Bretonnia (Revision-33)

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Radiant Light Affects all enemy units within range. Until the start of your next turn, the targets suffer -1 to their WS and BS.
Mf 5+ 12" Instant
Affects all enemy units within range. Until the start of your next turn, the targets suffer -1 to their WS and BS.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Renewed Valour Affects all friendly units with Blessing of the Lady within range. All fleeing friendly Knights within range will rally automatically (if they were fleeing) and regain the Blessing of the Lady (if they have lost it).
Mf 5+ 12" Instant
Affects all friendly units with Blessing of the Lady within range. All fleeing friendly Knights within range will rally automatically (if they were fleeing) and regain the Blessing of the Lady (if they have lost it).

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Shield of Faith Affects all friendly units with Blessing of the Lady within range. Until the start of your next turn, the targets have their Ward save from the Blessing of the Lady increased by +1.
Mf 5+ 12" Instant
Affects all friendly units with Blessing of the Lady within range. Until the start of your next turn, the targets have their Ward save from the Blessing of the Lady increased by +1.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Beguilement of Blondel Remains in play. The target becomes subject to Stupidity. Boosted version halves the LD when taking the Stupidity test.
Mf 8+/12+ 12"/18" Instant
Remains in play. The target becomes subject to Stupidity. Boosted version halves the LD when taking the Stupidity test.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Doom of Dol Remains in play. Name one enemy model to be "doomed" and one friendly character or champion within that range to slay him. While the spell is active, the chosen Knight will wound that model on a 2+ with no armour saves allowed.
Mf 7+/9+ 24"/48" Instant
Remains in play. Name one enemy model to be "doomed" and one friendly character or champion within that range to slay him. While the spell is active, the chosen Knight will wound that model on a 2+ with no armour saves allowed.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Favour of the Lady If a spell from the Lore of the Lady is successfully cast on a friendly unit, it may re-roll 1’s for Ward saves from the Blessing until the start of the next Bretonnian Magic phase.
Mf - Instant
If a spell from the Lore of the Lady is successfully cast on a friendly unit, it may re-roll 1’s for Ward saves from the Blessing until the start of the next Bretonnian Magic phase.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Mist of Chalons Reamins in play. Targets the Wizard and any unit they are with. Until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase, all enemy missile attacks targeting them suffer a -1 To Hit penalty. Boosted version affects all friendly units in range.
Mf 6+/12+ 0"/6" Instant
Reamins in play. Targets the Wizard and any unit they are with. Until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase, all enemy missile attacks targeting them suffer a -1 To Hit penalty. Boosted version affects all friendly units in range.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Steed of the Lady The target unit will have M 10 and counts as Ethereal for the purposes of movement until the start of the next Bretonnian Magic phase. This spell only has an effect on mounted Knights.
Mf 5+/8+ 18"/36" Instant
The target unit will have M 10 and counts as Ethereal for the purposes of movement until the start of the next Bretonnian Magic phase. This spell only has an effect on mounted Knights.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Spiteful Glance Targets a single model (even a character in a unit). If the spell is successfully cast, the enemy must take an I test in order to avoid being turned into a frog. If it fails, they are transformed and cannot do anything except croak and hop around for the rest of the game. Remove the model as casualty with no saves allowed except Magic Resistance.
Mf 11+ 12" Instant
Targets a single model (even a character in a unit). If the spell is successfully cast, the enemy must take an I test in order to avoid being turned into a frog. If it fails, they are transformed and cannot do anything except croak and hop around for the rest of the game. Remove the model as casualty with no saves allowed except Magic Resistance.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
The Lady's Virtue of Valour Roll a D6/2D6; the result rolled is the number of characteristics that may be increased by 1, with the following order; WS, I, S, T, A, LD. The effects lasts until the start of the next Bretonnian Magic phase.
Mf 12+/18+ 12" Instant
Roll a D6/2D6; the result rolled is the number of characteristics that may be increased by 1, with the following order; WS, I, S, T, A, LD. The effects lasts until the start of the next Bretonnian Magic phase.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Wrath of Righteousness Affects all enemy units within range of the caster. All enemy units within range take D6 S 4 hits with with Lightning Attacks.
Mf 10+/15+ 12"/18" Instant
Affects all enemy units within range of the caster. All enemy units within range take D6 S 4 hits with with Lightning Attacks.

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