Highborn Elves

Highborn Elves

Correspondence of translations with another language

Rules and Equipments used by the army

Ægide est une Sauvegarde spéciale . Les jets de sauvegarde d’Ægide réussis contre des attaques avec la règle Attaque divine doivent être relancés. Pour effectuer un jet de sauvegarde spéciale, lancer autant de dés que de blessures qui n’ont pas été annulées par la sauvegarde d’armure. • Si X est donné comme un jet de dé (par exemple Ægide (4+)), il s’agit de la valeur du jet de dé nécessaire pour annuler la blessure. • Si X est donné comme modificateur et avec une valeur maximum (par exemple Fortitude (+1, max. 3+)), la figurine gagne ceci comme modificateur pour tous ses jets de sauvegarde spéciale du même type, mais sans pouvoir dépasser la valeur maximale indiquée entre parenthèses. Si la figurine n’a pas de sauvegarde spéciale de ce type, elle gagne une sauvegarde spéciale ((7−X) +) à la place (c’est-à-dire une figurine avec Ægide (+2, max 4+) gagnera une Ægide (5+)). Si une figurine a plusieurs instances de sauvegardes spéciales, choisissez laquelle utiliser avant de jeter les dés. Une seule sauvegarde spéciale peut être utilisée pour annuler une blessure.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
À deux mains . Les attaques portées avec une Hallebarde ont +1 en Force et +1 en Pénétration d’armure.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Ancient Allies
The sum of the Ancient Allies values stated in brackets of all models in the army is restricted to 1 per 1500 Army Points, rounding fractions up.
Alliés anciens
La somme des valeurs des Alliés anciens de toutes les figurines de l'armée est limitée à 1 par tranche de 1 500 points d'armée (arrondie au supérieur).
Ancient Allies
The sum of the Ancient Allies values stated in brackets of all models in the army is restricted to 1 per 1500 Army Points, rounding fractions up.
Ancient Allies
The sum of the Ancient Allies values stated in brackets of all models in the army is restricted to 1 per 1500 Army Points, rounding fractions up.
Ancient Allies
The sum of the Ancient Allies values stated in brackets of all models in the army is restricted to 1 per 1500 Army Points, rounding fractions up.
Antichi Alleati
La somma dei valori Antichi Alleati indicati tra parentesi di tutti i modelli dell'armata è limitata a 1 per 1500 Punti dell'esercito, arrotondando per eccesso.
Portée 24", Tir 1, Fo 3, PA 0, Tir de volée.
Portée 30", tir 1, Force 3, PA 0, Tir précis , Tir rapide
Arc long
Portée 30", tir 1, Force 3, PA 0, tir de volée
Portée 30", tir 1, Force 3, PA 0, Tir précis , Tir rapide
Portée 30", tir 1, Force 3, PA 0, Tir précis , Tir rapide
Arco Largo
Portée 30", tir 1, Force 3, PA 0, Tir précis , Tir rapide
Arco Lungo
Portée 30", tir 1, Force 3, PA 0, Tir précis , Tir rapide
Great Weapon
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Arme lourde
À deux mains . Les attaques portées avec une Arme lourde ont +2 en Force, +2 en Pénétration d’armure mais sont résolues au Palier d’initiative 0, quelle que soit l’Agilité du porteur.
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Great Weapon
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Arma a Dos Manos
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Grande Arma
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Hand Weapon
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Arme de base
Toutes les figurines sont équipées d’une Arme de base. Si une figurine possède n’importe quelle autre Arme de corps à corps, elle ne peut pas choisir d’utiliser son Arme de base, à moins que le contraire ne soit précisé. Une figurine à pied maniant une Arme de base avec un Bouclier gagne la règle Parade .
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Hand Weapon
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Arma de Mano
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Arma a Una Mano
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Light Armour
Armor +1
Armure légère
+1 en Armure
Leichte Rüstung
Armor +1
Light Armour
Armor +1
Armadura Ligera
Armor +1
Armatura Leggera
armatura +1
Paired Weapons
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Paire d'armes
À deux mains . Le porteur gagne +1 en valeur d’Attaque et +1 en Capacité offensive quand il utilise cette arme. Les attaques portées avec une Paire d’armes ignorent la règle Parade . Bien que les Paires d’armes soient souvent représentées par deux Armes de base, elles sont considérées comme étant une catégorie d’arme à part en termes de règles.
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Paired Weapons
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Armas Emparejadas
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Coppia d'Armi
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Breath Attack
Attaque de souffle
L’élément de figurine ne peut utiliser cette attaque qu’une seule fois par partie. Si une figurine dispose de plusieurs instances de cette règle, elle ne peut en utiliser qu’une seule par phase. Cette attaque peut être faite soit comme une Attaque de tir, soit, si la figurine est engagée au combat, comme une Attaque de mêlée. • Si la figurine n’est pas engagée au combat, elle s’utilise comme une Attaque de tir avec Tir en marche forcée : choisissez une cible, conformément aux règles normales des Attaques de tir. Cette attaque peut être utilisée dans le cadre d’une Réaction à une charge de type « Tenir la position et tirer ». Elle a une portée de 6″. Un élément de figurine qui a à la fois une Attaque de souffle et une Arme de tir peut utiliser les deux au cours de la même Phase de tir, mais à condition de viser la même cible. • Si la figurine est engagée au combat, elle s’utilise comme une Attaque de mêlée. L’attaque est portée au Palier d’initiative correspondant à l’Agilité de l’élément de figurine. Déclarez que vous utilisez l’Attaque de souffle au début de son Palier d’initiative, avant de lancer les dés pour toucher et désignez pour cible une unité en contact. L’Attaque de souffle, qu’elle soit utilisée comme Attaque de tir ou comme Attaque de mêlée, inflige 2D6 touches à sa cible. La Force, la Pénétration d’armure et les éventuels Attributs d’attaque de ces touches sont donnés entre parenthèses pour chaque Attaque de souffle, comme par exemple Attaque de souffle (Fo 4, PA 1, Attaque enflammée ). Si plusieurs figurines de la même unité utilisent cette règle, déterminez le nombre de touches de chaque Attaque de souffle séparément pour chaque figurine.
Breath Attack
Ataque de Aliento
Attacco a Soffio
Flaming Attacks
The attack doesn't have any special effect. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Flammable and Regeneration.
Attaque enflammée
Corps à corps, Tir Les attaques avec cette règle ignorent les sauvegardes de Fortitude et doivent relancer les jets pour blesser ratés contre les figurines avec Inflammable .
The attack doesn't have any special effect. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Flammable and Regeneration.
Flaming Attacks
The attack doesn't have any special effect. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Flammable and Regeneration.
Ataques Flamígeros
The attack doesn't have any special effect. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Flammable and Regeneration.
Attacchi Infuocati
The attack doesn't have any special effect. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Flammable and Regeneration.
Stomp Attacks
Attaque de piétinement
Au Palier d’initiative 0, un élément de figurine avec Attaque de piétinement doit choisir une figurine ennemie de taille Standard en contact avec elle. L’unité de la figurine choisie subit un nombre de touches égal à la valeur indiquée entre parenthèses (X). Ces touches ne peuvent être réparties que sur des figurines de taille Standard (ignorez les figurines de Taille différente lors de la répartition des touches). Ces touches sont résolues avec la Force et la Pénétration d’armure de l’élément de figurine. Dans le cas de figurines multi-éléments, seuls les éléments de figurine qui ont également la règle Harnaché peuvent utiliser des Attaques de piétinement. Si plusieurs figurines de la même unité ont cette Attaque spéciale et si X est un nombre aléatoire (par exemple, Attaque de piétinement (1D6)), lancez un dé pour déterminer le nombre de touches séparément pour chaque élément de figurine.
Stomp Attacks
Attacchi di Calpestamento
Impact Hits
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Touches d'impact
Au Palier d’initiative 10, un élément de figurine en charge avec cette règle doit choisir une unité ennemie en contact sur son front. Cette unité subit un nombre de touches égal à la valeur indiquée entre parenthèses (X). Ces touches sont résolues avec la Force et la Pénétration d’armure de l’élément de figurine attaquant. Si une figurine dispose à la fois d’ Attaque de broyage et de Touches d’impact, elle ne peut utiliser, lors d’une même Manche de combat, qu’une de ces deux règles au choix (ce choix revenant au propriétaire de la figurine). Dans le cas d’une figurine multi-éléments, seuls les éléments de figurine ayant la règle Harnaché ou Inanimé d’une figurine combinée peuvent utiliser leurs Touches d’impact. Si plusieurs figurines d’une même unité utilisent cette règle, et si X est un nombre aléatoire (par exemple, Touches d’impact (1D6)), déterminez séparément le nombre de touches de chaque instance de cette règle.
