Beastmen (Revision-30)

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Bestial Surge Affects all nonfleeing friendly units within range. If cast, all units will immediately make a move straight forward following the rules for Random Movement (D6+1).
Mf 7+/14+ 6"/12" Instant
Affects all nonfleeing friendly units within range. If cast, all units will immediately make a move straight forward following the rules for Random Movement (D6+1).

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Bray-Scream The caster makes a Breath Weapon Attack with S 4/5.This may be cast in close combat, following the normal rules for Breath Weapons.
Mf 8+/13+ Instant
The caster makes a Breath Weapon Attack with S 4/5.This may be cast in close combat, following the normal rules for Breath Weapons.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Devolve Affects all enemy units within range. All effected enemy units must take a LD test. If the test is failed, the unit suffers a number of wounds equal to the amount the test was failed by, with the Ignores Armour saves special rule.
Mf 8+/16+ 12"/24" Instant
Affects all enemy units within range. All effected enemy units must take a LD test. If the test is failed, the unit suffers a number of wounds equal to the amount the test was failed by, with the Ignores Armour saves special rule.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Mantle of Ghorok Can be cast on a friendly Character, including the Wizard itself. The character (but not any mount) gains +D6 S and +D6 A (both to a maximum of 10) until the start of the caster's next magic phase. Additionally, if one or more 6s are rolled, the model also suffers a S 5 Hit with no saves of any kind possible.
Mf 10+ 12" Instant
Can be cast on a friendly Character, including the Wizard itself. The character (but not any mount) gains +D6 S and +D6 A (both to a maximum of 10) until the start of the caster's next magic phase. Additionally, if one or more 6s are rolled, the model also suffers a S 5 Hit with no saves of any kind possible.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Primal Onslaught If a spell from the Lore of the Wild is cast, all friendly units with the Primal Fury in range may roll an additional dice for their Primal Fury tests in the ensuing close combat phase and discard the highest dice.
Mf - 6" Instant
If a spell from the Lore of the Wild is cast, all friendly units with the Primal Fury in range may roll an additional dice for their Primal Fury tests in the ensuing close combat phase and discard the highest dice.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Savage Dominion Is cast on the Wizard itself. The Wizard may summon one of the following Monsters: Ghorgon, Jabberslythe or Chaos Giant. Immediately place a model representing the beast, with its base touching any table edge. This model is effectively part of the Beastman army from that moment on. Every time the beast suffers a wound, the Wizard that summoned it must make a Toughness test. If this is failed, the Wizard takes a wound too, with no saves of any kind possible. If the Wizard is killed, the beast wanders back into the forest and is immediately removed from play (it counts as being killed for the purposes of victory conditions etc.). Note that the beast cannot be voluntarily dismissed by the Wizard, or dispelled by the enemy in following rounds. In addition, only one monster may be summoned by the same Wizard at any one time.
Mf 15+ Instant
Is cast on the Wizard itself. The Wizard may summon one of the following Monsters: Ghorgon, Jabberslythe or Chaos Giant. Immediately place a model representing the beast, with its base touching any table edge. This model is effectively part of the Beastman army from that moment on. Every time the beast suffers a wound, the Wizard that summoned it must make a Toughness test. If this is failed, the Wizard takes a wound too, with no saves of any kind possible. If the Wizard is killed, the beast wanders back into the forest and is immediately removed from play (it counts as being killed for the purposes of victory conditions etc.). Note that the beast cannot be voluntarily dismissed by the Wizard, or dispelled by the enemy in following rounds. In addition, only one monster may be summoned by the same Wizard at any one time.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Traitor-Kin Targets all enemy Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots, ridden Monsters as well as War Beasts/Monstrous Beasts/Monsters with Mixed Unit within range. All affected models will suffer a number of hits equal to the A characteristics of their mount(s), using its S. In the case of Mixed Units, only the handlers are targeted, and only by models in base contact (in the case of Skirmishers, calculate this as if the models were ranked up in combat). Any armour save bonuses from the beast’s Natural Armour, barding etc, have no effect.
Mf 10+ 12" Instant
Targets all enemy Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots, ridden Monsters as well as War Beasts/Monstrous Beasts/Monsters with Mixed Unit within range. All affected models will suffer a number of hits equal to the A characteristics of their mount(s), using its S. In the case of Mixed Units, only the handlers are targeted, and only by models in base contact (in the case of Skirmishers, calculate this as if the models were ranked up in combat). Any armour save bonuses from the beast’s Natural Armour, barding etc, have no effect.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Viletide Inflicts 5D6 S 1 hits.
Mf 5+/7+ 24"/48" Instant
Inflicts 5D6 S 1 hits.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Viletide (Bound Spell) Inflicts 5D6 S 1 hits.
Mf 3+ 24" Instant
Inflicts 5D6 S 1 hits.

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lancement Portée Type Durée Effet
Bestial Surge (Bound Spell) Affects all nonfleeing friendly units within range. If cast, all units will immediately make a move straight forward following the rules for Random Movement (D6+1).
Mf 4+ 6" Instant
Affects all nonfleeing friendly units within range. If cast, all units will immediately make a move straight forward following the rules for Random Movement (D6+1).

Army Organisation











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