

(1) Apoyo Ancestral

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
6+ [7+] Augment
Alcance 12" [18"]
One Turn

The target must reroll failed to-hit rolls with its Close Combat Attacks.

(2) Susurros del Velo

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
8+ Hex
Alcance 24"
One Turn

The target suffers −1 Resilience. In addition, a unit with at least one model affected by one or more instances of the spell suffers −1 Discipline.

(3) Apresurar el Final

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
7+ [10+] Hex Damage Direct
Alcance 24" [18"]

Choose 1 {up to 3 different} models in the target unit (which may be Characters or Champions). Each of them suffers 1 hit that wounds automatically with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks.

(4) Hojas Espectrales

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
5+ [9+] Augment
Alcance 18"
One Turn

The target must reroll failed to-wound rolls with its Melee Attacks [and gains Lethal Strike].

(5) Toque de la Muerte

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
<7+> {9+} Hex Missile Damage Focused Direct
Alcance <24"> {18"}

The target suffers 1D3 hits with Strength 10, Armour Penetration 10, and Magical Attacks. When rolling to wound with this attack, use the target’s Discipline instead of the target’s Resilience.

(6) Danza Macabra

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
6+ {9+} Augment
Alcance 18" [9"Aura]

The target may perform a 12" [6"] Magical Move and gains Ghost Step during this move.

(A) Evocación de Almas

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración


If your Veil Token pool contains less than 3 Veil Tokens, you gain one Veil Token. No more than 1 Veil Token can be gained from this spell each Phase.