Warriors of Chaos


Acid Ichor

The Champion’s blood is a boiling, acidic ichor. Those who would harm them find themselves splashed with hissing, burning liquid.

For every Wound this character loses during a challenge, their enemy suffers a Strength 4 hit, with an AP of -2.

Storm Call

The oldest Dragon Ogres are able to summon storms and call lightning down from the heavens.

This model can cast the following Bound spell, with a Power Level of 1.

This model can cast this Bound spell even if it is engaged in combat:

Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 7+
Range: Self
Effect: If this Bound spell is cast, all units within 6" of this model (friend or foe), including units engaged in combat and this model, suffer D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1.

Ensorcelled Weapons

Many of the Chaos gods’ chosen champions brandish ensorcelled weapons, their heavy, black blades inscribed with dark runes that glow with infernal power.

A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply

Mutated weapon

counts as hand weapons

Chaos Armour

Chaos Armour is the living gift of the gods. As champions progress towards glory, their armour becomes ever more heavy and baroque as new plates are added, each new piece obscuring more of their humanity.

A model with this special rule has a Ward save against any wounds suffered. The armour value of this Ward save is shown in brackets after the name of this special rule (shown here as ‘X+’). In addition, a Wizard with this special rule may wear armour without penalty.

Aura of Pain

The Champion’s damned form exudes an aura of pain which wracks their enemies with crippling agony.

Once per game, when this character’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of the Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, a single enemy unit they are engaged with suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Enchanting Aura

An enchanting aura hangs about the Champion, ensnaring the mind and slowing the limbs of enemies that venture too close.

Enemy units engaged in combat with this character cannot use the Strike First special rule. Enemy models that do not have the Strike First special rule become subject to the Strike Last special rule instead.

Wilful Beast

Some monsters can never truly be tamed by a rider and, during the heat of battle, can be prone to giving in to their wild and frenzied nature.

During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of their turns, this model must make a Leadership test (using its own unmodified Leadership). If this test is passed, the rider is able to keep control of their mount. If, however, this test is failed, the rider has lost control and their mount becomes subject to the Frenzy special rule until their next Start of Turn sub-phase.

Note that this model’s rider does not gain a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic.

Extra Arm

Gifted with an extra arm, the Champion rains many blows upon their enemies.

This character (but not their mount) has a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic.

Caged Fury

The Daemon bound within the Hellcannon constantly tests its bonds, attempting to break free.

During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, make a Leadership test for this model. If this test is failed, roll immediately on the Hellcannon Misfire table.


The Champion’s flesh crawls with ætheric energy, turning aside the blows of the enemy.

This character cannot be wounded by a roll To Wound of 2, regardless of the Strength of the attack.

Ogre Charge

Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with.

The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.

Daemonic hooves

counts as hand weapon

Dark Fire Of Chaos

R S AP Special Rules
Dark Fire of Chaos N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks

Dark Majesty

An air of oppression radiates from the champion, reducing the will of the bravest to that of a craven child.

Unless this character is fleeing, any enemy unit that is required to make a Fear or Terror test whilst within this character’s Command range does so with an additional -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).

Forsaken by Khorne

The unit has the Hatred (all enemies) special rule

Forsaken by Nurgle

The unit has the Fear special rule.

Forsaken by Slaanesh

The unit has the Swiftstride special rule.

Forsaken by Tzeentch

The unit has the Magic Resistance (-3) special rule.

Diabolic Splendour

The air around the Champion seethes with chaotic energy, obscuring them from the arrows of the enemy.

Any enemy model that targets this character or any unit they have joined during the Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 To Hit modifier.


R S AP Special Rules
Doomfire 12-60" 5 (10) -2 (-5) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast template and the Hellcannon Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.

Hellcannon Misfire Table
D6 Result
1 Free at Last! The Daemon breaks loose. Every unit (friend or foe) within 3D6" suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1. Once these hits are resolved, the Hellcannon is removed from play as a casualty.
2-4 Chomp! The Hellcannon’s handlers are sucked towards the furnace of the ravenous Daemon. Remove one of the Hellcannon’s Chaos Dwarf Handlers.
5-6 Blooood! The Hellcannon breaks its chains, immediately moving 3D6" as if it were subject to the Random Movement special rule and as if this were the Compulsory Moves sub-phase.

Two-headed Dragon

The twin maws of Chaos Dragons breathe death upon their foes; one exhaling dark flame whilst the other emits corrosive gas.

A Chaos Dragon may use either Dark Fire of Chaos or Fumes of Contagion during the Shooting phase of its turn. It cannot use both during the same turn.


Chaos Warhounds are little more than wild animals and it requires the lash of an experienced handler to discipline a pack of such beasts.

