Reglas Especiales
Mercenary Guilds


Acid Thrower

Artillery Weapon.
Catapult (3×3). Range 6–36′′, Shots 1, Toxic Attacks.

åsklander Battle Fever

: Universal Rule.
Infantry models in units with at least 10 models gain either:
• Fight in Extra Rank if using a Close Combat Weapon with Two-Handed
• +1 Armour if using a Shield
This cannot be used while the model’s unit is en- gaged in its Flank or Rear Facing.

Brace Of Ogre Pistols

Shooting Weapon
Range 24′′, Shots 2, Strength 4, Armour Penetration 2, Quick to Fire. Counts as Paired Weapons in Close Combat.

Brace Of Pistols

Range 12′′, Shots 2, Strength 4, Armour Penetration 2, Quick to Fire. Counts as Paired Weapons in Close Combat.

Casket of Payrolls

Universal Rule.
The model gains Aegis (4+) and all Discipline Tests taken by friendly models affected by Rally Around the Flag are subject to Minimised Roll. If this model is removed as a casualty, all friendly units must take a Panic Test.

Cavalry Cannon

Artillery Weapon.
This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways:
• Cannon, Range 36′′, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 0 [10], Area Attack (1×3), [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Quick to Fire
• Volley Gun, Range 12′′, Shots 2D6, Str 3, AP 2, Quick to Fire

Communal Bond

Universal Rule.
The unit gains Swift Reform, Maximised (Discipline Test) and cannot benefit from Inspiring Presence.


Universal Rule.
The opponent is awarded an additional +200 Victory Points if the model is removed as a casualty.


The model gains Aegis (5+) with the following restriction: The effect can only be used against wounds against which the model cannot take or would automatically fail its Armour Save.

Elven Prince

The model treats all other friendly units as Insignifi- cant. The army may not contain a Contracting Prin- cipal.

Engineering Rune

Universal Rule.
Add +4 to any roll on the Misfire Table for the model.

Experienced Strategist

Universal Rule.
If this model is the General of the army the Core Category is decreased to “Min. 20%”.

Flame Cannon

Artillery Weapon.
Flamethrower, Range 24′′, Shots 1, Str 4 [5], AP 1 [2] [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Flaming Attacks.

Giant Club

Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.

Giant Pike

Close Combat Weapon.
Counts as Spear. Additionally, the Attack gains Area Attack (1×2), and its Strength and Armour Pen- etration are set to half the model’s [the model’s] Strength, respectively Armour Penetration, round- ing fractions up. This is done after applying other modifiers and affects only the Young Giant’s Attacks.

Giant Pike

Counts as Spear. Additionally, the Attack gains Area Attack (1×2), and its Strength and Armour Penetration are set to half the model’s [the model’s] Strength, respectively Armour Penetration, rounding fractions up. This is done after applying other modifiers and affects only the Young Giant’s Attacks.

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model adds +1 to its Combat Score.

Heavy Machines

Characters cannot join this model and it cannot declare charges. The number of models with Heavy Machines in the army is limited to 0 - 4.


The model loses Champion and gains Attached, Exclusive (own unit), Order the Charge and Character with the following exceptions:
- It does not count towards the Characters Army Category (for Army List creation).
- It does not count as Character when Deploying Units and must be deployed in the unit it belongs to.
- It can perform Swirling Melee.

Infernal Armour

Armour Equipment.
Counts as Plate Armour. The bearer additionally gains Aegis (5+, against Flaming Attacks).


Close Combat Weapon
The bearer gains Parry, +1 Armour and +1 Attack Value.

Knight Banneret

Universal Rule.
When calculating Combat Score, the model adds +1 to its side’s Combat Score.

Knowledge about Beasts

Personal Protections.
Model parts with Harnessed suffer -1 to Hit with Close Combat Attacks against this model.

Lance Formation

Attack Attribute.
The model gains Fight in Extra Rank. If more than half of a unit’s models have Lance Formation and the unit is 3 or 4 models wide, it counts as being in Line Formation and only needs to be 3 models wide in order to form Full Ranks.

Light Crossbow

Range 18′′, Shots 1, Strength 4, Armour Penetration 0, Quick to Fire.

Lime Thrower

Special Attack.
At the beginning of Initiative Step 9 of each Round of Close Combat, choose a single enemy unit in contact with the front of this model. The chosen unit suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 1, Armour Penetration 0 and Lethal Strike. All enemy models in the target unit suffer -1 Offensive Skill and -1 Defensive Skill (both to a minimum of 1) for each Health Point lost due to this Special Attack.

Longship Raid

Universal Rule.
The unit gains Ambush and does not roll for Am- bush but automatically enters the Battlefield in your second Player Turn. All units using Longship Raid must arrive from the same Board Edge. Otherwise follow the rules for Ambush.

Loreley's Potion

Universal Rule.
One use only. Directly before the battle (during Sep 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), the model casts The Requiem of Pomona (Hereditary Spell) automatically on itself. This spell cannot be dispelled.

Mad Scientist

Universal Rule.
The model gains Wizard Apprentice and knows all hereditary spells of the 16 main armies with a casting value of 6+ or less and cannot select the own Hereditary Spell. Each of these spells can only be attempted to cast a single time and the model cannot cast more than a single spell per turn (except for bound spells). Boosted versions of these spells can only be cast of their casting value is 6+ or less. The model cannot take any Special Equipment that is restricted to wizards only.

