Categorías de Objetos Mágicos
Saurios Ancestrales

Armour Enchantments

Death Cheater

The wearer gains +1 Armour and Fortitude (4+).

Destiny's Call

The wearer gains Aegis (4+). In addition, its Armour is set to 3 and can never be improved beyond this.

Essence of Mithril

The wearer’s Armour is set to 5 and can never be improved beyond this.

Dusk Forged

The bearer may choose to reroll its failed Armour Saves while using this Shield. If the reroll from Dusk Forged is failed, the bearer automatically fails any Special Save against that wound.

Ghostly Guard

The wearer gains +2 Armour against non-Magical Attacks.

Basalt Infusion

The wearer gains +1 Armour and Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks). The wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.

Alchemist's Alloy

The wearer gains +1 Armour and suffers −2 Offensive Skill.

Willow's Ward

While using this Shield, the bearer cannot use Parry, gains +1 Armour, and Impact Hits distributed onto the bearer suffer −2 Armour Penetration.

Esencia Vital

El portador obtiene Fortaleza (4+) y +1 Puntos de Vida. .

Escamas Meteóricas

La miniatura del portador obtiene Objetivo Difícil (1) e Inmune (Ataques Flamígeros).


Crown of the Wizard King

During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).

Book of Arcane Mastery

Unless the bearer has Protean Magic, it knows one additional Learned Spell that it selects from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, and 4 of its chosen Path. In addition, the bearer cannot cast the Hereditary Spell.

Crown of Autocracy

The model’s range of Commanding Presence (if available) is increased by 3″, up to a maximum of 18″. If the model does not have Commanding Presence, it gains Commanding Presence whose range is always set to 3″.

Obsidian Rock

The bearer gains Magic Resistance (2).

Rod of Battle

The bearer can cast a Bound Spell, Power Level (4/8):
Type: Augment. Range 18″. Duration: One Turn.
The target gains +1 to hit with its Close Combat Attacks.

Binding Scroll

One use only. May be activated after Siphon the Veil (at the end of step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence).
When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its Attribute, Bound, or Learned Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.

Essence of a Free Mind

The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select from the Learned Spells 5 and 6 of its chosen Path.

Lightning Vambraces

The bearer can cast Hand of Heaven (Thaumaturgy) as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Talisman of Shielding

The bearer gains Aegis (5+).

Ranger's Boots

The bearer gains Strider and, unless using Flying Movement, +2″ Advance Rate up to a maximum of 10″, and +4″ March Rate up to a maximum of 20″.

Magical Heirloom

The bearer gains the Hereditary Spell during Spell Selection, always knows it in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, andcannot replace or otherwise lose it.

Sceptre of Power

One use only. A Wizard with this Artefact may add a single Magic Dice from its Magic Dice pool to one of its casting rolls or dispelling rolls, after seeing the casting or dispelling roll (note that casting rolls cannot exceed the limit of max 5 Magic Dice).

Talisman of the Void

The bearer gains Channel (1).

Dragon Staff

The bearer gains Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks).

Crystal Ball

The firsts Dispelling Attempt in each enemy Magic Phase gains a +2 Dispelling Modifier, provided the bearer is on the Battlefield. When using a single Magic Dice for this Dispelling Attempt, a natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ on the Magic Dice is always a failed Dispelling Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.

Potion of Strength

One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn the bearer gains Crush Attack.

Dragonfire Gem

The bearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks). The bearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.

Lucky Charm

One use only. May be activated when the bearer’s model fails an Armour Save. This failed Armour Save may be rerolled.

Potion of Swiftness

One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +3 Agility.

Dardo del Infiltrado

Justo antes de la partida (durante el paso 7 de la Secuencia de la Fase de Despliegue), debes marcar una única unidad de la Lista de Ejército de tu oponente con un Marcador de Presa.

Placa Ancestral

Once per Magic Phase, the bearer may reroll a single Magic Dice when making a casting roll. This ability cannot be used if the spell was Miscast nor for Casting Attempts with only one Magic Dice.

Piedra de Te Aupouri

Un Solo Uso. Puede activarse cuando una unidad amiga falle un Chequeo de Desmoralización (después de cualquier posible repetición de tirada). Hasta el inicio de la siguiente Fase de Movimiento amiga, las tiradas de Alcance de Carga y Alcance de Persecución realizadas por unidades enemigas en un radio de 18" de la miniatura del portador se ven sujetas a Tirada Minimizada.

Cristal de Estampida

Un Solo Uso. Puede activarse al inicio de cualquier Fase de Carga. Elige una unidad de Altura Gigantesca o Caballería Grande amiga en un radio de 12" de la miniatura del portador y aplica los siguientes efectos (todos o ninguno) hasta el final de la Fase de Melé: Cada miniatura obtiene Impactos por Carga (X), donde X es igual al número de impactos por Golpetazo de la miniatura. Si la miniatura ya tenía Impactos por Carga, incrementa el número de estos en (X) en su lugar. La miniatura no puede realizar ningún Golpetazo.

