POWER OF DA WAAACH! (Lore Attribute)
The magical powers of Orc and Savage Orc Shamans are boosted by the positive energies of Orcs fighting nearby.
Conversely, if nearby Orcs are running away, their negative energy weakens a Shaman. To represent this, if a Spell of da Big Waaagh! has a Strength value or grants a Strength bonus, that value or bonus is increased by + 1 as long as there are more friendly units in combat than there are fleeing.

(0) Gaze of Mork

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
7+ Damage
Alcance 4D6"

Gaze of Mork is a direct damage spell. Extend a straight line, 4D6" in length, within the Shaman's forward arc and directly away from his base. Any model whose base falls under the line suffers a Strength 4 hit. The Shaman can choose to extend the range of the spell to SD6". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 10+ .

(1) Brain Bursta

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
6+ Damage
Alcance 18"

Brain Bursta is a direct damage spell with a range of I S " and targets a single enemy model. The target is selected just as if tl1e Shaman had the Sniper special rule. The target suffers a Strength 5 hit. The Shaman can extend the range of this spell to 36". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 9+ .

(2) Fists of Cork

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
8+ Augment
Alcance Caster
Remains in Play

Remains in play. Fists ofGork is an augment spell. The Shaman that cast the spell has +3 Attacks, +3 Strength and a 6+ ward save as long as the spell remains in play.

(3) The Hand of Gork

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
9+ Augment
Alcance 24" that targets a single unengaged friendly unit

Remove a model from tl1e fi'ont rank ofthe unit and place it anywhere within 3D6" of its original position, facing in any direction. Remove the remainder of the unit from the battlefield and form them up around the first model so that the unit keeps its original formation and the first model maintains its original position in the unit (iftl1e unit comprised just one model, such as a chariot or character, then this step is unnecessary). Models from the unit cannot be placed in impassable terrain, nor may they be placed within I " of any other unit. The Shaman can choose to extend the distance that the target unit moves to SD6". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 14+.

(4) 'Eadbutt

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
9+ Damage
Alcance 4D6

'Eadbutt is a direct damage spell with a range of 4D6". One enemy Wizard within range suffers a Strength 4 hit that inflicts Multiple Wounds (D3), with no armour saves allowed. The Shaman can extend the range of this spell to SD6". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 1 2+ .

(5) 'Ere We Co!

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
11+ Augment
Alcance 2D6

'Ere We Go! is an augment spell with a range of 2D6" and targets all Orc units (of any kind) that are in range, including the Shaman himself. The target units may re-roll To Hit rolls in close combat until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

(6) Foot of Cork

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
15+ Damage
Alcance 36"

Place the Foot of Cork template within 36" of the Shaman. It then scatters D6", maintaining the same facing. All models hits by the template suffer a Strength 6 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. The Foot ofGork template can be found on page 111.

The Shaman can choose to intensify Cork's involvement in the battle to a full warpath of stomping. If he does so the casting value is increased to I 8+, but after resolving the effects of the spell, roll a dice and consult the following table:

1 Cork slips and stomps one of your own units! Your opponent places the template anywhere on the table. It then scatters and inflicts damage exactly as described above. The spell then ends.
2-3 Cork gets bored and wanders off. The spell ends without further effect.
4-6 Cork stomps another enemy unit. Place the template again, as described above. After resolving the effects of this stomp, roll again on this table.

Note: If you roll a 4-6 on the above table, the same unit can be targeted successively - when Cork wants something stomped, he stomps it!