Model Rules
Warriors of the Dark Gods

Gifts of the Dark Gods

Daemonic Wings

Dark Prelate

Entropic Aura

Weapon Enchantments and Armour Enchantments carried by the bearer, models in the bearer's unit, and models in units that are in base contact with the bearer are ignored. Standard and Large models only

Idol of Spite

Luck of the Dark Gods


Additional Limbs

The model's March Rate is set to 20" and its Armour is set to 3.


The model's March Rate is set to 16" and it gains Fly (8", 16") and Light Troops.


Successful to-wound rolls of attacks that are Flaming Attacks made against the model must be rerolled. In addition, the model considers all units consisting entirely of models without Unburnt as Insignificant.

Veil Walker

When a model with Veil Walker casts a non-Bound Spell, you may discard a single Veil Token when declaring the target(s) of the spell and activate one of the following effects: • Secret of Flesh: Failed to-wound rolls from this spell that occur during a Magic Phase must be rerolled. • Secret of Separation: The spell's range is increased by 6". Aura spells only gain +3" range. Spells with type Caster are unaffected. • Secret of Substance: Successful Armour Saves against wounds caused by this spell's effect must be rerolled.

Battle Fever

Units with more than half of their models with Battle Fever must reroll failed Panic and Break Tests.

Beacon of the Dark Gods

Universal Rule.
Instead of selecting spells as normal, the Wizard must select one of the following spells during Spell Selection:
• Whispers of the Veil (Evocation)
• The Grave Calls (Occultism)
• Hellfire (Hereditary Spell)

Legendary Beasts

The sum of the Legendary Beasts values stated in brackets of all models in the army is restricted to 1 per 750 Army Points, rounding fractions up.

Big Brother

Big Brother

Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.

Dying Embers

After using the Breath Attack, the model loses a Health Point with no saves of any kind allowed.


The unit cannot be joined by any Characters, and it may never have more ranks than files. When the unit fails a Break Test, it does not perform the extra Close Combat Attacks from Path of the Exiled. Instead replace each model of the unit with a Wretched One model after step 8 of the Round of Combat Sequence (after taking Panic Tests): • The unit with Damnation is considered destroyed and its models are considered to be removed as casualties. • Each Wretched One model is placed in the same position and facing the same direction as the replaced model, even if the replaced model was in base contact with an enemy unit. In this case, the Wretched One model is placed in base contact with the enemy unit too. • The Wretched One models form a new unit. • The Wretched One unit follows the rules for Summoned Units, except that it ignores the Unit Spacing rule when placed on the Battlefield. • The Wretched One unit cannot perform any Combat Reforms during that Round of Combat, however the enemy units can do so as normal. • Note that the following Round of Combat is not considered the First Round of Combat for the Wretched One unit nor the enemy units it is Engaged with.

Deeds not Words

The model part gains Battle Focus and Hatred while joined to one or more R&F models with Battle Fever.

Prized Stallion

The model's March Rate is set to 16".

Monstrous Familiar

The model gains Wizard Apprentice. Instead of selecting spells as normal, it must select one of the following spells (during Spell Selection): Glory of Gold (Alchemy), Breath of Corruption (Occultism), or Hellfire (Hereditary Spell).

Favoured Giant

Universal Rule.
The model loses Battle Fever and gains Trophy Rack, Hellforged Armour, Paired Weapons, and counts as a Character for the purpose of issuing, accepting, and refusing Duels.

Skinning Lash

A unit with at least one model with Skinning Lash can make a Sweeping Attack against a single unengaged enemy unit when passing within 1" (it does not need to and cannot move through or over that unit). The enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 0 for each model with Skinning Lash in the unit. A unit that loses one or more Health Points due to one or more Skinning Lash Sweeping Attack suffers -1 Discipline until the end of its next Player Turn.

Keeper of the Beacon

After Spell Selection, the Wizard must replace one of its non-Hereditary Learned Spells with one of the following spells: • Whispers of the Veil (Evocation) • The Grave Calls (Occultism) • Wrath of God (Thaumaturgy) (only if Wizard Master) • Hellfire (Hereditary Spell)


