Skaven (Revision-39)

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Cloud of Corruption Affects all units within range. Roll a D6 for each unit (friend or foe), even if they are in close combat. Enemy units are affected on a 2+, friendly units are affected on a 4+, and models from Clan Pestilens (friend or foe) are affected on a roll of 5+. Each unit that is affected suffers D6 S 5 hits which Ignores Armour saves. Roll separately for each unit.
Mf 12++
Alcance 12"
Affects all units within range. Roll a D6 for each unit (friend or foe), even if they are in close combat. Enemy units are affected on a 2+, friendly units are affected on a 4+, and models from Clan Pestilens (friend or foe) are affected on a roll of 5+. Each unit that is affected suffers D6 S 5 hits which Ignores Armour saves. Roll separately for each unit.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Plague May be cast on enemies in close combat. Each model in the targeted unit must pass a T test or suffer one Wound which Ignores Armour saves. If cast on a unit engaged in close combat, all units involved in the fight (friend and foe) will be affected. After working out the effects of the spell and removing casualties, roll a dice on the Plague Chart and continue to apply the results until the spell ends or there are no targets within range.
Mf 15++
Alcance 18"
May be cast on enemies in close combat. Each model in the targeted unit must pass a T test or suffer one Wound which Ignores Armour saves. If cast on a unit engaged in close combat, all units involved in the fight (friend and foe) will be affected. After working out the effects of the spell and removing casualties, roll a dice on the Plague Chart and continue to apply the results until the spell ends or there are no targets within range.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Plague Rash Whenever a spell from the Lore of Plague is cast, all enemy units within range of the caster suffer -1 to their M and I (to a minimum of 1) until the start of the caster's next magic phase.
Mf -+
Alcance 6"
Whenever a spell from the Lore of Plague is cast, all enemy units within range of the caster suffer -1 to their M and I (to a minimum of 1) until the start of the caster's next magic phase.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Pestilent Breath The caster makes a S 2/3 Breath Attack which Ignores Armour save. This may be cast in close combat, following the normal rules for Breath Weapons.
Mf 5+/8++
The caster makes a S 2/3 Breath Attack which Ignores Armour save. This may be cast in close combat, following the normal rules for Breath Weapons.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Vermintide Once the template is placed, it moves 4D6" in a straight line from the caster. Any unit touched by the template takes 3D6 S 2 hits. After this, the spell disappears. This spell may also be cast in close combat, in which case it causes 3D6 S 2 hits on a single enemy unit in base contact with the caster.
Mf 8++
Once the template is placed, it moves 4D6" in a straight line from the caster. Any unit touched by the template takes 3D6 S 2 hits. After this, the spell disappears. This spell may also be cast in close combat, in which case it causes 3D6 S 2 hits on a single enemy unit in base contact with the caster.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Weeping World Sores Place the small/large template anywhere within range; it scatters D6"/2D6". All models touched by the template suffer a S 2 Hit which Ignores Armour save.
Mf 9+/12++
Alcance 24"/48"
Place the small/large template anywhere within range; it scatters D6"/2D6". All models touched by the template suffer a S 2 Hit which Ignores Armour save.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Wither The target suffers -1 to their T for the remainder of the game. This can be cast multiple times on the same target and the effects are cumulative.
Mf 11+/15++
Alcance 12"/24"
The target suffers -1 to their T for the remainder of the game. This can be cast multiple times on the same target and the effects are cumulative.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Curse of the Horned Rat Can affect Infantry units. The unit suffers 3D6 Hits, though no single model can be Hit more than once. Each model Hit is automatically slain with only
Magic Resistance being allowed as saves. If the whole unit is removed as casualties, replace them with a number of Clanrats equal to the number of casualties, with any normally allowed equipment or command, facing the same direction as before. The casting player now controls this unit. If the casting player does not have enough models to replace the entire unit, transfigure what you can, the rest are considered destroyed. If the number rolled is not great enough to replace the whole targeted unit, then remove as many casualties as the number rolled.
Mf 18++
Alcance 24"
Can affect Infantry units. The unit suffers 3D6 Hits, though no single model can be Hit more than once. Each model Hit is automatically slain with only
Magic Resistance being allowed as saves. If the whole unit is removed as casualties, replace them with a number of Clanrats equal to the number of casualties, with any normally allowed equipment or command, facing the same direction as before. The casting player now controls this unit. If the casting player does not have enough models to replace the entire unit, transfigure what you can, the rest are considered destroyed. If the number rolled is not great enough to replace the whole targeted unit, then remove as many casualties as the number rolled.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Cracks Call Trace a straight line from the base of the caster the number of inches rolled. All models in its path must pass an I test or be removed as casualties with no saves except Magic Resistance allowed. Instead of taking an I test, War Machines and Chariots must instead roll a 5+ or be destroyed. A building (or single section of a multi-part building) affected by the spell will collapse on a roll of 5+. If the building collapses, any models garrisoning it must pass an I test, or be removed as a casualty with no armour save allowed. Any survivors are placed outside the building, as described for a unit abandoning a building. Then replace the building with an area of dangerous terrain of equal size. Boosted version doubles the result of the 4D6" range rolled.