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Impact Hits
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Impactos por Carga
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Colpi d'Impatto
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
Après le Déploiement (y compris celui des Éclaireurs), les figurines avec cette règle peuvent effectuer un mouvement de X″. Ce mouvement s’effectue comme une combinaison de Mouvement simple et/ou Reformation réalisés pendant la Phase de mouvement, avec les mêmes restrictions et possibilités d’action qui s’appliquent normalement à cette unité (comme faire des Roues , rejoindre et quitter des unités, etc.). La distance de déplacement est de X″ plutôt que la valeur de Mouvement simple ou de Marche forcée de l’unité. Au cas où aucun chiffre n’est donné entre parenthèses, considérez que la valeur de X est égale à 12″. Une unité ne peut pas se retrouver à moins de 12″ d’un ennemi à lors de ce mouvement. Cette limite est réduite à 6″ si l’ennemi en question a utilisé la règle Avant-garde ou Éclaireur . Si les deux joueurs désirent faire des déplacements d’Avant-garde, ils alternent les déplacements, une unité après l’autre, en commençant par le joueur qui a fini son déploiement normal en dernier (remarque : ceci est une exception à la règle d’ Effets simultanés ). Une unité combinée compte comme une seule unité à cet égard, quand bien même différentes composantes de l’unité décideraient d’effectuer des déplacements d’Avant-garde séparés (par exemple, au cas où deux Personnages avec Avant-garde sortiraient d’une unité combinée en faisant chacun leur propre déplacement d’Avant-garde). Tout effet de jeu qui s’applique à l’unité combinée (tel qu’un Enchantement d’étendard) continue à s’appliquer pour l’ensemble des composantes de cette unité combinée jusqu’à que toutes ces composantes aient terminé leur déplacement d’Avant-garde (même si un Personnage quitte l’unité). Au lieu de déplacer une unité avec la règle Avant-garde, un joueur peut déclarer qu’il cesse d’effectuer tout déplacement d’Avant-garde. Une unité qui a fait un déplacement d’Avant-garde perd la règle Capture jusqu’à la fin du premier Tour de jeu et ne peut pas déclarer de charge lors du premier Tour de joueur si son camp joue en premier.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
Hard Target
Cible difficile
Les Attaques de tir ciblant une unité dont plus de la moitié des figurines dispose de cette règle subissent une pénalité de −X sur leurs jets pour toucher. Cette règle est cumulative.
Schwieriges Ziel
Hard Target
Objetivo Difícil
Bersaglio Difficile
Multiple Wounds
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Blessures multiples
Corps à corps Les blessures non sauvegardées causées par des attaques avec cette règle sont multipliées par la valeur entre parenthèses (X). Si la valeur donnée est aléatoire, comme dans Blessures multiples (1D3), lancez un dé pour chaque blessure non sauvegardée concernée. Le nombre de blessures une fois multiplié ne peut jamais être plus grand que la caractéristique de Points de vie de la cible, sans prendre en compte les Points de vie déjà perdus précédemment dans la bataille. Par exemple, si une attaque avec Blessures multiples (1D6) blesse une unité de Trolls (3 PV), et qu’un ‘5’ est obtenu pour le nombre de blessures, alors ce nombre est réduit à 3 blessures, même si cette unité avait déjà perdu un ou deux Points de vie précédemment dans la bataille. Si Ailes mutilées est précisé après la valeur (X), toute blessure non sauvegardée infligée par une attaque avec cette règle contre une figurine avec la règle Vol est multipliée par X+1 plutôt que par X.
Multiple Lebenspunktverluste
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Multiple Wounds
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Heridas Múltiples (X)
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Ferite Multiple
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
Garde du corps
Un Personnage qui rejoint une unité avec au moins une figurine avec la règle Garde du corps gagne la règle Tenace . Quand un nom ou un type de Personnage est précisé entre parenthèses, la règle ne fonctionne que pour les Personnages qui remplissent cette condition.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
Guardia del Corpo
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 en Armure Lorsqu’une arme À deux mains est utilisée, un Bouclier peut uniquement être utilisé contre les Attaques à distance
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
Fight in Extra Rank
Combat sur un rang supplémentaire
Corps à corps Un élément de figurine avec cette règle (ou utilisant une arme avec cette règle) peut porter des Attaques de soutien depuis un rang supplémentaire. Cela permet donc généralement aux figurines situées au troisième rang de pouvoir porter des Attaques de soutien. Cette règle est cumulative, permettant à un nouveau rang supplémentaire d’attaquer pour chaque instance de la règle.
Kämpft aus zusätzlichem Glied
Fight in Extra Rank
Luchar con Filas Adicionales
Combattere su Rango Extra
Wizard Conclave
The Champion of a unit with Wizard Conclave gains +1 Health Point in addition to the normal Characteristics increases associated with being a Champion, and is a Wizard Adept. This Champion may select up to two spells from predetermined spells given in brackets after Wizard Conclave. This overrides the Spell Selection rules connected to being a Wizard Adept.
Conclave de magiciens
Le Champion d’une unité avec cette règle gagne +1 Point de vie, en plus de l’augmentation de valeur d’Attaque normalement associée aux Champions , et est un Adepte magicien . Il connaît jusqu’à deux sorts sélectionnés parmi les sorts prédéterminés, donnés dans le profil de l’unité. Cette règle fait exception à la règle de Sélection des sorts pour un Adepte magicien.
The Champion of a unit with Wizard Conclave gains +1 Health Point in addition to the normal Characteristics increases associated with being a Champion, and is a Wizard Adept. This Champion may select up to two spells from predetermined spells given in brackets after Wizard Conclave. This overrides the Spell Selection rules connected to being a Wizard Adept.
Wizard Conclave
The Champion of a unit with Wizard Conclave gains +1 Health Point in addition to the normal Characteristics increases associated with being a Champion, and is a Wizard Adept. This Champion may select up to two spells from predetermined spells given in brackets after Wizard Conclave. This overrides the Spell Selection rules connected to being a Wizard Adept.
Cónclave Mágico
The Champion of a unit with Wizard Conclave gains +1 Health Point in addition to the normal Characteristics increases associated with being a Champion, and is a Wizard Adept. This Champion may select up to two spells from predetermined spells given in brackets after Wizard Conclave. This overrides the Spell Selection rules connected to being a Wizard Adept.
Conclave di Maghi
The Champion of a unit with Wizard Conclave gains +1 Health Point in addition to the normal Characteristics increases associated with being a Champion, and is a Wizard Adept. This Champion may select up to two spells from predetermined spells given in brackets after Wizard Conclave. This overrides the Spell Selection rules connected to being a Wizard Adept.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
Sans peur
Si plus de la moitié des figurines d’une unité dispose de cette règle, l’unité réussit automatiquement ses Tests de panique . De plus, elle ne peut pas choisir « Fuir » comme Réaction à une charge (sauf si elle fuit déjà). Les figurines Sans peur sont également immunisées aux effets de la Peur .
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
Course rapide
Une unité entièrement composée de figurines avec cette règle est soumise à la règle Jet maximisé pour ses jets de Portée de charge, Charge irrésistible, Distance de fuite ou Distance de poursuite.
Schnelle Bewegung
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
Zancada Veloz
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
Falcata Rapida
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
La figurine réussit automatiquement tout Test de terrain dangereux provoqué par les Décors. Une unité dont plus de la moitié des figurines dispose de cette règle ne peut pas perdre la règle Indomptable à cause des Décors. Parfois, cette règle ne fonctionne que pour certains types de Décors, qui sont alors précisés entre parenthèses. Dans ce cas, la règle ne s’applique que lorsque la figurine interagit avec ce ou ces types de Décors.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
Quick to Fire
Tir rapide
Tir Une attaque ayant cette règle ne subit pas la pénalité de −1 pour toucher de Tir en mouvement .
Schnell Schussbereit
Quick to Fire
Disparo Rápido
Rapido a Tirare
Dragonforged Armour
Armour Equipment Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks) and Aegis (6+), and automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Dragonforged Armour
Armour Equipment Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks) and Aegis (6+), and automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Dragonforged Armour
Armour Equipment Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks) and Aegis (6+), and automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Dragonforged Armour
Armour Equipment Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks) and Aegis (6+), and automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Dragonforged Armour
Armour Equipment Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks) and Aegis (6+), and automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Dragonforged Armour
Armour Equipment Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks) and Aegis (6+), and automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
At step 8 of the Pre-­Game Sequence (after Spell Selection) an army that includes units with Scout must state which of its units with Scout will use it, starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Scouting units. These units are placed after all other non-Scouting units have been deployed. They can either be deployed in your Deployment Zone, using the normal rules, or they can be deployed outside the Deployment Zone, but must be more than 18" away from any enemy units. This is decreased to 12" if the Scouting unit is deployed entirely within a Forest, Ruins, Field, Building, or Water Terrain Feature. Scouting units that are deployed outside their player's Deployment Zone may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have Scouting units, alternate deploying one unit at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying first.
Les unités avec la règle Éclaireur peuvent être déployées en utilisant des règles de Déploiement spécial. Déclarez quelles unités utiliseront cette règle à l’étape 8 de la Séquence pré-partie (juste après la Sélection des sorts), en commençant par le joueur qui a choisi sa Zone de déploiement. Le déploiement des Éclaireurs se fait à l’étape 5 de la Phase de déploiement (« Déploiement des unités d’Éclaireurs »). Si les deux joueurs ont des unités d’Éclaireurs, placez les unités chacun à votre tour (une unité à la fois) en commençant par le joueur qui a terminé son déploiement normal en premier. Les unités avec Éclaireur peuvent être déployées de trois manières différentes : • Entièrement dans votre Zone de déploiement, en suivant les règles normales de déploiement. • N’importe où sur le champ de bataille, à au moins 18″ de toute unité ennemie. • N’importe où sur le champ de bataille et entièrement à l’intérieur d’un Champ, d’une Forêt, d’une Ruine ou d’un Terrain aquatique, à au moins 12″ de toute unité ennemie. Les unités d’Éclaireurs qui n’ont pas été entièrement déployées dans leur Zone de déploiement ne peuvent déclarer de charge pendant le premier Tour de joueur du premier Tour de jeu (plus aucune restriction à la charge des unités d’Éclaireurs ne s’applique après ce premier Tour de joueur).
At step 8 of the Pre-­Game Sequence (after Spell Selection) an army that includes units with Scout must state which of its units with Scout will use it, starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Scouting units. These units are placed after all other non-Scouting units have been deployed. They can either be deployed in your Deployment Zone, using the normal rules, or they can be deployed outside the Deployment Zone, but must be more than 18" away from any enemy units. This is decreased to 12" if the Scouting unit is deployed entirely within a Forest, Ruins, Field, Building, or Water Terrain Feature. Scouting units that are deployed outside their player's Deployment Zone may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have Scouting units, alternate deploying one unit at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying first.
At step 8 of the Pre-­Game Sequence (after Spell Selection) an army that includes units with Scout must state which of its units with Scout will use it, starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Scouting units. These units are placed after all other non-Scouting units have been deployed. They can either be deployed in your Deployment Zone, using the normal rules, or they can be deployed outside the Deployment Zone, but must be more than 18" away from any enemy units. This is decreased to 12" if the Scouting unit is deployed entirely within a Forest, Ruins, Field, Building, or Water Terrain Feature. Scouting units that are deployed outside their player's Deployment Zone may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have Scouting units, alternate deploying one unit at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying first.
At step 8 of the Pre-­Game Sequence (after Spell Selection) an army that includes units with Scout must state which of its units with Scout will use it, starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Scouting units. These units are placed after all other non-Scouting units have been deployed. They can either be deployed in your Deployment Zone, using the normal rules, or they can be deployed outside the Deployment Zone, but must be more than 18" away from any enemy units. This is decreased to 12" if the Scouting unit is deployed entirely within a Forest, Ruins, Field, Building, or Water Terrain Feature. Scouting units that are deployed outside their player's Deployment Zone may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have Scouting units, alternate deploying one unit at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying first.
At step 8 of the Pre-­Game Sequence (after Spell Selection) an army that includes units with Scout must state which of its units with Scout will use it, starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Scouting units. These units are placed after all other non-Scouting units have been deployed. They can either be deployed in your Deployment Zone, using the normal rules, or they can be deployed outside the Deployment Zone, but must be more than 18" away from any enemy units. This is decreased to 12" if the Scouting unit is deployed entirely within a Forest, Ruins, Field, Building, or Water Terrain Feature. Scouting units that are deployed outside their player's Deployment Zone may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have Scouting units, alternate deploying one unit at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying first.
Elven Bolt Thrower
Artillery Weapon. This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways: • Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)] • Range 48″, Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2
Elven Bolt Thrower
Artillery Weapon. This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways: • Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)] • Range 48″, Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2
Elven Bolt Thrower
Artillery Weapon. This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways: • Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)] • Range 48″, Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2
Elven Bolt Thrower
Artillery Weapon. This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways: • Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)] • Range 48″, Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2
Elven Bolt Thrower
Artillery Weapon. This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways: • Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)] • Range 48″, Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2
Elven Bolt Thrower
Artillery Weapon. This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways: • Range 48″, Shots 1, Str 3 [6], AP 10, Area Attack (1×5), [Multiple Wounds (D3)] • Range 48″, Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2
Elven Finesse
Elven Finesse
Elven Finesse
Elven Finesse
Elven Finesse
Elven Finesse
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
Une unité dont plus de la moitié des figurines a cette règle est immunisée aux effets de la Terreur. Quand une unité avec au moins une figurine avec cette règle déclare une charge, la cible doit immédiatement faire un Test de panique , avant de déclarer sa Réaction à la charge. Si le test est raté, la cible de la charge doit choisir « Fuir » en Réaction à la charge, si elle y est normalement autorisée.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
Fae Miasma
This Attack Attribute can only be used with Longbows and Paired Weapons. When a unit is hit by attacks with Fae Miasma, it [b]must[/b] take a Resilience Test for each hit, using the Resilience that the largest proportion of models in the unit has. Use the higher value in case of a tie. If one or more Resilience Tests are failed, all models in the unit are affected by Fae Miasma until the start of the Active Player's next Player Turn. A model that is affected by one or more instances of Fae Miasma suffers a -1 to-hit modifier (both for Shooting Attacks and Close Combat Attacks).
Miasmes féeriques
Cet Attribut d'attaque peut seulement être utilisé avec un Arc long ou une Paire d'armes. Lorsqu'une unité est touchée par une ou plusieurs attaques portées avec cette règle, elle doit effectuer un Test de résistance pour chaque touche, en employant la Résistance de la plus grande fraction de l'unité, en cas d'égalité, utilisez la plus haute valeur de Résistance. Si au moins l'un de ces tests échoue, toutes les figurines de l'unité sont affectées par les [b]Miasmes féeriques[/b] jusqu'au début du prochain Tour du joueur actif. Une figurine affectée par au moins une instance de [b]Miasmes féeriques[/b] subit -1 pour toucher (pour les Attaques de tir et pour les Attaques de corps à corps).
Dieses Angriffsattribut kann nur mit Langbogen und Waffenpaar benutzt werden. Wenn eine Einheit von Attacken mit Feenhauch getroffen wird, [b]muss[/b] sie für jeden Treffer einen Widerstandsfähigkeitstest ablegen, wobei die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Mehrheit der Modelle der Einheit benutzt wird (verwende bei Gleichstand den höheren Wert). Falls ein oder mehrere Widerstandsfähigkeitstests misslingen, sind alle Modelle der Einheit bis zum Beginn des nächsten Spielerzugs des aktiven Spielers von Feenhauch betroffen. Ein Modell, das (ein- oder mehrfach) von Feenhauch betroffen ist, erleidet einen -1 Trefferwurfmodifikator (sowohl für Schuss- als auch für Nahkampfwaffenattacken).
Fae Miasma
This Attack Attribute can only be used with Longbows and Paired Weapons. When a unit is hit by attacks with Fae Miasma, it [b]must[/b] take a Resilience Test for each hit, using the Resilience that the largest proportion of models in the unit has. Use the higher value in case of a tie. If one or more Resilience Tests are failed, all models in the unit are affected by Fae Miasma until the start of the Active Player's next Player Turn. A model that is affected by one or more instances of Fae Miasma suffers a -1 to-hit modifier (both for Shooting Attacks and Close Combat Attacks).
Miasma de Fae
Este Atributo de Ataque solo puede usarse con Arco Largo y Armas Emparejadas. Cuando una unidad es impactada por ataques con Miasma de Fae, [b]debe[/b] realizar un Chequeo de Resiliencia por cada impacto, usando la Resiliencia de la fracción mayoritaria de miniaturas en la unidad. Usa el valor más alto en caso de empate. Si se fallan uno o más de estos Chequeos de Resiliencia, todas las miniaturas en la unidad se verán afectadas por Miasma de Fae hasta el inicio del siguiente Turno de Jugador del Jugador Activo. Una miniatura afectada una o más veces por Miasma de Fae sufre un modificador de -1 al impactar (tanto para Ataques de Disparo como para Ataques Cuerpo a Cuerpo).
Miasma Incantato
Questo Attributo di Attacco può essere usato soltanto con Coppie d'Armi o Archi Lunghi. Quando un'unità è colpita da attacchi con Miasma Incantato, [b]deve[/b] eseguire un test di Resilienza per ogni colpo, usando la Resilienza posseduta dalla frazione maggiore dei modelli nell'unità. In caso di pareggio, usa il valore più alto. Se uno o più Test di Resilienza vengono falliti, tutti i modelli dell'unità sono influenzati da Miasma Incantato fino all'inizio del successivo Turno del Giocatore del Giocatore Attivo. Un modello influenzato da una o più istanze di Miasma Incantato subisce un modificatore di -1 per colpire (sia per gli Attacchi da Tiro sia per gli Attacchi da Corpo a Corpo)
Feigned Flight
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
Repli tactique
Si une unité composée uniquement de figurines avec Repli tactique choisit volontairement « Fuir » comme Réaction à une charge et réussit son Test de ralliement lors du Tour de joueur allié suivant, elle ne devient pas Ébranlée . De plus, la Reformation qui est faite après ce Ralliement n’empêche pas l’unité de bouger ni de tirer (mais elle compte quand même comme ayant bougé). Cette règle ne peut pas être appliquée si elle fuit involontairement (par exemple, suite à un Test de panique échoué ou si elle fuyait déjà lorsqu’elle a été chargée).
Vorgetäuschte Flucht
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
Feigned Flight
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
Huida Simulada
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
Fuga Simulata
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
First Strike
First Strike
First Strike
First Strike
First Strike
First Strike
Moonlight Arrows
This Attack Attribute can only be used with Bows or Longbows without Weapon Enchantments. The attacks become [b]Flaming Attacks[/b] and [b]Magical Attacks[/b], and have their Strength [b]set[/b] to 4 and their Armour Penetration [b]set[/b] to 1.
Flèches du clair de lune
Cet Attribut d'attaque ne peut être employé qu'avec un Arc ou un Arc long sans Enchantement d'arme : ses attaques gagnent [b]Attaque enflammée[/b] et [b]Attaque magique[/b], leur Force [b]passe[/b] à 4 et leur Pénétration d'armure [b]passe[/b] à 1.
Dieses Angriffsattribut kann nur mit Bogen oder Langbogen ohne Waffenverzauberungen verwendet werden. Die Attacke erhält [b]Flammenattacken[/b] und [b]Magische Attacken[/b] und ihre Stärke wird auf 4 und ihr Rüstungsdurchschlag auf 1 [b]gesetzt[/b].
Moonlight Arrows
This Attack Attribute can only be used with Bows or Longbows without Weapon Enchantments. The attacks become [b]Flaming Attacks[/b] and [b]Magical Attacks[/b], and have their Strength [b]set[/b] to 4 and their Armour Penetration [b]set[/b] to 1.
Flechas Lunares
Este Atributo de Ataque solo puede usarse con Arco o Arco Largo sin Encantamientos de Armas. Los ataques con el arma son [b]Ataques Flamígeros[/b] y [b]Ataques Mágicos[/b], su Fuerza se [b]establece[/b] en 4 y su Penetración de Armadura se [b]establece[/b] en 1.
Strali di Luna
Questo Attributo di Attacco può essere usato soltanto con Archi o Archi Lunghi non Incantati. Gli attacchi diventano [b]Attacchi Infuocati[/b] e [b]Attacchi Magici[/b], inoltre la loro Forza è [b]fissata[/b] a 4 la loro Penetrazione Armatura è [b]fissata[/b] a 1.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
Une unité composée entièrement de figurines avec cette règle peut effectuer un Mouvement de vol quand elle fait un Mouvement de charge , un Mouvement simple ou une Marche forcée . Quand elle fait un Mouvement de vol, remplacez la valeur de Mouvement simple de la figurine par la première valeur donnée entre parenthèses (X) et la valeur de Marche forcée par la seconde valeur (Y). Une unité qui effectue un Mouvement de vol ignore les Décors et les autres unités pendant son déplacement, sauf l’unité chargée lors d’un Mouvement de charge. Notez que : • Elle doit respecter la Règle du pouce d’écart à la fin du mouvement. • Elle est toujours affectée par les effets des Décors depuis lesquels elle décolle ou dans lesquels elle atterrit. • Tous les modificateurs qui s’appliquent à ses valeurs de mouvement au sol s’appliquent aussi à ces valeurs (sauf indication contraire). • Lorsque vous déclarez une charge avec une unité qui a la règle Vol, vous devez déclarer si l’unité utilisera son Mouvement de vol pour la charge, ou non. • Lorsqu’une unité avec Vol effectue un Mouvement de charge ratée, elle doit utiliser le type de mouvement (au sol ou de vol) qui a été choisi lorsque la charge a été déclarée. Si l’unité devait terminer son Mouvement de charge ratée à l’intérieur du Rectangle limite d’une autre unité ou à l’intérieur d’un Terrain infranchissable, faites-la reculer jusqu’à la dernière position autorisée qui lui permet de respecter la Règle du pouce d’écart.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
Giant See, Giant Do
Universal Rule. The model gains Light Armour and Martial Discipline.
Giant See, Giant Do
Universal Rule. The model gains Light Armour and Martial Discipline.
Giant See, Giant Do
Universal Rule. The model gains Light Armour and Martial Discipline.
Giant See, Giant Do
Universal Rule. The model gains Light Armour and Martial Discipline.
Giant See, Giant Do
Universal Rule. The model gains Light Armour and Martial Discipline.
Giant See, Giant Do
Universal Rule. The model gains Light Armour and Martial Discipline.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
Une figurine avec Tirailleur peut toujours utiliser ses Attaques de tir depuis n’importe quel rang (les figurines avec Tirailleur ne sont pas limitées au premier et au deuxième rangs). Les unités dont au moins une figurine ordinaire a Tirailleur sont déployées en une Formation de tirailleurs. Les figurines ne sont pas placées au contact les unes des autres mais sont espacées de 12,5 mm (soit à peu près 0,5″) lorsqu’elles forment une unité. On considère que ces espaces font partie intégrante de l’unité pour déterminer les Couverts et qu’ils ont la même Taille que celle des figurines de l’unité. En dehors de cet écart entre les figurines, l’unité suit les règles normales et possède donc un front, deux flancs et un dos, les figurines du second rang peuvent porter des Attaques de soutien, etc. Les unités en Formation de tirailleurs ne bloquent jamais une Ligne de vue (souvenez-vous que cela affecte aussi les Couverts, puisque de ce fait, ces unités ne peuvent jamais donner un Couvert lourd). Une unité en Formation de tirailleurs ne peut être rejointe que par des Personnages ayant le même Type et la même Taille. À moins qu’un Personnage n’ait exactement la même taille de socle que toutes les figurines ordinaires de l’unité, il est considéré comme ayant un Socle incompatible lorsqu’il est placé dans l’unité. L’unité cesse d’être en Formation de tirailleurs lorsque toutes les figurines ordinaires avec la règle Tirailleur ont été retirées comme perte : contractez immédiatement les figurines restantes pour leur faire adopter une formation normale, sans déplacer le centre du premier rang. Le cas échéant, décalez toute unité comme d’habitude pour maintenir le contact si possible.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
The model is immune to the effects of Fear. If more than half of a unit's models have Valiant, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests caused by Terror.
La figurine est immunisée aux effets de la [b]Peur[/b]. Si plus de la moitié des figurines de l'unité possède cette règle, l'unité réussit automatiquement les Tests de panique causés par la [b]Terreur[/b].
Das Modell ist gegenüber den Auswirkungen von Angst immun. Einheiten mit mehr als der Hälfte ihrer Modelle mit Tapfer bestehen automatisch durch Entsetzen verursachte Paniktests.
The model is immune to the effects of Fear. If more than half of a unit's models have Valiant, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests caused by Terror.
La miniatura es inmune a los efectos del Miedo. Si más de la mitad de las miniaturas en la unidad tienen Valiente, la unidad supera automáticamente los Chequeos de Pánico debidos a Terror.
Il modello è immune agli effetti di Paura. Se più di metà dei modelli in un'unità possiede Valoroso, quell'unità passa automaticamente i Test di Panico causati da Terrore.
Les attaques portées avec une Lance gagnent Combat sur un rang supplémentaire et +1 en Pénétration d’armure. Les Attaques de corps à corps portées par une Lance gagnent +2 en Agilité et un +1 additionnel en Pénétration d’armure durant la première Manche d’un combat où l’unité de la figurine qui porte la Lance n’est pas en charge et n’est engagée ni de flanc, ni de dos. Seules les figurines d’Infanterie peuvent utiliser une Lance.
Attacks made with a Lance and allocated toward models in the wielders' Front Facing gain Devastating Charge (+2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration). Infantry cannot use Lances.
Lance de cavalerie
Les attaques portées par une Lance de cavalerie et allouées contre un ennemi sur le front de l’unité du porteur gagnent Charge dévastatrice (+2 Fo, +2 PA) . L’Infanterie ne peut pas utiliser de Lance de cavalerie.
Attacks made with a Lance and allocated toward models in the wielders' Front Facing gain Devastating Charge (+2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration). Infantry cannot use Lances.
Attacks made with a Lance and allocated toward models in the wielders' Front Facing gain Devastating Charge (+2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration). Infantry cannot use Lances.
Lanza de Caballería
Attacks made with a Lance and allocated toward models in the wielders' Front Facing gain Devastating Charge (+2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration). Infantry cannot use Lances.
Lancia Pesante
Attacks made with a Lance and allocated toward models in the wielders' Front Facing gain Devastating Charge (+2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration). Infantry cannot use Lances.
Light Lance
Lance légère
Les attaques portées par une Lance légère et allouées contre un ennemi sur le front de l’unité du porteur gagnent Charge dévastatrice (+1 Fo, +1 PA) . L’Infanterie ne peut pas utiliser de Lance légère.
Leichte Lanze
Light Lance
Lanza Ligera
Lancia Leggera
Light Troops
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Troupe légère
Une unité entièrement composée de figurines avec Troupe légère applique les règles suivantes pour ses Mouvements simples et Marches forcées : • L’unité peut effectuer un nombre illimité de Reformations à tout moment pendant son déplacement, et dans n’importe quel ordre. Cela n’empêche pas ces figurines de tirer lors de ce Tour de joueur. • L’unité peut se déplacer en arrière et sur le côté comme si elle se déplaçait vers l’avant (c’est-à-dire, d’une distance égale à sa valeur de Mouvement simple, et l’unité peut combiner des Mouvements simples en avant, en arrière et de côté), mais aucune partie de son Rectangle d’unité ne peut quitter la table. • L’unité ne peut effectuer aucune Roue. De plus, • Une unité entièrement composée de figurines avec Troupe légère gagne Tir en marche forcée . • Une unité dont plus de la moitié des figurines a Troupe légère compte comme ayant toujours 0 Rang complet . • Un Personnage de type Infanterie et de même Taille que les figurines d’une unité d’Infanterie avec Troupe légère gagne cette règle tant qu’il fait partie de cette unité. Cette instance de Troupe légère est perdue immédiatement lorsqu’il quitte l’unité.
Leichte Truppen
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Light Troops
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Tropas Ligeras
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Truppe Leggere
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Meeting of Minds
The model gains [b]Scent of Blood[/b] and treats all friendly Beast models as Insignificant.
Les grands esprits se rencontrent
La figurine gagne [b]Excité par le sang[/b] et considère toutes les figurines de Bêtes alliées comme étant [b]Insignifiantes[/b].
Treffen der Geister
Das Modell erhält [b]Blutfährte[/b] und behandelt alle freundlichen Beast Modelle als Insignificant.
Meeting of Minds
The model gains [b]Scent of Blood[/b] and treats all friendly Beast models as Insignificant.
Meeting of Minds
The model gains [b]Scent of Blood[/b] and treats all friendly Beast models as Insignificant.
Meeting of Minds
The model gains [b]Scent of Blood[/b] and treats all friendly Beast models as Insignificant.
Lion’s Fur
Armour Equipment If on foot, the wearer gains +1 Armour, which is improved to +2 Armour against Shooting Attacks.
Lion’s Fur
Armour Equipment If on foot, the wearer gains +1 Armour, which is improved to +2 Armour against Shooting Attacks.
Lion’s Fur
Armour Equipment If on foot, the wearer gains +1 Armour, which is improved to +2 Armour against Shooting Attacks.
Lion’s Fur
Armour Equipment If on foot, the wearer gains +1 Armour, which is improved to +2 Armour against Shooting Attacks.