At the end of each friendly Magic Phase, each Hellmaw may do one of the following: • Open a Gateway: Mark a single point on the Battlefield with a Gateway Marker. This point must be within Line of Sight and 24" of the Hellmaw, and more than 6" away from enemy units. There can never be more than 4 friendly Gateway Markers on the Battlefield (including Ominous Gateways). • Close a Gateway: Choose a friendly Gateway Marker with its centre within Line of Sight and 24" of the Hellmaw. All units within 6" of the centre of the marker suffer D6 hits with Toxic Attacks and Magical Attacks. Then remove the marker. If all friendly Hellmaws have been removed as casualties, immediately close all friendly Gateways as described above. A friendly unit may choose to enter the Gateway if all the following conditions are met: • The unit does not contain any Gigantic models. • The unit is in contact with the centre of a friendly Gateway Marker. • All models in the unit just performed an Advance or March Move and no other model has moved since. Remove the unit from the Battlefield. The unit: 1. Is then placed back on the Battlefield within 3" of the centre of any other friendly Gateway Marker. No model can end up with its centre farther away than its March Rate from the centre of the chosen marker. 2. Must have the same formation, but may face any direction. 3. Must follow the Unit Spacing rule. 4. Suffers D6 + X hits with Toxic Attacks and Magical Attacks, distributed by the owner, where X is equal to the number of ranks in the unit. Hits distributed onto models with Hell-Forged Armour or Supernal automatically fail to wound. 5. Loses Scoring until its next Player Turn. Only a single unit may exit the same Gateway Marker in each Player Turn.

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Battle Fever.

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Battle Fever.


The model cannot make Stomp Attacks and, when in the second rank and not in base contact with any enemy models, can make Grind Attacks across models in the first rank directly in front of it. When a model with Irredeemable is killed by a Melee Attack, remove it as a casualty only at the end of Initiative Step 0. A unit with at least one model with Irredeemable may never have more ranks than files.

Release the Hounds

One use only. May be activated at the start of a friendly Player Turn (all models in a unit must activate this rule at the same time). The model gains +6" March Rate and Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1 Str) during this Player Turn.

Primal Legend

If the model is the General, the maximum sum of Legendary Beasts values in the army is increased by 1. While the model is on the board, friendly units with Fly may not use Flying Movement.

Master of Destruction

The model part can use a Shield or a Spiked Shield simultaneously with a Great Weapon or a Halberd.

Master of Battle

The model's maximum number of Supporting Attacks is set to 3.


During Spell Selection, the Exalted Herald must choose two different Manifestations from the list below and apply the effects during the game. The model must select 3 spells out of the spells indicated for the chosen Manifestations, Wrath of God (Thaumaturgy), and Hellfire (Hereditary Spell). This replaces the normal rules for Spell Selection connected to being a Wizard Adept. In addition, Guiding Light (Divination) becomes the Attribute Spell for all non-Bound Spells cast by the model.

Meeting of Minds

Universal Rule.
The model gains +4” March Rate for ground movement.

Monstrous Familiar

Universal Rule.
The model gains Wizard Apprentice. Instead of selecting spells as normal, it must select one of the following spells (during Spell Selection): Glory of Gold (Alchemy), Breath of Corruption (Occultism), or Hellfire (Hereditary Spell).

Ominous Gateway

0-2 per Army. At the start of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence (Spell Selection), for each Ominous Gateway in your army, mark a point on the Battlefield outside the opponent's Deployment Zone with a Gateway Marker.

Path of the Exiled

Units with more than half of their models with Path of the Exiled must reroll failed Break Tests. At the end of step 7 of a Round of Combat (after taking Break Tests), models with Path of the Exiled in a unit that failed a Break Test simultaneously perform Close Combat Attacks (ignoring the rules for Initiative Order, but otherwise following the normal rules such as Supporting Attacks and Allocating Attacks). Afterwards, they are removed as casualties. Models with Path of the Exiled cannot join or be joined by models with Path of the Favoured.

Path of the Favoured

Units with more than half of their models with Path of the Favoured must reroll failed Break Tests. In addition, model parts with Path of the Favoured upgraded to a Champion gain +1 Health Point to a maximum of 3, and their Discipline is set to 9.

Trophy Rack

The model's unit may reroll failed Discipline Tests unless Fleeing. Each time attacks made by the model kill an enemy model that it is fighting a Duel with, the model gains a +1 Combat Score modifier for the rest of the game (this also applies to attacks made outside the Melee Phase). In addition, the model may take a single Banner Enchantment (using the bearer's Special Item allowance as normal).


Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.

Tribal Warspear

Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with a Tribal Warspear gain +1 Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence).
Charging enemy units in base contact with the wielder suffer −1 Agility. The wielder gainsNot a Leader and War
Platform with the following exception: it can only join units that include at least one Åsklanders or Huskarls

Writhing Mass

When in the second rank and not in contact with any enemy model, the model can make Grind Attack across models in the first rank directly in front of it.