Mark Target

Universal Rule.
If this unit is not engaged in combat, choose an enemy unit within 18′′ and within Line of Sight of this unit at the beginning of your Shooting Phase. During this phase, all Shooting Attacks against the chosen unit gain Accurate.

Martial Discipline

Universal Rule.
The model’s Discipline Tests are subject to Min- imised Roll except Break Tests.

Meeting of Minds

Universal Rule.
The Dragon model part gains Channel (1).

Mercenary Cannon

Artillery Weapon.
This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways:
• Cannon, Range 48′′, Shots 1, Str 4 [10], AP 0 [10], Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3+1)] • Volley Gun, Range 12′′, Shots 2D6, Str 4, AP 3

Pack Tactics

Universal Rule.
The unit gains Swiftstride for the Charge Range roll if it is located in the Charged unit’s Flank or Rear Facing when rolling its Charge Range in the Charge Phase.

Paid in Advance

The army can only contain a single unit with this rule.


Armour Equipment
The bearer gains +3 Armour against Ranged Attacks.


Close Combat Weapon
Follows the rules for Spears. The model gains an additional instance of Fight in Extra Rank.

Pike Square Formation

Personal Protections.
As long as the unit has at least 20 models armed with Pikes you can choose one enemy unit engaged in the unit’s front facing during each Round of Combat. If you do and if the both units are in contact with each other’s front facing, both units make Supporting At- tacks from one Rank less than usual.

Primal Instinct

Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
At the start of each Round of Combat, the unit must take a Discipline Test. If the test is passed, all model parts in the unit must reroll failed to-hit rolls during this Round of Combat.


Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers -1 Attack Value.

Repeater Handbow

Shooting Weapon
Range 12′′, Shots 2, Strength 3, Armour Penetration 1, Quick to Fire, Accurate.

Rich Merchant

Universal Rule.
The model gains Stand Behind and counts as a R&F model during step 4 of the Round of Combat Sequence (Issuing and Accepting Duels).

Ruthless Efficiency

Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
The attack gains +1 to wound during the First Round of Combat.

Shield Wall

Personal Protection.
When using a Shield, the model gains Aegis (6+, against Close Combat Attacks). This is improved to Aegis (5+, against Close Combat Attacks) if the attacker is Charging. This Special Save can only be used against attacks from enemies Engaged in the model’s unit’s Front Facing.

Snobish Baron

Universal Rule.
The model changes its base size to 40×40mm and gains the model part Broken Troll.

Sons of the Avalanche

Special Attacks.
The model part gains Impact Hits (1). If its unit has 2 or more Full Ranks, the model part gains Impact Hits (2). In addition, the model is immune to the effects of Fear from enemy models.


Attack Attribute – Close Combat
The models gains Devastating Charge (+1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration) and ignores the negative to-Hit modifiers for Stand and Shoot charge reactions.

Tercio Formation

Universal Rule.
The model gains a Light Crossbow (4+).

The bigger they are...

Universal Rule.
When Charging a unit that contains at least one Large or Gigantic model, the model gains Swiftstride for the Charge Range roll during the Charge Phase.

The Curse is my Master

Universal Rule.
The unit can make March Moves as if it wasn’t Un- dead. At the Beginning of each of your Magic Phases after Siphoning the Veil, you can spend 1 Veil To- ken to raise D6+X Skeletons of this unit, where X is the number of the current Game Turn. This can raise Health Points above the unit’s starting size. If the Barrow King is not on the table, it is raised with 1 Health Point instead and is placed in the unit’s Front Rank (possibly replacing a Skeleton if there is not enough space for the model to move to the back rank).


Universal Rule.
The model gains one of the following Bound Spells with Energy Level (4 / 8), Duration: One Turn and Type: Caster’s unit.
• Blackwing Totem: The target gains +3 Agility and adds D3+1′′ to its Charge Range.
• Blooded Horn Totem: The target gains +1 Attack Value, and its Close Combat Attacks gain +2 Armour
• Clouded Eye Totem: The target gains Hard Target (1) and Magic Resistance (3). • Gnarled Hide Totem: The target gains +1 Armour and Distracting.

Troll Belch

Special Attack.
At the model part’s Initiative Step, the owner may choose an enemy unit that the model part is able to attack
with Close Combat Attacks. If so, this unit suffers a hit that is resolved with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration
10, and the model part with Troll Belch may not perform any Close Combat Attacks during this Round of Combat.

We are the Hunters!

Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
The model part gains +1 to wound against Gigan- tic models. Additionally, the unit passes Panic tests automatically.

Yer comin’ with me!

Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
In order to use this Attack Attribute, the unit must be at least as wide as it is deep at the start of the Round of Combat. Close Combat Attacks made by models with this Attack Attribute can never wound on worse than 4+. In addition, when a model with this Attack Attribute is removed as a casualty during the Melee Phase due to a Melee Attack, it must immediately, before removal, perform a single Close Combat Attack with the following rules and restrictions:
• The attack is always resolved with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 2. • The owner must choose one of the following options:
1. The attack is allocated towards the model that caused the casualty.
2. The attack is allocated towards a R&F model in that model’s unit. The hit is distributed onto the unit. In either case, the model with Yer comin’ with me! is considered in base contact with the attacked model, and the models count as Engaged in the same Facing as their units.
• This Attack Attribute cannot be used against casualties caused by Impact Hits.