Magische Standards

Daemons Of Chaos

Banner Of Acquiescence

Beneath the shadow of this standard, enemies lower their weapons and bear their breasts to the blades of the foe.

A single enemy unit engaged in combat with the bearer of the Banner of Acquiescence suffers a -D3 modifier to its Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1).

Banner Of Change

So saturated is this banner with the power of change that it distorts and mutates everything around it.

At the start of the Combat phase, a single enemy unit engaged in combat with this model suffers 3D6 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -.

Banner Of Discord

The air around this warped banner shimmers with the explosive unbinding of enemy spells.

A unit carrying the Banner of Discord gains the Magic Resistance (-3) special rule. In addition, friendly units within 6" of the model carrying this standard gain the Magic Resistance (-1) special rule.

Banner Of Unholy Victory

Scenes from a million battles fill the minds of those that gaze upon this banner.

When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the Banner of Unholy Victory may claim an additional bonus of +D3 combat result points.

Rapturous Standard

Gripped by a strange euphoria, enemy formations crumble into confusion in the presence of this standard.

Any enemy unit that charges the front arc of a unit carrying the Rapturous Standard makes a disordered charge.

Standard Of Seeping Decay

A pervasive aura of pestilence surrounds this moth-eaten banner, sapping the health of all around it.

During the Combat phase, a unit carrying the Standard of Seeping Decay may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1.

Siren Standard

A Daemonic Siren is imprisoned in this banner, its seductive song lulling the senses of all who hear it.

If an enemy unit charged by a unit carrying the Siren Standard wishes to Flee (or Fire & Flee) as a charge reaction, it must first make a Leadership test. If this test is passed, the unit may Flee (or Fire & Flee). However, if this test is failed, the unit must Hold.

Great Standard Of Sundering

Runes of warding crowd close about this banner, their power focussed to deny enemy Wizards access to the Winds of Magic.

Any enemy Wizard that can draw a line of sight to the model carrying the Great Standard of Sundering suffers a -1 modifier to any Casting roll it makes.

Icon Of Endless War

This brass standard constantly drips blood, the smell of which drives all of Khorne’s followers mad with battle-lust.

When a unit carrying the Banner of Rage declares a charge, it may re-roll its Charge roll.

Icon Of Eternal Virulence

Each drop of blood spilt beneath this dank shroud becomes infected with every affliction known to Nurgle.

When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the Icon of Eternal Virulence may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point (to a maximum of +3) for each unsaved wound caused by a Poisoned Attack.

Icon Of Sorcery

The runes upon this banner swirl and distort as they magnify the sorcerous might of the Horrors that caper beneath it.

Pink Horrors only. When a unit carrying the Icon of Sorcery casts a Bound spell, it does so with a power level equal to twice its Rank Bonus.

Rotten Icon

Pus and slime drip constantly from the Rotten Icon, turning the dry earth into noisome mud.

Enemy units cannot claim any bonus combat result points for being engaged with the rear arc of a unit carrying the Rotten Icon

Skull Totem

The pole of this banner is thick-set with the captured skulls of Khorne’s victims, each marked with a brass-etched rune of slaughter.

A unit carrying the Skull Totem (but not its mounts) gains the Furious Charge special rule.

Standard Of Chaotic Glory

This banner flickers in and out of existence, creating a tear in reality through which the power of Chaos flows.

Daemonic Locus only. Friendly Daemonic units gain a +1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic whilst within this character’s command range (to a maximum of 10).

Totem Of Eternal War

The power of the æther flows from this accursed icon and into the Daemons that march beneath it.

Daemonic Locus only. Friendly Daemonic units reduce the number of wounds suffered due to the Daemonic Instability special rule by an additional D3 whilst within the command range of this model.