
Correspondence of translations with another language

Rules and Equipments used by the army

Altar of the Horned Rat
This model and any unit it joins has Stubborn.
Altar of the Horned Rat
This model and any unit it joins has Stubborn.
Altar of the Horned Rat
This model and any unit it joins has Stubborn.
Altar of the Horned Rat
This model and any unit it joins has Stubborn.
Altar of the Horned Rat
This model and any unit it joins has Stubborn.
Altar of the Horned Rat
This model and any unit it joins has Stubborn.
A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Instead, from Turn 2 onwards, the controlling player rolls a dice at the start of their turn for each unit of their Ambushers that have yet to arrive. On a 1 or 2, the Ambushers have been delayed – roll for them again next turn. On a 3 or more, the unit of Ambushers arrives, and will enter the board during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If the Ambushers do not turn up for the entire game, they are assumed to have got lost, and are treated as having fled the battle for the purposes of determining the victor. Arriving Ambushers enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, and move on using the rules for reinforcements. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Ambushers if they also have the same rule. In addition, for every Core unit that deploys as Ambushers in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit that is not Expendable (described later in this chapter) and that does not deploy using the Ambushers rule (for more information, see the Choosing Your Army chapter).
A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Instead, from Turn 2 onwards, the controlling player rolls a dice at the start of their turn for each unit of their Ambushers that have yet to arrive. On a 1 or 2, the Ambushers have been delayed – roll for them again next turn. On a 3 or more, the unit of Ambushers arrives, and will enter the board during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If the Ambushers do not turn up for the entire game, they are assumed to have got lost, and are treated as having fled the battle for the purposes of determining the victor. Arriving Ambushers enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, and move on using the rules for reinforcements. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Ambushers if they also have the same rule. In addition, for every Core unit that deploys as Ambushers in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit that is not Expendable (described later in this chapter) and that does not deploy using the Ambushers rule (for more information, see the Choosing Your Army chapter).
A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Instead, from Turn 2 onwards, the controlling player rolls a dice at the start of their turn for each unit of their Ambushers that have yet to arrive. On a 1 or 2, the Ambushers have been delayed – roll for them again next turn. On a 3 or more, the unit of Ambushers arrives, and will enter the board during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If the Ambushers do not turn up for the entire game, they are assumed to have got lost, and are treated as having fled the battle for the purposes of determining the victor. Arriving Ambushers enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, and move on using the rules for reinforcements. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Ambushers if they also have the same rule. In addition, for every Core unit that deploys as Ambushers in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit that is not Expendable (described later in this chapter) and that does not deploy using the Ambushers rule (for more information, see the Choosing Your Army chapter).
A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Instead, from Turn 2 onwards, the controlling player rolls a dice at the start of their turn for each unit of their Ambushers that have yet to arrive. On a 1 or 2, the Ambushers have been delayed – roll for them again next turn. On a 3 or more, the unit of Ambushers arrives, and will enter the board during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If the Ambushers do not turn up for the entire game, they are assumed to have got lost, and are treated as having fled the battle for the purposes of determining the victor. Arriving Ambushers enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, and move on using the rules for reinforcements. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Ambushers if they also have the same rule. In addition, for every Core unit that deploys as Ambushers in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit that is not Expendable (described later in this chapter) and that does not deploy using the Ambushers rule (for more information, see the Choosing Your Army chapter).
A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Instead, from Turn 2 onwards, the controlling player rolls a dice at the start of their turn for each unit of their Ambushers that have yet to arrive. On a 1 or 2, the Ambushers have been delayed – roll for them again next turn. On a 3 or more, the unit of Ambushers arrives, and will enter the board during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If the Ambushers do not turn up for the entire game, they are assumed to have got lost, and are treated as having fled the battle for the purposes of determining the victor. Arriving Ambushers enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, and move on using the rules for reinforcements. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Ambushers if they also have the same rule. In addition, for every Core unit that deploys as Ambushers in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit that is not Expendable (described later in this chapter) and that does not deploy using the Ambushers rule (for more information, see the Choosing Your Army chapter).
A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Instead, from Turn 2 onwards, the controlling player rolls a dice at the start of their turn for each unit of their Ambushers that have yet to arrive. On a 1 or 2, the Ambushers have been delayed – roll for them again next turn. On a 3 or more, the unit of Ambushers arrives, and will enter the board during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If the Ambushers do not turn up for the entire game, they are assumed to have got lost, and are treated as having fled the battle for the purposes of determining the victor. Arriving Ambushers enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, and move on using the rules for reinforcements. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Ambushers if they also have the same rule. In addition, for every Core unit that deploys as Ambushers in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit that is not Expendable (described later in this chapter) and that does not deploy using the Ambushers rule (for more information, see the Choosing Your Army chapter).
A unit containing one or more Fear-causing models gains +1 to its Combat Resolution score. If the Unit Strength of all Fear-causing models is double or more, the Combat Resolution score is increased by +2. Note that the bonus from Fear is otherwise not cumulative for having multiple units with Fear involved in the same combat. If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain Immunity (Fear), and thus the Combat Resolution bonus of their Fear-causing enemies is ignored for that unit.
A unit containing one or more Fear-causing models gains +1 to its Combat Resolution score. If the Unit Strength of all Fear-causing models is double or more, the Combat Resolution score is increased by +2. Note that the bonus from Fear is otherwise not cumulative for having multiple units with Fear involved in the same combat. If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain Immunity (Fear), and thus the Combat Resolution bonus of their Fear-causing enemies is ignored for that unit.
A unit containing one or more Fear-causing models gains +1 to its Combat Resolution score. If the Unit Strength of all Fear-causing models is double or more, the Combat Resolution score is increased by +2. Note that the bonus from Fear is otherwise not cumulative for having multiple units with Fear involved in the same combat. If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain Immunity (Fear), and thus the Combat Resolution bonus of their Fear-causing enemies is ignored for that unit.
A unit containing one or more Fear-causing models gains +1 to its Combat Resolution score. If the Unit Strength of all Fear-causing models is double or more, the Combat Resolution score is increased by +2. Note that the bonus from Fear is otherwise not cumulative for having multiple units with Fear involved in the same combat. If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain Immunity (Fear), and thus the Combat Resolution bonus of their Fear-causing enemies is ignored for that unit.
A unit containing one or more Fear-causing models gains +1 to its Combat Resolution score. If the Unit Strength of all Fear-causing models is double or more, the Combat Resolution score is increased by +2. Note that the bonus from Fear is otherwise not cumulative for having multiple units with Fear involved in the same combat. If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain Immunity (Fear), and thus the Combat Resolution bonus of their Fear-causing enemies is ignored for that unit.
A unit containing one or more Fear-causing models gains +1 to its Combat Resolution score. If the Unit Strength of all Fear-causing models is double or more, the Combat Resolution score is increased by +2. Note that the bonus from Fear is otherwise not cumulative for having multiple units with Fear involved in the same combat. If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain Immunity (Fear), and thus the Combat Resolution bonus of their Fear-causing enemies is ignored for that unit.
Hand Weapon
Arme de base
Hand Weapon
Arma de Mano
Arma a Una Mano
Throwing Weapons
Multiple Shots (2). Quick to Fire.
Armes de jet
Multiple Shots (2). Quick to Fire.
Multiple Shots (2). Quick to Fire.
Throwing Weapons
Multiple Shots (2). Quick to Fire.
Armas Arrojadizas
Multiple Shots (2). Quick to Fire.
Armi da Lancio
Multiple Shots (2). Quick to Fire.
Magical Attacks
All attacks made by spells and magic items are considered to be magical attacks, as are all attacks that are specifically noted as being magical attacks. Shots fired from magical items are also considered to be magical attacks, unless their description specifically states otherwise. Hits inflicted by rolls on the Miscast table are treated as magical attacks. Note that spells are not physical attacks unless clearly specified.
Attaque magique
All attacks made by spells and magic items are considered to be magical attacks, as are all attacks that are specifically noted as being magical attacks. Shots fired from magical items are also considered to be magical attacks, unless their description specifically states otherwise. Hits inflicted by rolls on the Miscast table are treated as magical attacks. Note that spells are not physical attacks unless clearly specified.
Magische Attacken
All attacks made by spells and magic items are considered to be magical attacks, as are all attacks that are specifically noted as being magical attacks. Shots fired from magical items are also considered to be magical attacks, unless their description specifically states otherwise. Hits inflicted by rolls on the Miscast table are treated as magical attacks. Note that spells are not physical attacks unless clearly specified.
Magical Attacks
All attacks made by spells and magic items are considered to be magical attacks, as are all attacks that are specifically noted as being magical attacks. Shots fired from magical items are also considered to be magical attacks, unless their description specifically states otherwise. Hits inflicted by rolls on the Miscast table are treated as magical attacks. Note that spells are not physical attacks unless clearly specified.
Ataques Mágicos
All attacks made by spells and magic items are considered to be magical attacks, as are all attacks that are specifically noted as being magical attacks. Shots fired from magical items are also considered to be magical attacks, unless their description specifically states otherwise. Hits inflicted by rolls on the Miscast table are treated as magical attacks. Note that spells are not physical attacks unless clearly specified.
Attacchi Magici
All attacks made by spells and magic items are considered to be magical attacks, as are all attacks that are specifically noted as being magical attacks. Shots fired from magical items are also considered to be magical attacks, unless their description specifically states otherwise. Hits inflicted by rolls on the Miscast table are treated as magical attacks. Note that spells are not physical attacks unless clearly specified.
Any unit joined by Spinetail may re-roll To Wounds of 1 in close combat.
Any unit joined by Spinetail may re-roll To Wounds of 1 in close combat.
Any unit joined by Spinetail may re-roll To Wounds of 1 in close combat.
Any unit joined by Spinetail may re-roll To Wounds of 1 in close combat.
Any unit joined by Spinetail may re-roll To Wounds of 1 in close combat.
Any unit joined by Spinetail may re-roll To Wounds of 1 in close combat.
Aura of Pestilence
Any models in base contact with Lord Skrolk suffer -1 on all of their To Hit rolls. All Clan Pestilens models are immune to such effects.
Aura of Pestilence
Any models in base contact with Lord Skrolk suffer -1 on all of their To Hit rolls. All Clan Pestilens models are immune to such effects.
Aura of Pestilence
Any models in base contact with Lord Skrolk suffer -1 on all of their To Hit rolls. All Clan Pestilens models are immune to such effects.
Aura of Pestilence
Any models in base contact with Lord Skrolk suffer -1 on all of their To Hit rolls. All Clan Pestilens models are immune to such effects.
Aura of Pestilence
Any models in base contact with Lord Skrolk suffer -1 on all of their To Hit rolls. All Clan Pestilens models are immune to such effects.
Aura of Pestilence
Any models in base contact with Lord Skrolk suffer -1 on all of their To Hit rolls. All Clan Pestilens models are immune to such effects.
After both sides have deployed all their other forces (including Scouts), but before the roll to see who gets the first turn is made, units containing only models with Vanguard can immediately make a move up to 6" (12" in case they move using Swiftstride) move regardless of their M value (they cannot march and are affected by terrain as normal). This cannot be used to move the Vanguard troops within 12" of the enemy. A Vanguard move does not count as moving for the purpose of shooting in the first turn. If both players' armies contain Vanguard troops, players should roll off. The players then alternate moving their Vanguard units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off. Units that have made a Vanguard move cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their army goes first. This also includes charging in the Magic phase. If a character is deployed as part of a unit with Vanguard, that unit can still make its Vanguard move if the character in question has Vanguard or is a model on foot. Otherwise the character’s presence prevents the unit from using Vanguard.
After both sides have deployed all their other forces (including Scouts), but before the roll to see who gets the first turn is made, units containing only models with Vanguard can immediately make a move up to 6" (12" in case they move using Swiftstride) move regardless of their M value (they cannot march and are affected by terrain as normal). This cannot be used to move the Vanguard troops within 12" of the enemy. A Vanguard move does not count as moving for the purpose of shooting in the first turn. If both players' armies contain Vanguard troops, players should roll off. The players then alternate moving their Vanguard units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off. Units that have made a Vanguard move cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their army goes first. This also includes charging in the Magic phase. If a character is deployed as part of a unit with Vanguard, that unit can still make its Vanguard move if the character in question has Vanguard or is a model on foot. Otherwise the character’s presence prevents the unit from using Vanguard.
After both sides have deployed all their other forces (including Scouts), but before the roll to see who gets the first turn is made, units containing only models with Vanguard can immediately make a move up to 6" (12" in case they move using Swiftstride) move regardless of their M value (they cannot march and are affected by terrain as normal). This cannot be used to move the Vanguard troops within 12" of the enemy. A Vanguard move does not count as moving for the purpose of shooting in the first turn. If both players' armies contain Vanguard troops, players should roll off. The players then alternate moving their Vanguard units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off. Units that have made a Vanguard move cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their army goes first. This also includes charging in the Magic phase. If a character is deployed as part of a unit with Vanguard, that unit can still make its Vanguard move if the character in question has Vanguard or is a model on foot. Otherwise the character’s presence prevents the unit from using Vanguard.
After both sides have deployed all their other forces (including Scouts), but before the roll to see who gets the first turn is made, units containing only models with Vanguard can immediately make a move up to 6" (12" in case they move using Swiftstride) move regardless of their M value (they cannot march and are affected by terrain as normal). This cannot be used to move the Vanguard troops within 12" of the enemy. A Vanguard move does not count as moving for the purpose of shooting in the first turn. If both players' armies contain Vanguard troops, players should roll off. The players then alternate moving their Vanguard units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off. Units that have made a Vanguard move cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their army goes first. This also includes charging in the Magic phase. If a character is deployed as part of a unit with Vanguard, that unit can still make its Vanguard move if the character in question has Vanguard or is a model on foot. Otherwise the character’s presence prevents the unit from using Vanguard.
After both sides have deployed all their other forces (including Scouts), but before the roll to see who gets the first turn is made, units containing only models with Vanguard can immediately make a move up to 6" (12" in case they move using Swiftstride) move regardless of their M value (they cannot march and are affected by terrain as normal). This cannot be used to move the Vanguard troops within 12" of the enemy. A Vanguard move does not count as moving for the purpose of shooting in the first turn. If both players' armies contain Vanguard troops, players should roll off. The players then alternate moving their Vanguard units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off. Units that have made a Vanguard move cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their army goes first. This also includes charging in the Magic phase. If a character is deployed as part of a unit with Vanguard, that unit can still make its Vanguard move if the character in question has Vanguard or is a model on foot. Otherwise the character’s presence prevents the unit from using Vanguard.
After both sides have deployed all their other forces (including Scouts), but before the roll to see who gets the first turn is made, units containing only models with Vanguard can immediately make a move up to 6" (12" in case they move using Swiftstride) move regardless of their M value (they cannot march and are affected by terrain as normal). This cannot be used to move the Vanguard troops within 12" of the enemy. A Vanguard move does not count as moving for the purpose of shooting in the first turn. If both players' armies contain Vanguard troops, players should roll off. The players then alternate moving their Vanguard units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off. Units that have made a Vanguard move cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their army goes first. This also includes charging in the Magic phase. If a character is deployed as part of a unit with Vanguard, that unit can still make its Vanguard move if the character in question has Vanguard or is a model on foot. Otherwise the character’s presence prevents the unit from using Vanguard.
Master Moulders and Master Mutators may join units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres and act as their handlers following Mixed Units, or be deployed in the front rank if they wish. All friendly Clan Moulder units within 6" of a Master Moulder or 12" of a Master Mutator roll 3D6 for all LD tests and discard the highest dice.
Master Moulders and Master Mutators may join units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres and act as their handlers following Mixed Units, or be deployed in the front rank if they wish. All friendly Clan Moulder units within 6" of a Master Moulder or 12" of a Master Mutator roll 3D6 for all LD tests and discard the highest dice.
Master Moulders and Master Mutators may join units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres and act as their handlers following Mixed Units, or be deployed in the front rank if they wish. All friendly Clan Moulder units within 6" of a Master Moulder or 12" of a Master Mutator roll 3D6 for all LD tests and discard the highest dice.
Master Moulders and Master Mutators may join units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres and act as their handlers following Mixed Units, or be deployed in the front rank if they wish. All friendly Clan Moulder units within 6" of a Master Moulder or 12" of a Master Mutator roll 3D6 for all LD tests and discard the highest dice.
Master Moulders and Master Mutators may join units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres and act as their handlers following Mixed Units, or be deployed in the front rank if they wish. All friendly Clan Moulder units within 6" of a Master Moulder or 12" of a Master Mutator roll 3D6 for all LD tests and discard the highest dice.
Master Moulders and Master Mutators may join units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres and act as their handlers following Mixed Units, or be deployed in the front rank if they wish. All friendly Clan Moulder units within 6" of a Master Moulder or 12" of a Master Mutator roll 3D6 for all LD tests and discard the highest dice.
Billowing Death
Billowing Death follows the rules for Breath Weapons, but can be used in every turn. All models Hit must pass a T test or suffer a Wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 modifer for this tests.
Billowing Death
Billowing Death follows the rules for Breath Weapons, but can be used in every turn. All models Hit must pass a T test or suffer a Wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 modifer for this tests.
Billowing Death
Billowing Death follows the rules for Breath Weapons, but can be used in every turn. All models Hit must pass a T test or suffer a Wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 modifer for this tests.
Billowing Death
Billowing Death follows the rules for Breath Weapons, but can be used in every turn. All models Hit must pass a T test or suffer a Wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 modifer for this tests.
Billowing Death
Billowing Death follows the rules for Breath Weapons, but can be used in every turn. All models Hit must pass a T test or suffer a Wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 modifer for this tests.
Billowing Death
Billowing Death follows the rules for Breath Weapons, but can be used in every turn. All models Hit must pass a T test or suffer a Wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 modifer for this tests.
Blade of Corruption
Spinetail may use his hand weapon in addition to the Blade of Corruption, like any other additional hand weapon. Note that if Spinetail is included in your army, no other model may be given the Blade of Corruption from Warhammer: Skaven.
Blade of Corruption
Spinetail may use his hand weapon in addition to the Blade of Corruption, like any other additional hand weapon. Note that if Spinetail is included in your army, no other model may be given the Blade of Corruption from Warhammer: Skaven.
Blade of Corruption
Spinetail may use his hand weapon in addition to the Blade of Corruption, like any other additional hand weapon. Note that if Spinetail is included in your army, no other model may be given the Blade of Corruption from Warhammer: Skaven.
Blade of Corruption
Spinetail may use his hand weapon in addition to the Blade of Corruption, like any other additional hand weapon. Note that if Spinetail is included in your army, no other model may be given the Blade of Corruption from Warhammer: Skaven.
Blade of Corruption
Spinetail may use his hand weapon in addition to the Blade of Corruption, like any other additional hand weapon. Note that if Spinetail is included in your army, no other model may be given the Blade of Corruption from Warhammer: Skaven.
Blade of Corruption
Spinetail may use his hand weapon in addition to the Blade of Corruption, like any other additional hand weapon. Note that if Spinetail is included in your army, no other model may be given the Blade of Corruption from Warhammer: Skaven.
Blessing of the Horned Rat
Thanquol has Ward Save (4+). For every wound Thanquol saves, one friendly model within 6" (owning player's choice) takes a wound instead. Normal saves apply. If no friendly model is within 6" the wound fails to deflect anywhere and is ignored.
Blessing of the Horned Rat
Thanquol has Ward Save (4+). For every wound Thanquol saves, one friendly model within 6" (owning player's choice) takes a wound instead. Normal saves apply. If no friendly model is within 6" the wound fails to deflect anywhere and is ignored.
Blessing of the Horned Rat
Thanquol has Ward Save (4+). For every wound Thanquol saves, one friendly model within 6" (owning player's choice) takes a wound instead. Normal saves apply. If no friendly model is within 6" the wound fails to deflect anywhere and is ignored.
Blessing of the Horned Rat
Thanquol has Ward Save (4+). For every wound Thanquol saves, one friendly model within 6" (owning player's choice) takes a wound instead. Normal saves apply. If no friendly model is within 6" the wound fails to deflect anywhere and is ignored.
Blessing of the Horned Rat
Thanquol has Ward Save (4+). For every wound Thanquol saves, one friendly model within 6" (owning player's choice) takes a wound instead. Normal saves apply. If no friendly model is within 6" the wound fails to deflect anywhere and is ignored.
Blessing of the Horned Rat
Thanquol has Ward Save (4+). For every wound Thanquol saves, one friendly model within 6" (owning player's choice) takes a wound instead. Normal saves apply. If no friendly model is within 6" the wound fails to deflect anywhere and is ignored.
Bodyguard of Thanquol
Bodyguard of Thanquol
Bodyguard of Thanquol
Bodyguard of Thanquol
Bodyguard of Thanquol
Bodyguard of Thanquol
Brain Transplant
Ghoritch has Frenzy. If he ever loses his Frenzy, he will become subject to Stupidity for the rest of the game.
Brain Transplant
Ghoritch has Frenzy. If he ever loses his Frenzy, he will become subject to Stupidity for the rest of the game.
Brain Transplant
Ghoritch has Frenzy. If he ever loses his Frenzy, he will become subject to Stupidity for the rest of the game.
Brain Transplant
Ghoritch has Frenzy. If he ever loses his Frenzy, he will become subject to Stupidity for the rest of the game.
Brain Transplant
Ghoritch has Frenzy. If he ever loses his Frenzy, he will become subject to Stupidity for the rest of the game.
Brain Transplant
Ghoritch has Frenzy. If he ever loses his Frenzy, he will become subject to Stupidity for the rest of the game.
Hidden models can choose to deploy "hidden" within another friendly ranked unit, either the unit it belongs to (determined in each army list) or in other separate units (the army book in question will state which units) – make a note of which unit is concealing the hidden model(s). A hidden model is not placed on the table during deployment, but is revealed later during the game. If the concealing unit is wiped out or flees from the battlefield before the hidden model is revealed, the hidden model counts as a casualty. There is no other way a hidden model can be harmed before they are revealed. Hidden models may be revealed at the beginning of any of your Movement phases, or at the start of any Close Combat phase. Declare that the unit contains a hidden model and place the model in the front rank of that unit, displacing models as you normally would if a character had joined the unit. A model with this special rule cannot be your army General. Furthermore, other units can never use their Leadership value.
Hidden models can choose to deploy "hidden" within another friendly ranked unit, either the unit it belongs to (determined in each army list) or in other separate units (the army book in question will state which units) – make a note of which unit is concealing the hidden model(s). A hidden model is not placed on the table during deployment, but is revealed later during the game. If the concealing unit is wiped out or flees from the battlefield before the hidden model is revealed, the hidden model counts as a casualty. There is no other way a hidden model can be harmed before they are revealed. Hidden models may be revealed at the beginning of any of your Movement phases, or at the start of any Close Combat phase. Declare that the unit contains a hidden model and place the model in the front rank of that unit, displacing models as you normally would if a character had joined the unit. A model with this special rule cannot be your army General. Furthermore, other units can never use their Leadership value.
Hidden models can choose to deploy "hidden" within another friendly ranked unit, either the unit it belongs to (determined in each army list) or in other separate units (the army book in question will state which units) – make a note of which unit is concealing the hidden model(s). A hidden model is not placed on the table during deployment, but is revealed later during the game. If the concealing unit is wiped out or flees from the battlefield before the hidden model is revealed, the hidden model counts as a casualty. There is no other way a hidden model can be harmed before they are revealed. Hidden models may be revealed at the beginning of any of your Movement phases, or at the start of any Close Combat phase. Declare that the unit contains a hidden model and place the model in the front rank of that unit, displacing models as you normally would if a character had joined the unit. A model with this special rule cannot be your army General. Furthermore, other units can never use their Leadership value.
Hidden models can choose to deploy "hidden" within another friendly ranked unit, either the unit it belongs to (determined in each army list) or in other separate units (the army book in question will state which units) – make a note of which unit is concealing the hidden model(s). A hidden model is not placed on the table during deployment, but is revealed later during the game. If the concealing unit is wiped out or flees from the battlefield before the hidden model is revealed, the hidden model counts as a casualty. There is no other way a hidden model can be harmed before they are revealed. Hidden models may be revealed at the beginning of any of your Movement phases, or at the start of any Close Combat phase. Declare that the unit contains a hidden model and place the model in the front rank of that unit, displacing models as you normally would if a character had joined the unit. A model with this special rule cannot be your army General. Furthermore, other units can never use their Leadership value.
Hidden models can choose to deploy "hidden" within another friendly ranked unit, either the unit it belongs to (determined in each army list) or in other separate units (the army book in question will state which units) – make a note of which unit is concealing the hidden model(s). A hidden model is not placed on the table during deployment, but is revealed later during the game. If the concealing unit is wiped out or flees from the battlefield before the hidden model is revealed, the hidden model counts as a casualty. There is no other way a hidden model can be harmed before they are revealed. Hidden models may be revealed at the beginning of any of your Movement phases, or at the start of any Close Combat phase. Declare that the unit contains a hidden model and place the model in the front rank of that unit, displacing models as you normally would if a character had joined the unit. A model with this special rule cannot be your army General. Furthermore, other units can never use their Leadership value.
Hidden models can choose to deploy "hidden" within another friendly ranked unit, either the unit it belongs to (determined in each army list) or in other separate units (the army book in question will state which units) – make a note of which unit is concealing the hidden model(s). A hidden model is not placed on the table during deployment, but is revealed later during the game. If the concealing unit is wiped out or flees from the battlefield before the hidden model is revealed, the hidden model counts as a casualty. There is no other way a hidden model can be harmed before they are revealed. Hidden models may be revealed at the beginning of any of your Movement phases, or at the start of any Close Combat phase. Declare that the unit contains a hidden model and place the model in the front rank of that unit, displacing models as you normally would if a character had joined the unit. A model with this special rule cannot be your army General. Furthermore, other units can never use their Leadership value.
Clan Enmity
Units belonging to each of the Greater Clans (Pestilens, Eshin, Moulder, Skryre) may only be joined by characters from the same Clan.
Clan Enmity
Units belonging to each of the Greater Clans (Pestilens, Eshin, Moulder, Skryre) may only be joined by characters from the same Clan.
Clan Enmity
Units belonging to each of the Greater Clans (Pestilens, Eshin, Moulder, Skryre) may only be joined by characters from the same Clan.
Clan Enmity
Units belonging to each of the Greater Clans (Pestilens, Eshin, Moulder, Skryre) may only be joined by characters from the same Clan.
Clan Enmity
Units belonging to each of the Greater Clans (Pestilens, Eshin, Moulder, Skryre) may only be joined by characters from the same Clan.
Clan Enmity
Units belonging to each of the Greater Clans (Pestilens, Eshin, Moulder, Skryre) may only be joined by characters from the same Clan.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
Cornered Rats
If a unit of Skavenslaves breaks from combat, any units that they flee through (friend or foe) immediately take D6 S 3 hits for each complete rank of Skavenslaves left in the unit. The broken unit is then removed, just as if they had fled into impassable terrain.
When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result. When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 2D6. Swiftstride M6 or lower Charging: M + 2D6 Failed Charge: 2D6 Fleeing/Pursuing: 2D6 Swiftstride M7 or more Charging: M + 3D6 (discard the lowest) Failed Charge: 3D6 (discard the lowest) Fleeing/Pursuing: 3D6 (discard the lowest)
Course rapide
When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result. When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 2D6. Swiftstride M6 or lower Charging: M + 2D6 Failed Charge: 2D6 Fleeing/Pursuing: 2D6 Swiftstride M7 or more Charging: M + 3D6 (discard the lowest) Failed Charge: 3D6 (discard the lowest) Fleeing/Pursuing: 3D6 (discard the lowest)
Schnelle Bewegung
When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result. When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 2D6. Swiftstride M6 or lower Charging: M + 2D6 Failed Charge: 2D6 Fleeing/Pursuing: 2D6 Swiftstride M7 or more Charging: M + 3D6 (discard the lowest) Failed Charge: 3D6 (discard the lowest) Fleeing/Pursuing: 3D6 (discard the lowest)
When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result. When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 2D6. Swiftstride M6 or lower Charging: M + 2D6 Failed Charge: 2D6 Fleeing/Pursuing: 2D6 Swiftstride M7 or more Charging: M + 3D6 (discard the lowest) Failed Charge: 3D6 (discard the lowest) Fleeing/Pursuing: 3D6 (discard the lowest)
Zancada Veloz
When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result. When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 2D6. Swiftstride M6 or lower Charging: M + 2D6 Failed Charge: 2D6 Fleeing/Pursuing: 2D6 Swiftstride M7 or more Charging: M + 3D6 (discard the lowest) Failed Charge: 3D6 (discard the lowest) Fleeing/Pursuing: 3D6 (discard the lowest)
Falcata Rapida
When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result. When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 2D6. Swiftstride M6 or lower Charging: M + 2D6 Failed Charge: 2D6 Fleeing/Pursuing: 2D6 Swiftstride M7 or more Charging: M + 3D6 (discard the lowest) Failed Charge: 3D6 (discard the lowest) Fleeing/Pursuing: 3D6 (discard the lowest)
A Verminlord has Unstable and Ward Save (5+). In addition, it can never be the Army General.
A Verminlord has Unstable and Ward Save (5+). In addition, it can never be the Army General.
A Verminlord has Unstable and Ward Save (5+). In addition, it can never be the Army General.
A Verminlord has Unstable and Ward Save (5+). In addition, it can never be the Army General.
A Verminlord has Unstable and Ward Save (5+). In addition, it can never be the Army General.
A Verminlord has Unstable and Ward Save (5+). In addition, it can never be the Army General.
If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.
If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.
If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.
If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.
If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.
If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.
Dodge (4+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (4+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (4+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (4+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (4+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (4+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (5+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (5+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (5+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (5+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (5+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (5+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (6+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (6+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (6+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (6+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (6+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Dodge (6+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.
Models that cause Terror also cause Fear. In addition, the following rules apply. Fear-causing models or models with Immunity (Fear) treat Terror-causing monsters as causing Fear, rather than Terror – this is an exception to the rule that makes Fear-causing creatures immune to Fear. Terror-causing models have Immunity (Fear/Terror). Run for Your Lives! If a Terror-causing creature declares a charge, the target unit must immediately take a Panic test. If the test is passed, all is well and the unit can declare charge reactions normally. If the test is failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction. Note that, if the target unit is not allowed to take any charge reaction (if, for example, the Terror-causing unit charged as a result of a pursuit or a random move), then the target does not take this test. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a Psychology test to overcome its terror first. If the test is failed, it may not declare the charge against the Terror-causing unit, but may choose to declare a charge against another unit following the rules for Redirecting a Charge. If the Psychology test is passed, the unit may declare the charge as normal.
Models that cause Terror also cause Fear. In addition, the following rules apply. Fear-causing models or models with Immunity (Fear) treat Terror-causing monsters as causing Fear, rather than Terror – this is an exception to the rule that makes Fear-causing creatures immune to Fear. Terror-causing models have Immunity (Fear/Terror). Run for Your Lives! If a Terror-causing creature declares a charge, the target unit must immediately take a Panic test. If the test is passed, all is well and the unit can declare charge reactions normally. If the test is failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction. Note that, if the target unit is not allowed to take any charge reaction (if, for example, the Terror-causing unit charged as a result of a pursuit or a random move), then the target does not take this test. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a Psychology test to overcome its terror first. If the test is failed, it may not declare the charge against the Terror-causing unit, but may choose to declare a charge against another unit following the rules for Redirecting a Charge. If the Psychology test is passed, the unit may declare the charge as normal.
Models that cause Terror also cause Fear. In addition, the following rules apply. Fear-causing models or models with Immunity (Fear) treat Terror-causing monsters as causing Fear, rather than Terror – this is an exception to the rule that makes Fear-causing creatures immune to Fear. Terror-causing models have Immunity (Fear/Terror). Run for Your Lives! If a Terror-causing creature declares a charge, the target unit must immediately take a Panic test. If the test is passed, all is well and the unit can declare charge reactions normally. If the test is failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction. Note that, if the target unit is not allowed to take any charge reaction (if, for example, the Terror-causing unit charged as a result of a pursuit or a random move), then the target does not take this test. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a Psychology test to overcome its terror first. If the test is failed, it may not declare the charge against the Terror-causing unit, but may choose to declare a charge against another unit following the rules for Redirecting a Charge. If the Psychology test is passed, the unit may declare the charge as normal.
Models that cause Terror also cause Fear. In addition, the following rules apply. Fear-causing models or models with Immunity (Fear) treat Terror-causing monsters as causing Fear, rather than Terror – this is an exception to the rule that makes Fear-causing creatures immune to Fear. Terror-causing models have Immunity (Fear/Terror). Run for Your Lives! If a Terror-causing creature declares a charge, the target unit must immediately take a Panic test. If the test is passed, all is well and the unit can declare charge reactions normally. If the test is failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction. Note that, if the target unit is not allowed to take any charge reaction (if, for example, the Terror-causing unit charged as a result of a pursuit or a random move), then the target does not take this test. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a Psychology test to overcome its terror first. If the test is failed, it may not declare the charge against the Terror-causing unit, but may choose to declare a charge against another unit following the rules for Redirecting a Charge. If the Psychology test is passed, the unit may declare the charge as normal.
Models that cause Terror also cause Fear. In addition, the following rules apply. Fear-causing models or models with Immunity (Fear) treat Terror-causing monsters as causing Fear, rather than Terror – this is an exception to the rule that makes Fear-causing creatures immune to Fear. Terror-causing models have Immunity (Fear/Terror). Run for Your Lives! If a Terror-causing creature declares a charge, the target unit must immediately take a Panic test. If the test is passed, all is well and the unit can declare charge reactions normally. If the test is failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction. Note that, if the target unit is not allowed to take any charge reaction (if, for example, the Terror-causing unit charged as a result of a pursuit or a random move), then the target does not take this test. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a Psychology test to overcome its terror first. If the test is failed, it may not declare the charge against the Terror-causing unit, but may choose to declare a charge against another unit following the rules for Redirecting a Charge. If the Psychology test is passed, the unit may declare the charge as normal.
Models that cause Terror also cause Fear. In addition, the following rules apply. Fear-causing models or models with Immunity (Fear) treat Terror-causing monsters as causing Fear, rather than Terror – this is an exception to the rule that makes Fear-causing creatures immune to Fear. Terror-causing models have Immunity (Fear/Terror). Run for Your Lives! If a Terror-causing creature declares a charge, the target unit must immediately take a Panic test. If the test is passed, all is well and the unit can declare charge reactions normally. If the test is failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction. Note that, if the target unit is not allowed to take any charge reaction (if, for example, the Terror-causing unit charged as a result of a pursuit or a random move), then the target does not take this test. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a Psychology test to overcome its terror first. If the test is failed, it may not declare the charge against the Terror-causing unit, but may choose to declare a charge against another unit following the rules for Redirecting a Charge. If the Psychology test is passed, the unit may declare the charge as normal.
Exceptional Pack
If you include Skweel Gnawtooth in your army, you must also include a unit of Giant Rats that he must join. After deploying Skweel into his unit, roll a D6 and consult the Exceptional Pack Chart to determine the pack's special attributes. The effects are for the entire pack but do not affect Skweel, Packmasters or Master Moulders. Skweel will never leave his special pack and may never join another unit.
Exceptional Pack
If you include Skweel Gnawtooth in your army, you must also include a unit of Giant Rats that he must join. After deploying Skweel into his unit, roll a D6 and consult the Exceptional Pack Chart to determine the pack's special attributes. The effects are for the entire pack but do not affect Skweel, Packmasters or Master Moulders. Skweel will never leave his special pack and may never join another unit.
Exceptional Pack
If you include Skweel Gnawtooth in your army, you must also include a unit of Giant Rats that he must join. After deploying Skweel into his unit, roll a D6 and consult the Exceptional Pack Chart to determine the pack's special attributes. The effects are for the entire pack but do not affect Skweel, Packmasters or Master Moulders. Skweel will never leave his special pack and may never join another unit.
Exceptional Pack
If you include Skweel Gnawtooth in your army, you must also include a unit of Giant Rats that he must join. After deploying Skweel into his unit, roll a D6 and consult the Exceptional Pack Chart to determine the pack's special attributes. The effects are for the entire pack but do not affect Skweel, Packmasters or Master Moulders. Skweel will never leave his special pack and may never join another unit.
Exceptional Pack
If you include Skweel Gnawtooth in your army, you must also include a unit of Giant Rats that he must join. After deploying Skweel into his unit, roll a D6 and consult the Exceptional Pack Chart to determine the pack's special attributes. The effects are for the entire pack but do not affect Skweel, Packmasters or Master Moulders. Skweel will never leave his special pack and may never join another unit.
Exceptional Pack
If you include Skweel Gnawtooth in your army, you must also include a unit of Giant Rats that he must join. After deploying Skweel into his unit, roll a D6 and consult the Exceptional Pack Chart to determine the pack's special attributes. The effects are for the entire pack but do not affect Skweel, Packmasters or Master Moulders. Skweel will never leave his special pack and may never join another unit.
Models with this rule do not cause Panic to friendly units that are not Expendable themselves. Characters may not join a unit with this rule, unless specified. For every Core unit with Expendable rule in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit without Expendable. For more information on this, see the Choosing Your Army chapter.
Models with this rule do not cause Panic to friendly units that are not Expendable themselves. Characters may not join a unit with this rule, unless specified. For every Core unit with Expendable rule in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit without Expendable. For more information on this, see the Choosing Your Army chapter.
Models with this rule do not cause Panic to friendly units that are not Expendable themselves. Characters may not join a unit with this rule, unless specified. For every Core unit with Expendable rule in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit without Expendable. For more information on this, see the Choosing Your Army chapter.
Models with this rule do not cause Panic to friendly units that are not Expendable themselves. Characters may not join a unit with this rule, unless specified. For every Core unit with Expendable rule in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit without Expendable. For more information on this, see the Choosing Your Army chapter.
Models with this rule do not cause Panic to friendly units that are not Expendable themselves. Characters may not join a unit with this rule, unless specified. For every Core unit with Expendable rule in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit without Expendable. For more information on this, see the Choosing Your Army chapter.
Models with this rule do not cause Panic to friendly units that are not Expendable themselves. Characters may not join a unit with this rule, unless specified. For every Core unit with Expendable rule in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit without Expendable. For more information on this, see the Choosing Your Army chapter.
Fight in Extra Ranks (1)
If a unit has this rule then supporting attacks can be made by one more rank than normal for each number indicated in the bracket. This rule is cumulative with other sources of Fight in Extra Ranks.
Fight in Extra Ranks (1)
If a unit has this rule then supporting attacks can be made by one more rank than normal for each number indicated in the bracket. This rule is cumulative with other sources of Fight in Extra Ranks.
Fight in Extra Ranks (1)
If a unit has this rule then supporting attacks can be made by one more rank than normal for each number indicated in the bracket. This rule is cumulative with other sources of Fight in Extra Ranks.
Fight in Extra Ranks (1)
If a unit has this rule then supporting attacks can be made by one more rank than normal for each number indicated in the bracket. This rule is cumulative with other sources of Fight in Extra Ranks.
Fight in Extra Ranks (1)
If a unit has this rule then supporting attacks can be made by one more rank than normal for each number indicated in the bracket. This rule is cumulative with other sources of Fight in Extra Ranks.
Fight in Extra Ranks (1)
If a unit has this rule then supporting attacks can be made by one more rank than normal for each number indicated in the bracket. This rule is cumulative with other sources of Fight in Extra Ranks.
Foul Ichor
If a Brood Horror is slain, all units in base contact with the Brood Horror suffer 2D6 S 2 hits, distributed as shooting attacks.
Foul Ichor
If a Brood Horror is slain, all units in base contact with the Brood Horror suffer 2D6 S 2 hits, distributed as shooting attacks.
Foul Ichor
If a Brood Horror is slain, all units in base contact with the Brood Horror suffer 2D6 S 2 hits, distributed as shooting attacks.
Foul Ichor
If a Brood Horror is slain, all units in base contact with the Brood Horror suffer 2D6 S 2 hits, distributed as shooting attacks.
Foul Ichor
If a Brood Horror is slain, all units in base contact with the Brood Horror suffer 2D6 S 2 hits, distributed as shooting attacks.
Foul Ichor
If a Brood Horror is slain, all units in base contact with the Brood Horror suffer 2D6 S 2 hits, distributed as shooting attacks.
Frenzied troops gain +1 A and Immunity (Psychology). Berserk Rage A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models can only choose Hold or Stand & Shoot as a charge reaction. If, during the Charge sub-phase, a unit that includes one or more Frenzied models could declare a charge, then it must do so unless a LD test is passed. If the LD test is failed, the Frenzied unit must declare a charge against the nearest viable enemy. A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models that attempts to restrain pursuit if it beats a foe in close combat suffer a LD modifier equal to the result they won the combat against that unit by. Losing Frenzy Frenzy can be lost. Models retain their Frenzy for the entire game unless beaten in combat.
Frenzied troops gain +1 A and Immunity (Psychology). Berserk Rage A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models can only choose Hold or Stand & Shoot as a charge reaction. If, during the Charge sub-phase, a unit that includes one or more Frenzied models could declare a charge, then it must do so unless a LD test is passed. If the LD test is failed, the Frenzied unit must declare a charge against the nearest viable enemy. A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models that attempts to restrain pursuit if it beats a foe in close combat suffer a LD modifier equal to the result they won the combat against that unit by. Losing Frenzy Frenzy can be lost. Models retain their Frenzy for the entire game unless beaten in combat.
Frenzied troops gain +1 A and Immunity (Psychology). Berserk Rage A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models can only choose Hold or Stand & Shoot as a charge reaction. If, during the Charge sub-phase, a unit that includes one or more Frenzied models could declare a charge, then it must do so unless a LD test is passed. If the LD test is failed, the Frenzied unit must declare a charge against the nearest viable enemy. A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models that attempts to restrain pursuit if it beats a foe in close combat suffer a LD modifier equal to the result they won the combat against that unit by. Losing Frenzy Frenzy can be lost. Models retain their Frenzy for the entire game unless beaten in combat.
Frenzied troops gain +1 A and Immunity (Psychology). Berserk Rage A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models can only choose Hold or Stand & Shoot as a charge reaction. If, during the Charge sub-phase, a unit that includes one or more Frenzied models could declare a charge, then it must do so unless a LD test is passed. If the LD test is failed, the Frenzied unit must declare a charge against the nearest viable enemy. A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models that attempts to restrain pursuit if it beats a foe in close combat suffer a LD modifier equal to the result they won the combat against that unit by. Losing Frenzy Frenzy can be lost. Models retain their Frenzy for the entire game unless beaten in combat.
Frenzied troops gain +1 A and Immunity (Psychology). Berserk Rage A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models can only choose Hold or Stand & Shoot as a charge reaction. If, during the Charge sub-phase, a unit that includes one or more Frenzied models could declare a charge, then it must do so unless a LD test is passed. If the LD test is failed, the Frenzied unit must declare a charge against the nearest viable enemy. A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models that attempts to restrain pursuit if it beats a foe in close combat suffer a LD modifier equal to the result they won the combat against that unit by. Losing Frenzy Frenzy can be lost. Models retain their Frenzy for the entire game unless beaten in combat.
Frenzied troops gain +1 A and Immunity (Psychology). Berserk Rage A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models can only choose Hold or Stand & Shoot as a charge reaction. If, during the Charge sub-phase, a unit that includes one or more Frenzied models could declare a charge, then it must do so unless a LD test is passed. If the LD test is failed, the Frenzied unit must declare a charge against the nearest viable enemy. A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models that attempts to restrain pursuit if it beats a foe in close combat suffer a LD modifier equal to the result they won the combat against that unit by. Losing Frenzy Frenzy can be lost. Models retain their Frenzy for the entire game unless beaten in combat.
Gas Mask
When a model with a Gas Mask is forced to take a T test from any weapon source in Warhammer: Skaven, they get a +2 bonus for these tests.
Gas Mask
When a model with a Gas Mask is forced to take a T test from any weapon source in Warhammer: Skaven, they get a +2 bonus for these tests.
Gas Mask
When a model with a Gas Mask is forced to take a T test from any weapon source in Warhammer: Skaven, they get a +2 bonus for these tests.
Gas Mask
When a model with a Gas Mask is forced to take a T test from any weapon source in Warhammer: Skaven, they get a +2 bonus for these tests.
Gas Mask
When a model with a Gas Mask is forced to take a T test from any weapon source in Warhammer: Skaven, they get a +2 bonus for these tests.
Gas Mask
When a model with a Gas Mask is forced to take a T test from any weapon source in Warhammer: Skaven, they get a +2 bonus for these tests.
Large Target (4)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Grande cible (4)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (4)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (4)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (4)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (4)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Grind Attack
At the beginning of each round of combat in which it did not charge, the Doomwheel inflicts D3+1 Impact Hits.
Grind Attack
At the beginning of each round of combat in which it did not charge, the Doomwheel inflicts D3+1 Impact Hits.
Grind Attack
At the beginning of each round of combat in which it did not charge, the Doomwheel inflicts D3+1 Impact Hits.
Grind Attack
At the beginning of each round of combat in which it did not charge, the Doomwheel inflicts D3+1 Impact Hits.
Grind Attack
At the beginning of each round of combat in which it did not charge, the Doomwheel inflicts D3+1 Impact Hits.
Grind Attack
At the beginning of each round of combat in which it did not charge, the Doomwheel inflicts D3+1 Impact Hits.
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Dwarfs)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Dwarfs)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Dwarfs)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Dwarfs)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Dwarfs)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Dwarfs)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Orcs & Goblins)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Orcs & Goblins)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Orcs & Goblins)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Orcs & Goblins)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Orcs & Goblins)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Orcs & Goblins)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Immunity (Psychology)
Models with Immunity ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal. Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Models that are Immune to all three above effects have Immunity (Psychology). This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test).
Immunisé (Psycologie)
Models with Immunity ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal. Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Models that are Immune to all three above effects have Immunity (Psychology). This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test).
Immunity (Psychology)
Models with Immunity ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal. Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Models that are Immune to all three above effects have Immunity (Psychology). This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test).
Immunity (Psychology)
Models with Immunity ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal. Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Models that are Immune to all three above effects have Immunity (Psychology). This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test).
Immunity (Psychology)
Models with Immunity ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal. Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Models that are Immune to all three above effects have Immunity (Psychology). This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test).
Immunity (Psychology)
Models with Immunity ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal. Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Models that are Immune to all three above effects have Immunity (Psychology). This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test).
Impact Hits (D6)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Impact Hits (D6)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Impact Hits (D6)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Impact Hits (D6)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Impact Hits (D6)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Impact Hits (D6)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Models with this rule have Immunity (Psychology) and pass Break tests automatically. However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character is Unstable or was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
Models with this rule have Immunity (Psychology) and pass Break tests automatically. However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character is Unstable or was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
Models with this rule have Immunity (Psychology) and pass Break tests automatically. However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character is Unstable or was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
Models with this rule have Immunity (Psychology) and pass Break tests automatically. However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character is Unstable or was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
Models with this rule have Immunity (Psychology) and pass Break tests automatically. However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character is Unstable or was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
Models with this rule have Immunity (Psychology) and pass Break tests automatically. However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character is Unstable or was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
Unstable units are Unbreakable, and suffer one extra Wound for every point they have lost of the round of combat by, with no saves of any kind permitted against these wounds. If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do. Unlike Unbreakable units, Unstable characters may join Unstable units. If an Unstable unit also contains Unstable characters, the controlling player first allocates wounds to the unit, then divides any remaining wounds (if any) as equally as possible amongst the characters.
Unstable units are Unbreakable, and suffer one extra Wound for every point they have lost of the round of combat by, with no saves of any kind permitted against these wounds. If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do. Unlike Unbreakable units, Unstable characters may join Unstable units. If an Unstable unit also contains Unstable characters, the controlling player first allocates wounds to the unit, then divides any remaining wounds (if any) as equally as possible amongst the characters.
Unstable units are Unbreakable, and suffer one extra Wound for every point they have lost of the round of combat by, with no saves of any kind permitted against these wounds. If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do. Unlike Unbreakable units, Unstable characters may join Unstable units. If an Unstable unit also contains Unstable characters, the controlling player first allocates wounds to the unit, then divides any remaining wounds (if any) as equally as possible amongst the characters.
Unstable units are Unbreakable, and suffer one extra Wound for every point they have lost of the round of combat by, with no saves of any kind permitted against these wounds. If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do. Unlike Unbreakable units, Unstable characters may join Unstable units. If an Unstable unit also contains Unstable characters, the controlling player first allocates wounds to the unit, then divides any remaining wounds (if any) as equally as possible amongst the characters.
Unstable units are Unbreakable, and suffer one extra Wound for every point they have lost of the round of combat by, with no saves of any kind permitted against these wounds. If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do. Unlike Unbreakable units, Unstable characters may join Unstable units. If an Unstable unit also contains Unstable characters, the controlling player first allocates wounds to the unit, then divides any remaining wounds (if any) as equally as possible amongst the characters.
Unstable units are Unbreakable, and suffer one extra Wound for every point they have lost of the round of combat by, with no saves of any kind permitted against these wounds. If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do. Unlike Unbreakable units, Unstable characters may join Unstable units. If an Unstable unit also contains Unstable characters, the controlling player first allocates wounds to the unit, then divides any remaining wounds (if any) as equally as possible amongst the characters.
Life is Cheap
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
La vie ne vaut rien
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
Leben ist wertlos
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
Life is Cheap
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
La Vida no Vale Nada
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
Life is Cheap
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
Life is Cheap
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
La vie ne vaut rien
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
Leben ist wertlos
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
Life is Cheap
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
La Vida no Vale Nada
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
Life is Cheap
Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops) even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their Skavenslaves on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
Large Target (2)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (2)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (2)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (2)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (2)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (2)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (5)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (5)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (5)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (5)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (5)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Large Target (5)
Models with this rule have a Line of Sight value equal to the number in the bracket. This replaces their normal Line of Sight value normally assigned for their Troop Type.
Leprous Form
Morbus causes Fear, even against friendly models.
Leprous Form
Morbus causes Fear, even against friendly models.
Leprous Form
Morbus causes Fear, even against friendly models.
Leprous Form
Morbus causes Fear, even against friendly models.
Leprous Form
Morbus causes Fear, even against friendly models.
Leprous Form
Morbus causes Fear, even against friendly models.
Light armour
Light armour
Light armour
Light armour
Light armour
Light armour
Loss of Control
At the end of any phase in which a Doomwheel, that is not in close combat or fleeing, takes a wound, the Skaven player must take a Loss of Control test. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered in that phase. On the roll of a 1, the Doomwheel goes immediately Out of Control as detailed in the Doomwheel Misfire chart.
Perte de contrôle
At the end of any phase in which a Doomwheel, that is not in close combat or fleeing, takes a wound, the Skaven player must take a Loss of Control test. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered in that phase. On the roll of a 1, the Doomwheel goes immediately Out of Control as detailed in the Doomwheel Misfire chart.
Loss of Control
At the end of any phase in which a Doomwheel, that is not in close combat or fleeing, takes a wound, the Skaven player must take a Loss of Control test. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered in that phase. On the roll of a 1, the Doomwheel goes immediately Out of Control as detailed in the Doomwheel Misfire chart.
Loss of Control
At the end of any phase in which a Doomwheel, that is not in close combat or fleeing, takes a wound, the Skaven player must take a Loss of Control test. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered in that phase. On the roll of a 1, the Doomwheel goes immediately Out of Control as detailed in the Doomwheel Misfire chart.
Loss of Control
At the end of any phase in which a Doomwheel, that is not in close combat or fleeing, takes a wound, the Skaven player must take a Loss of Control test. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered in that phase. On the roll of a 1, the Doomwheel goes immediately Out of Control as detailed in the Doomwheel Misfire chart.
Loss of Control
At the end of any phase in which a Doomwheel, that is not in close combat or fleeing, takes a wound, the Skaven player must take a Loss of Control test. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered in that phase. On the roll of a 1, the Doomwheel goes immediately Out of Control as detailed in the Doomwheel Misfire chart.
Magic Resistance (2)
A model with Magic Resistance gains a bonus to dispel enemy spells directly targeting it (not including templates that are placed on top of it) as well as a Ward save against damage caused by spells. This bonus is based on the number shown in brackets after Magic Resistance. Note that Magical Resistance does not offer protection against Miscasts. If a character with Magic Resistance joins a unit, all models in the unit benefit from the Magic Resistance as long as they are part of the unit. If a model or unit has two sets of Magic Resistance, the two combine to a maximum of Magic Resistance (3), unless specified.
Magic Resistance (2)
A model with Magic Resistance gains a bonus to dispel enemy spells directly targeting it (not including templates that are placed on top of it) as well as a Ward save against damage caused by spells. This bonus is based on the number shown in brackets after Magic Resistance. Note that Magical Resistance does not offer protection against Miscasts. If a character with Magic Resistance joins a unit, all models in the unit benefit from the Magic Resistance as long as they are part of the unit. If a model or unit has two sets of Magic Resistance, the two combine to a maximum of Magic Resistance (3), unless specified.
Magic Resistance (2)
A model with Magic Resistance gains a bonus to dispel enemy spells directly targeting it (not including templates that are placed on top of it) as well as a Ward save against damage caused by spells. This bonus is based on the number shown in brackets after Magic Resistance. Note that Magical Resistance does not offer protection against Miscasts. If a character with Magic Resistance joins a unit, all models in the unit benefit from the Magic Resistance as long as they are part of the unit. If a model or unit has two sets of Magic Resistance, the two combine to a maximum of Magic Resistance (3), unless specified.
Magic Resistance (2)
A model with Magic Resistance gains a bonus to dispel enemy spells directly targeting it (not including templates that are placed on top of it) as well as a Ward save against damage caused by spells. This bonus is based on the number shown in brackets after Magic Resistance. Note that Magical Resistance does not offer protection against Miscasts. If a character with Magic Resistance joins a unit, all models in the unit benefit from the Magic Resistance as long as they are part of the unit. If a model or unit has two sets of Magic Resistance, the two combine to a maximum of Magic Resistance (3), unless specified.
Magic Resistance (2)
A model with Magic Resistance gains a bonus to dispel enemy spells directly targeting it (not including templates that are placed on top of it) as well as a Ward save against damage caused by spells. This bonus is based on the number shown in brackets after Magic Resistance. Note that Magical Resistance does not offer protection against Miscasts. If a character with Magic Resistance joins a unit, all models in the unit benefit from the Magic Resistance as long as they are part of the unit. If a model or unit has two sets of Magic Resistance, the two combine to a maximum of Magic Resistance (3), unless specified.
Magic Resistance (2)
A model with Magic Resistance gains a bonus to dispel enemy spells directly targeting it (not including templates that are placed on top of it) as well as a Ward save against damage caused by spells. This bonus is based on the number shown in brackets after Magic Resistance. Note that Magical Resistance does not offer protection against Miscasts. If a character with Magic Resistance joins a unit, all models in the unit benefit from the Magic Resistance as long as they are part of the unit. If a model or unit has two sets of Magic Resistance, the two combine to a maximum of Magic Resistance (3), unless specified.
If your army General is a Clan Eshin Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Eshin Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Eshin Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Eshin Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Eshin Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Eshin Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
You may not have more of any other type of Core Unit than you have units of Clanrats.
You may not have more of any other type of Core Unit than you have units of Clanrats.
You may not have more of any other type of Core Unit than you have units of Clanrats.
You may not have more of any other type of Core Unit than you have units of Clanrats.
You may not have more of any other type of Core Unit than you have units of Clanrats.
You may not have more of any other type of Core Unit than you have units of Clanrats.
If your army General is a Clan Pestilens Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Pestilens Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Pestilens Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Pestilens Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Pestilens Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Pestilens Character, the requirement to take Clanrats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the Mainstay rule for Giant Rats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the Mainstay rule for Giant Rats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the Mainstay rule for Giant Rats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the Mainstay rule for Giant Rats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the Mainstay rule for Giant Rats does not apply.
If your army General is a Clan Moulder Character, the Mainstay rule for Giant Rats does not apply.
Master Controller
Throt has Beastmaster. In addition, unless he already is the Army General, all Clan Moulder units (except Characters) treat him as having the Inspiring Presence ability.
Master Controller
Throt has Beastmaster. In addition, unless he already is the Army General, all Clan Moulder units (except Characters) treat him as having the Inspiring Presence ability.
Master Controller
Throt has Beastmaster. In addition, unless he already is the Army General, all Clan Moulder units (except Characters) treat him as having the Inspiring Presence ability.
Master Controller
Throt has Beastmaster. In addition, unless he already is the Army General, all Clan Moulder units (except Characters) treat him as having the Inspiring Presence ability.
Master Controller
Throt has Beastmaster. In addition, unless he already is the Army General, all Clan Moulder units (except Characters) treat him as having the Inspiring Presence ability.
Master Controller
Throt has Beastmaster. In addition, unless he already is the Army General, all Clan Moulder units (except Characters) treat him as having the Inspiring Presence ability.
Master of Ruin
Skreech Verminking re-rolls failed casting attempts when attempting to cast Curse of the Horned Rat.
Master of Ruin
Skreech Verminking re-rolls failed casting attempts when attempting to cast Curse of the Horned Rat.
Master of Ruin
Skreech Verminking re-rolls failed casting attempts when attempting to cast Curse of the Horned Rat.
Master of Ruin
Skreech Verminking re-rolls failed casting attempts when attempting to cast Curse of the Horned Rat.
Master of Ruin
Skreech Verminking re-rolls failed casting attempts when attempting to cast Curse of the Horned Rat.
Master of Ruin
Skreech Verminking re-rolls failed casting attempts when attempting to cast Curse of the Horned Rat.
Medium armour
Medium armour
Medium armour
Medium armour
Medium armour
Medium armour
Mixed Unit
A Mixed Unit most often consist of two different Troop Types, with one or more handlers that drive the rest of the unit forward. The handler(s) must be deployed in the rear rank(s) of the unit, as centrally as possible. Mixed Units cannot be joined by characters, unless specified. If a Mixed unit is required to take a characteristic test, this is done using the characteristics of the unit itself, not the handlers. The only exception is LD tests, which are taken using the unit’s highest LD value. When the models in a unit with Mixed Unit have different M allowances, the handlers M value is ignored, unless they are the only models remaining. Any special rules that the unit might have do not apply to the Handlers unless specified. Note that if the unit has Expendable, Swiftstride or Vanguard, this also applies to the Handlers. As long as the unit (but not the handlers) have a unit strength of 5 or more, any missile hits are resolved against the unit itself. At less than unit strength 5, the controlling player decides who is hit, but must allocate one hit on each model before they can add a second hit on a model; they must allocate two hits on each model before they can allocate a third, and so on. Hits from templates are resolved against the handlers as normal. In close combat, the handlers can only be attacked by models who are in base contact with them.
Mixed Unit
A Mixed Unit most often consist of two different Troop Types, with one or more handlers that drive the rest of the unit forward. The handler(s) must be deployed in the rear rank(s) of the unit, as centrally as possible. Mixed Units cannot be joined by characters, unless specified. If a Mixed unit is required to take a characteristic test, this is done using the characteristics of the unit itself, not the handlers. The only exception is LD tests, which are taken using the unit’s highest LD value. When the models in a unit with Mixed Unit have different M allowances, the handlers M value is ignored, unless they are the only models remaining. Any special rules that the unit might have do not apply to the Handlers unless specified. Note that if the unit has Expendable, Swiftstride or Vanguard, this also applies to the Handlers. As long as the unit (but not the handlers) have a unit strength of 5 or more, any missile hits are resolved against the unit itself. At less than unit strength 5, the controlling player decides who is hit, but must allocate one hit on each model before they can add a second hit on a model; they must allocate two hits on each model before they can allocate a third, and so on. Hits from templates are resolved against the handlers as normal. In close combat, the handlers can only be attacked by models who are in base contact with them.
Mixed Unit
A Mixed Unit most often consist of two different Troop Types, with one or more handlers that drive the rest of the unit forward. The handler(s) must be deployed in the rear rank(s) of the unit, as centrally as possible. Mixed Units cannot be joined by characters, unless specified. If a Mixed unit is required to take a characteristic test, this is done using the characteristics of the unit itself, not the handlers. The only exception is LD tests, which are taken using the unit’s highest LD value. When the models in a unit with Mixed Unit have different M allowances, the handlers M value is ignored, unless they are the only models remaining. Any special rules that the unit might have do not apply to the Handlers unless specified. Note that if the unit has Expendable, Swiftstride or Vanguard, this also applies to the Handlers. As long as the unit (but not the handlers) have a unit strength of 5 or more, any missile hits are resolved against the unit itself. At less than unit strength 5, the controlling player decides who is hit, but must allocate one hit on each model before they can add a second hit on a model; they must allocate two hits on each model before they can allocate a third, and so on. Hits from templates are resolved against the handlers as normal. In close combat, the handlers can only be attacked by models who are in base contact with them.
Mixed Unit
A Mixed Unit most often consist of two different Troop Types, with one or more handlers that drive the rest of the unit forward. The handler(s) must be deployed in the rear rank(s) of the unit, as centrally as possible. Mixed Units cannot be joined by characters, unless specified. If a Mixed unit is required to take a characteristic test, this is done using the characteristics of the unit itself, not the handlers. The only exception is LD tests, which are taken using the unit’s highest LD value. When the models in a unit with Mixed Unit have different M allowances, the handlers M value is ignored, unless they are the only models remaining. Any special rules that the unit might have do not apply to the Handlers unless specified. Note that if the unit has Expendable, Swiftstride or Vanguard, this also applies to the Handlers. As long as the unit (but not the handlers) have a unit strength of 5 or more, any missile hits are resolved against the unit itself. At less than unit strength 5, the controlling player decides who is hit, but must allocate one hit on each model before they can add a second hit on a model; they must allocate two hits on each model before they can allocate a third, and so on. Hits from templates are resolved against the handlers as normal. In close combat, the handlers can only be attacked by models who are in base contact with them.
Mixed Unit
A Mixed Unit most often consist of two different Troop Types, with one or more handlers that drive the rest of the unit forward. The handler(s) must be deployed in the rear rank(s) of the unit, as centrally as possible. Mixed Units cannot be joined by characters, unless specified. If a Mixed unit is required to take a characteristic test, this is done using the characteristics of the unit itself, not the handlers. The only exception is LD tests, which are taken using the unit’s highest LD value. When the models in a unit with Mixed Unit have different M allowances, the handlers M value is ignored, unless they are the only models remaining. Any special rules that the unit might have do not apply to the Handlers unless specified. Note that if the unit has Expendable, Swiftstride or Vanguard, this also applies to the Handlers. As long as the unit (but not the handlers) have a unit strength of 5 or more, any missile hits are resolved against the unit itself. At less than unit strength 5, the controlling player decides who is hit, but must allocate one hit on each model before they can add a second hit on a model; they must allocate two hits on each model before they can allocate a third, and so on. Hits from templates are resolved against the handlers as normal. In close combat, the handlers can only be attacked by models who are in base contact with them.
Mixed Unit
A Mixed Unit most often consist of two different Troop Types, with one or more handlers that drive the rest of the unit forward. The handler(s) must be deployed in the rear rank(s) of the unit, as centrally as possible. Mixed Units cannot be joined by characters, unless specified. If a Mixed unit is required to take a characteristic test, this is done using the characteristics of the unit itself, not the handlers. The only exception is LD tests, which are taken using the unit’s highest LD value. When the models in a unit with Mixed Unit have different M allowances, the handlers M value is ignored, unless they are the only models remaining. Any special rules that the unit might have do not apply to the Handlers unless specified. Note that if the unit has Expendable, Swiftstride or Vanguard, this also applies to the Handlers. As long as the unit (but not the handlers) have a unit strength of 5 or more, any missile hits are resolved against the unit itself. At less than unit strength 5, the controlling player decides who is hit, but must allocate one hit on each model before they can add a second hit on a model; they must allocate two hits on each model before they can allocate a third, and so on. Hits from templates are resolved against the handlers as normal. In close combat, the handlers can only be attacked by models who are in base contact with them.
Random Movement (3D6)
Models with Random Movement do not have a M value, but rather a dice roll. This is the distance they move, charge, pursue, overrun and flee – they cannot march. If a model has Random Movement and Swiftstride, then Swiftstride is not used. Note that certain Random Movement rolls can result in the model having a M value higher than 10 – this is an exception to the usual maximum. Models with Random Movement cannot declare charges, and are always moved in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase. When the model moves, first pivot it about its centre to face the direction in which you wish it to travel. Then, roll the dice shown in the Random Movement brackets. Finally, move the model directly forwards a number of inches equal to the total rolled by the dice. No other pivots can be made. There's a chance that the model's peculiar movement will cause it to come into contact with an enemy, so measure the distance in a straight line before the model is moved. If the move is found to take the unit’s front arc into contact with an enemy, then it counts as charging, and this is resolved using the normal rules for charges and using the distance rolled as its charge range. Charge reactions cannot be declared against enemies with Random Movement. If the random move brings the unit to within 1" of a friendly unit or impassable terrain, it stops immediately and cannot move further during that Movement phase. If two or more models in a unit have the Random Movement, pivot the unit about its centre, then roll the dice only once to determine how for the unit moves. If models in the unit have a different Random Movement value, use the slowest for the entire unit. A Random Move counts as a "normal" move for triggering a Dangerous Terrain test, unless the model is making a charge, pursuit or flee move, in which case it counts as a move of the appropriate type.
Mouvement aléatoire (3D6)
Models with Random Movement do not have a M value, but rather a dice roll. This is the distance they move, charge, pursue, overrun and flee – they cannot march. If a model has Random Movement and Swiftstride, then Swiftstride is not used. Note that certain Random Movement rolls can result in the model having a M value higher than 10 – this is an exception to the usual maximum. Models with Random Movement cannot declare charges, and are always moved in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase. When the model moves, first pivot it about its centre to face the direction in which you wish it to travel. Then, roll the dice shown in the Random Movement brackets. Finally, move the model directly forwards a number of inches equal to the total rolled by the dice. No other pivots can be made. There's a chance that the model's peculiar movement will cause it to come into contact with an enemy, so measure the distance in a straight line before the model is moved. If the move is found to take the unit’s front arc into contact with an enemy, then it counts as charging, and this is resolved using the normal rules for charges and using the distance rolled as its charge range. Charge reactions cannot be declared against enemies with Random Movement. If the random move brings the unit to within 1" of a friendly unit or impassable terrain, it stops immediately and cannot move further during that Movement phase. If two or more models in a unit have the Random Movement, pivot the unit about its centre, then roll the dice only once to determine how for the unit moves. If models in the unit have a different Random Movement value, use the slowest for the entire unit. A Random Move counts as a "normal" move for triggering a Dangerous Terrain test, unless the model is making a charge, pursuit or flee move, in which case it counts as a move of the appropriate type.
Random Movement (3D6)
Models with Random Movement do not have a M value, but rather a dice roll. This is the distance they move, charge, pursue, overrun and flee – they cannot march. If a model has Random Movement and Swiftstride, then Swiftstride is not used. Note that certain Random Movement rolls can result in the model having a M value higher than 10 – this is an exception to the usual maximum. Models with Random Movement cannot declare charges, and are always moved in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase. When the model moves, first pivot it about its centre to face the direction in which you wish it to travel. Then, roll the dice shown in the Random Movement brackets. Finally, move the model directly forwards a number of inches equal to the total rolled by the dice. No other pivots can be made. There's a chance that the model's peculiar movement will cause it to come into contact with an enemy, so measure the distance in a straight line before the model is moved. If the move is found to take the unit’s front arc into contact with an enemy, then it counts as charging, and this is resolved using the normal rules for charges and using the distance rolled as its charge range. Charge reactions cannot be declared against enemies with Random Movement. If the random move brings the unit to within 1" of a friendly unit or impassable terrain, it stops immediately and cannot move further during that Movement phase. If two or more models in a unit have the Random Movement, pivot the unit about its centre, then roll the dice only once to determine how for the unit moves. If models in the unit have a different Random Movement value, use the slowest for the entire unit. A Random Move counts as a "normal" move for triggering a Dangerous Terrain test, unless the model is making a charge, pursuit or flee move, in which case it counts as a move of the appropriate type.
Random Movement (3D6)
Models with Random Movement do not have a M value, but rather a dice roll. This is the distance they move, charge, pursue, overrun and flee – they cannot march. If a model has Random Movement and Swiftstride, then Swiftstride is not used. Note that certain Random Movement rolls can result in the model having a M value higher than 10 – this is an exception to the usual maximum. Models with Random Movement cannot declare charges, and are always moved in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase. When the model moves, first pivot it about its centre to face the direction in which you wish it to travel. Then, roll the dice shown in the Random Movement brackets. Finally, move the model directly forwards a number of inches equal to the total rolled by the dice. No other pivots can be made. There's a chance that the model's peculiar movement will cause it to come into contact with an enemy, so measure the distance in a straight line before the model is moved. If the move is found to take the unit’s front arc into contact with an enemy, then it counts as charging, and this is resolved using the normal rules for charges and using the distance rolled as its charge range. Charge reactions cannot be declared against enemies with Random Movement. If the random move brings the unit to within 1" of a friendly unit or impassable terrain, it stops immediately and cannot move further during that Movement phase. If two or more models in a unit have the Random Movement, pivot the unit about its centre, then roll the dice only once to determine how for the unit moves. If models in the unit have a different Random Movement value, use the slowest for the entire unit. A Random Move counts as a "normal" move for triggering a Dangerous Terrain test, unless the model is making a charge, pursuit or flee move, in which case it counts as a move of the appropriate type.
Random Movement (3D6)
Models with Random Movement do not have a M value, but rather a dice roll. This is the distance they move, charge, pursue, overrun and flee – they cannot march. If a model has Random Movement and Swiftstride, then Swiftstride is not used. Note that certain Random Movement rolls can result in the model having a M value higher than 10 – this is an exception to the usual maximum. Models with Random Movement cannot declare charges, and are always moved in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase. When the model moves, first pivot it about its centre to face the direction in which you wish it to travel. Then, roll the dice shown in the Random Movement brackets. Finally, move the model directly forwards a number of inches equal to the total rolled by the dice. No other pivots can be made. There's a chance that the model's peculiar movement will cause it to come into contact with an enemy, so measure the distance in a straight line before the model is moved. If the move is found to take the unit’s front arc into contact with an enemy, then it counts as charging, and this is resolved using the normal rules for charges and using the distance rolled as its charge range. Charge reactions cannot be declared against enemies with Random Movement. If the random move brings the unit to within 1" of a friendly unit or impassable terrain, it stops immediately and cannot move further during that Movement phase. If two or more models in a unit have the Random Movement, pivot the unit about its centre, then roll the dice only once to determine how for the unit moves. If models in the unit have a different Random Movement value, use the slowest for the entire unit. A Random Move counts as a "normal" move for triggering a Dangerous Terrain test, unless the model is making a charge, pursuit or flee move, in which case it counts as a move of the appropriate type.
Random Movement (3D6)
Models with Random Movement do not have a M value, but rather a dice roll. This is the distance they move, charge, pursue, overrun and flee – they cannot march. If a model has Random Movement and Swiftstride, then Swiftstride is not used. Note that certain Random Movement rolls can result in the model having a M value higher than 10 – this is an exception to the usual maximum. Models with Random Movement cannot declare charges, and are always moved in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase. When the model moves, first pivot it about its centre to face the direction in which you wish it to travel. Then, roll the dice shown in the Random Movement brackets. Finally, move the model directly forwards a number of inches equal to the total rolled by the dice. No other pivots can be made. There's a chance that the model's peculiar movement will cause it to come into contact with an enemy, so measure the distance in a straight line before the model is moved. If the move is found to take the unit’s front arc into contact with an enemy, then it counts as charging, and this is resolved using the normal rules for charges and using the distance rolled as its charge range. Charge reactions cannot be declared against enemies with Random Movement. If the random move brings the unit to within 1" of a friendly unit or impassable terrain, it stops immediately and cannot move further during that Movement phase. If two or more models in a unit have the Random Movement, pivot the unit about its centre, then roll the dice only once to determine how for the unit moves. If models in the unit have a different Random Movement value, use the slowest for the entire unit. A Random Move counts as a "normal" move for triggering a Dangerous Terrain test, unless the model is making a charge, pursuit or flee move, in which case it counts as a move of the appropriate type.
No Pain
Successful To Wound rolls against Veskit must be re-rolled.
No Pain
Successful To Wound rolls against Veskit must be re-rolled.
No Pain
Successful To Wound rolls against Veskit must be re-rolled.
No Pain
Successful To Wound rolls against Veskit must be re-rolled.
No Pain
Successful To Wound rolls against Veskit must be re-rolled.
No Pain
Successful To Wound rolls against Veskit must be re-rolled.
Plague Censer
Flail. At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with one or more models bearing a plague censer, as well the Censer Bearers themselves that are allowed to fight this round, must pass a T test or suffer a single wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 bonus for these tests.
Plague Censer
Flail. At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with one or more models bearing a plague censer, as well the Censer Bearers themselves that are allowed to fight this round, must pass a T test or suffer a single wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 bonus for these tests.
Plague Censer
Flail. At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with one or more models bearing a plague censer, as well the Censer Bearers themselves that are allowed to fight this round, must pass a T test or suffer a single wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 bonus for these tests.
Plague Censer
Flail. At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with one or more models bearing a plague censer, as well the Censer Bearers themselves that are allowed to fight this round, must pass a T test or suffer a single wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 bonus for these tests.
Plague Censer
Flail. At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with one or more models bearing a plague censer, as well the Censer Bearers themselves that are allowed to fight this round, must pass a T test or suffer a single wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 bonus for these tests.
Plague Censer
Flail. At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with one or more models bearing a plague censer, as well the Censer Bearers themselves that are allowed to fight this round, must pass a T test or suffer a single wound with Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks. All Clan Pestilens models gain a +1 bonus for these tests.
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Poisoned Attacks
A model with Poisoned Attacks gains a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the attack as normal. Unless otherwise stated, a model with this rule has both Poisoned shooting and close combat attacks (though any spells cast by the model or special attacks are unaffected).
Poisoned Attacks
A model with Poisoned Attacks gains a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the attack as normal. Unless otherwise stated, a model with this rule has both Poisoned shooting and close combat attacks (though any spells cast by the model or special attacks are unaffected).
Poisoned Attacks
A model with Poisoned Attacks gains a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the attack as normal. Unless otherwise stated, a model with this rule has both Poisoned shooting and close combat attacks (though any spells cast by the model or special attacks are unaffected).
Poisoned Attacks
A model with Poisoned Attacks gains a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the attack as normal. Unless otherwise stated, a model with this rule has both Poisoned shooting and close combat attacks (though any spells cast by the model or special attacks are unaffected).
Poisoned Attacks
A model with Poisoned Attacks gains a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the attack as normal. Unless otherwise stated, a model with this rule has both Poisoned shooting and close combat attacks (though any spells cast by the model or special attacks are unaffected).
Poisoned Attacks
A model with Poisoned Attacks gains a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the attack as normal. Unless otherwise stated, a model with this rule has both Poisoned shooting and close combat attacks (though any spells cast by the model or special attacks are unaffected).
Poisoned Wind Globes
Poisoned Wind Globes
Poisoned Wind Globes
Poisoned Wind Globes
Poisoned Wind Globes
Poisoned Wind Globes
Ravening Hunger
At the start of each of his turns, Throt must pass a T test or start to eat one model in base contact of your choosing. This model suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves and does not allow Ward Saves. If this is not possible, Throt will suffer 1 Wound with no saves allowed.
Ravening Hunger
At the start of each of his turns, Throt must pass a T test or start to eat one model in base contact of your choosing. This model suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves and does not allow Ward Saves. If this is not possible, Throt will suffer 1 Wound with no saves allowed.
Ravening Hunger
At the start of each of his turns, Throt must pass a T test or start to eat one model in base contact of your choosing. This model suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves and does not allow Ward Saves. If this is not possible, Throt will suffer 1 Wound with no saves allowed.
Ravening Hunger
At the start of each of his turns, Throt must pass a T test or start to eat one model in base contact of your choosing. This model suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves and does not allow Ward Saves. If this is not possible, Throt will suffer 1 Wound with no saves allowed.
Ravening Hunger
At the start of each of his turns, Throt must pass a T test or start to eat one model in base contact of your choosing. This model suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves and does not allow Ward Saves. If this is not possible, Throt will suffer 1 Wound with no saves allowed.
Ravening Hunger
At the start of each of his turns, Throt must pass a T test or start to eat one model in base contact of your choosing. This model suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves and does not allow Ward Saves. If this is not possible, Throt will suffer 1 Wound with no saves allowed.
Regeneration (4+)
A model with Regeneration gains a Ward Save (indicated by the number in the brackets). This is cumulative with other sources of Regeneration. Regeneration may not be used against Flaming Attacks, successful Killing Blows (including Heroic Killing Blow) or wounds caused due the unit being Unstable.
Regeneration (4+)
A model with Regeneration gains a Ward Save (indicated by the number in the brackets). This is cumulative with other sources of Regeneration. Regeneration may not be used against Flaming Attacks, successful Killing Blows (including Heroic Killing Blow) or wounds caused due the unit being Unstable.
Regeneration (4+)
A model with Regeneration gains a Ward Save (indicated by the number in the brackets). This is cumulative with other sources of Regeneration. Regeneration may not be used against Flaming Attacks, successful Killing Blows (including Heroic Killing Blow) or wounds caused due the unit being Unstable.
Regeneration (4+)
A model with Regeneration gains a Ward Save (indicated by the number in the brackets). This is cumulative with other sources of Regeneration. Regeneration may not be used against Flaming Attacks, successful Killing Blows (including Heroic Killing Blow) or wounds caused due the unit being Unstable.
Regeneration (4+)
A model with Regeneration gains a Ward Save (indicated by the number in the brackets). This is cumulative with other sources of Regeneration. Regeneration may not be used against Flaming Attacks, successful Killing Blows (including Heroic Killing Blow) or wounds caused due the unit being Unstable.
Regeneration (4+)
A model with Regeneration gains a Ward Save (indicated by the number in the brackets). This is cumulative with other sources of Regeneration. Regeneration may not be used against Flaming Attacks, successful Killing Blows (including Heroic Killing Blow) or wounds caused due the unit being Unstable.
Rodent Genius
Any rolls on the Misfire table for all Clan Skryre units may be re-rolled.
Rodent Genius
Any rolls on the Misfire table for all Clan Skryre units may be re-rolled.
Rodent Genius
Any rolls on the Misfire table for all Clan Skryre units may be re-rolled.
Rodent Genius
Any rolls on the Misfire table for all Clan Skryre units may be re-rolled.
Rodent Genius
Any rolls on the Misfire table for all Clan Skryre units may be re-rolled.
Rodent Genius
Any rolls on the Misfire table for all Clan Skryre units may be re-rolled.
Ruinous Arsenal
Skreech Verminking is armed with two Magic Weapons: a Doom Glaive and a Plaguereaper. At the start of each Close Combat phase, you must declare which weapon he is going to use for that turn.
Ruinous Arsenal
Skreech Verminking is armed with two Magic Weapons: a Doom Glaive and a Plaguereaper. At the start of each Close Combat phase, you must declare which weapon he is going to use for that turn.
Ruinous Arsenal
Skreech Verminking is armed with two Magic Weapons: a Doom Glaive and a Plaguereaper. At the start of each Close Combat phase, you must declare which weapon he is going to use for that turn.
Ruinous Arsenal
Skreech Verminking is armed with two Magic Weapons: a Doom Glaive and a Plaguereaper. At the start of each Close Combat phase, you must declare which weapon he is going to use for that turn.
Ruinous Arsenal
Skreech Verminking is armed with two Magic Weapons: a Doom Glaive and a Plaguereaper. At the start of each Close Combat phase, you must declare which weapon he is going to use for that turn.
Ruinous Arsenal
Skreech Verminking is armed with two Magic Weapons: a Doom Glaive and a Plaguereaper. At the start of each Close Combat phase, you must declare which weapon he is going to use for that turn.
Scion of Corruption
The Plague Lord has Ward Save (5+). In addition, neither Nurglitch nor any unit he joins will ever suffer wounds from spells cast from the Lore of Plague or Lore of Nurgle. Furthermore, they automatically pass the test for the effects of plague censers.
Scion of Corruption
The Plague Lord has Ward Save (5+). In addition, neither Nurglitch nor any unit he joins will ever suffer wounds from spells cast from the Lore of Plague or Lore of Nurgle. Furthermore, they automatically pass the test for the effects of plague censers.
Scion of Corruption
The Plague Lord has Ward Save (5+). In addition, neither Nurglitch nor any unit he joins will ever suffer wounds from spells cast from the Lore of Plague or Lore of Nurgle. Furthermore, they automatically pass the test for the effects of plague censers.
Scion of Corruption
The Plague Lord has Ward Save (5+). In addition, neither Nurglitch nor any unit he joins will ever suffer wounds from spells cast from the Lore of Plague or Lore of Nurgle. Furthermore, they automatically pass the test for the effects of plague censers.
Scion of Corruption
The Plague Lord has Ward Save (5+). In addition, neither Nurglitch nor any unit he joins will ever suffer wounds from spells cast from the Lore of Plague or Lore of Nurgle. Furthermore, they automatically pass the test for the effects of plague censers.
Scion of Corruption
The Plague Lord has Ward Save (5+). In addition, neither Nurglitch nor any unit he joins will ever suffer wounds from spells cast from the Lore of Plague or Lore of Nurgle. Furthermore, they automatically pass the test for the effects of plague censers.
Before starting deployment, a unit with Scouts can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Scouts are set up after all other non-Scout units from both armies have been deployed, and do not count toward determining who finished deploying their army first. They can be set up either in their controlling player's deployment zone as normal, or anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" away from the enemy. If deployed in this second way, Scouts cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their side goes first. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Scouts if they also have the same rule. If both players' armies contain Scouts, players should roll off. The players then alternate deploying their scouting units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off.
Before starting deployment, a unit with Scouts can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Scouts are set up after all other non-Scout units from both armies have been deployed, and do not count toward determining who finished deploying their army first. They can be set up either in their controlling player's deployment zone as normal, or anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" away from the enemy. If deployed in this second way, Scouts cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their side goes first. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Scouts if they also have the same rule. If both players' armies contain Scouts, players should roll off. The players then alternate deploying their scouting units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off.
Before starting deployment, a unit with Scouts can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Scouts are set up after all other non-Scout units from both armies have been deployed, and do not count toward determining who finished deploying their army first. They can be set up either in their controlling player's deployment zone as normal, or anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" away from the enemy. If deployed in this second way, Scouts cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their side goes first. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Scouts if they also have the same rule. If both players' armies contain Scouts, players should roll off. The players then alternate deploying their scouting units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off.
Before starting deployment, a unit with Scouts can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Scouts are set up after all other non-Scout units from both armies have been deployed, and do not count toward determining who finished deploying their army first. They can be set up either in their controlling player's deployment zone as normal, or anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" away from the enemy. If deployed in this second way, Scouts cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their side goes first. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Scouts if they also have the same rule. If both players' armies contain Scouts, players should roll off. The players then alternate deploying their scouting units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off.
Before starting deployment, a unit with Scouts can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Scouts are set up after all other non-Scout units from both armies have been deployed, and do not count toward determining who finished deploying their army first. They can be set up either in their controlling player's deployment zone as normal, or anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" away from the enemy. If deployed in this second way, Scouts cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their side goes first. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Scouts if they also have the same rule. If both players' armies contain Scouts, players should roll off. The players then alternate deploying their scouting units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off.
Before starting deployment, a unit with Scouts can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Scouts are set up after all other non-Scout units from both armies have been deployed, and do not count toward determining who finished deploying their army first. They can be set up either in their controlling player's deployment zone as normal, or anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" away from the enemy. If deployed in this second way, Scouts cannot declare a charge in the first turn if their side goes first. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Scouts if they also have the same rule. If both players' armies contain Scouts, players should roll off. The players then alternate deploying their scouting units one at a time, starting with the player who won the roll-off.
Scurry Away!
All models in the Skaven army roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result when determining their flee distance.
Scurry Away!
All models in the Skaven army roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result when determining their flee distance.
Scurry Away!
All models in the Skaven army roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result when determining their flee distance.
Scurry Away!
All models in the Skaven army roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result when determining their flee distance.
Scurry Away!
All models in the Skaven army roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result when determining their flee distance.
Scurry Away!
All models in the Skaven army roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result when determining their flee distance.
Scythed wheels
Scythed wheels
Scythed wheels
Scythed wheels
Scythed wheels
Scythed wheels
Impact Hits (+1).
Impact Hits (+1).
Impact Hits (+1).
Impact Hits (+1).
Impact Hits (+1).
Impact Hits (+1).
An Assassin cannot be your army General (this does not apply to Master Assassins). Only Eshin units can use their LD or Inspiring Presence.
An Assassin cannot be your army General (this does not apply to Master Assassins). Only Eshin units can use their LD or Inspiring Presence.
An Assassin cannot be your army General (this does not apply to Master Assassins). Only Eshin units can use their LD or Inspiring Presence.
An Assassin cannot be your army General (this does not apply to Master Assassins). Only Eshin units can use their LD or Inspiring Presence.
An Assassin cannot be your army General (this does not apply to Master Assassins). Only Eshin units can use their LD or Inspiring Presence.
An Assassin cannot be your army General (this does not apply to Master Assassins). Only Eshin units can use their LD or Inspiring Presence.
Shambling Horror
If two or more 1's or 6's are rolled when the Abomination is making its Random Movement, do not move the Hell Pit Abomination; instead roll immediately on the Berserk Abomination chart.
Shambling Horror
If two or more 1's or 6's are rolled when the Abomination is making its Random Movement, do not move the Hell Pit Abomination; instead roll immediately on the Berserk Abomination chart.
Shambling Horror
If two or more 1's or 6's are rolled when the Abomination is making its Random Movement, do not move the Hell Pit Abomination; instead roll immediately on the Berserk Abomination chart.
Shambling Horror
If two or more 1's or 6's are rolled when the Abomination is making its Random Movement, do not move the Hell Pit Abomination; instead roll immediately on the Berserk Abomination chart.
Shambling Horror
If two or more 1's or 6's are rolled when the Abomination is making its Random Movement, do not move the Hell Pit Abomination; instead roll immediately on the Berserk Abomination chart.
Shambling Horror
If two or more 1's or 6's are rolled when the Abomination is making its Random Movement, do not move the Hell Pit Abomination; instead roll immediately on the Berserk Abomination chart.
Skirmish Formation Skirmishers are deployed in a 'loose' formation, where the models are not placed in base contact, but are positioned roughly 1/2" apart. The models in the unit must still face the same direction and the unit will still have a front, two flanks and a rear. All Skirmishers in a unit do not count as blocking each other’s Line of Sight (note that they still count as blocking Line of Sight for other units). As long as you can draw a Line of Sight from the front rank to the target, the second and subsequent ranks may fire too. When moving Skirmishers, you should measure from the location of each model before it moves and place it anywhere within its M Allowance (or double its M Allowance if it is marching), except when there is a unit or impassable terrain in the way, the distance moved must include the distance required to move around these obstacles. Skirmishers and Charging If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. This happens 'for free' at the moment both units move into base contact. The unit immediately forms up in base contact around the centremost model in the front rank (the Skirmishers' controlling player can choose which if the front rank has an even number of models) that is also in base contact with the enemy. The number of ranks, files and the formation's facing do not alter as the Skirmishers tighten up – all that happens is that models that were previously spaced out are now in base contact with one another. This has the effect of rendering the Skirmishers' loose formation into a regular shape so that other units can fight them in the normal way. If the Skirmishers are not in base contact with an enemy in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, the controlling player must move them apart so that they readopt their loose formation. Vanguard Skirmishers have Vanguard. Free Reform A unit of Skirmishers moves, wheels, marches and charges just like other troops. However, unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move. The unit may do this even if it marches, provided that no model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double its M value. Feigned Flight A unit of Skirmishers that chooses Flee as a charge reaction does not cause Panic from fleeing through friendly units and may re-roll failed rally tests in its next Compulsory Movement Phase (unless it is forced to Flee again from another source). In addition, it is then also free to move during the remaining moves part of the Movement phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but always counts as having moved). Note that if the flee move of the Skirmishers do not take them beyond the charge reach of their enemies, the unit suffers casualties as normal. Remember that Feigned Flight does not apply to models with Fly. Fire on the March Skirmishers can shoot even if they marched or reformed earlier in the turn (providing their weapon doesn't have Move or Fire). However, the normal -1 To Hit penalty for moving and shooting still applies. Light Troops All shots aimed at a unit of two or more Skirmisher models with an individual Unit Strength of 2 or less suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers always counts as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus. In addition, they cannot be Steadfast regardless of their Unit Strength (unless they also have Stubborn). Characters A character model that joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmisher as long as they stay with the unit. Characters may only join Skirmishers with the same Troop Type as them.
Skirmish Formation Skirmishers are deployed in a 'loose' formation, where the models are not placed in base contact, but are positioned roughly 1/2" apart. The models in the unit must still face the same direction and the unit will still have a front, two flanks and a rear. All Skirmishers in a unit do not count as blocking each other’s Line of Sight (note that they still count as blocking Line of Sight for other units). As long as you can draw a Line of Sight from the front rank to the target, the second and subsequent ranks may fire too. When moving Skirmishers, you should measure from the location of each model before it moves and place it anywhere within its M Allowance (or double its M Allowance if it is marching), except when there is a unit or impassable terrain in the way, the distance moved must include the distance required to move around these obstacles. Skirmishers and Charging If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. This happens 'for free' at the moment both units move into base contact. The unit immediately forms up in base contact around the centremost model in the front rank (the Skirmishers' controlling player can choose which if the front rank has an even number of models) that is also in base contact with the enemy. The number of ranks, files and the formation's facing do not alter as the Skirmishers tighten up – all that happens is that models that were previously spaced out are now in base contact with one another. This has the effect of rendering the Skirmishers' loose formation into a regular shape so that other units can fight them in the normal way. If the Skirmishers are not in base contact with an enemy in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, the controlling player must move them apart so that they readopt their loose formation. Vanguard Skirmishers have Vanguard. Free Reform A unit of Skirmishers moves, wheels, marches and charges just like other troops. However, unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move. The unit may do this even if it marches, provided that no model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double its M value. Feigned Flight A unit of Skirmishers that chooses Flee as a charge reaction does not cause Panic from fleeing through friendly units and may re-roll failed rally tests in its next Compulsory Movement Phase (unless it is forced to Flee again from another source). In addition, it is then also free to move during the remaining moves part of the Movement phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but always counts as having moved). Note that if the flee move of the Skirmishers do not take them beyond the charge reach of their enemies, the unit suffers casualties as normal. Remember that Feigned Flight does not apply to models with Fly. Fire on the March Skirmishers can shoot even if they marched or reformed earlier in the turn (providing their weapon doesn't have Move or Fire). However, the normal -1 To Hit penalty for moving and shooting still applies. Light Troops All shots aimed at a unit of two or more Skirmisher models with an individual Unit Strength of 2 or less suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers always counts as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus. In addition, they cannot be Steadfast regardless of their Unit Strength (unless they also have Stubborn). Characters A character model that joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmisher as long as they stay with the unit. Characters may only join Skirmishers with the same Troop Type as them.
Skirmish Formation Skirmishers are deployed in a 'loose' formation, where the models are not placed in base contact, but are positioned roughly 1/2" apart. The models in the unit must still face the same direction and the unit will still have a front, two flanks and a rear. All Skirmishers in a unit do not count as blocking each other’s Line of Sight (note that they still count as blocking Line of Sight for other units). As long as you can draw a Line of Sight from the front rank to the target, the second and subsequent ranks may fire too. When moving Skirmishers, you should measure from the location of each model before it moves and place it anywhere within its M Allowance (or double its M Allowance if it is marching), except when there is a unit or impassable terrain in the way, the distance moved must include the distance required to move around these obstacles. Skirmishers and Charging If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. This happens 'for free' at the moment both units move into base contact. The unit immediately forms up in base contact around the centremost model in the front rank (the Skirmishers' controlling player can choose which if the front rank has an even number of models) that is also in base contact with the enemy. The number of ranks, files and the formation's facing do not alter as the Skirmishers tighten up – all that happens is that models that were previously spaced out are now in base contact with one another. This has the effect of rendering the Skirmishers' loose formation into a regular shape so that other units can fight them in the normal way. If the Skirmishers are not in base contact with an enemy in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, the controlling player must move them apart so that they readopt their loose formation. Vanguard Skirmishers have Vanguard. Free Reform A unit of Skirmishers moves, wheels, marches and charges just like other troops. However, unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move. The unit may do this even if it marches, provided that no model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double its M value. Feigned Flight A unit of Skirmishers that chooses Flee as a charge reaction does not cause Panic from fleeing through friendly units and may re-roll failed rally tests in its next Compulsory Movement Phase (unless it is forced to Flee again from another source). In addition, it is then also free to move during the remaining moves part of the Movement phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but always counts as having moved). Note that if the flee move of the Skirmishers do not take them beyond the charge reach of their enemies, the unit suffers casualties as normal. Remember that Feigned Flight does not apply to models with Fly. Fire on the March Skirmishers can shoot even if they marched or reformed earlier in the turn (providing their weapon doesn't have Move or Fire). However, the normal -1 To Hit penalty for moving and shooting still applies. Light Troops All shots aimed at a unit of two or more Skirmisher models with an individual Unit Strength of 2 or less suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers always counts as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus. In addition, they cannot be Steadfast regardless of their Unit Strength (unless they also have Stubborn). Characters A character model that joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmisher as long as they stay with the unit. Characters may only join Skirmishers with the same Troop Type as them.
Skirmish Formation Skirmishers are deployed in a 'loose' formation, where the models are not placed in base contact, but are positioned roughly 1/2" apart. The models in the unit must still face the same direction and the unit will still have a front, two flanks and a rear. All Skirmishers in a unit do not count as blocking each other’s Line of Sight (note that they still count as blocking Line of Sight for other units). As long as you can draw a Line of Sight from the front rank to the target, the second and subsequent ranks may fire too. When moving Skirmishers, you should measure from the location of each model before it moves and place it anywhere within its M Allowance (or double its M Allowance if it is marching), except when there is a unit or impassable terrain in the way, the distance moved must include the distance required to move around these obstacles. Skirmishers and Charging If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. This happens 'for free' at the moment both units move into base contact. The unit immediately forms up in base contact around the centremost model in the front rank (the Skirmishers' controlling player can choose which if the front rank has an even number of models) that is also in base contact with the enemy. The number of ranks, files and the formation's facing do not alter as the Skirmishers tighten up – all that happens is that models that were previously spaced out are now in base contact with one another. This has the effect of rendering the Skirmishers' loose formation into a regular shape so that other units can fight them in the normal way. If the Skirmishers are not in base contact with an enemy in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, the controlling player must move them apart so that they readopt their loose formation. Vanguard Skirmishers have Vanguard. Free Reform A unit of Skirmishers moves, wheels, marches and charges just like other troops. However, unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move. The unit may do this even if it marches, provided that no model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double its M value. Feigned Flight A unit of Skirmishers that chooses Flee as a charge reaction does not cause Panic from fleeing through friendly units and may re-roll failed rally tests in its next Compulsory Movement Phase (unless it is forced to Flee again from another source). In addition, it is then also free to move during the remaining moves part of the Movement phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but always counts as having moved). Note that if the flee move of the Skirmishers do not take them beyond the charge reach of their enemies, the unit suffers casualties as normal. Remember that Feigned Flight does not apply to models with Fly. Fire on the March Skirmishers can shoot even if they marched or reformed earlier in the turn (providing their weapon doesn't have Move or Fire). However, the normal -1 To Hit penalty for moving and shooting still applies. Light Troops All shots aimed at a unit of two or more Skirmisher models with an individual Unit Strength of 2 or less suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers always counts as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus. In addition, they cannot be Steadfast regardless of their Unit Strength (unless they also have Stubborn). Characters A character model that joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmisher as long as they stay with the unit. Characters may only join Skirmishers with the same Troop Type as them.
Skirmish Formation Skirmishers are deployed in a 'loose' formation, where the models are not placed in base contact, but are positioned roughly 1/2" apart. The models in the unit must still face the same direction and the unit will still have a front, two flanks and a rear. All Skirmishers in a unit do not count as blocking each other’s Line of Sight (note that they still count as blocking Line of Sight for other units). As long as you can draw a Line of Sight from the front rank to the target, the second and subsequent ranks may fire too. When moving Skirmishers, you should measure from the location of each model before it moves and place it anywhere within its M Allowance (or double its M Allowance if it is marching), except when there is a unit or impassable terrain in the way, the distance moved must include the distance required to move around these obstacles. Skirmishers and Charging If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. This happens 'for free' at the moment both units move into base contact. The unit immediately forms up in base contact around the centremost model in the front rank (the Skirmishers' controlling player can choose which if the front rank has an even number of models) that is also in base contact with the enemy. The number of ranks, files and the formation's facing do not alter as the Skirmishers tighten up – all that happens is that models that were previously spaced out are now in base contact with one another. This has the effect of rendering the Skirmishers' loose formation into a regular shape so that other units can fight them in the normal way. If the Skirmishers are not in base contact with an enemy in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, the controlling player must move them apart so that they readopt their loose formation. Vanguard Skirmishers have Vanguard. Free Reform A unit of Skirmishers moves, wheels, marches and charges just like other troops. However, unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move. The unit may do this even if it marches, provided that no model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double its M value. Feigned Flight A unit of Skirmishers that chooses Flee as a charge reaction does not cause Panic from fleeing through friendly units and may re-roll failed rally tests in its next Compulsory Movement Phase (unless it is forced to Flee again from another source). In addition, it is then also free to move during the remaining moves part of the Movement phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but always counts as having moved). Note that if the flee move of the Skirmishers do not take them beyond the charge reach of their enemies, the unit suffers casualties as normal. Remember that Feigned Flight does not apply to models with Fly. Fire on the March Skirmishers can shoot even if they marched or reformed earlier in the turn (providing their weapon doesn't have Move or Fire). However, the normal -1 To Hit penalty for moving and shooting still applies. Light Troops All shots aimed at a unit of two or more Skirmisher models with an individual Unit Strength of 2 or less suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers always counts as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus. In addition, they cannot be Steadfast regardless of their Unit Strength (unless they also have Stubborn). Characters A character model that joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmisher as long as they stay with the unit. Characters may only join Skirmishers with the same Troop Type as them.
Skirmish Formation Skirmishers are deployed in a 'loose' formation, where the models are not placed in base contact, but are positioned roughly 1/2" apart. The models in the unit must still face the same direction and the unit will still have a front, two flanks and a rear. All Skirmishers in a unit do not count as blocking each other’s Line of Sight (note that they still count as blocking Line of Sight for other units). As long as you can draw a Line of Sight from the front rank to the target, the second and subsequent ranks may fire too. When moving Skirmishers, you should measure from the location of each model before it moves and place it anywhere within its M Allowance (or double its M Allowance if it is marching), except when there is a unit or impassable terrain in the way, the distance moved must include the distance required to move around these obstacles. Skirmishers and Charging If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. This happens 'for free' at the moment both units move into base contact. The unit immediately forms up in base contact around the centremost model in the front rank (the Skirmishers' controlling player can choose which if the front rank has an even number of models) that is also in base contact with the enemy. The number of ranks, files and the formation's facing do not alter as the Skirmishers tighten up – all that happens is that models that were previously spaced out are now in base contact with one another. This has the effect of rendering the Skirmishers' loose formation into a regular shape so that other units can fight them in the normal way. If the Skirmishers are not in base contact with an enemy in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, the controlling player must move them apart so that they readopt their loose formation. Vanguard Skirmishers have Vanguard. Free Reform A unit of Skirmishers moves, wheels, marches and charges just like other troops. However, unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move. The unit may do this even if it marches, provided that no model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double its M value. Feigned Flight A unit of Skirmishers that chooses Flee as a charge reaction does not cause Panic from fleeing through friendly units and may re-roll failed rally tests in its next Compulsory Movement Phase (unless it is forced to Flee again from another source). In addition, it is then also free to move during the remaining moves part of the Movement phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but always counts as having moved). Note that if the flee move of the Skirmishers do not take them beyond the charge reach of their enemies, the unit suffers casualties as normal. Remember that Feigned Flight does not apply to models with Fly. Fire on the March Skirmishers can shoot even if they marched or reformed earlier in the turn (providing their weapon doesn't have Move or Fire). However, the normal -1 To Hit penalty for moving and shooting still applies. Light Troops All shots aimed at a unit of two or more Skirmisher models with an individual Unit Strength of 2 or less suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers always counts as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus. In addition, they cannot be Steadfast regardless of their Unit Strength (unless they also have Stubborn). Characters A character model that joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmisher as long as they stay with the unit. Characters may only join Skirmishers with the same Troop Type as them.
A model mounted on a Great Pox Rat is treated as an Infantry model for the purpose of 'Look Out, Sir!'.
A model mounted on a Great Pox Rat is treated as an Infantry model for the purpose of 'Look Out, Sir!'.
A model mounted on a Great Pox Rat is treated as an Infantry model for the purpose of 'Look Out, Sir!'.
A model mounted on a Great Pox Rat is treated as an Infantry model for the purpose of 'Look Out, Sir!'.
A model mounted on a Great Pox Rat is treated as an Infantry model for the purpose of 'Look Out, Sir!'.
A model mounted on a Great Pox Rat is treated as an Infantry model for the purpose of 'Look Out, Sir!'.
A model with Sniper can make a special Sniper shot instead of shooting normally (though it can be used in combination with the Multiple Shots rule as normal). A Sniper shot suffers an additional -1 To Hit penalty, in addition to any other modifiers, but can be aimed with great precision. Unless making a Stand and Shoot charge reaction, a model making a Sniper shot can shoot at a different target from the one chosen by their unit. A hit from a Sniper shot is not distributed in the same manner as other shooting attacks. The Sniper can shoot at any model they can see, including characters within a unit. "Look Out Sir!" cannot be used. Sniper cannot be used when firing weapons that use a template.
A model with Sniper can make a special Sniper shot instead of shooting normally (though it can be used in combination with the Multiple Shots rule as normal). A Sniper shot suffers an additional -1 To Hit penalty, in addition to any other modifiers, but can be aimed with great precision. Unless making a Stand and Shoot charge reaction, a model making a Sniper shot can shoot at a different target from the one chosen by their unit. A hit from a Sniper shot is not distributed in the same manner as other shooting attacks. The Sniper can shoot at any model they can see, including characters within a unit. "Look Out Sir!" cannot be used. Sniper cannot be used when firing weapons that use a template.
A model with Sniper can make a special Sniper shot instead of shooting normally (though it can be used in combination with the Multiple Shots rule as normal). A Sniper shot suffers an additional -1 To Hit penalty, in addition to any other modifiers, but can be aimed with great precision. Unless making a Stand and Shoot charge reaction, a model making a Sniper shot can shoot at a different target from the one chosen by their unit. A hit from a Sniper shot is not distributed in the same manner as other shooting attacks. The Sniper can shoot at any model they can see, including characters within a unit. "Look Out Sir!" cannot be used. Sniper cannot be used when firing weapons that use a template.
A model with Sniper can make a special Sniper shot instead of shooting normally (though it can be used in combination with the Multiple Shots rule as normal). A Sniper shot suffers an additional -1 To Hit penalty, in addition to any other modifiers, but can be aimed with great precision. Unless making a Stand and Shoot charge reaction, a model making a Sniper shot can shoot at a different target from the one chosen by their unit. A hit from a Sniper shot is not distributed in the same manner as other shooting attacks. The Sniper can shoot at any model they can see, including characters within a unit. "Look Out Sir!" cannot be used. Sniper cannot be used when firing weapons that use a template.
A model with Sniper can make a special Sniper shot instead of shooting normally (though it can be used in combination with the Multiple Shots rule as normal). A Sniper shot suffers an additional -1 To Hit penalty, in addition to any other modifiers, but can be aimed with great precision. Unless making a Stand and Shoot charge reaction, a model making a Sniper shot can shoot at a different target from the one chosen by their unit. A hit from a Sniper shot is not distributed in the same manner as other shooting attacks. The Sniper can shoot at any model they can see, including characters within a unit. "Look Out Sir!" cannot be used. Sniper cannot be used when firing weapons that use a template.
A model with Sniper can make a special Sniper shot instead of shooting normally (though it can be used in combination with the Multiple Shots rule as normal). A Sniper shot suffers an additional -1 To Hit penalty, in addition to any other modifiers, but can be aimed with great precision. Unless making a Stand and Shoot charge reaction, a model making a Sniper shot can shoot at a different target from the one chosen by their unit. A hit from a Sniper shot is not distributed in the same manner as other shooting attacks. The Sniper can shoot at any model they can see, including characters within a unit. "Look Out Sir!" cannot be used. Sniper cannot be used when firing weapons that use a template.
Special Close Combat Attacks
Abominations do not attack in the same way as other creatures. Roll a D6 on the Close Combat Attacks Chart, when it is the Hell Pit Abomination's turn to attack to see what the mutated beast does.
Special Close Combat Attacks
Abominations do not attack in the same way as other creatures. Roll a D6 on the Close Combat Attacks Chart, when it is the Hell Pit Abomination's turn to attack to see what the mutated beast does.
Special Close Combat Attacks
Abominations do not attack in the same way as other creatures. Roll a D6 on the Close Combat Attacks Chart, when it is the Hell Pit Abomination's turn to attack to see what the mutated beast does.
Special Close Combat Attacks
Abominations do not attack in the same way as other creatures. Roll a D6 on the Close Combat Attacks Chart, when it is the Hell Pit Abomination's turn to attack to see what the mutated beast does.
Special Close Combat Attacks
Abominations do not attack in the same way as other creatures. Roll a D6 on the Close Combat Attacks Chart, when it is the Hell Pit Abomination's turn to attack to see what the mutated beast does.
Special Close Combat Attacks
Abominations do not attack in the same way as other creatures. Roll a D6 on the Close Combat Attacks Chart, when it is the Hell Pit Abomination's turn to attack to see what the mutated beast does.
Spined Tail
If Warlord Spinetail is in base contact with an enemy Infantry Character at the start of any close combat phase, he can attempt to throttle them with his tail. If he does, both you and your opponent roll a D6. If you roll the higher result, the enemy Character suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If your result is at least double your opponent’s, that model suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves instead.
Spined Tail
If Warlord Spinetail is in base contact with an enemy Infantry Character at the start of any close combat phase, he can attempt to throttle them with his tail. If he does, both you and your opponent roll a D6. If you roll the higher result, the enemy Character suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If your result is at least double your opponent’s, that model suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves instead.
Spined Tail
If Warlord Spinetail is in base contact with an enemy Infantry Character at the start of any close combat phase, he can attempt to throttle them with his tail. If he does, both you and your opponent roll a D6. If you roll the higher result, the enemy Character suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If your result is at least double your opponent’s, that model suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves instead.
Spined Tail
If Warlord Spinetail is in base contact with an enemy Infantry Character at the start of any close combat phase, he can attempt to throttle them with his tail. If he does, both you and your opponent roll a D6. If you roll the higher result, the enemy Character suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If your result is at least double your opponent’s, that model suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves instead.
Spined Tail
If Warlord Spinetail is in base contact with an enemy Infantry Character at the start of any close combat phase, he can attempt to throttle them with his tail. If he does, both you and your opponent roll a D6. If you roll the higher result, the enemy Character suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If your result is at least double your opponent’s, that model suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves instead.
Spined Tail
If Warlord Spinetail is in base contact with an enemy Infantry Character at the start of any close combat phase, he can attempt to throttle them with his tail. If he does, both you and your opponent roll a D6. If you roll the higher result, the enemy Character suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If your result is at least double your opponent’s, that model suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves instead.
Stay Here, I'll Get Help!
Once per friendly turn, at the start of any phase, Tretch can leave any unit he is with and make move of 2D6" as if it was the Remaining Moves phase.
Stay Here, I'll Get Help!
Once per friendly turn, at the start of any phase, Tretch can leave any unit he is with and make move of 2D6" as if it was the Remaining Moves phase.
Stay Here, I'll Get Help!
Once per friendly turn, at the start of any phase, Tretch can leave any unit he is with and make move of 2D6" as if it was the Remaining Moves phase.
Stay Here, I'll Get Help!
Once per friendly turn, at the start of any phase, Tretch can leave any unit he is with and make move of 2D6" as if it was the Remaining Moves phase.
Stay Here, I'll Get Help!
Once per friendly turn, at the start of any phase, Tretch can leave any unit he is with and make move of 2D6" as if it was the Remaining Moves phase.
Stay Here, I'll Get Help!
Once per friendly turn, at the start of any phase, Tretch can leave any unit he is with and make move of 2D6" as if it was the Remaining Moves phase.
A model with this rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks (including Breath Weapons). A Stomp has Always Strikes Last, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits, at the model's Strength, on one enemy Infantry, War Beasts or Swarm unit in base contact with the model and are randomised as Automatic Hits. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
A model with this rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks (including Breath Weapons). A Stomp has Always Strikes Last, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits, at the model's Strength, on one enemy Infantry, War Beasts or Swarm unit in base contact with the model and are randomised as Automatic Hits. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
A model with this rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks (including Breath Weapons). A Stomp has Always Strikes Last, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits, at the model's Strength, on one enemy Infantry, War Beasts or Swarm unit in base contact with the model and are randomised as Automatic Hits. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
A model with this rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks (including Breath Weapons). A Stomp has Always Strikes Last, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits, at the model's Strength, on one enemy Infantry, War Beasts or Swarm unit in base contact with the model and are randomised as Automatic Hits. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
A model with this rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks (including Breath Weapons). A Stomp has Always Strikes Last, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits, at the model's Strength, on one enemy Infantry, War Beasts or Swarm unit in base contact with the model and are randomised as Automatic Hits. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
A model with this rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks (including Breath Weapons). A Stomp has Always Strikes Last, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits, at the model's Strength, on one enemy Infantry, War Beasts or Swarm unit in base contact with the model and are randomised as Automatic Hits. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
The models in a unit of Stormfiends can be armed with a variety of different weapons. If they are, your opponent must make it clear which model they want to allocate their attacks to. Any excess wounds are carried over to the rest of the unit as normal in an order chosen by your opponent.
The models in a unit of Stormfiends can be armed with a variety of different weapons. If they are, your opponent must make it clear which model they want to allocate their attacks to. Any excess wounds are carried over to the rest of the unit as normal in an order chosen by your opponent.
The models in a unit of Stormfiends can be armed with a variety of different weapons. If they are, your opponent must make it clear which model they want to allocate their attacks to. Any excess wounds are carried over to the rest of the unit as normal in an order chosen by your opponent.
The models in a unit of Stormfiends can be armed with a variety of different weapons. If they are, your opponent must make it clear which model they want to allocate their attacks to. Any excess wounds are carried over to the rest of the unit as normal in an order chosen by your opponent.
The models in a unit of Stormfiends can be armed with a variety of different weapons. If they are, your opponent must make it clear which model they want to allocate their attacks to. Any excess wounds are carried over to the rest of the unit as normal in an order chosen by your opponent.
The models in a unit of Stormfiends can be armed with a variety of different weapons. If they are, your opponent must make it clear which model they want to allocate their attacks to. Any excess wounds are carried over to the rest of the unit as normal in an order chosen by your opponent.
Strength in Numbers
Units with this rule add +1 to its LD if it has Unit Strength 10 or more, +2 LD if it has Unit Strength 15 or more, and +3 LD if it has Unit Strength 20 or more. To calculate the LD of a unit with Strength in Numbers, first determine the unit's LD as normal and then add the LD bonus of the unit to this value, up to a maximum LD of 10. Note that a Skaven General confers his basic LD and then units modify it with their own Unit Strength. Any bonus from the Unit Strength of the General's unit is not passed on to units within his Inspiring Presence range.
Strength in Numbers
Units with this rule add +1 to its LD if it has Unit Strength 10 or more, +2 LD if it has Unit Strength 15 or more, and +3 LD if it has Unit Strength 20 or more. To calculate the LD of a unit with Strength in Numbers, first determine the unit's LD as normal and then add the LD bonus of the unit to this value, up to a maximum LD of 10. Note that a Skaven General confers his basic LD and then units modify it with their own Unit Strength. Any bonus from the Unit Strength of the General's unit is not passed on to units within his Inspiring Presence range.
Strength in Numbers
Units with this rule add +1 to its LD if it has Unit Strength 10 or more, +2 LD if it has Unit Strength 15 or more, and +3 LD if it has Unit Strength 20 or more. To calculate the LD of a unit with Strength in Numbers, first determine the unit's LD as normal and then add the LD bonus of the unit to this value, up to a maximum LD of 10. Note that a Skaven General confers his basic LD and then units modify it with their own Unit Strength. Any bonus from the Unit Strength of the General's unit is not passed on to units within his Inspiring Presence range.
Strength in Numbers
Units with this rule add +1 to its LD if it has Unit Strength 10 or more, +2 LD if it has Unit Strength 15 or more, and +3 LD if it has Unit Strength 20 or more. To calculate the LD of a unit with Strength in Numbers, first determine the unit's LD as normal and then add the LD bonus of the unit to this value, up to a maximum LD of 10. Note that a Skaven General confers his basic LD and then units modify it with their own Unit Strength. Any bonus from the Unit Strength of the General's unit is not passed on to units within his Inspiring Presence range.
Strength in Numbers
Units with this rule add +1 to its LD if it has Unit Strength 10 or more, +2 LD if it has Unit Strength 15 or more, and +3 LD if it has Unit Strength 20 or more. To calculate the LD of a unit with Strength in Numbers, first determine the unit's LD as normal and then add the LD bonus of the unit to this value, up to a maximum LD of 10. Note that a Skaven General confers his basic LD and then units modify it with their own Unit Strength. Any bonus from the Unit Strength of the General's unit is not passed on to units within his Inspiring Presence range.
Strength in Numbers
Units with this rule add +1 to its LD if it has Unit Strength 10 or more, +2 LD if it has Unit Strength 15 or more, and +3 LD if it has Unit Strength 20 or more. To calculate the LD of a unit with Strength in Numbers, first determine the unit's LD as normal and then add the LD bonus of the unit to this value, up to a maximum LD of 10. Note that a Skaven General confers his basic LD and then units modify it with their own Unit Strength. Any bonus from the Unit Strength of the General's unit is not passed on to units within his Inspiring Presence range.
Provided that they are not engaged in close combat, a unit that contains one or more models with Stupidity must take a LD test at the start of its Movement phase. If the test is passed, the unit will act normally this turn. If the test is failed, it moves directly forwards using Random Movement (D6) in the Compulsory Movement sub-phase. The Stupid unit cannot take any further action that turn, so cannot declare charges or make a shooting attack. However, a unit that has failed a Stupidity test can still be forced to move, or perform any other action, by a spell, or other special rule/magic item. Until they pass the Stupidity test again, models that have failed their Stupidity test have Immunity (Psychology) and Random Movement (D6), except that they can only move directly forwards. They cannot choose to do a combat reform or choose any other charge reaction except Hold. In addition, Wizards cannot attempt to cast/dispel or channel power dice or dispel dice.
Provided that they are not engaged in close combat, a unit that contains one or more models with Stupidity must take a LD test at the start of its Movement phase. If the test is passed, the unit will act normally this turn. If the test is failed, it moves directly forwards using Random Movement (D6) in the Compulsory Movement sub-phase. The Stupid unit cannot take any further action that turn, so cannot declare charges or make a shooting attack. However, a unit that has failed a Stupidity test can still be forced to move, or perform any other action, by a spell, or other special rule/magic item. Until they pass the Stupidity test again, models that have failed their Stupidity test have Immunity (Psychology) and Random Movement (D6), except that they can only move directly forwards. They cannot choose to do a combat reform or choose any other charge reaction except Hold. In addition, Wizards cannot attempt to cast/dispel or channel power dice or dispel dice.
Provided that they are not engaged in close combat, a unit that contains one or more models with Stupidity must take a LD test at the start of its Movement phase. If the test is passed, the unit will act normally this turn. If the test is failed, it moves directly forwards using Random Movement (D6) in the Compulsory Movement sub-phase. The Stupid unit cannot take any further action that turn, so cannot declare charges or make a shooting attack. However, a unit that has failed a Stupidity test can still be forced to move, or perform any other action, by a spell, or other special rule/magic item. Until they pass the Stupidity test again, models that have failed their Stupidity test have Immunity (Psychology) and Random Movement (D6), except that they can only move directly forwards. They cannot choose to do a combat reform or choose any other charge reaction except Hold. In addition, Wizards cannot attempt to cast/dispel or channel power dice or dispel dice.
Provided that they are not engaged in close combat, a unit that contains one or more models with Stupidity must take a LD test at the start of its Movement phase. If the test is passed, the unit will act normally this turn. If the test is failed, it moves directly forwards using Random Movement (D6) in the Compulsory Movement sub-phase. The Stupid unit cannot take any further action that turn, so cannot declare charges or make a shooting attack. However, a unit that has failed a Stupidity test can still be forced to move, or perform any other action, by a spell, or other special rule/magic item. Until they pass the Stupidity test again, models that have failed their Stupidity test have Immunity (Psychology) and Random Movement (D6), except that they can only move directly forwards. They cannot choose to do a combat reform or choose any other charge reaction except Hold. In addition, Wizards cannot attempt to cast/dispel or channel power dice or dispel dice.
Provided that they are not engaged in close combat, a unit that contains one or more models with Stupidity must take a LD test at the start of its Movement phase. If the test is passed, the unit will act normally this turn. If the test is failed, it moves directly forwards using Random Movement (D6) in the Compulsory Movement sub-phase. The Stupid unit cannot take any further action that turn, so cannot declare charges or make a shooting attack. However, a unit that has failed a Stupidity test can still be forced to move, or perform any other action, by a spell, or other special rule/magic item. Until they pass the Stupidity test again, models that have failed their Stupidity test have Immunity (Psychology) and Random Movement (D6), except that they can only move directly forwards. They cannot choose to do a combat reform or choose any other charge reaction except Hold. In addition, Wizards cannot attempt to cast/dispel or channel power dice or dispel dice.
Provided that they are not engaged in close combat, a unit that contains one or more models with Stupidity must take a LD test at the start of its Movement phase. If the test is passed, the unit will act normally this turn. If the test is failed, it moves directly forwards using Random Movement (D6) in the Compulsory Movement sub-phase. The Stupid unit cannot take any further action that turn, so cannot declare charges or make a shooting attack. However, a unit that has failed a Stupidity test can still be forced to move, or perform any other action, by a spell, or other special rule/magic item. Until they pass the Stupidity test again, models that have failed their Stupidity test have Immunity (Psychology) and Random Movement (D6), except that they can only move directly forwards. They cannot choose to do a combat reform or choose any other charge reaction except Hold. In addition, Wizards cannot attempt to cast/dispel or channel power dice or dispel dice.
Tail Weapon
The model gains +1 A, though this attack does not gain any of the bonuses or penalties of other weapons the model might carry.
Tail Weapon
The model gains +1 A, though this attack does not gain any of the bonuses or penalties of other weapons the model might carry.
Tail Weapon
The model gains +1 A, though this attack does not gain any of the bonuses or penalties of other weapons the model might carry.
Tail Weapon
The model gains +1 A, though this attack does not gain any of the bonuses or penalties of other weapons the model might carry.
Tail Weapon
The model gains +1 A, though this attack does not gain any of the bonuses or penalties of other weapons the model might carry.
Tail Weapon
The model gains +1 A, though this attack does not gain any of the bonuses or penalties of other weapons the model might carry.
The Grim Ague
Any non-Clan Pestilens unit with a model within 6" of Nurglitch is at -1 WS. Furthermore, any such model in base contact with Nurglitch at the end of any close combat phase automatically takes a S 4 hit which Ignores Armour saves, that counts towards combat resolution.
The Grim Ague
Any non-Clan Pestilens unit with a model within 6" of Nurglitch is at -1 WS. Furthermore, any such model in base contact with Nurglitch at the end of any close combat phase automatically takes a S 4 hit which Ignores Armour saves, that counts towards combat resolution.
The Grim Ague
Any non-Clan Pestilens unit with a model within 6" of Nurglitch is at -1 WS. Furthermore, any such model in base contact with Nurglitch at the end of any close combat phase automatically takes a S 4 hit which Ignores Armour saves, that counts towards combat resolution.
The Grim Ague
Any non-Clan Pestilens unit with a model within 6" of Nurglitch is at -1 WS. Furthermore, any such model in base contact with Nurglitch at the end of any close combat phase automatically takes a S 4 hit which Ignores Armour saves, that counts towards combat resolution.
The Grim Ague
Any non-Clan Pestilens unit with a model within 6" of Nurglitch is at -1 WS. Furthermore, any such model in base contact with Nurglitch at the end of any close combat phase automatically takes a S 4 hit which Ignores Armour saves, that counts towards combat resolution.
The Grim Ague
Any non-Clan Pestilens unit with a model within 6" of Nurglitch is at -1 WS. Furthermore, any such model in base contact with Nurglitch at the end of any close combat phase automatically takes a S 4 hit which Ignores Armour saves, that counts towards combat resolution.
The Passion of the Putrid
Nurglitch and Bilios are subject to Frenzy and Hatred. Such is the inspirational effect Nurglitch has on his army that no Clan Pestilens units will lose their Frenzy whilst Nurglitch is still alive.
The Passion of the Putrid
Nurglitch and Bilios are subject to Frenzy and Hatred. Such is the inspirational effect Nurglitch has on his army that no Clan Pestilens units will lose their Frenzy whilst Nurglitch is still alive.
The Passion of the Putrid
Nurglitch and Bilios are subject to Frenzy and Hatred. Such is the inspirational effect Nurglitch has on his army that no Clan Pestilens units will lose their Frenzy whilst Nurglitch is still alive.
The Passion of the Putrid
Nurglitch and Bilios are subject to Frenzy and Hatred. Such is the inspirational effect Nurglitch has on his army that no Clan Pestilens units will lose their Frenzy whilst Nurglitch is still alive.
The Passion of the Putrid
Nurglitch and Bilios are subject to Frenzy and Hatred. Such is the inspirational effect Nurglitch has on his army that no Clan Pestilens units will lose their Frenzy whilst Nurglitch is still alive.
The Passion of the Putrid
Nurglitch and Bilios are subject to Frenzy and Hatred. Such is the inspirational effect Nurglitch has on his army that no Clan Pestilens units will lose their Frenzy whilst Nurglitch is still alive.
The Red Guard
Queek must always be accompanied by his Red Guard, and may join no other unit. The Red Guard are a unit of Stormvermin with an additional +1 S. Queek must deploy with this unit and may not leave it. No Grey Seers may join the unit.
The Red Guard
Queek must always be accompanied by his Red Guard, and may join no other unit. The Red Guard are a unit of Stormvermin with an additional +1 S. Queek must deploy with this unit and may not leave it. No Grey Seers may join the unit.
The Red Guard
Queek must always be accompanied by his Red Guard, and may join no other unit. The Red Guard are a unit of Stormvermin with an additional +1 S. Queek must deploy with this unit and may not leave it. No Grey Seers may join the unit.
The Red Guard
Queek must always be accompanied by his Red Guard, and may join no other unit. The Red Guard are a unit of Stormvermin with an additional +1 S. Queek must deploy with this unit and may not leave it. No Grey Seers may join the unit.
The Red Guard
Queek must always be accompanied by his Red Guard, and may join no other unit. The Red Guard are a unit of Stormvermin with an additional +1 S. Queek must deploy with this unit and may not leave it. No Grey Seers may join the unit.
The Red Guard
Queek must always be accompanied by his Red Guard, and may join no other unit. The Red Guard are a unit of Stormvermin with an additional +1 S. Queek must deploy with this unit and may not leave it. No Grey Seers may join the unit.
The Yellow Death
If Morbus is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Plague Rats to Yellow Death Rats for +5 points per base. Yellow Death Rats have +1 WS and S.
The Yellow Death
If Morbus is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Plague Rats to Yellow Death Rats for +5 points per base. Yellow Death Rats have +1 WS and S.
The Yellow Death
If Morbus is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Plague Rats to Yellow Death Rats for +5 points per base. Yellow Death Rats have +1 WS and S.
The Yellow Death
If Morbus is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Plague Rats to Yellow Death Rats for +5 points per base. Yellow Death Rats have +1 WS and S.
The Yellow Death
If Morbus is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Plague Rats to Yellow Death Rats for +5 points per base. Yellow Death Rats have +1 WS and S.
The Yellow Death
If Morbus is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Plague Rats to Yellow Death Rats for +5 points per base. Yellow Death Rats have +1 WS and S.
Throt the Unclean
As Throt has three arms, he may use both his magic weapons at the same time.
Throt the Unclean
As Throt has three arms, he may use both his magic weapons at the same time.
Throt the Unclean
As Throt has three arms, he may use both his magic weapons at the same time.
Throt the Unclean
As Throt has three arms, he may use both his magic weapons at the same time.
Throt the Unclean
As Throt has three arms, he may use both his magic weapons at the same time.
Throt the Unclean
As Throt has three arms, he may use both his magic weapons at the same time.
Too Horrible to Die
As soon as the Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 and check the Too Horrible to Die chart. If any of the Hell Pit Abomination's Wounds were lost to Flaming Attacks, the beast is dead and no roll on the chart is allowed.
Too Horrible to Die
As soon as the Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 and check the Too Horrible to Die chart. If any of the Hell Pit Abomination's Wounds were lost to Flaming Attacks, the beast is dead and no roll on the chart is allowed.
Too Horrible to Die
As soon as the Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 and check the Too Horrible to Die chart. If any of the Hell Pit Abomination's Wounds were lost to Flaming Attacks, the beast is dead and no roll on the chart is allowed.
Too Horrible to Die
As soon as the Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 and check the Too Horrible to Die chart. If any of the Hell Pit Abomination's Wounds were lost to Flaming Attacks, the beast is dead and no roll on the chart is allowed.
Too Horrible to Die
As soon as the Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 and check the Too Horrible to Die chart. If any of the Hell Pit Abomination's Wounds were lost to Flaming Attacks, the beast is dead and no roll on the chart is allowed.
Too Horrible to Die
As soon as the Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 and check the Too Horrible to Die chart. If any of the Hell Pit Abomination's Wounds were lost to Flaming Attacks, the beast is dead and no roll on the chart is allowed.
Tretch's Raiders
Tretch can choose one unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in your army to deploy as Ambushers. If so, Tretch must deploy with this unit. In addition, he and his unit re-roll all failed To Hit rolls when attacking in the flank or rear.
Tretch's Raiders
Tretch can choose one unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in your army to deploy as Ambushers. If so, Tretch must deploy with this unit. In addition, he and his unit re-roll all failed To Hit rolls when attacking in the flank or rear.
Tretch's Raiders
Tretch can choose one unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in your army to deploy as Ambushers. If so, Tretch must deploy with this unit. In addition, he and his unit re-roll all failed To Hit rolls when attacking in the flank or rear.
Tretch's Raiders
Tretch can choose one unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in your army to deploy as Ambushers. If so, Tretch must deploy with this unit. In addition, he and his unit re-roll all failed To Hit rolls when attacking in the flank or rear.
Tretch's Raiders
Tretch can choose one unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in your army to deploy as Ambushers. If so, Tretch must deploy with this unit. In addition, he and his unit re-roll all failed To Hit rolls when attacking in the flank or rear.
Tretch's Raiders
Tretch can choose one unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in your army to deploy as Ambushers. If so, Tretch must deploy with this unit. In addition, he and his unit re-roll all failed To Hit rolls when attacking in the flank or rear.
Trophy Heads
Queek must issue or accept a challenge if possible. When fighting in a challenge, Queek adds +1 to both his To Hit and To Wound dice rolls.
Trophy Heads
Queek must issue or accept a challenge if possible. When fighting in a challenge, Queek adds +1 to both his To Hit and To Wound dice rolls.
Trophy Heads
Queek must issue or accept a challenge if possible. When fighting in a challenge, Queek adds +1 to both his To Hit and To Wound dice rolls.
Trophy Heads
Queek must issue or accept a challenge if possible. When fighting in a challenge, Queek adds +1 to both his To Hit and To Wound dice rolls.
Trophy Heads
Queek must issue or accept a challenge if possible. When fighting in a challenge, Queek adds +1 to both his To Hit and To Wound dice rolls.
Trophy Heads
Queek must issue or accept a challenge if possible. When fighting in a challenge, Queek adds +1 to both his To Hit and To Wound dice rolls.
Two/Additional Hand Weapons
Parry (6+). Requires Two Hands. +1 A.
Two/Additional Hand Weapons
Parry (6+). Requires Two Hands. +1 A.
Two/Additional Hand Weapons
Parry (6+). Requires Two Hands. +1 A.
Two/Additional Hand Weapons
Parry (6+). Requires Two Hands. +1 A.
Two/Additional Hand Weapons
Parry (6+). Requires Two Hands. +1 A.
Two/Additional Hand Weapons
Parry (6+). Requires Two Hands. +1 A.
Verminous Valour
If a Skaven player refuses a challenge, a Skaven character is placed in the back rank as normal and may not attack, but the unit may still use the model’s LD value or Hold Your Ground ability.
Verminous Valour
If a Skaven player refuses a challenge, a Skaven character is placed in the back rank as normal and may not attack, but the unit may still use the model’s LD value or Hold Your Ground ability.
Verminous Valour
If a Skaven player refuses a challenge, a Skaven character is placed in the back rank as normal and may not attack, but the unit may still use the model’s LD value or Hold Your Ground ability.
Verminous Valour
If a Skaven player refuses a challenge, a Skaven character is placed in the back rank as normal and may not attack, but the unit may still use the model’s LD value or Hold Your Ground ability.
Verminous Valour
If a Skaven player refuses a challenge, a Skaven character is placed in the back rank as normal and may not attack, but the unit may still use the model’s LD value or Hold Your Ground ability.
Verminous Valour
If a Skaven player refuses a challenge, a Skaven character is placed in the back rank as normal and may not attack, but the unit may still use the model’s LD value or Hold Your Ground ability.
Ward Save (4+)
The value of a ward save will always be shown in a model's entry in the relevant Warhammer Armies book. These work in the same way as armour saves, and may be combined with other Ward saves as normal. The key difference between ward saves and armour saves is that ward saves are never modified by the S of the attack. However, no model may have a Ward save better than 4+ by combining multiple Ward saves regardless of source. Note that does not stop single Ward saves from being used, such as a model having a listed 2+ or 3+ Ward save; the above limitation only applies to combining Ward saves. Sometimes a model has both an armour save and a Ward save. Where this is the case, the model takes its armour save as normal. If the armour save is failed (or modified to the point at which the model cannot pass it) then the model takes its Ward save. Some models may be allowed to re-roll a Ward save from a specific source. In that case, the re-roll will only apply to that specific Ward save, and not the model's total Ward save.
Ward Save (4+)
The value of a ward save will always be shown in a model's entry in the relevant Warhammer Armies book. These work in the same way as armour saves, and may be combined with other Ward saves as normal. The key difference between ward saves and armour saves is that ward saves are never modified by the S of the attack. However, no model may have a Ward save better than 4+ by combining multiple Ward saves regardless of source. Note that does not stop single Ward saves from being used, such as a model having a listed 2+ or 3+ Ward save; the above limitation only applies to combining Ward saves. Sometimes a model has both an armour save and a Ward save. Where this is the case, the model takes its armour save as normal. If the armour save is failed (or modified to the point at which the model cannot pass it) then the model takes its Ward save. Some models may be allowed to re-roll a Ward save from a specific source. In that case, the re-roll will only apply to that specific Ward save, and not the model's total Ward save.
Ward Save (4+)
The value of a ward save will always be shown in a model's entry in the relevant Warhammer Armies book. These work in the same way as armour saves, and may be combined with other Ward saves as normal. The key difference between ward saves and armour saves is that ward saves are never modified by the S of the attack. However, no model may have a Ward save better than 4+ by combining multiple Ward saves regardless of source. Note that does not stop single Ward saves from being used, such as a model having a listed 2+ or 3+ Ward save; the above limitation only applies to combining Ward saves. Sometimes a model has both an armour save and a Ward save. Where this is the case, the model takes its armour save as normal. If the armour save is failed (or modified to the point at which the model cannot pass it) then the model takes its Ward save. Some models may be allowed to re-roll a Ward save from a specific source. In that case, the re-roll will only apply to that specific Ward save, and not the model's total Ward save.
Ward Save (4+)
The value of a ward save will always be shown in a model's entry in the relevant Warhammer Armies book. These work in the same way as armour saves, and may be combined with other Ward saves as normal. The key difference between ward saves and armour saves is that ward saves are never modified by the S of the attack. However, no model may have a Ward save better than 4+ by combining multiple Ward saves regardless of source. Note that does not stop single Ward saves from being used, such as a model having a listed 2+ or 3+ Ward save; the above limitation only applies to combining Ward saves. Sometimes a model has both an armour save and a Ward save. Where this is the case, the model takes its armour save as normal. If the armour save is failed (or modified to the point at which the model cannot pass it) then the model takes its Ward save. Some models may be allowed to re-roll a Ward save from a specific source. In that case, the re-roll will only apply to that specific Ward save, and not the model's total Ward save.
Ward Save (4+)
The value of a ward save will always be shown in a model's entry in the relevant Warhammer Armies book. These work in the same way as armour saves, and may be combined with other Ward saves as normal. The key difference between ward saves and armour saves is that ward saves are never modified by the S of the attack. However, no model may have a Ward save better than 4+ by combining multiple Ward saves regardless of source. Note that does not stop single Ward saves from being used, such as a model having a listed 2+ or 3+ Ward save; the above limitation only applies to combining Ward saves. Sometimes a model has both an armour save and a Ward save. Where this is the case, the model takes its armour save as normal. If the armour save is failed (or modified to the point at which the model cannot pass it) then the model takes its Ward save. Some models may be allowed to re-roll a Ward save from a specific source. In that case, the re-roll will only apply to that specific Ward save, and not the model's total Ward save.
Ward Save (4+)
The value of a ward save will always be shown in a model's entry in the relevant Warhammer Armies book. These work in the same way as armour saves, and may be combined with other Ward saves as normal. The key difference between ward saves and armour saves is that ward saves are never modified by the S of the attack. However, no model may have a Ward save better than 4+ by combining multiple Ward saves regardless of source. Note that does not stop single Ward saves from being used, such as a model having a listed 2+ or 3+ Ward save; the above limitation only applies to combining Ward saves. Sometimes a model has both an armour save and a Ward save. Where this is the case, the model takes its armour save as normal. If the armour save is failed (or modified to the point at which the model cannot pass it) then the model takes its Ward save. Some models may be allowed to re-roll a Ward save from a specific source. In that case, the re-roll will only apply to that specific Ward save, and not the model's total Ward save.
Warp Fleas
All models in base contact with Morbus suffer a -1 To Hit penalty in close combat.
Warp Fleas
All models in base contact with Morbus suffer a -1 To Hit penalty in close combat.
Warp Fleas
All models in base contact with Morbus suffer a -1 To Hit penalty in close combat.
Warp Fleas
All models in base contact with Morbus suffer a -1 To Hit penalty in close combat.
Warp Fleas
All models in base contact with Morbus suffer a -1 To Hit penalty in close combat.
Warp Fleas
All models in base contact with Morbus suffer a -1 To Hit penalty in close combat.
Warp Lightning Cannon
This is a non-physical attack. In case a Misfire is rolled on the first artillery dice, roll a D6 and consult the Warp Lightning Misfire chart. The Warp Lightning Cannon fires like the normal cannon, with the following exceptions. A roll of a Misfire on the bounce means that the energy dissipates and no hits at all are suffered. If a number is rolled, centre the small round template where the shot first lands before the bounce, to represent the crackling and exploding ball of energy. The shot then bounces like a normal cannon ball. All models touched by the template or the bounce suffer a hit at a S equal to the result on the Artillery Dice for the bounce roll. Note that only the model under the centre of the template and the bounce itself suffers Multiple Wounds. The Warp Lightning Cannon cannot fire grapeshot.
Warp Lightning Cannon
This is a non-physical attack. In case a Misfire is rolled on the first artillery dice, roll a D6 and consult the Warp Lightning Misfire chart. The Warp Lightning Cannon fires like the normal cannon, with the following exceptions. A roll of a Misfire on the bounce means that the energy dissipates and no hits at all are suffered. If a number is rolled, centre the small round template where the shot first lands before the bounce, to represent the crackling and exploding ball of energy. The shot then bounces like a normal cannon ball. All models touched by the template or the bounce suffer a hit at a S equal to the result on the Artillery Dice for the bounce roll. Note that only the model under the centre of the template and the bounce itself suffers Multiple Wounds. The Warp Lightning Cannon cannot fire grapeshot.
Warp Lightning Cannon
This is a non-physical attack. In case a Misfire is rolled on the first artillery dice, roll a D6 and consult the Warp Lightning Misfire chart. The Warp Lightning Cannon fires like the normal cannon, with the following exceptions. A roll of a Misfire on the bounce means that the energy dissipates and no hits at all are suffered. If a number is rolled, centre the small round template where the shot first lands before the bounce, to represent the crackling and exploding ball of energy. The shot then bounces like a normal cannon ball. All models touched by the template or the bounce suffer a hit at a S equal to the result on the Artillery Dice for the bounce roll. Note that only the model under the centre of the template and the bounce itself suffers Multiple Wounds. The Warp Lightning Cannon cannot fire grapeshot.
Warp Lightning Cannon
This is a non-physical attack. In case a Misfire is rolled on the first artillery dice, roll a D6 and consult the Warp Lightning Misfire chart. The Warp Lightning Cannon fires like the normal cannon, with the following exceptions. A roll of a Misfire on the bounce means that the energy dissipates and no hits at all are suffered. If a number is rolled, centre the small round template where the shot first lands before the bounce, to represent the crackling and exploding ball of energy. The shot then bounces like a normal cannon ball. All models touched by the template or the bounce suffer a hit at a S equal to the result on the Artillery Dice for the bounce roll. Note that only the model under the centre of the template and the bounce itself suffers Multiple Wounds. The Warp Lightning Cannon cannot fire grapeshot.
Warp Lightning Cannon
This is a non-physical attack. In case a Misfire is rolled on the first artillery dice, roll a D6 and consult the Warp Lightning Misfire chart. The Warp Lightning Cannon fires like the normal cannon, with the following exceptions. A roll of a Misfire on the bounce means that the energy dissipates and no hits at all are suffered. If a number is rolled, centre the small round template where the shot first lands before the bounce, to represent the crackling and exploding ball of energy. The shot then bounces like a normal cannon ball. All models touched by the template or the bounce suffer a hit at a S equal to the result on the Artillery Dice for the bounce roll. Note that only the model under the centre of the template and the bounce itself suffers Multiple Wounds. The Warp Lightning Cannon cannot fire grapeshot.
Warp Lightning Cannon
This is a non-physical attack. In case a Misfire is rolled on the first artillery dice, roll a D6 and consult the Warp Lightning Misfire chart. The Warp Lightning Cannon fires like the normal cannon, with the following exceptions. A roll of a Misfire on the bounce means that the energy dissipates and no hits at all are suffered. If a number is rolled, centre the small round template where the shot first lands before the bounce, to represent the crackling and exploding ball of energy. The shot then bounces like a normal cannon ball. All models touched by the template or the bounce suffer a hit at a S equal to the result on the Artillery Dice for the bounce roll. Note that only the model under the centre of the template and the bounce itself suffers Multiple Wounds. The Warp Lightning Cannon cannot fire grapeshot.
Warpfire Thrower
Boneripper may fire one Warpfire Thrower each turn, while Boneripper Mk II can fire two Warpfire Throwers each turn. These attacks are completely resolved one at a time, and may be directed at different targets if desired. Because Boneripper Mk II has four Warpfire Throwers, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound with them.
Warpfire Thrower
Boneripper may fire one Warpfire Thrower each turn, while Boneripper Mk II can fire two Warpfire Throwers each turn. These attacks are completely resolved one at a time, and may be directed at different targets if desired. Because Boneripper Mk II has four Warpfire Throwers, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound with them.
Warpfire Thrower
Boneripper may fire one Warpfire Thrower each turn, while Boneripper Mk II can fire two Warpfire Throwers each turn. These attacks are completely resolved one at a time, and may be directed at different targets if desired. Because Boneripper Mk II has four Warpfire Throwers, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound with them.
Warpfire Thrower
Boneripper may fire one Warpfire Thrower each turn, while Boneripper Mk II can fire two Warpfire Throwers each turn. These attacks are completely resolved one at a time, and may be directed at different targets if desired. Because Boneripper Mk II has four Warpfire Throwers, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound with them.
Warpfire Thrower
Boneripper may fire one Warpfire Thrower each turn, while Boneripper Mk II can fire two Warpfire Throwers each turn. These attacks are completely resolved one at a time, and may be directed at different targets if desired. Because Boneripper Mk II has four Warpfire Throwers, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound with them.
Warpfire Thrower
Boneripper may fire one Warpfire Thrower each turn, while Boneripper Mk II can fire two Warpfire Throwers each turn. These attacks are completely resolved one at a time, and may be directed at different targets if desired. Because Boneripper Mk II has four Warpfire Throwers, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound with them.
Warpstone Addiction
When casting a spell, if Thanquol rolls a 1 with any power dice generated by a Warpstone Token, he can re-roll the dice. The second result will cause a wound on a roll of 1 or a 2.
Warpstone Addiction
When casting a spell, if Thanquol rolls a 1 with any power dice generated by a Warpstone Token, he can re-roll the dice. The second result will cause a wound on a roll of 1 or a 2.
Warpstone Addiction
When casting a spell, if Thanquol rolls a 1 with any power dice generated by a Warpstone Token, he can re-roll the dice. The second result will cause a wound on a roll of 1 or a 2.
Warpstone Addiction
When casting a spell, if Thanquol rolls a 1 with any power dice generated by a Warpstone Token, he can re-roll the dice. The second result will cause a wound on a roll of 1 or a 2.
Warpstone Addiction
When casting a spell, if Thanquol rolls a 1 with any power dice generated by a Warpstone Token, he can re-roll the dice. The second result will cause a wound on a roll of 1 or a 2.
Warpstone Addiction
When casting a spell, if Thanquol rolls a 1 with any power dice generated by a Warpstone Token, he can re-roll the dice. The second result will cause a wound on a roll of 1 or a 2.
Warpstone Mutants
If Klawmunkast is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Skavenslaves to Warpstone Mutants for +2 points per model. Warpstone Mutants have +1 S and A.
Warpstone Mutants
If Klawmunkast is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Skavenslaves to Warpstone Mutants for +2 points per model. Warpstone Mutants have +1 S and A.
Warpstone Mutants
If Klawmunkast is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Skavenslaves to Warpstone Mutants for +2 points per model. Warpstone Mutants have +1 S and A.
Warpstone Mutants
If Klawmunkast is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Skavenslaves to Warpstone Mutants for +2 points per model. Warpstone Mutants have +1 S and A.
Warpstone Mutants
If Klawmunkast is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Skavenslaves to Warpstone Mutants for +2 points per model. Warpstone Mutants have +1 S and A.
Warpstone Mutants
If Klawmunkast is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Skavenslaves to Warpstone Mutants for +2 points per model. Warpstone Mutants have +1 S and A.
Warpstone Tokens
A Wizard may choose to eat some warpstone to boost his powers. The number of tokens they have is mentioned in the brackets. Before casting a spell announce which model is eating Warpstone Tokens. Each token can only be used once. For each token consumed, a Wizard can add an additional power dice to his casting attempt. This does allow users to roll more dice than is normally allowed by their level. A spell may be cast entirely with Warpstone Tokens if you wish. However, for every Warpstone generated dice that rolls a 1 the Wizard suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Tokens
A Wizard may choose to eat some warpstone to boost his powers. The number of tokens they have is mentioned in the brackets. Before casting a spell announce which model is eating Warpstone Tokens. Each token can only be used once. For each token consumed, a Wizard can add an additional power dice to his casting attempt. This does allow users to roll more dice than is normally allowed by their level. A spell may be cast entirely with Warpstone Tokens if you wish. However, for every Warpstone generated dice that rolls a 1 the Wizard suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Tokens
A Wizard may choose to eat some warpstone to boost his powers. The number of tokens they have is mentioned in the brackets. Before casting a spell announce which model is eating Warpstone Tokens. Each token can only be used once. For each token consumed, a Wizard can add an additional power dice to his casting attempt. This does allow users to roll more dice than is normally allowed by their level. A spell may be cast entirely with Warpstone Tokens if you wish. However, for every Warpstone generated dice that rolls a 1 the Wizard suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Tokens
A Wizard may choose to eat some warpstone to boost his powers. The number of tokens they have is mentioned in the brackets. Before casting a spell announce which model is eating Warpstone Tokens. Each token can only be used once. For each token consumed, a Wizard can add an additional power dice to his casting attempt. This does allow users to roll more dice than is normally allowed by their level. A spell may be cast entirely with Warpstone Tokens if you wish. However, for every Warpstone generated dice that rolls a 1 the Wizard suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Tokens
A Wizard may choose to eat some warpstone to boost his powers. The number of tokens they have is mentioned in the brackets. Before casting a spell announce which model is eating Warpstone Tokens. Each token can only be used once. For each token consumed, a Wizard can add an additional power dice to his casting attempt. This does allow users to roll more dice than is normally allowed by their level. A spell may be cast entirely with Warpstone Tokens if you wish. However, for every Warpstone generated dice that rolls a 1 the Wizard suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Tokens
A Wizard may choose to eat some warpstone to boost his powers. The number of tokens they have is mentioned in the brackets. Before casting a spell announce which model is eating Warpstone Tokens. Each token can only be used once. For each token consumed, a Wizard can add an additional power dice to his casting attempt. This does allow users to roll more dice than is normally allowed by their level. A spell may be cast entirely with Warpstone Tokens if you wish. However, for every Warpstone generated dice that rolls a 1 the Wizard suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
A whip gives the wielder +1 A and Fight in Extra Ranks (2). In addition, they may make supporting attacks equal to their A characteristic.
A whip gives the wielder +1 A and Fight in Extra Ranks (2). In addition, they may make supporting attacks equal to their A characteristic.
A whip gives the wielder +1 A and Fight in Extra Ranks (2). In addition, they may make supporting attacks equal to their A characteristic.
A whip gives the wielder +1 A and Fight in Extra Ranks (2). In addition, they may make supporting attacks equal to their A characteristic.
A whip gives the wielder +1 A and Fight in Extra Ranks (2). In addition, they may make supporting attacks equal to their A characteristic.
A whip gives the wielder +1 A and Fight in Extra Ranks (2). In addition, they may make supporting attacks equal to their A characteristic.
Wrecker Attack
The Plague Furnace may inflict special attack after all other attacks have been resolved, inflicting an Artillery dice's worth of Hits against a single enemy unit to their front. A roll of Misfire means something has gone wrong; roll a D6 on the Plague Furnace Mishap chart.
Wrecker Attack
The Plague Furnace may inflict special attack after all other attacks have been resolved, inflicting an Artillery dice's worth of Hits against a single enemy unit to their front. A roll of Misfire means something has gone wrong; roll a D6 on the Plague Furnace Mishap chart.
Wrecker Attack
The Plague Furnace may inflict special attack after all other attacks have been resolved, inflicting an Artillery dice's worth of Hits against a single enemy unit to their front. A roll of Misfire means something has gone wrong; roll a D6 on the Plague Furnace Mishap chart.
Wrecker Attack
The Plague Furnace may inflict special attack after all other attacks have been resolved, inflicting an Artillery dice's worth of Hits against a single enemy unit to their front. A roll of Misfire means something has gone wrong; roll a D6 on the Plague Furnace Mishap chart.
Wrecker Attack
The Plague Furnace may inflict special attack after all other attacks have been resolved, inflicting an Artillery dice's worth of Hits against a single enemy unit to their front. A roll of Misfire means something has gone wrong; roll a D6 on the Plague Furnace Mishap chart.
Wrecker Attack
The Plague Furnace may inflict special attack after all other attacks have been resolved, inflicting an Artillery dice's worth of Hits against a single enemy unit to their front. A roll of Misfire means something has gone wrong; roll a D6 on the Plague Furnace Mishap chart.
In each friendly Shooting phase, even when engaged in close combat or when fleeing, the Doomwheel automatically unleashes bolts of warp lightning. Each warp lightning bolt will automatically hit the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of line of sight and direction. The Warlock Engineer may choose to take a LD test in an attempt to stop the Doomwheel from firing. If the test is failed, the machine fires as normal. Roll an Artillery dice to determine the S for the bolts, measuring from the Doomwheel's base. If the closest unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit is struck. If you roll a misfire result something has gone awry. No more shots are fired this turn and you must roll immediately on the Doomwheel Mishap chart.
In each friendly Shooting phase, even when engaged in close combat or when fleeing, the Doomwheel automatically unleashes bolts of warp lightning. Each warp lightning bolt will automatically hit the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of line of sight and direction. The Warlock Engineer may choose to take a LD test in an attempt to stop the Doomwheel from firing. If the test is failed, the machine fires as normal. Roll an Artillery dice to determine the S for the bolts, measuring from the Doomwheel's base. If the closest unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit is struck. If you roll a misfire result something has gone awry. No more shots are fired this turn and you must roll immediately on the Doomwheel Mishap chart.
In each friendly Shooting phase, even when engaged in close combat or when fleeing, the Doomwheel automatically unleashes bolts of warp lightning. Each warp lightning bolt will automatically hit the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of line of sight and direction. The Warlock Engineer may choose to take a LD test in an attempt to stop the Doomwheel from firing. If the test is failed, the machine fires as normal. Roll an Artillery dice to determine the S for the bolts, measuring from the Doomwheel's base. If the closest unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit is struck. If you roll a misfire result something has gone awry. No more shots are fired this turn and you must roll immediately on the Doomwheel Mishap chart.
In each friendly Shooting phase, even when engaged in close combat or when fleeing, the Doomwheel automatically unleashes bolts of warp lightning. Each warp lightning bolt will automatically hit the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of line of sight and direction. The Warlock Engineer may choose to take a LD test in an attempt to stop the Doomwheel from firing. If the test is failed, the machine fires as normal. Roll an Artillery dice to determine the S for the bolts, measuring from the Doomwheel's base. If the closest unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit is struck. If you roll a misfire result something has gone awry. No more shots are fired this turn and you must roll immediately on the Doomwheel Mishap chart.
In each friendly Shooting phase, even when engaged in close combat or when fleeing, the Doomwheel automatically unleashes bolts of warp lightning. Each warp lightning bolt will automatically hit the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of line of sight and direction. The Warlock Engineer may choose to take a LD test in an attempt to stop the Doomwheel from firing. If the test is failed, the machine fires as normal. Roll an Artillery dice to determine the S for the bolts, measuring from the Doomwheel's base. If the closest unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit is struck. If you roll a misfire result something has gone awry. No more shots are fired this turn and you must roll immediately on the Doomwheel Mishap chart.
In each friendly Shooting phase, even when engaged in close combat or when fleeing, the Doomwheel automatically unleashes bolts of warp lightning. Each warp lightning bolt will automatically hit the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of line of sight and direction. The Warlock Engineer may choose to take a LD test in an attempt to stop the Doomwheel from firing. If the test is failed, the machine fires as normal. Roll an Artillery dice to determine the S for the bolts, measuring from the Doomwheel's base. If the closest unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the next closest unit in range, and so on. If two targets are equidistant, the owning player may choose which unit is struck. If you roll a misfire result something has gone awry. No more shots are fired this turn and you must roll immediately on the Doomwheel Mishap chart.

Magic Items usable by the army

Blade of Corruption
The wielder of this sword always wounds on at least a 3+, regardless of the enemy's Toughness. For each wound suffered (after saves), the enemy model must pass a Toughness test or suffer an additional Wound, with no saves allowed.
