

Judgement on High: When casting non-Bound Spells from this Path, all Magic Dice that result in ‘1’ must be rerolled.
Dice causing a Miscast cannot be rerolled. If a Caster Miscasts when casting a spell from this Path, add a +1 Miscast

(1) Fuego Purificador

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
5+ [8+] Hex Missile Damage
Alcance 24"
One Turn

The target suffers D6 [D6+1] hits with Strength D6 [D6+1], Armour Penetration 2 [3], and Magical Attacks.

(2) Castigo al Incrédulo

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
6+ [9+] Hex
Alcance 24"
One Turn

Immediately after successfully casting this spell, roll a D6.
[Choose which effect to apply when casting the spell.]
- If 1-3 is rolled, the target suffers -1 Resilience.
- If 4-6 is rolled, the target suffers -1 Strength and -1 Armour Penetration.

(3) Lenguas Extrañas

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
7+ Universal
Alcance 18"
One Turn

If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target may reroll failed Discipline Tests. If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target can never reroll failed Discipline Tests.

(4) Mano del Cielo

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
5+ [8+] [Augment] Focused
Alcance Caster [18"]

The target gains Breath Attack (Strength D3+2, Armour Penetration 1, Magical Attacks).
(Roll the D3 immediately after successfully casting this spell.)
[This spell may only target Characters, Champions, and single model units.]

(5) Ira de Dios

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
12+ Ground
Alcance 96"

Place a counter on the target point. At the end of each subsequent Magic Phase roll a D6; if 1-3 is rolled, add another counter on the same point. If 4-6 is rolled, each unit within (2D6+X)″, where X is equal to the number of counters, suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 5, Armour Penetration 2, and Magical Attacks. If a unit fails a Panic Test forced by the spell, it flees directly away from the marked point. The spell then ends, remove all counters.

(6) Prueba de Fe

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración
7+ [10+] Hex Missile Damage Focused Direct
Alcance 12" [18"]

The Caster rolls D3+1 and the target rolls D3. If the Caster’s roll is higher, the target suffers a number of hits equal to the difference between their respective rolls. These hits wound automatically with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks.