A unit of Night Goblins may be upgraded to include one or more models of Netters. This is represented by including one or more Netter models in the unit. Netters are equipped and may fight like the rest of the unit. At the start of each round of close combat, the Netters must attempt to entangle one of the units they are fighting in their front arc. Roll a D3 for each of the first three ranks of 5 or more models in your unit; the result is the number of enemy models has become entangled (distributed as hits from shooting, but only affecting models that are allowed to strike). However, for each natural 1 rolled on these dice, the Netters have managed to cast the nets amongst their own ranks and entangle a member of their own unit instead. A model that has been entangled suffers a -1 penalty to their A (this applies to both the rider and the mount) until the end of the close combat round.