Carved Tablet

During Spell Selection, the model must choose one of the spells from Carved Wisdom (see Howdah Devices) that no model with Carved Wisdom chooses.
The model can cast the chosen spell as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Celestial Astrolabe

The Casting Values of all spells cast by friendly models is reduced by 1.

Weapon Enchantments

King Slayer

The wielder gains +X Attack Value while using this weapon, and attacks made with this weapon gain +X Strength, +X Armour Penetration, and Magical Attacks, where X is equal to the number of enemy Characters in base contact with the wielder’s unit. This bonus is calculated at the Initiative Step when the attacks are made.

Shield Breaker

Attacks made with this weapon gain +6 Armour Penetration, become Magical Attacks, and can never wound on to-wound rolls better than 3+.

Hero's Heart

The wielder gains +1 Attack Value while using this weapon. Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks and always have at least Strength 5 and at least Armour Penetration 2.

Supernatural Dexterity

The wielder gains +2 Offensive Skill and +2 Agility while using this weapon, and attacks made with it become Magical Attacks.

Touch of Greatness

Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks.
Strength modifiers from this weapon (combining both mundane and Weapon Enchantment modifiers) cannot exceed +2 (but can exceed +2 through modifiers from other sources, such as spells).

Cleansing Light

At the start of each Round of Combat, the wielder may choose to have attacks made with this weapon become Divine Attacks and Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.

Eldritch Inscriptions

Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.

Encantamiento de Nido de Serpiente

Mientras use esta arma, el Valor de Ataques del portador se establece en 6 y los ataques realizados con esta arma son Ataques Envenenados.

Gloria de la Era del Amanecer

Los ataques realizados con esta arma obtienen +1 Fuerza y +1 Penetración de Armadura. Además, los ataques realizados con esta arma con una tirada para herir exitosa en la que se obtenga un resultado natural de 5+, se ven sujetas a las siguientes reglas: Obtienen Heridas Múltiples (2) A menos que el objetivo tenga Inmune (Golpe Letal), su Penetración de Armadura se establece siempre en 10, e ignoran Salvaciones por Fortaleza.

Flechas Alquímicas

Disparos 4, Fue 5, PA 1. Si el arma inflige uno o más impactos, todos los demás Ataques de Disparo con Calamita de miniaturas en la unidad del portador obtienen +1 Fuerza y son Ataques Mágicos durante el resto de la fase.

Howdah Devices

Sabiduría Tallada

Durante la Selección de Hechizos, la miniatura debe elegir uno de los hechizos a continuación: Juicio del Destino (Adivinación) Señor de la Tierra (Druidismo) Enjambre de Insectos (Chamanismo) Cobre Fundido (Alquimia) Toque de la Muerte (Evocación) La miniatura puede lanzar el hechizo elegido como Hechizo Vinculado con Nivel de Energía (4/8). Cada hechizo solo puede ser elegido por una única miniatura con Sabiduría Tallada.

Gran Arco Magnético (3+)

Arma de Disparo. Alcance 18", Disparos 2, Fue 3 [5], PA 1 [3], Ataque de Área (1×5), [[b]Heridas Múltiples (1D3)[/b]], Calamita, Marchar y Disparar, ¡Recargad!.

Artilugio Ancestral (3+)

Arma de Disparo. Alcance 12", Disparos 1, Fue 6, PA 3, Ataque de Área (2×2), Calamita, Marchar y Disparar, ¡Recargad!. El ataque nunca sufre modificadores negativos para impactar. A la hora de disparar con esta arma, la miniatura puede trazar línea de visión en cualquier dirección, incluso fuera de su Arco Frontal.

Escudo de Calamita

Las unidades amigas en un radio de 8" de la miniatura obtienen Égida (5+, contra Ataques de Disparo).

Fortaleza Venenosa

La peana de la miniatura cambia a 60×100 mm, obtiene 6 Jinetes Eslizón adicionales. Cuando sea aplicable, Exclusivo (Guerreros Tegu, Guardia Tegu) es reemplazado por Exclusivo (Guerreros Eslizón, Cazadores Eslizón). Además, las partes de miniatura sin Contenidos en la unidad del portador obtienen Odio y Ataques Envenenados.

Monolito del Vitalismo

La miniatura pasa a ser el Portaestandarte de Batalla.

Cristal Atrapasoles

Al inicio de una Ronda de Combate en la que la miniatura esté participando, elige uno de los siguientes efectos, que se aplicará hasta el final de la Ronda de Combate: Todas las miniaturas amigas de Infantería obtienen Fortaleza (+1, máx. 3+) por cada miniatura con Cristal Atrapasoles Trabada en el mismo Combate. La miniatura obtiene Ataques Pulverizadores (2D3) que siempre se resuelven con Fuerza 4 y Penetración de Armadura 1.