power, but is easily broken.

The bearer of the Wand of Jet may apply a +1 modifier to any of their Casting or Dispel rolls. However, should they roll any natural double when making a Casting or Dispel roll, the Wand of Jet is destroyed and it cannot be used again.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not negate a roll of a natural double 1.

Lore Familiar

By creating a magical homunculus, a Wizard is able to better recall forgotten details of their studies.

The owner of a Lore Familiar does not randomly generate their spells. Instead, they may choose which spells they know from their chosen lore (including that lore’s signature spell).

Power Scroll

Unfurling a scroll bearing runes of power can greatly increase the spell’s power.

Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting to cast a spell. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the Casting roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the spell is miscast.

Dispel Scroll

The Wizard reads aloud a charm of unbinding from an enchanted scroll.

Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting a Wizardly dispel. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the Dispel roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the Wizard is outclassed in the art.

Arcane Familiar

Many Wizards are accompanied by familiars gifted with arcane knowledge. These creatures constantly whisper secrets to their master.

The owner of an Arcane Familiar knows spells from two Lores of Magic, rather than the usual one. When determining the spells the Wizard knows, you must roll for each Lore separately. Duplicate spells are re-rolled as normal. The Wizard may discard one randomly generated spell as normal, replacing it with the signature spell of the same Lore of Magic.

Earthing Rod

Inert metal runs the length of the Wizard’s staff, drawing magical overloads safely into the earth.

Single use. Should they miscast a spell, a Wizard can use the Earthing Rod to re-roll the result rolled on the Miscast table.

Livre d'Ashur

Rédigé par un Mage Elfe, ce grimoire exhaustif est un ouvrage inestimable pour qui conque pratique la magie... à moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'une copie mal transcrite et mal corrigée, bien sûr.

Le porteur du Livre d'Ashur augmente sa portée de Dissipation de 3" et, à moins quil n'obtienne un double naturel, il peut appliquer un modificateur de +1 à tout jet de Lancement ou de Dissipation. Cependant, si le porteur obtient un double naturel, quel qu'il soit, quand il effectue un jet de Lancement ou de Dissipation, le livre savère être une copie de piètre qualité, truffée d'erreurs grossières, et le modificateur de +1 ne peut pas être appliqué au jet.

Familier de Sorcier

Nombre de Sorciers possèdent des familiers, créatures surnaturelles qui les aident dans leurs études mystiques. Souvent, cette aide se manifeste par la facilité avec laquelle le Sorcier dissipe les sortilèges.

0-1 par Sorcier. Le propriétaire d'un Familier de Sorcier peut appliquer un modificateur de +1 à ses jets de Dissipation, quels qu'ils soient.

Notez qu'il sagit d'un modificateur au résultat d'un jet, qui n'annule pas un jet donnant un double 1naturel.

Bâton de Sorcier

Dans tout le Vieux Monde, les mages utilisent des bâtons et sceptres ensorcelés pour canaliser leurs pouvoirs.

Le porteur du Baton de Sorcier gagne un modificateur de +1 a son jet de Lancement quand il tente de lancer un sort d'Assaillement ou de Projectile Magique.