A Chaos Warhound Handler is a special type of character that can be taken as an upgrade to accompany a unit of Chaos Warhounds. During deployment, position a Chaos Warhound Handler with its unit of Chaos Warhounds, as you would a character that has joined a unit. Once placed, a Chaos Warhound Handler cannot leave its unit. Unless this model is fleeing, friendly units of Chaos Warhounds that are within its Command range can use this model’s Leadership instead of their own.

Fiend Tail

R S AP Special Rules
Fiend tail Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D3)

Notes: In combat, a Chimera with a fiend tail may make an additional D3 attacks each turn, each of which must be made with this weapon

Flaming Breath

R S AP Special Rules
Flaming breath N/A 4 - Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks

Fumes Of Contagion

R S AP Special Rules
Fumes of Contagion N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks

Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal)

Gaze Of The Gods

Champions of Chaos constantly strive to draw their patron’s attention upon the battlefield. But the gods are fickle, and their blessing can be a curse.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character with this special rule may choose to roll on the Gaze of the Gods table:

Gaze of the Gods Table
D6 Result
1 Damned by Chaos: The Champion is beset with visions of the Realm of Chaos. This model becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule for the remainder of the game. If they already have this special rule, they suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership (to a minimum of 2).
2 Unnatural Quickness: To the Champion, time itself seems to slow around them. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
3 Iron Skin: Beneath their baroque armour, the Champion’s skin becomes like iron. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
4 Murderous Mutation: Long tentacles whip from beneath the Champion’s armour to grasp at their enemies. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
5 Dark Fury: A terrible rage grips the Champion. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
6 Apotheosis: The Champion is blessed with Daemonic vitality. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to both their Strength and Leadership characteristics (to a maximum of 10).

Note that any benefits granted by the Gaze of the Gods apply only to the Champion, not to their mount (should they have one).

Goring horns

counts as a hand weapon

Lore Of Chaos

Chaos Sorcerers are gifted understanding of dark magic by the Ruinous Powers which they serve. Spells creep into their minds through dreams, visions, and the whispers of the Dark Gods themselves.

Master of Mortals

The Champion is worshipped as a god by their mortal followers, who see in them the power of Chaos made manifest.

Unless this character is fleeing, friendly units of Chaos Marauders and Marauder Horsemen gain a +1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic whilst within this character’s Command range (to a maximum of 10).

Marks Of Chaos

Those who bear the favour of the Dark Gods are marked by them. Their appearance becomes shaped by the signs and stigmata of their patron, proclaiming their loyalty for all to see.

Many models in this army list have the Mark of Chaos Undivided listed among their special rules. Of those that do, some have the option to replace it with the Mark of a specific Chaos god:
• A model cannot have more than one Mark of Chaos.
• All models within a unit must have the same Mark of Chaos.
• A character with the Mark of a specific Chaos god can only join a unit with the same Mark, with the Mark of Chaos Undivided, or with no Mark.
• A character with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can join any unit as normal.

Note that, with the exception of Daemonic Mounts, the benefits granted by a Mark of Chaos apply only to its bearer, not to their mount (should they have one).

Poisonous Slime

The Champion’s flesh is saturated with a toxic slime that seeps from their skin, poisoning anything it touches.

This character (but not their mount) has the Poisoned Attacks special rule.

Rampant Mutation

Damned by their dark masters, the bodies of the Forsaken constantly writhe and mutate, their limbs forever reshaping into strange new forms.

When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, roll on the table below to determine which mutation it is currently afflicted with:

Rampant Mutation Table
D6 Result
1-2 Venomous Fangs: With jaws distended, the Forsaken sink venomous fangs into their foes. Until the end of this Combat phase, the unit gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
3-4 Razor Talons: With talons like the blades of daggers, the Forsaken slash at their enemies. Until the end of this Combat phase, all of the unit’s attacks have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
5-6 Decapitating Claws: With gigantic, snapping claws, the Forsaken dismember the enemy. Until the end of this Combat phase, the unit gains the Killing Blow special rule.

The Quickening Storm

Bathed in invigorating lightning, Dragon Ogres are warded against the effects of hostile magic.

A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic Missile or a Magical Vortex spell. In addition, if a model with this special rule, or the unit it belongs to, suffers one or more hits from Storm Call (see page 104), it becomes ‘Quickened’. A Quickened model has a +1 modifier to both its Initiative and Attacks characteristics. This Quickening lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.

from Beastmen Brayherds

Troll vomit

R: Combat
S: 3
AP: -2
Special Rules: -
Notes: A Chaos Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.

Venomous Tail

R S AP Special Rules
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First

Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon