Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast



Armour Piercing (1). Move or Fire. Multiple Shots (D6).

Battle Standards

In addition to the normal rules for the army battle standard, units of Undead within 12" of their battle standard suffer D3 Wounds less than they normally would due to Unstable, or following the death of the army's General.

Bloated Corpse

You may take 1-2 Bloated Corpses as a single Core choice.

Characters and Units

Characters who are not Undead may join Undead units despite not being Unstable themselves. Mounted Characters ignore the Undead rule of the mount. If an Undead unit would get destroyed as a result of Unstable, any remaining character(s) will need to take a Break test as normal the same phase, using the LD modifier that they lost the combat by.


Due to its size, Queen Bess may not be moved after deployment, but may pivot on the spot as normal.

Damned Crew

Vangheist must include a unit of 10-30 Damned Crew which cost 12 points per model. He must join this unit and may never choose to leave it during the battle. The Damned Crew are equipped with two hand weapons and have Ethereal and Undead.

Gaseous Demise

When a Bloated Corpse is slain, centre the small template on the model. Any model under the template must pass a T test or suffer one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves.


Armour Piercing (1). Quick to Fire.

Magical Void

Luthor Harkon may be the Army General even though he is not a Wizard. In addition, he generates dispel dice like a Level 4 Wizard on a 5+ rather than a 6.


All units with Undead have Animated Construct, Fear, and Unstable. However, they may make march moves if they are within 12" of the army's General.

Necrofex Colossus Special Attacks

When it is the Necrofex Colossus' turn to strike in close combat, roll a D6 and consult the Necrofex Colossus Special Attack Table.

Poison Breath

A Bone Hydra has a S 3 Breath Weapon with Poisoned Attacks.

Song of Enthrallment

Cylosta Direfin has Syreen's Call, except it targets all enemy units within 12" (unless she is in close combat).

Split Personality

At the start of each of the Vampire player's turns and whenever Luthor suffers a Wound, roll a D6 to determine which personality is in control. Each effect lasts until a new result is generated from the split personality table.

Swivel Gun

Armour Piercing (1). Move or Fire.

Syreen's Call

Syreen’s Call is a special attack that can be used against a single enemy unit in the Shooting phase, even if the Syreen has marched, charged or is engaged in close combat. This attack has a range of 8" and needs line of sight to its target. If the Syreen is engaged in combat, her Syreen’s Call can only target an enemy unit in base contact.

To resolve a Syreen’s Call, the target unit must pass a LD test or suffer -3 to their LD until the start of the Syreen's next Shooting phase.

The Generals of Undeath

Your army must include at least one Wizard that uses the Lore of Necromancy.

Slain General
At the end of the phase in which the General is removed as a casualty, and at the start of every friendly turn thereafter, all friendly Undead units on the battlefield must take a LD test. If the test is failed, the unit immediately suffers a number of Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the LD test, with no saves of any kind allowed. These Wounds are distributed as if from a shooting attack.

If, at the start of any of your turns following the death of the General, there is one or more friendly Wizard Characters on the table who know spells from the Lore of Necromancy, no unit in the army needs to take this LD test while at least one of them remain.

The Red Thirst

Whenever a model with this rule kills one or more enemy models in close combat, roll a D6 at the end of the Close Combat phase. On the roll of a 5+, the model recovers a single Wound lost earlier in the battle. This does not work against models with Animated Construct, Daemonic, Forest Spirit.

Unbearable Stench

Enemy units in base contact with a model with this rule suffer -1 to their WS. This has no effect on Animated Constructs.


Models with Vampiric have Fear and Immunity (Psychology). In addition, models suffer -1 To Wound against them, unless they are using Magical Attacks or Flaming Attacks.

Verminous Crew

Skretch must include a unit of 20+ Verminous Crew which cost 5 points per model. He must join this unit and may never choose to leave it during the battle. The Verminous Crew are equipped with two hand weapons and have Undead.

Vortex of Death

Any Wizard attempting to cast spells from the Lore of Death or Lore of Necromancy within 12" of the Necrofex Colossus gain +1 to their Casting roll.

Zombie Pirate

Any model with this rule that uses a missile weapons that require a roll to hit will always hit on a roll of 5, regardless of any modifiers. However, any rolls of 1 will result in the gun misfiring – resolve the hit against the firing unit instead of the target (including when firing into close combat).