Blade of Corruption
The wielder of this sword always wounds on at least a 3+, regardless of the enemy's Toughness. For each wound suffered (after saves), the enemy model must pass a Toughness test or suffer an additional Wound, with no saves allowed.
Blade of Corruption
The wielder of this sword always wounds on at least a 3+, regardless of the enemy's Toughness. For each wound suffered (after saves), the enemy model must pass a Toughness test or suffer an additional Wound, with no saves allowed.
Blade of Corruption
The wielder of this sword always wounds on at least a 3+, regardless of the enemy's Toughness. For each wound suffered (after saves), the enemy model must pass a Toughness test or suffer an additional Wound, with no saves allowed.
Blade of Corruption
The wielder of this sword always wounds on at least a 3+, regardless of the enemy's Toughness. For each wound suffered (after saves), the enemy model must pass a Toughness test or suffer an additional Wound, with no saves allowed.
Blade of Corruption
The wielder of this sword always wounds on at least a 3+, regardless of the enemy's Toughness. For each wound suffered (after saves), the enemy model must pass a Toughness test or suffer an additional Wound, with no saves allowed.
Dwarf Slayer
All attacks made with this weapon are resolved at +1 Strength and have the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. Against all models from Warhammer: Dwarfs, all hits have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule and the wielder may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound.
Dwarf Slayer
All attacks made with this weapon are resolved at +1 Strength and have the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. Against all models from Warhammer: Dwarfs, all hits have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule and the wielder may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound.
Dwarf Slayer
All attacks made with this weapon are resolved at +1 Strength and have the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. Against all models from Warhammer: Dwarfs, all hits have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule and the wielder may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound.
Dwarf Slayer
All attacks made with this weapon are resolved at +1 Strength and have the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. Against all models from Warhammer: Dwarfs, all hits have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule and the wielder may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound.
Dwarf Slayer
All attacks made with this weapon are resolved at +1 Strength and have the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. Against all models from Warhammer: Dwarfs, all hits have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule and the wielder may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound.
Dwarf Slayer
All attacks made with this weapon are resolved at +1 Strength and have the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. Against all models from Warhammer: Dwarfs, all hits have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule and the wielder may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound.
Warlord only. This foul sword gives the bearer Strength 10 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule, and successful ward saves taken against wounds inflicted by the bearer in close combat must be re- rolled. Roll a D6 at the end of each of the wielder's turns; on a 3+ there is no effect. On a roll of 1-2 the wielder suffers 1 wound with no armour save allowed.
Warlord only. This foul sword gives the bearer Strength 10 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule, and successful ward saves taken against wounds inflicted by the bearer in close combat must be re- rolled. Roll a D6 at the end of each of the wielder's turns; on a 3+ there is no effect. On a roll of 1-2 the wielder suffers 1 wound with no armour save allowed.
Warlord only. This foul sword gives the bearer Strength 10 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule, and successful ward saves taken against wounds inflicted by the bearer in close combat must be re- rolled. Roll a D6 at the end of each of the wielder's turns; on a 3+ there is no effect. On a roll of 1-2 the wielder suffers 1 wound with no armour save allowed.
Warlord only. This foul sword gives the bearer Strength 10 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule, and successful ward saves taken against wounds inflicted by the bearer in close combat must be re- rolled. Roll a D6 at the end of each of the wielder's turns; on a 3+ there is no effect. On a roll of 1-2 the wielder suffers 1 wound with no armour save allowed.
Warlord only. This foul sword gives the bearer Strength 10 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule, and successful ward saves taken against wounds inflicted by the bearer in close combat must be re- rolled. Roll a D6 at the end of each of the wielder's turns; on a 3+ there is no effect. On a roll of 1-2 the wielder suffers 1 wound with no armour save allowed.
Warlord only. This foul sword gives the bearer Strength 10 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule, and successful ward saves taken against wounds inflicted by the bearer in close combat must be re- rolled. Roll a D6 at the end of each of the wielder's turns; on a 3+ there is no effect. On a roll of 1-2 the wielder suffers 1 wound with no armour save allowed.
Rust Armour
Medium armour. The first time the wearer is wounded by a Strength high enough to completely cancel his armour save, or is not permitted an armour save for any reason, the Wound is discounted, but the armour is completely destroyed.
Rust Armour
Medium armour. The first time the wearer is wounded by a Strength high enough to completely cancel his armour save, or is not permitted an armour save for any reason, the Wound is discounted, but the armour is completely destroyed.
Rust Armour
Medium armour. The first time the wearer is wounded by a Strength high enough to completely cancel his armour save, or is not permitted an armour save for any reason, the Wound is discounted, but the armour is completely destroyed.
Rust Armour
Medium armour. The first time the wearer is wounded by a Strength high enough to completely cancel his armour save, or is not permitted an armour save for any reason, the Wound is discounted, but the armour is completely destroyed.
Rust Armour
Medium armour. The first time the wearer is wounded by a Strength high enough to completely cancel his armour save, or is not permitted an armour save for any reason, the Wound is discounted, but the armour is completely destroyed.
Rust Armour
Medium armour. The first time the wearer is wounded by a Strength high enough to completely cancel his armour save, or is not permitted an armour save for any reason, the Wound is discounted, but the armour is completely destroyed.
One use only. Skalm can be used at the beginning of any phase in either player’s turn. The bearer recovers all Wounds suffered up to that point in the battle.
One use only. Skalm can be used at the beginning of any phase in either player’s turn. The bearer recovers all Wounds suffered up to that point in the battle.
One use only. Skalm can be used at the beginning of any phase in either player’s turn. The bearer recovers all Wounds suffered up to that point in the battle.
One use only. Skalm can be used at the beginning of any phase in either player’s turn. The bearer recovers all Wounds suffered up to that point in the battle.
One use only. Skalm can be used at the beginning of any phase in either player’s turn. The bearer recovers all Wounds suffered up to that point in the battle.
One use only. Skalm can be used at the beginning of any phase in either player’s turn. The bearer recovers all Wounds suffered up to that point in the battle.
One use only. At the start of the game, a character carrying Skavenbrew can force a single unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in base contact to guzzle the vile liquid. Skavenbrew only affects the unit, but no character models would be so unwise as to drink the potion. Roll a D6 and consult the table below: 1 Gone Bad. The unit takes D6 Strength 3 automatic hits with the Ignores Armour save special rule. The Skavenbrew has no additional effect. 2-3 Inspired Hatred. The unit is subject to Hatred. 4-5 Frenzied. The unit is subject to Frenzy. 6 Rabid. The unit's metabolism is driven hyperactive, ramping up to a feverish pitch. The unit is subject to both Frenzy and Hatred. At the start of Skaven player's subsequent turns, the unit will take D6 automatic wounds as some of the ratmen collapse, hearts or brains bursting with fury.
One use only. At the start of the game, a character carrying Skavenbrew can force a single unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in base contact to guzzle the vile liquid. Skavenbrew only affects the unit, but no character models would be so unwise as to drink the potion. Roll a D6 and consult the table below: 1 Gone Bad. The unit takes D6 Strength 3 automatic hits with the Ignores Armour save special rule. The Skavenbrew has no additional effect. 2-3 Inspired Hatred. The unit is subject to Hatred. 4-5 Frenzied. The unit is subject to Frenzy. 6 Rabid. The unit's metabolism is driven hyperactive, ramping up to a feverish pitch. The unit is subject to both Frenzy and Hatred. At the start of Skaven player's subsequent turns, the unit will take D6 automatic wounds as some of the ratmen collapse, hearts or brains bursting with fury.
One use only. At the start of the game, a character carrying Skavenbrew can force a single unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in base contact to guzzle the vile liquid. Skavenbrew only affects the unit, but no character models would be so unwise as to drink the potion. Roll a D6 and consult the table below: 1 Gone Bad. The unit takes D6 Strength 3 automatic hits with the Ignores Armour save special rule. The Skavenbrew has no additional effect. 2-3 Inspired Hatred. The unit is subject to Hatred. 4-5 Frenzied. The unit is subject to Frenzy. 6 Rabid. The unit's metabolism is driven hyperactive, ramping up to a feverish pitch. The unit is subject to both Frenzy and Hatred. At the start of Skaven player's subsequent turns, the unit will take D6 automatic wounds as some of the ratmen collapse, hearts or brains bursting with fury.
One use only. At the start of the game, a character carrying Skavenbrew can force a single unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in base contact to guzzle the vile liquid. Skavenbrew only affects the unit, but no character models would be so unwise as to drink the potion. Roll a D6 and consult the table below: 1 Gone Bad. The unit takes D6 Strength 3 automatic hits with the Ignores Armour save special rule. The Skavenbrew has no additional effect. 2-3 Inspired Hatred. The unit is subject to Hatred. 4-5 Frenzied. The unit is subject to Frenzy. 6 Rabid. The unit's metabolism is driven hyperactive, ramping up to a feverish pitch. The unit is subject to both Frenzy and Hatred. At the start of Skaven player's subsequent turns, the unit will take D6 automatic wounds as some of the ratmen collapse, hearts or brains bursting with fury.
One use only. At the start of the game, a character carrying Skavenbrew can force a single unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in base contact to guzzle the vile liquid. Skavenbrew only affects the unit, but no character models would be so unwise as to drink the potion. Roll a D6 and consult the table below: 1 Gone Bad. The unit takes D6 Strength 3 automatic hits with the Ignores Armour save special rule. The Skavenbrew has no additional effect. 2-3 Inspired Hatred. The unit is subject to Hatred. 4-5 Frenzied. The unit is subject to Frenzy. 6 Rabid. The unit's metabolism is driven hyperactive, ramping up to a feverish pitch. The unit is subject to both Frenzy and Hatred. At the start of Skaven player's subsequent turns, the unit will take D6 automatic wounds as some of the ratmen collapse, hearts or brains bursting with fury.
One use only. At the start of the game, a character carrying Skavenbrew can force a single unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in base contact to guzzle the vile liquid. Skavenbrew only affects the unit, but no character models would be so unwise as to drink the potion. Roll a D6 and consult the table below: 1 Gone Bad. The unit takes D6 Strength 3 automatic hits with the Ignores Armour save special rule. The Skavenbrew has no additional effect. 2-3 Inspired Hatred. The unit is subject to Hatred. 4-5 Frenzied. The unit is subject to Frenzy. 6 Rabid. The unit's metabolism is driven hyperactive, ramping up to a feverish pitch. The unit is subject to both Frenzy and Hatred. At the start of Skaven player's subsequent turns, the unit will take D6 automatic wounds as some of the ratmen collapse, hearts or brains bursting with fury.
One use only. Bound spell (power lever 6). The Warpscroll contains a direct damage spell with a range of 24". It inflicts a Strength 3 Hit on all models in the unit. If the unit suffers any casualties from the spell, they must also take a Panic test.
One use only. Bound spell (power lever 6). The Warpscroll contains a direct damage spell with a range of 24". It inflicts a Strength 3 Hit on all models in the unit. If the unit suffers any casualties from the spell, they must also take a Panic test.
One use only. Bound spell (power lever 6). The Warpscroll contains a direct damage spell with a range of 24". It inflicts a Strength 3 Hit on all models in the unit. If the unit suffers any casualties from the spell, they must also take a Panic test.
One use only. Bound spell (power lever 6). The Warpscroll contains a direct damage spell with a range of 24". It inflicts a Strength 3 Hit on all models in the unit. If the unit suffers any casualties from the spell, they must also take a Panic test.
One use only. Bound spell (power lever 6). The Warpscroll contains a direct damage spell with a range of 24". It inflicts a Strength 3 Hit on all models in the unit. If the unit suffers any casualties from the spell, they must also take a Panic test.
One use only. Bound spell (power lever 6). The Warpscroll contains a direct damage spell with a range of 24". It inflicts a Strength 3 Hit on all models in the unit. If the unit suffers any casualties from the spell, they must also take a Panic test.
Warpstone Amulet
The Amulet confers to the bearer the Ward save (4+) special rule. At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6. On the result of 1, the character succumbs to the mutating power of the warpstone and suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Amulet
The Amulet confers to the bearer the Ward save (4+) special rule. At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6. On the result of 1, the character succumbs to the mutating power of the warpstone and suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Amulet
The Amulet confers to the bearer the Ward save (4+) special rule. At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6. On the result of 1, the character succumbs to the mutating power of the warpstone and suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Amulet
The Amulet confers to the bearer the Ward save (4+) special rule. At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6. On the result of 1, the character succumbs to the mutating power of the warpstone and suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Amulet
The Amulet confers to the bearer the Ward save (4+) special rule. At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6. On the result of 1, the character succumbs to the mutating power of the warpstone and suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.
Warpstone Amulet
The Amulet confers to the bearer the Ward save (4+) special rule. At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6. On the result of 1, the character succumbs to the mutating power of the warpstone and suffers a Wound with no saves allowed.

Magic Standards usable by the army

Sacred Standard Of The Horned Rat
All enemy units within 12" of this banner suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership and enemy units in base contact with the bearer of this banner must re-roll any successful Leadership tests.
Sacred Standard Of The Horned Rat
All enemy units within 12" of this banner suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership and enemy units in base contact with the bearer of this banner must re-roll any successful Leadership tests.
Sacred Standard Of The Horned Rat
All enemy units within 12" of this banner suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership and enemy units in base contact with the bearer of this banner must re-roll any successful Leadership tests.
Sacred Standard Of The Horned Rat
All enemy units within 12" of this banner suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership and enemy units in base contact with the bearer of this banner must re-roll any successful Leadership tests.
Sacred Standard Of The Horned Rat
All enemy units within 12" of this banner suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership and enemy units in base contact with the bearer of this banner must re-roll any successful Leadership tests.
Sacred Standard Of The Horned Rat
All enemy units within 12" of this banner suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership and enemy units in base contact with the bearer of this banner must re-roll any successful Leadership tests.
Storm Banner
One use only. The banner can be activated at the beginning of any player's turn. Within 24" of the banner, no model may use the Fly special rule and units are at -2 to be Hit with non-magical missile attacks. All non-magical missile attacks that do not use Ballistics Skill to hit need to roll a 4+ on a D6 before they can attempt to fire if they are within 24" of the banner. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each following player turn – the effects of the banner will end on a D6 roll of 4+.
Storm Banner
One use only. The banner can be activated at the beginning of any player's turn. Within 24" of the banner, no model may use the Fly special rule and units are at -2 to be Hit with non-magical missile attacks. All non-magical missile attacks that do not use Ballistics Skill to hit need to roll a 4+ on a D6 before they can attempt to fire if they are within 24" of the banner. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each following player turn – the effects of the banner will end on a D6 roll of 4+.
Storm Banner
One use only. The banner can be activated at the beginning of any player's turn. Within 24" of the banner, no model may use the Fly special rule and units are at -2 to be Hit with non-magical missile attacks. All non-magical missile attacks that do not use Ballistics Skill to hit need to roll a 4+ on a D6 before they can attempt to fire if they are within 24" of the banner. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each following player turn – the effects of the banner will end on a D6 roll of 4+.
Storm Banner
One use only. The banner can be activated at the beginning of any player's turn. Within 24" of the banner, no model may use the Fly special rule and units are at -2 to be Hit with non-magical missile attacks. All non-magical missile attacks that do not use Ballistics Skill to hit need to roll a 4+ on a D6 before they can attempt to fire if they are within 24" of the banner. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each following player turn – the effects of the banner will end on a D6 roll of 4+.
Storm Banner
One use only. The banner can be activated at the beginning of any player's turn. Within 24" of the banner, no model may use the Fly special rule and units are at -2 to be Hit with non-magical missile attacks. All non-magical missile attacks that do not use Ballistics Skill to hit need to roll a 4+ on a D6 before they can attempt to fire if they are within 24" of the banner. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each following player turn – the effects of the banner will end on a D6 roll of 4+.
Storm Banner
One use only. The banner can be activated at the beginning of any player's turn. Within 24" of the banner, no model may use the Fly special rule and units are at -2 to be Hit with non-magical missile attacks. All non-magical missile attacks that do not use Ballistics Skill to hit need to roll a 4+ on a D6 before they can attempt to fire if they are within 24" of the banner. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each following player turn – the effects of the banner will end on a D6 roll of 4+.

Units od the army

Thanquol & Boneripper
Thanquol & Boneripper
Thanquol & Boneripper
Thanquol & Boneripper
Thanquol & Boneripper
Thanquol & Boneripper
Skreech Verminking
Skreech Verminking
Skreech Verminking
Skreech Verminking
Skreech Verminking
Skreech Verminking
Queek Headtaker
Queek Headtaker
Queek Headtaker
Queek Headtaker
Queek Headtaker
Queek Headtaker
Lord Skrolk
Lord Skrolk
Lord Skrolk
Lord Skrolk
Lord Skrolk
Lord Skrolk
Throt the Unclean
Throt the Unclean
Throt the Unclean
Throt the Unclean
Throt the Unclean
Throt the Unclean
Ikit Claw
Ikit Claw
Ikit Claw
Ikit Claw
Ikit Claw
Ikit Claw
Deathmaster Snikch
Deathmaster Snikch
Deathmaster Snikch
Deathmaster Snikch
Deathmaster Snikch
Deathmaster Snikch
Grey Seer
Grey Seer
Grey Seer
Grey Seer
Grey Seer
Grey Seer
Master Assassin
Master Assassin
Master Assassin
Master Assassin
Master Assassin
Master Assassin
Eshin Sorcerer Lord
Eshin Sorcerer Lord
Eshin Sorcerer Lord
Eshin Sorcerer Lord
Eshin Sorcerer Lord
Eshin Sorcerer Lord
Master Mutator
Master Mutator
Master Mutator
Master Mutator
Master Mutator
Master Mutator
Warlock Master
Warlock Master
Warlock Master
Warlock Master
Warlock Master
Warlock Master
Morbus Sanguis
Morbus Sanguis
Morbus Sanguis
Morbus Sanguis
Morbus Sanguis
Morbus Sanguis
Boneripper Mk II
Boneripper Mk II
Boneripper Mk II
Boneripper Mk II
Boneripper Mk II
Boneripper Mk II
Rat Ogre Bohebreaker
Rat Ogre Bohebreaker
Rat Ogre Bohebreaker
Rat Ogre Bohebreaker
Rat Ogre Bohebreaker
Rat Ogre Bohebreaker
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Great Pox Rat
Great Pox Rat
Great Pox Rat
Great Pox Rat
Great Pox Rat
Great Pox Rat
Plague Monk
Plague Monk
Plague Monk
Plague Monk
Plague Monk
Plague Monk
Plague Furnace
Plague Furnace
Plague Furnace
Plague Furnace
Plague Furnace
Plague Furnace
Screaming Bell
Screaming Bell
Screaming Bell
Screaming Bell
Screaming Bell
Screaming Bell
Tretch Craventail
Tretch Craventail
Tretch Craventail
Tretch Craventail
Tretch Craventail
Tretch Craventail
Skweel Gnawtooth
Skweel Gnawtooth
Skweel Gnawtooth
Skweel Gnawtooth
Skweel Gnawtooth
Skweel Gnawtooth
Plague Priest
Plague Priest
Plague Priest
Plague Priest
Plague Priest
Plague Priest
Eshin Sorcerer
Eshin Sorcerer
Eshin Sorcerer
Eshin Sorcerer
Eshin Sorcerer
Eshin Sorcerer
Master Moulder
Master Moulder
Master Moulder
Master Moulder
Master Moulder
Master Moulder
Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer
Plague Monks
Plague Monks
Plague Monks
Plague Monks
Plague Monks
Plague Monks
Night Runners
Night Runners
Night Runners
Night Runners
Night Runners
Night Runners
Giant Rats
Giant Rats
Giant Rats
Giant Rats
Giant Rats
Giant Rats
Rat Swarms
Rat Swarms
Rat Swarms
Rat Swarms
Rat Swarms
Rat Swarms
The Red Guard
The Red Guard
The Red Guard
The Red Guard
The Red Guard
The Red Guard
Exceptional Pack
Exceptional Pack
Exceptional Pack
Exceptional Pack
Exceptional Pack
Exceptional Pack
Warpstone Mutants
Warpstone Mutants
Warpstone Mutants
Warpstone Mutants
Warpstone Mutants
Warpstone Mutants
Gutter Runners
Gutter Runners
Gutter Runners
Gutter Runners
Gutter Runners
Gutter Runners
Plague Censer Bearers
Plague Censer Bearers
Plague Censer Bearers
Plague Censer Bearers
Plague Censer Bearers
Plague Censer Bearers
Plague Rats
Plague Rats
Plague Rats
Plague Rats
Plague Rats
Plague Rats
Wolf Rats
Wolf Rats
Wolf Rats
Wolf Rats
Wolf Rats
Wolf Rats
Warplock Jezzails
Warplock Jezzails
Warplock Jezzails
Warplock Jezzails
Warplock Jezzails
Warplock Jezzails
Poisoned Wind Globadiers
Poisoned Wind Globadiers
Poisoned Wind Globadiers
Poisoned Wind Globadiers
Poisoned Wind Globadiers
Poisoned Wind Globadiers
Rat Ogres
Rat Ogres
Rat Ogres
Rat Ogres
Rat Ogres
Rat Ogres
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Yellow Death Rats
Yellow Death Rats
Yellow Death Rats
Yellow Death Rats
Yellow Death Rats
Yellow Death Rats
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Eshin Triad
Eshin Triad
Eshin Triad
Eshin Triad
Eshin Triad
Eshin Triad
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Brood Horror
Hell Pit Abomination
Hell Pit Abomination
Hell Pit Abomination
Hell Pit Abomination
Hell Pit Abomination
Hell Pit Abomination
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Plagueclaw Catapult
Warp Lightning Cannon
Warp Lightning Cannon
Warp Lightning Cannon
Warp Lightning Cannon
Warp Lightning Cannon
Warp Lightning Cannon