Lion’s Fur
Armour Equipment If on foot, the wearer gains +1 Armour, which is improved to +2 Armour against Shooting Attacks.
Lion’s Fur
Armour Equipment If on foot, the wearer gains +1 Armour, which is improved to +2 Armour against Shooting Attacks.
Master of Spellcrafting
The Wizard's spells have their Casting Value reduced by 1.
Maître des arcanes
Les sorts du Magicien ont leur Valeur de lancement réduite de 1.
Meister des Zauberwebens
Die Zauber des Zauberers haben einen um 1 verringerten Zauberwert. Bei einem Zauberversuch mit einem einzigen Magiewürfel gilt ein natürlicher Wurf von '1' oder '2' immer als fehlgeschlagener Zauberversuch, ungeachtet jeglicher Modifikatoren.
Master of Spellcrafting
The Wizard's spells have their Casting Value reduced by 1.
Maestro de Hechicería
Los hechizos lanzados por el Hechicero reducen su Valor de Lanzamiento en 1.
Maestro dell'Arcano
Il Valore di Lancio degli incantesimi lanciati dal Mago è ridotto di 1. Per i tiri di lancio con un singolo Dado Magia, un risultato naturale di '1' o '2' è sempre un Tentativo di Lancio fallito, a prescindere dai modificatori.
Meeting of Minds
The Dragon model part gains Channel (1).
Meeting of Minds
The Dragon model part gains Channel (1).
Meeting of Minds
The Dragon model part gains Channel (1).
Meeting of Minds
The Dragon model part gains Channel (1).
Meeting of Minds
The Dragon model part gains Channel (1).
Meeting of Minds
The Dragon model part gains Channel (1).
Metal Armour
Metal Armour
Metal Armour
Metal Armour
Metal Armour
Metal Armour
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
When the model loses its last Health Point, unless it is a Summoned model, the owner [b]must[/b] roll a D6. The roll is successful on a roll of 5+ (or 3+ if the model has Warden's Bond): • Before removing the model as a casualty, mark the centre of its final position. • At the start of the next friendly Movement Phase, Summon a new Phoenix within 3" of the marked point. The Summoned model has the same upgrades as the original Phoenix. Immediately after being deployed, the model loses 4 Health Points, which cannot be prevented in any way. If the roll fails, the model is removed as a casualty as normal.
Quand la figurine perd son dernier Point de vie, son propriétaire doit lancer 1D6, sauf si la figurine était une figurine invoquée. Sur un jet de 5+ (ou 3+ si la figurine a [b]Gardien lié[/b]), le jet est réussi : • Avant de retirer la figurine comme perte, placez un marqueur au centre de sa position finale. • Au début de la prochaine Phase de mouvement alliée, Invoquez un nouveau Phénix à 3" ou moins du point marqué. La figurine Invoquée a les mêmes améliorations que la figurine originale et ses Points de vie [b]passent[/b] à 1. Si le jet échoue, retirez normalement la figurine comme perte.
Verliert ein Phönix zum ersten Mal seinen letzten Lebenspunkt, wirft der Besitzer einen W6. Bei einem Wurf von 5+ (oder 3+, falls das Modell Verbundenheit des Wächters hat) gelingt der Wurf: • Entferne das Modell wie üblich als Verlust, aber platziere einen Marker auf dem Mittelpunkt der letzten Position des Modells. • Im nächsten Spielerzug, zu Beginn von Schritt 3 des Ablaufs der Bewegungsphase (nach dem Sammeln fliehender Einheiten), wird das Modell wieder auf dem Spielfeld platziert. Der Mittelpunkt des Modells [b]muss[/b] innerhalb von 3" um den Marker platziert werden und das Modell [b]muss[/b] mehr als 1" von anderen Einheiten und unpassierbarem Gelände platziert werden, darf aber in beliebiger Richtung ausgerichtet werden. • Falls das Modell nicht gemäß dieser Regeln platziert werden kann, kann es für den Rest des Spiels nicht zurückkehren. • Das zurückgekehrte Modell ist dasselbe Modell, das das Spiel verlassen hat, einschließlich jeglicher anhaltender Effekte (wie Zauber, die das Modell betreffen), mit der Ausnahme, dass es immer mit nur 1 Lebenspunkt zurückkehrt und dass es als gesammelt gilt, falls es fliehend war, als es seinen letzten Lebenspunkt verlor (weshalb es bis zum Ende des Spielerzugs erschüttert ist). • Für das Modell erhält der Gegner keine Siegpunkte für zerstörte Einheiten, falls es am Ende des Spiels noch einen oder mehrere Lebenspunkte übrig hat. Misslingt der Wurf, folge den normalen Regeln (d.h. das Modell wird als Verlust entfernt).
When the model loses its last Health Point, unless it is a Summoned model, the owner [b]must[/b] roll a D6. The roll is successful on a roll of 5+ (or 3+ if the model has Warden's Bond): • Before removing the model as a casualty, mark the centre of its final position. • At the start of the next friendly Movement Phase, Summon a new Phoenix within 3" of the marked point. The Summoned model has the same upgrades as the original Phoenix. Immediately after being deployed, the model loses 4 Health Points, which cannot be prevented in any way. If the roll fails, the model is removed as a casualty as normal.
Cuando la miniatura pierda su último Punto de Vida, a menos que sea una miniatura Invocada, el propietario [b]debe[/b] tirar un 1D6. La tirada es exitosa con un resultado de 5+ (o 3+ si la miniatura tiene Vínculo del Guardián): Antes de retirar la miniatura como baja, marca el centro de su posición final. Al inicio de la siguiente Fase de Movimiento amiga, Invoca un Fénix en un radio de 3" del punto marcado. La miniatura Invocada tiene las mismas opciones que el Fénix original y sus Puntos de Vida se [b]establecen[/b] en 1. Si la tirada es fallida, la miniatura es retirada como baja de la manera habitual.
La prima volta in cui una Fenice perde il suo ultimo Punto Vita, il suo proprietario [b]deve[/b] tirare un D6. Questo tiro ha successo con un risultato di 5+ (o 3+ se il modello possiede Vincolo del Custode): • Rimuovi il modello come perdita, ma colloca un segnalino sul centro della posizione finale del modello. • Nel successivo Turno del Giocatore, all'inizio del passo 3 della Sequenza della Fase di Movimento (dopo avere Chiamato a Raccolta le unità in fuga), posiziona nuovamente il modello sul Campo di Battaglia. Il centro del modello [b]deve[/b] essere posizionato entro 3" dal segnalino e il modello [b]deve[/b] essere collocato ad almeno 1" da altre unità e Terreni Intransitabili, rivolto in una qualunque direzione. • Se il modello non può essere posizionato seguendo queste regole, non può tornare per il resto della partita. • Il modello tornato è il medesimo modello che ha lasciato il gioco, incluso qualsiasi effetto in corso (come gli incantesimi che influenzano il modello), eccetto che torna sempre con 1 Punto Vita e conta come Chiamato a Raccolta nel caso stesse Fuggendo durante la perdita dell'ultimo Punto Vita (ed è quindi Scosso fino alla fine del Turno del giocatore). • l modello non assegna Punti Vittoria per essere stato Distrutto se alla fine della partita possiede almeno un Punto Vita. Se il tiro fallisce, segui le consuete regole (ovvero il modello viene rimosso come perdita).
Sky Reaper
Artillery Weapon. Range 24″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire.
Sky Reaper
Artillery Weapon. Range 24″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire.
Sky Reaper
Artillery Weapon. Range 24″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire.
Sky Reaper
Artillery Weapon. Range 24″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire.
Sky Reaper
Artillery Weapon. Range 24″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire.
Sky Reaper
Artillery Weapon. Range 24″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 3, Quick to Fire.
Stand and Shoot
Stand and Shoot
Stand and Shoot
Stand and Shoot
Stand and Shoot
Stand and Shoot

Magic Items usable by the army

Star Metal Alloy
The first time the bearer’s model suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds, the number of wounds is halved, rounding fractions up.
Alliage stellaire
La première fois que la figurine du porteur subit une blessure non sauvegardée venant d'une attaque avec la règle [b]Blessures multiples (X)[/b], le nombre de Points de vie perdu est divisé par deux (arrondi au supérieur).
Das erste Mal, wenn das Modell des Trägers eine nicht verhinderte Verwundung durch eine Attacke mit Multiple Wounds erleidet, während es den Schild verwendet, wird die Anzahl der erlittenen Wunden halbiert, wobei Brüche aufgerundet werden.
Star Metal Alloy
The first time the bearer’s model suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds, the number of wounds is halved, rounding fractions up.
Aleación de Metal Estelar
La primera vez que la miniatura del portador sufra una herida sin salvar debido a un ataque con Heridas Múltiples (X) mientras use este Escudo, divide el número de impactos sufridos a la mitad, redondeando fracciones hacia arriba.
Metallo Astrale
La prima volta che il modello del portatore subisce una ferita non salvata da un attacco con Ferite Multiple mentre usa questo Scudo, il numero di ferite subite è dimezzato, arrotondando per eccesso.
Amethyst Crystal
Dispelling rolls made by the bearer’s army gain a +1 modifier.
Cristal d'améthyste
Les jets de dissipation effectués par l'armée du porteur ont un modificateur de +1.
Bannwürfe der Armee des Trägers erhalten einen +1 Modifikator.
Amethyst Crystal
Dispelling rolls made by the bearer’s army gain a +1 modifier.
Cristal Amatista
Las tiradas de Dispersión realizadas por el ejército del portador obtienen un modificador de +1.
Cristallo di Ametista
I Tiri di Dispersione effettuati dall'esercito del portatore ottengono un modificatore di +1.
Scroll of the Pearl Throne
Choose a Magic Item from an enemy unit that is in contact with the bearer. This Magic Item is ignored. If it was an Enchanted Weapon or Shield, the mundane effects of the Weapon or Shield can still be used.
Anneau du Trône de perle
Les Enchantements d'arme dans l'unité du porteur et dans les unités en contact du porteur sont ignorés.
Ring des Perlenthrons
Wähle nach Schritt 4 des Ablaufs einer Nahkampfrunde (nach Duelle aussprechen und annehmen) eines der folgenden: • Einen einzelnen Besonderen Gegenstand, den ein Charakter oder Champion in Basekontakt mit dem Träger trägt • Einen einzelnen Besonderen Gegenstand, den eine aus einem Modell bestehende Einheit in Basekontakt mit dem Träger trägt • Eine Bannerverzauberung, den ein Bannerträger in Basekontakt mit dem dem Träger trägt Dieser besondere Gegenstand kann solange nicht benutzt werden, solange sich ihr Träger in Basekontakt mit dem Träger des Rings des Perlenthrons befindet. Nur ein einzelner besonderer Gegenstand kann zu jedem Zeitpunkt betroffen sein. Sollte das Modell über mehr als eine Ausführung des gewählten Gegenstands verfügen, so ist nur eine Ausführung betroffen.
Scroll of the Pearl Throne
Choose a Magic Item from an enemy unit that is in contact with the bearer. This Magic Item is ignored. If it was an Enchanted Weapon or Shield, the mundane effects of the Weapon or Shield can still be used.
Anillo del Trono de Perla
Los En- cantamientos de Armas en la unidad del portador y en unidades que estén en contacto con peana con el portador se ignoran.
Anello del Trono Perlaceo
Dopo il passo 4 della Sequenza del Round di Combattimento (successivamente alla dichiarazione e accettazione dei Duelli) di ogni Round di Combattimento in cui l'unità del portatore combatte, scegli uno dei seguenti: • Un singolo Oggetto Speciale su un Personaggio o Campione a contatto di base con il portatore • Un singolo Oggetto Speciale in un'unità a modello singolo a contatto di base con il portatore • Un Incanto di Stendardo portato da un Alfiere a contatto di base con il portatore Questo Oggetto Speciale viene ignorato finché il portatore rimane a contatto di base con il portatore dell'Anello del Trono Perlaceo. Solo un singolo Oggetto Speciale per volta può essere influenzato. Nel caso un modello possieda più copie dell'oggetto scelto, solo una di esse viene influenzato.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Appel du destin
Ne peut pas être pris par des figurines avec Présence imposante ou étant un Assemblage de Grande taille. Enchantement : Armure portée. Le porteur gagne Ægide (4+). De plus, son armure passe à 3 et ne peut jamais être améliorée au-delà.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Sliver of the Blazing Dawn
+1 Str and +2 AP. Each successful to-hit roll with this weapon causes two hits instead of one.
Éclat de l'aube flamboyante
Les Attaques portées avec cette arme gagnent +1 en Force et +2 en Pénétration d'armure. Chaque jet pour toucher réussi avec cette arme cause deux touches au lieu d'une.
Splitter der gleißenden Morgenröte
Attacken mit dieser Waffe erhalten +1 Stärke, +2 Rüstungsdurchschlag und werden [b]Magical Attacks[/b]. Jeder erfolgreiche Trefferwurf mit dieser Waffe verursacht zwei Treffer anstatt einem.
Sliver of the Blazing Dawn
+1 Str and +2 AP. Each successful to-hit roll with this weapon causes two hits instead of one.
Asta del Amanecer Llameante
Los ataques realizados con esta arma obtienen +1 Fuerza y +2 Penetración de Armadura. Cada tirada para impactar exitosa con esta arma causa dos impactos en lugar de uno.
Scheggia dell'Alba Rovente
Gli attacchi effettuati con quest'arma ottengono +1 Forza, +2 Penetrazione Armatura e diventano [b]Attacchi Magici[/b]. Ogni tiro per colpire effettuato con successo con quest'arma causa due colpi invece che uno.
Rod of Battle
The bearer can cast Living Steel (Alchemy) as a Bound Spell (4+), with the following change: it only affects Melee Attacks.
Baguette de bataille
Le porteur peut lancer un Sort lié de Niveau de puissance (4/8) : Type : Amélioration. Portée : 18″. Durée : Un tour. La cible gagne +1 pour toucher avec ses Attaques de corps à corps.
Rod of Battle
The bearer can cast Living Steel (Alchemy) as a Bound Spell (4+), with the following change: it only affects Melee Attacks.
Rod of Battle
The bearer can cast Living Steel (Alchemy) as a Bound Spell (4+), with the following change: it only affects Melee Attacks.
Rod of Battle
The bearer can cast Living Steel (Alchemy) as a Bound Spell (4+), with the following change: it only affects Melee Attacks.
Scettro da battaglia
The bearer can cast a Bound Spell, Power Level (4/8): Type: Augment. Range 18″. Duration: One Turn. The target gains +1 to hit with its Close Combat Attacks.
Basalt Infusion
+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Injection de basalte
Enchantement : Armure portée. Le porteur gagne +1 en Armure et Ægide (3+, contre les Attaques enflammées). Le porteur rate automatiquement tous ses jets de sauvegarde de Fortitude.
Basalt Infusion
+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Basalt Infusion
+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Basalt Infusion
+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Infusione di basalto
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks). The wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Parchemin d'entrave
0–2 par armée. Usage unique. Peut être activé après avoir siphonné le Voile (étape 3 de la Séquence de la Phase de magie). Une fois activé, désignez une figurine ennemie et choisissez un de ses sorts (y compris les Sorts liés ou Attributs de la Voie). Cette figurine ne peut lancer ce sort durant cette Phase de magie. Un seul Parchemin d’entrave peut être activé durant une même phase.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Pergamena vincolante
One use only. May be activated after Siphon the Veil (at the end of step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence). When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its Attribute, Bound, or Learned Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Book of Meladys
The first time in each Magic Phase that the bearer fails a Casting Roll for a Learned Spell cast with two or three dice, the bearer may reroll all Magic Dice from this Casting Roll.
Livre de Meladys
Une fois par Phase de magie, le porteur peut relancer un seul Dé de magie lorsqu'il lance un sort, tant qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un Fiasco. Lorsqu'il relance un '1' naturel, le Dé de magie relancé compte quand même pour la règle [b]Crépitement[/b] (si la Tentative de lancement échoue), quelle que soit la valeur du second jet.
Buch von Meladys
Einmal pro Magiephase darf der Träger einen einzelnen Magiewürfel nach einem Zauberversuch neu würfeln, außer bei einem Kontrollverlust. Wird eine natürliche '1' wiederholt, unterliegt der wiederholte Magiewürfel unabhängig des gewürfelten Werts des Wiederholungswurfes Verpuffung (sollte der Zauberversuch misslingen).
Book of Meladys
The first time in each Magic Phase that the bearer fails a Casting Roll for a Learned Spell cast with two or three dice, the bearer may reroll all Magic Dice from this Casting Roll.
Libro de Meladys
Una vez por Fase de Magia, el portador puede repetir la tirada de un único Dado de Magia al hacer una tirada de lanzamiento, siempre y cuando la tirada no supusiera una Disfunción. Si se repite la tirada de un Dado de Magia en que se hubiera obtenido un resultado natural de '1', en caso de que el Intento de Lanzamiento falle tras la repetición de tirada, se puede aplicar Efervescencia en este Dado de Magia, independientemente del resultado obtenido en la repetición.
Libro di Meladys
Una volta per Fase Magica, il portatore può ritirare un singolo Dado Magia quando effettua un tiro di lancio, a patto che l'incantesimo non abbia causato un Incidente di Lancio. Quando ritiri un risultato naturale di '1', il Dado Magia ritirato beneficia di Affievolimento (se il Tentativo di Lancio fallisce) a prescindere dal risultato ottenuto con il secondo tiro.
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind
Charme de chance
Usage unique. Peut être activé lorsque la figurine du porteur rate une Sauvegarde d'armure. Cette Sauvegarde d'armure peut être relancée.
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind
Monile portafortuna
One use only. May be activated when the bearer’s model fails an Armour Save. This failed Armour Save may be rerolled.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Héritage magique
Dominant. Magicien uniquement. Le porteur gagne le Sort héréditaire de son armée durant l’étape de Sélection des sorts. Le porteur connaît toujours ce sort en plus de ses autres sorts et ne peut pas le sélectionner de nouveau durant l’étape de Sélection des sorts. De plus, il ne peut pas le remplacer ou le perdre d’une quelconque manière.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Cimelio magico
The bearer gains the Hereditary Spell during Spell Selection, always knows it in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, andcannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Elu's Heartwood
Shots 3, Str as user +1, and AP as user +1.
Cœur de bois d'Elu
Cette arme gagne Tirs 3, Fo de l'utilisateur +1 et PA de l'utilisateur +1 .
Elus Kernholz
Diese Waffe erhält Shots 3, Str wie Träger +1, AP wie Träger +1 und [b]Magical Attacks[/b].
Elu's Heartwood
Shots 3, Str as user +1, and AP as user +1.
Duramen de Elu
Este arma obtiene Disparos 3, Fuerza del portador +1 y Penetración de Armadura del portador +1.
Cuore del Legno di Elu
Quest'arma ottiene Colpi 3, For uguale a quella del portatore +1, Pen uguale a quella del portatore +1, e [b]Attacchi Magici[/b].
Nova Flare
Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Divine Attacks, and Lethal Strike.