Mf 14+/18++
Alcance 4D6"
Trace a straight line from the base of the caster the number of inches rolled. All models in its path must pass an I test or be removed as casualties with no saves except Magic Resistance allowed. Instead of taking an I test, War Machines and Chariots must instead roll a 5+ or be destroyed. A building (or single section of a multi-part building) affected by the spell will collapse on a roll of 5+. If the building collapses, any models garrisoning it must pass an I test, or be removed as a casualty with no armour save allowed. Any survivors are placed outside the building, as described for a unit abandoning a building. Then replace the building with an area of dangerous terrain of equal size. Boosted version doubles the result of the 4D6" range rolled.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Death Frenzy The target unit will immediately be affected by Frenzy. If the wizard casts this spell on a unit that already has Frenzy, the unit will be subject to Death Frenzy, giving them 2 extra attacks rather than the normal 1 from Frenzy. Units that are Death Frenzied suffer D6 automatic Wounds which Ignore Armour save at the end of each friendly turn. A unit that is Death Frenzied will go back to having normal Frenzy once they lose a round of close combat.
Mf 8++
Alcance 24"
The target unit will immediately be affected by Frenzy. If the wizard casts this spell on a unit that already has Frenzy, the unit will be subject to Death Frenzy, giving them 2 extra attacks rather than the normal 1 from Frenzy. Units that are Death Frenzied suffer D6 automatic Wounds which Ignore Armour save at the end of each friendly turn. A unit that is Death Frenzied will go back to having normal Frenzy once they lose a round of close combat.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Flensing Ruin Targets a single model (even a character in a unit). The target suffers D3 S 6 Hits with Lightning Attacks.
Mf 10+/14++
Alcance 12"/24"
Targets a single model (even a character in a unit). The target suffers D3 S 6 Hits with Lightning Attacks.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Musk of Fear Whenever a spell from the Lore of Ruin is cast, all enemy units within range of the caster suffer -1 to their LD (to a minimum of 1) until the start of the caster's next magic phase.
Mf -+
Alcance 6"
Whenever a spell from the Lore of Ruin is cast, all enemy units within range of the caster suffer -1 to their LD (to a minimum of 1) until the start of the caster's next magic phase.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Howling Warpgale Is cast on the wizard itself. Until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, no units within range of the caster may use Fly, and all nonmagical missile attacks suffer -1 To Hit.
Mf 7+/14++
Alcance 18"/36"
Is cast on the wizard itself. Until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, no units within range of the caster may use Fly, and all nonmagical missile attacks suffer -1 To Hit.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Scorch Place the small/large round template anywhere within range – it then scatters D6"/2D6". All models underneath suffer a Flaming S 4 hit. Any unit that suffers an unsaved wound must take a Panic test.
Mf 13+/16++
Alcance 24"
Place the small/large round template anywhere within range – it then scatters D6"/2D6". All models underneath suffer a Flaming S 4 hit. Any unit that suffers an unsaved wound must take a Panic test.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Warpstorm Affects all units within range. Roll a D6 for each unit within range, including units in close combat. On a 4+, enemy units suffer D6 S 5 hits with Lightning Attacks. Friendly units are only affected on a 6.
Mf 10++
Alcance 12"
Affects all units within range. Roll a D6 for each unit within range, including units in close combat. On a 4+, enemy units suffer D6 S 5 hits with Lightning Attacks. Friendly units are only affected on a 6.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Warp Lightning Causes D6/2D6 S 5 hits with Lightning Attacks. If the number of hits rolled is a natural 1, then the caster suffers a S 5 hit instead of the target.
Mf 8+/16++
Alcance 24"/24"
Causes D6/2D6 S 5 hits with Lightning Attacks. If the number of hits rolled is a natural 1, then the caster suffers a S 5 hit instead of the target.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Warp Lightning (Bound Spell) Causes D6 S 5 hits with Lightning Attacks. If the number of hits rolled is a natural 1, then the caster suffers a S 5 hit instead of the target.
Mf 4++
Alcance 24"
Causes D6 S 5 hits with Lightning Attacks. If the number of hits rolled is a natural 1, then the caster suffers a S 5 hit instead of the target.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Armour of Darkness Is cast on the Wizard itself. Until the start of the caster's next turn, all missile fire directed at the target unit suffers -1 To Hit. In addition, the unit adds +1 to their armour save. Boosted version targets all friendly units within range.
Mf 9+/18++
Alcance 0"/6"
Is cast on the Wizard itself. Until the start of the caster's next turn, all missile fire directed at the target unit suffers -1 To Hit. In addition, the unit adds +1 to their armour save. Boosted version targets all friendly units within range.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Black Whirlwind Place the small round template anywhere within range – it then scatters D6"/2D6". All models underneath the template suffer a S 3 hit. The unit then suffers -1 to their WS, BS and I until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
Mf 10+/13++
Alcance 24"/24"
Place the small round template anywhere within range – it then scatters D6"/2D6". All models underneath the template suffer a S 3 hit. The unit then suffers -1 to their WS, BS and I until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Warp Stars Causes D3/D6 S 5 hits with Multiple Wounds (D3).
Mf 5+/10++
Alcance 18"/18"
Causes D3/D6 S 5 hits with Multiple Wounds (D3).

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Toxic Rain Whenever a spell from the Lore of Stealth is cast, all enemy units within range of the caster suffer a -1 penalty to their armour saves until the start of the caster's next magic phase.
Mf -+
Alcance 6"
Whenever a spell from the Lore of Stealth is cast, all enemy units within range of the caster suffer a -1 penalty to their armour saves until the start of the caster's next magic phase.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Swiftscamper The target unit doubles its M rate (to a maximum of 10) and can re-roll their Charge, Flee and Pursuit results until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. Boosted version affects all friendly units within range.
Mf 9+/18++
Alcance 24"/12"
The target unit doubles its M rate (to a maximum of 10) and can re-roll their Charge, Flee and Pursuit results until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. Boosted version affects all friendly units within range.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Veil of Shadows Remains in Play. Uses the large template. Once the template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which the Veil of Shadows will move. To determine how many inches the template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by 3. Any model touched by the template takes a S 3 hit, and the unit will count as being Disrupted for the remainder of the turn.

If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice and a D6. The template moves the number of inches equal to the result of the D6, in the direction shown on the scatter dice (if you roll a Hit!, use the little arrow shown on the Hit! symbol). In either event, in subsequent turns, the Veil of Shadows travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal to the roll on an artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, the Veil of Shadows is removed.
Mf 11++
Remains in Play. Uses the large template. Once the template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which the Veil of Shadows will move. To determine how many inches the template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by 3. Any model touched by the template takes a S 3 hit, and the unit will count as being Disrupted for the remainder of the turn.

If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice and a D6. The template moves the number of inches equal to the result of the D6, in the direction shown on the scatter dice (if you roll a Hit!, use the little arrow shown on the Hit! symbol). In either event, in subsequent turns, the Veil of Shadows travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal to the roll on an artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, the Veil of Shadows is removed.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Skitterleap The target model (which must be an Infantry character) may immediately be placed anywhere on battlefield within 24" of the caster, but at least 1" away from enemy models.
Mf 5+/9++
Alcance 12"/24"
The target model (which must be an Infantry character) may immediately be placed anywhere on battlefield within 24" of the caster, but at least 1" away from enemy models.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Stickypaws Can be cast on an Infantry unit. The target unit ignores Dangerous and Impassable Terrain (note that it may not end its move within 1" of it as normal) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. Boosted version targets all friendly Infantry units within range.
Mf 6+/12++
Alcance 24"/12"
Can be cast on an Infantry unit. The target unit ignores Dangerous and Impassable Terrain (note that it may not end its move within 1" of it as normal) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. Boosted version targets all friendly Infantry units within range.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Bless with Filth The target gets Poisoned Attacks until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. If the unit already has Poisoned Attacks, the warriors will also cause an automatic wound on a To Hit roll of 6+.
Mf 8+/12++
Alcance 12"/24"
The target gets Poisoned Attacks until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. If the unit already has Poisoned Attacks, the warriors will also cause an automatic wound on a To Hit roll of 6+.

Army Organisation



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