Cónclave Vampírico

Cónclave Vampírico (V3 Public Test - 5)

Hechizo Hereditario

One of the gifts of the Thirst is an extraordinary affinity for death magic, making vampires natural necromancers from the moment they are sired. Fuelled by stored souls, a Lord of Night can turn any nearby corpse into a grasping vessel, continuously raising it back to undeath, and adding fresh victims to their ranks.

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Arise! Choose one of the following effects when resolving the spell*:
• The Rank-and-File part of the target Raises HP equal to its Resurrected value.
• An Attachable Model in the targetRecoversHP equal to its Resurrected value.

Height 4–5 models with Exclusive, and Attachable Models cannot Recover more than 2 HP from this spell each Magic Phase.
* If multiple targets, each target can make a different choice
Mf 6++ Augment
Alcance 18"
Choose one of the following effects when resolving the spell*:
• The Rank-and-File part of the target Raises HP equal to its Resurrected value.
• An Attachable Model in the targetRecoversHP equal to its Resurrected value.

Height 4–5 models with Exclusive, and Attachable Models cannot Recover more than 2 HP from this spell each Magic Phase.
* If multiple targets, each target can make a different choice

Army Organisation



(40% Max)



(25% Min)



(No Limit)

The Suffering

The Suffering

(20% Max)

Swift Death

Swift Death

(30% Max)