Lore Of Nehekhara

The magic of Nehekhara was perfected millennia ago and has remained unchanged in the long centuries since. The wording of every incantation used in the preservation and reanimating of the dead is recorded on dusty papyrus in the mysterious hieroglyphs of Nehekhara’s ancient language, to be uttered aloud in long, monotonous ritual.

(0) Djaf’s Incantation Of Cursed Blades

Casting Type Duration
Range Self

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule and that is within the caster’s Command range may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1.

(0) Khsar’s Incantation Of The Desert Wind

Casting Type Duration
Range Self

If this spell is cast with a casting result of 6 or more, a single friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. If this spell is cast with a casting result of 10 or more, every friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. This spell lasts until the end of this turn.

(0) Usekhp’s Incantation Of Desiccation

Casting Type Duration
Range 15"

Until the end of this turn, the target enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength and Toughness characteristics (to a minimum of 1). If this spell is cast, the effects of any other Hex previously cast on the target unit immediately expire.