Explosion stellaire
Les Attaques portées avec cette arme gagnent [b]Attaque divine[/b], [b]Charge dévastatrice (+1 Att)[/b] et [b]Coup fatal[/b]. Usage unique. Peut être activée au début de n'importe quelle Manche de combat. Le porteur est considéré comme ayant chargé pour ce qui concerne la règle [b]Charge dévastatrice[/b].
Attacken mit dieser Waffe erhalten [b]Lethal Strike[/b] und [b]Devastating Charge (+1 Att)[/b] und werden [b]Divine Attacks[/b] und [b]Divine Attacks[/b]. Nur eine Anwendung. Kann zu Beginn einer jeden Nahkampfrunde aktiviert werden. Der Träger zählt hinsichtlich Devastating Charge als angreifend.
Nova Flare
Devastating Charge (+1 Att), Divine Attacks, and Lethal Strike.
Llamarada Nova
Los ataques realizados con esta arma obtienen [b]Carga Devastadora (+1 Ata)[/b] y [b]Golpe Letal[/b], y son [b]Ataques Divinos[/b]. Un solo uso. Puede activarse al inicio de cualquier Ronda de Combate. El portador cuenta como si estuviera Cargando a efectos de Carga Devastadora.
Conflagrazione Stellare
Gli attacchi effettuati con quest'arma ottengono [b]Carica Devastante (+1 Att)[/b] e [b]Colpo Letale[/b]. Inoltre, essi diventano [b]Attacchi Divini[/b] e [b]Attacchi Magici[/b]. Un solo uso. Può essere attivato all'inizio di un qualsiasi Round di combattimento. Il portatore conta come essere in Carica ai fini di Carica Devastante.
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Couronne du roi-magicien
Ne peut être prise par un Magicien. Au moment de l’étape de Sélection des sorts, tirez au sort une Voie de magie parmi celles de ce livre. Le porteur devient un Apprenti magicien utilisant cette Voie de magie. Le porteur ne peut choisir le Sort héréditaire de son armée. Le porteur ne peut choisir aucune amélioration (Objet spécial ou autre) réservée aux Magiciens (ou à certains types de Magiciens).
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Corona del re mago
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Dusk Forged
The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.
Crépuscule forgé
Enchantement : Bouclier. Lorsqu’il utilise ce Bouclier, le porteur peut décider de relancer ses jets de sauvegarde d’armure ratés. Si un jet de sauvegarde relancé grâce à cet enchantement rate, l’éventuel jet de sauvegarde spéciale contre cette blessure rate automatiquement.
Dusk Forged
The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.
Dusk Forged
The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.
Dusk Forged
The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.
Vespertino (Scudo)
The bearer may choose to reroll its failed Armour Saves while using this Shield. If the reroll from Dusk Forged is failed, the bearer automatically fails any Special Save against that wound.
Daemon's Bane
+2 Arm against Magical Attacks.
Fléau des démons
Le porteur gagne +2 en Armure contre les [b]Attaques magiques[/b].
Der Träger erhält +2 Rüstung gegen Magical Attacks.
Daemon's Bane
+2 Arm against Magical Attacks.
Perdición del Demonio
El portador obtiene +2 Armadura contra Ataques Mágicos.
Flagello dei Demoni
Il portatore ottiene +2 Armatura, contro Attacchi Magici.
Supernatural Dexterity
+3 Def and +3 Off.
Dextérité surnaturelle
Enchantement : Arme de corps à corps. Le porteur de cette arme gagne +2 en Capacité offensive et +2 en Agilité lorsqu’il l’utilise ; les attaques effectuées avec cette arme gagnent Attaque magique.
Supernatural Dexterity
+3 Def and +3 Off.
Supernatural Dexterity
+3 Def and +3 Off.
Supernatural Dexterity
+3 Def and +3 Off.
Destrezza ultraterrena
The wielder gains +2 Offensive Skill and +2 Agility while using this weapon, and attacks made with it become Magical Attacks.
Diadem of Protection
Aegis (+2, max 4+).
Diadème de protection
Le porteur gagne [b]Ægide (+2, max 4+)[/b].
Diadem des Schutzes
Der Träger erhält [b]Aegis (+2, max 4+)[/b].
Diadem of Protection
Aegis (+2, max 4+).
Diadema de Protección
El portador obtiene [b]Égida (+2, máx. 4+)[/b].
Diadema della Salvaguardia
Il portatore ottiene [b]Egida (+2, max 4+)[/b].
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Inscriptions Mystérieuses
Enchantement : Arme de corps à corps. Les attaques effectuées avec cette arme doivent relancer leurs jets pour blesser ratés.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Elemental Blade
+1 Att, +1 Str. When Choosing Equipment and Abilities, choose to gain either Flaming Attacks or Lightning Attacks. The effects last until the end of the Round of Combat.
Elemental Blade
+1 Att, +1 Str. When Choosing Equipment and Abilities, choose to gain either Flaming Attacks or Lightning Attacks. The effects last until the end of the Round of Combat.
Elemental Blade
+1 Att, +1 Str. When Choosing Equipment and Abilities, choose to gain either Flaming Attacks or Lightning Attacks. The effects last until the end of the Round of Combat.
Elemental Blade
+1 Att, +1 Str. When Choosing Equipment and Abilities, choose to gain either Flaming Attacks or Lightning Attacks. The effects last until the end of the Round of Combat.
Elemental Blade
+1 Att, +1 Str. When Choosing Equipment and Abilities, choose to gain either Flaming Attacks or Lightning Attacks. The effects last until the end of the Round of Combat.
Elemental Blade
+1 Att, +1 Str. When Choosing Equipment and Abilities, choose to gain either Flaming Attacks or Lightning Attacks. The effects last until the end of the Round of Combat.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal. During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.
Essence de libre pensée
Le porteur peut choisir jusqu’à deux Voies de magie sur la Liste d’armée plutôt qu’une, parmi celles qui lui sont normalement accessibles. Sélectionnez laquelle des deux Voies de magie vous comptez utiliser au moment de la Sélection des sorts. Le porteur ne peut choisir les Sorts appris nº5 et 6 de la Voie de magie sélectionnée.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal. During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal. During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal. During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.
Essenza di una mente libera
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select from the Learned Spells 5 and 6 of its chosen Path.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Protection fantômatique
Enchantement : Armure lourde et Armure de plates. Le porteur gagne +2 en Armure contre les attaques qui ne sont pas des Attaque magique.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Gleaming Robe
Aegis (3+). Armour is set to 1 and can never be improved beyond this. If the wearer Miscasts and rolls Witchfire, the number of hits is halved (rounding fractions up) for the wearer and its unit.
Robe étincelante
Le porteur gagne [b]Ægide (3+)[/b]. De plus, son Armure [b]passe[/b] à 1 et ne peut être améliorée. Si le porteur subit un Fiasco de type Feu sorcier ou Brasier magique, le nombre de touches est divisé par deux (arrondi au supérieur).
Der Träger erhält [b]Aegis (3+)[/b]. Zusätzlich wird seine Rüstung auf 1 [b]gesetzt[/b] und kann [b]nie[/b] darüber hinaus verbessert werden. Falls der Träger im Rahmen eines Kontrollverlustes Hexenfeuer oder Magisches Inferno erleidet, wird die Anzahl der Treffer halbiert, wobei Brüche aufgerundet werden.
Gleaming Robe
Aegis (3+). Armour is set to 1 and can never be improved beyond this. If the wearer Miscasts and rolls Witchfire, the number of hits is halved (rounding fractions up) for the wearer and its unit.
Túnica Reluciente
El portador obtiene [b]Égida (3+)[/b]. Además, su Armadura se [b]establece[/b] en 1, y [b]nunca[/b] podrá mejorarse. Si el portador sufre una Disfunción de Infierno Mágico o Fuego Brujo, divide el número de impactos sufridos a la mitad, redondeando fracciones hacia arriba.
Veste Scintillante
Il portatore ottiene [b]Egida (3+)[/b]. Inoltre, l'Armatura del portatore è [b]fissata[/b] ad 1 e non può [b]mai[/b] essere migliorata ulteriormente. Se il portatore subisce un Incidente di Lancio Inferno Magico o Fuoco Stregato, dimezza il numero di colpi subiti, arrotondando per eccesso.
King Slayer
Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP
Tueuse de rois
Enchantement : Arme de corps à corps. Lorsqu’il utilise cette arme, son porteur gagne +X en valeur d’Attaque, et les attaques effectuées avec cette arme gagnent +X en Force, +X en Pénétration d’armure et Attaque magique, où « X » est égal au nombre de Personnages ennemis en contact avec l’unité du porteur. Ce bonus est calculé au Palier d’initiative où ces attaques sont effectuées et ne vaut que pour ce palier.
King Slayer
Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP
King Slayer
Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP
King Slayer
Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP
Sterminatrice di re
The wielder gains +X Attack Value while using this weapon, and attacks made with this weapon gain +X Strength, +X Armour Penetration, and Magical Attacks, where X is equal to the number of enemy Characters in base contact with the wielder’s unit. This bonus is calculated at the Initiative Step when the attacks are made.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Luce purificante
At the start of each Round of Combat, the wielder may choose to have attacks made with this weapon become Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Roc d'obsidienne
Le porteur gagne Résistance à la magie (2).
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Pietra d'ossidiana
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (2).
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Potion de rapidité
Usage unique. Peut être activée au début de n'importe quelle Phase ou Manche de combat Jusqu'à la fin du Tour de joueur, le porteur gagne +3 Agilité, jusqu'à un maximum de 10.
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Pozione della rapidit
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +3 Agility.
Protection of Dorac
+3 Arm, +3 Def, and Attached. Arm can never be improved beyond 5.
Protection de Dorac
Le porteur gagne +2 en Capacité défensive et en Armure.
Schutz von Dorac
Der Träger erhält +2 Rüstung und +2 Defensivfertigkeit.
Protection of Dorac
+3 Arm, +3 Def, and Attached. Arm can never be improved beyond 5.
Protección de Dorac
El portador obtiene +2 Armadura y +2 Habilidad Defensiva.
Protezione di Dorac
Il portatore ottiene +2 Abilità Difensiva e +2 Armatura.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Sigil of Protection
+1 Arm.
Sigil of Protection
+1 Arm.
Sigil of Protection
+1 Arm.
Sigil of Protection
+1 Arm.
Sigil of Protection
+1 Arm.
Sigil of Protection
+1 Arm.
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Talisman de protection
Le porteur gagne Ægide (5+).
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Talismano di protezione
The bearer gains Aegis (5+).
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Talisman du Vide
Le porteur gagne Canalisation (1).
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Talismano del vuoto
The bearer gains Channel (1).
Touch of Greatness
+1 Str and +1 AP.
Touché par la grâce
Enchantement : Arme de corps à corps. Les attaques effectuées avec cette arme gagnent +1 en Force, +1 en Pénétration d’armure et Attaque magique. Les modificateurs de Force donnés par cette arme (en combinant les bonus conférés par son type d’arme et ceux de son Enchantement) ne peuvent être supérieurs à +2 (mais peuvent néanmoins dépasser cette valeur en vertu de modificateurs provenant d’autres sources, telles que des sorts).
Touch of Greatness
+1 Str and +1 AP.
Touch of Greatness
+1 Str and +1 AP.
Touch of Greatness
+1 Str and +1 AP.
Tocco di grandigia
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks. Strength modifiers from this weapon (combining both mundane and Weapon Enchantment modifiers) cannot exceed +2 (but can exceed +2 through modifiers from other sources, such as spells).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.

Magic Standards usable by the army

Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Banner of Becalming
In the opponent’s Magic Phase, after Excess Magic has been rolled, remove one dice from the opponent’s dice pool.
Bannière d'apaisement
Durant la Phase de magie adverse, pendant l'étape 3 Siphonner le Voilequot;, avant de convertir les marqueurs Voilequot; en Dés de magie, enlevez un marqueur Voilequot; à votre adversaire et ajoutez-le à votre réserve.
Banner der Besänftigung
Entferne in der gegnerischen Magiephase während Abschöpfen des Schleiers, bevor Schleiermarken in Magiewürfel umgewandelt werden, eine Schleiermarke aus dem gegnerischen Schleier- markenvorrat und füge dem eigenen Schleiermarkenvorrat eine Schleiermarke hinzu.
Banner of Becalming
In the opponent’s Magic Phase, after Excess Magic has been rolled, remove one dice from the opponent’s dice pool.
Estandarte de la Tranquilidad
En la Fase de Magia del oponente, durante Drenar el Velo, antes de convertir Tokens del Velo en Dados de Magia, retira un Token del Velo de la reserva de Tokens del Velo del oponente, y añade un Token del Velo a tu reserva de Tokens del Velo.
Vessillo della Quiete
Durante il passo Incanalare il Belo di ogni Fase Magica Nemica, prima di convertire i Segnalini Velo in Dadi Magia, rimuovi un Segnalino Velo dalla riserva di Segnalini Velo nemica e aggiungi un Segnalino Velo alla tua riserva di Segnalini Velo.
Navigator's Banner
The bearer’s unit gains First Strike (Aegis (5+)).
Bannière du Navigateur
Les figurines ordinaires dans l'unité du porteur gagnent [b]Pertur- bant[/b] durant la première Manche de combat contre les attaques des ennemis engagés sur le front de l'unité.
Banner des Navigators
R&F-Modelle in der Einheit des Trägers erhalten in der ersten Nahkampfrunde [b]Distracting[/b] gegen Attacken von Gegnern, die mit der Vorderkante der Einheit des Trägers im Nahkampf gebunden sind.
Navigator's Banner
The bearer’s unit gains First Strike (Aegis (5+)).
Estandarte del Navegante
Las miniaturas de Tropa en la unidad del portador obtienen [b]Distrac- ción[/b] durante la Primera Ronda de Combate contra ataques de enemigos Trabados en el Encaramiento Frontal de la unidad del portador.
Stendardo del Navigatore
Durante il Primo Round di Combattimento, i modelli R&F nell'unità del portatore ottengono [b]Distrarre[/b] contro gli attacchi dei nemici Ingaggiati sul Fronte dell'unità del portatore.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Cha and +1″ Mob.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Cha and +1″ Mob.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Cha and +1″ Mob.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Cha and +1″ Mob.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Cha and +1″ Mob.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Cha and +1″ Mob.
War Banner Of Rymâ
A unit with one or more War Banners of Rymâ gains +1″ Cha and Rank-and-File model parts with Elf in the bearer’s unit gain Devastating Charge (+1 Str).
Bannière de bataille de Rymâ
Les figurines ordinaires dans une unité avec au moins une Bannière de bataille de Ryma, gagnent [b]Charge dévastatrice (+1 Fo)[/b]. Les éléments de figurine avec [b]Harnaché[/b] ne sont pas affectés. De plus, les figurines d'Infanterie gagnent [b]Charge dévastatrice (+1" MS)[/b].
Kriegsbanner von Ryma
R&F-Modellteile ohne Harnessed in einer Einheit mit einem oder mehreren Kriegsbannern von Ryma erhalten Vernichtender [b]Devastating Charge (+1 Str)[/b]). Zusätzlich erhalten alle Infanteriemodelle in der Einheit [b]Devastating Charge (+1" Adv)[/b].
War Banner Of Rymâ
A unit with one or more War Banners of Rymâ gains +1″ Cha and Rank-and-File model parts with Elf in the bearer’s unit gain Devastating Charge (+1 Str).
Estandarte de Guerra de Ryma
Las partes de miniatura de Tropa sin Contenidos en una unidad con uno o más Estandartes de Guerra de Ryma obtienen [b]Carga Devastadora (+1 Fue)[/b]. Además, todas las miniaturas de Infantería en la unidad obtienen [b]Carga Devastadora (+1" Ava)[/b].
Orifiamma di Ryma
Le parti di modello R&F senza Imbrigliato in un'unità con una o più Orifiamme di Ryma ottengono [b]Carica Devastante (+1 For)[/b]. Inoltre, tutti i modelli di Fanteria nell'unità ottengono [b]Carica Devastante (+1" Ava)[/b].
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.

Units od the army

High Prince
Haut prince
Hoher Prinz
High Prince
Gran Príncipe
Alto Principe
Elven Horse
Cheval elfique
Elven Horse
Corcel Élfico
Destriero Elfico
Giant Eagle
Aigle géant
Giant Eagle
Águila Gigante
Aquila Gigante
Regal Dragon
Regal Dragon
Ancient Dragon
Dragon ancien
Altehrwürdiger Drache
Ancient Dragon
Dragón Ancestral
Drago Antico
Reaver Chariot
Char de pillage
Leichter Streitwagen
Reaver Chariot
Carro Saqueador
Carro dei Predoni
Lion Chariot
Char à lions
Lion Chariot
Carro de Leones
Carro dei Leoni
Sky Sloop
Cotre aérien
Sky Sloop
Balandra Voladora
Vascello Solcanubi
Citizen Archers
Archers plébéiens
Citizen Archers
Ciudadanos Arqueros
Arcieri della Cittadella
Citizen Spears
Lanciers plébéiens
Citizen Spears
Ciudadanos Lanceros
Picchieri della Cittadella
Sea Guard
Sea Guard
Guardia del Mar
Guardia del Mare
Highborn Lancers
Lances patriciennes
Hochgeborene Lanzenreiter
Highborn Lancers
Caballeros Nobles
Lancieri Nobili
Erlein Reavers
Pilleurs eleins
Eleinische Grenzreiter
Erlein Reavers
Saqueadores de Elu
Predoni Elein
Sword Masters
Maîtres de l'épée
Sword Masters
Maestros de la Espada
Maestri di Spada
Lion Guard
Lion Guard
Guardia del León
Guardia del Leone
Flame Wardens
Protecteurs de la flamme
Wächter der Flamme
Flame Wardens
Guardianes de la Llama
Custodi della Fiamma
Knights of Rymâ
Chevaliers de Rymâ
Ritter von Ryma
Knights of Rymâ
Caballeros de Ryma
Cavalieri di Ryma
Reaver Chariots
Char de pillage
Leichte Streitwagen
Reaver Chariots
Carros Saqueadores
Carro dei Predoni
Lion Chariot
Char à lions
Lion Chariot
Carro de Leones
Carro dei Leoni
Giant Eagles
Aigle géant
Giant Eagles
Águilas Gigantes
Aquile Giganti
Initiate of the Fiery Heart
Initié du Cœur de Feu
Initiate of the Fiery Heart
Initiate of the Fiery Heart
Iniciado del Corazón Ardiente
Initiate of the Fiery Heart
Sea Guard Reaper
Faucheuse garde-mer
Schnitter der Seegarde
Sea Guard Reaper
Saqueador de la Guardia del Mar
Mietitrice dei Mari
Sky Sloop
Cotre aérien
Sky Sloop
Balandra Voladora
Vascello Solcanubi
Queen's Guard
Gardes de la Reine
Queen's Guard
Guardia de la Reina
Guardia della Regina
Grey Watchers
Veilleurs gris
Graue Wächter
Grey Watchers
Vigilantes Grises
Sentinelle Grigie
Highborn Giant
Highborn Giant
Highborn Giant
Highborn Giant
Highborn Giant
Highborn Giant